Comforting to see the Relic back in the hands of the Most Sensible Golem.
So May has her own space, and is into gardening. That’s sweet.
Hey, while everyone is asking why no one has been consulting May, I think we should also consider why May has decided to be off on her own instead of offering her services to her rescuers.
Perhaps it’s moot now, and perhaps her actions were rife with wisdom, but there was that glaring bit of unfinished business she stepped gingerly away from.
I got the impression that it was a question of timing. We don’t know that they hadn’t decided on consulting May. However, before anything happened, the rest of the gang turned up so they decided to experiment.
There was at least one mention of not consulting May. But actually, none of her actions since her return are that suspect, especially if she had some awareness of the Sacred Forest and what that would entail. Letting that play out is what the “Clean-up Crew” seems to have been doing since the CM went down.
In fact, the only truly unexplained link in all this is why Stinky suddenly showed up to hand Bud the Relic. They were on the trail of it, but would never have found it without him.
Still, powerful Glyph-reading ancient Lanthian sorceress-scientist golem is in the house. I beg everyone’s indulgence for my suspicions as to her long term goals.
I doubt she has any long-term goals beyond “fix Jin” and “become a crazy cat lady,” but I am frequently wrong. Now that I have finished my mad ramblings (stop me if I start making sense), we can move on to serious speculation as to her goals.
I would like to second Casey’s thoughts on May’s list of to-do’s and the order of their priority. Mostly because it made me smile, but at least partly because I’m not worried about May’s motives.
Now that I’m pretty sure I’m thinking clearly, I’m still pretty sure that May doesn’t have any sort of weird schemes going on. I suspect (read: hope) that she has realized how many of her plans have led to the end of the world, and will leave the scheming to more cautious people.
@Casey: This is a woman who worked out the golemization process (ie, human sacrifice). She used it to make her way into the resources of a nation. She then, went on to build the Calendar Machine.
Now, maybe her time with the demons changed her, but she’s got a pretty dark track record behind her.
And they don’t like visiting May why?
If I knew a lady who has a pitcher of Margaritas on her table when it gets hot think I would be a constant visitor
Why am I reminded of Joan Collins with that last panel
Only problem is that May doesn’t give off the “New York is where I’d rather stay” feel what with being a green-thumb. Other than that, I think you’ve nailed it.
Well that was a rough estimate based on the amount of time Bud spent in the demon realm looking for May compared to the time elapsed in the CM chamber.
Well… that was fast. Seems May did all her adjustment to being alive again off-panel.
Unless… May planned Shelly’s 80,000 year vacation, so Paul and the rest of us would be distracted while she composed herself, meaning she has outwitted her own author and animator!
Her demeanor reminds me of several slightly loopy older women I have known. Then again, anyone who lives as long as she has without going insane from the time passed has to be crazy to begin with.
Well, she does have the “loopy (rich) old lady” garbs to a pinch.. Reminds me of my Mom -sans margharita’s, she preferred Earl Grey-.. (and before someone comments, yes, my Mom was the lovable loopy lady of the neighbourhood. I’d like call it “quintessential idiosyncratic”
I worked the play at a local community theater. I went in not knowing more than my tech cues, and came out able to recite most of it. one of the most fun plays I’ve done, because we had a great cast.
In frame one, Bud has what appears to be a bare midriff. In panel two she doesn’t.
Discontinuity? Or maybe it just took a moment for Bud’s dress to catch up? Oooo, that offers a mental picture worth staring at!
You know, if I were living in a world where people could rather casually appear at will in my house, damned if I wouldn’t make it clear that all people arriving should poit into the foyer, and should then knock or ring before entering the house. Common courtesy. People not following this simple rule should not be offended if I take the opportunity to practice my skeet shooting.
Katherine Kurtz’s Deryni novels manage that because teleportation is via “Portal Stones”, which may be placed in a sort of vestibule. Often, when the place was a private home or a fortress/castle, the vestibule would be locked and even equipped with traps. Including against magic–since, by definition, someone arriving could use magic.
…and in Bester’s The Stars My Destination, you can’t (safely) “jaunte” to a place you’ve never been (or at least seen from a place you’ve been), so the homes of the wealthy have mazes leading to the private parts of the house.
You know, everyone else is reminded of some character or another, but my first thought was of the the aunts from Practical Magic. After all…they did grub in the dirt to grow stuff, and also had midnight margaritas.
A giant sun hat and sun glasses on a golem who can’t be harmed by the sun, no matter how hot it is and maybe even if she were thrown into it. OK. On the other hand, the golems can still feel sensation, so maybe it’s all about comfort…
They can also still get drunk, so a whole pitcher of margaritas MIGHT be a bit excessive.
The belt on Bud isn’t absent in panel two, it’s covered up by her arms. It also looks like it’s either a tie or a seam, not a belt, for an empire waist, which puts it just below her bust.
The feed through Google seems to have been fixed as of Sunday. The title is correct again and today’s update came through with the correct date and time. Hopefully other people are seeing the same thing.
I hope Bud’s “Oh, dear” was a reaction to Maya’s appearance, rather than anything Maya was growing. I am a little surprised to not see any agave plants, though.
Was there a pitcher of margaritas on the table before Bud showed up? Maya probably has power over tequila, but still.
[url=]Bud may be feeling a little bit outdone, too[/url]. Actually, though, they should have some common ground. Bud was pretty much of a farm girl before she became a golem.
Or maybe (given the reverse time flow) it wasn’t so much a defensive mechanism, but something that Shellinx put in place (or CG or something) to protect her friends??
Not entirely safe. The sub crew died because of something it did. Even if what it did caused them to kill each other. I certainly wouldn’t define that as safe.
Down in Homestead,Pa. There is a little Mexican Restaraunt called Gran Agave. This place is NOT a Taco Hell, but Mexican made right, Done right ,Outa Sight. All Homemade Food Delicious. Oh,and the Artwork inside reminds me of the art in this strip. Monica and the other Girls would be right at Home.
At least it wasn’t one of theose quaint little family “restaurants” in Mexico. One person I know said his mother was on vacation down there and stopped at one. She especially liked the tortillas. Every now and then she would encounter a crunchy something that was especially flavorful (no, they weren’t bugs). She asked to see the cook for the recipe and was led out back where a little old lady was cooking them in a small clay oven. The fire was fueled by dried cow patties. As she watched she noticed every now and then the lady stopped and threw in a few more patties, then went back to making the tortillas. She then realized what the crunchies were. No more quaint restaurants.
This is true. Troy, my tech guy, found the malware, removed and patched it, yet most folks will get the message “Malware Warning: Visiting this page may be harmful. It has been reported for distributing malicious software.” for up to 30 days. That sucks, but there you go.
Yay it’s May! and it appears they’re in a green house of some sort…
Makes sense. The first thing she noticed upon returning was the smell of dirt. It’s probably reassuring to her now and she revels in it.
Good point. But then, she and the Golem Girls have all been dirt for some time. She’s a grandmaster in polymorphic clay.
Maybe that explains Bud’s reaction to seeing her gardening. “Oh Dear. She’s at it again.”
Makes you wonder WHO she’s working on doesn’t it?
Mayahuel was the god of the maguey (agave) plant.
Tequila time!
And no wonder I guess why Tepoz has a lovely way with drinks.
My departed uncle in San Francisco at one point had over 1000 bromeliads in his apartment. I hear that it really did look and feel like a greenhouse.
Comforting to see the Relic back in the hands of the Most Sensible Golem.
So May has her own space, and is into gardening. That’s sweet.
Hey, while everyone is asking why no one has been consulting May, I think we should also consider why May has decided to be off on her own instead of offering her services to her rescuers.
Perhaps it’s moot now, and perhaps her actions were rife with wisdom, but there was that glaring bit of unfinished business she stepped gingerly away from.
I got the impression that it was a question of timing. We don’t know that they hadn’t decided on consulting May. However, before anything happened, the rest of the gang turned up so they decided to experiment.
There was at least one mention of not consulting May. But actually, none of her actions since her return are that suspect, especially if she had some awareness of the Sacred Forest and what that would entail. Letting that play out is what the “Clean-up Crew” seems to have been doing since the CM went down.
In fact, the only truly unexplained link in all this is why Stinky suddenly showed up to hand Bud the Relic. They were on the trail of it, but would never have found it without him.
Still, powerful Glyph-reading ancient Lanthian sorceress-scientist golem is in the house. I beg everyone’s indulgence for my suspicions as to her long term goals.
I doubt she has any long-term goals beyond “fix Jin” and “become a crazy cat lady,” but I am frequently wrong. Now that I have finished my mad ramblings (stop me if I start making sense), we can move on to serious speculation as to her goals.
Casey- please take this drink and a pastery, sit down over here in the corner and enjoy the view. We’ll talk, yes?
I would like to second Casey’s thoughts on May’s list of to-do’s and the order of their priority.
Mostly because it made me smile, but at least partly because I’m not worried about May’s motives.
Now that I’m pretty sure I’m thinking clearly, I’m still pretty sure that May doesn’t have any sort of weird schemes going on. I suspect (read: hope) that she has realized how many of her plans have led to the end of the world, and will leave the scheming to more cautious people.
Yea! RSS feed is fixed!
@Casey: This is a woman who worked out the golemization process (ie, human sacrifice). She used it to make her way into the resources of a nation. She then, went on to build the Calendar Machine.
Now, maybe her time with the demons changed her, but she’s got a pretty dark track record behind her.
Heat wave!
Its 5 o’clock somewhere…
I found my shaker of salt!
Perfect place for a chat about an inconceivably powerful power source…
And they don’t like visiting May why?

If I knew a lady who has a pitcher of Margaritas on her table when it gets hot think I would be a constant visitor
Why am I reminded of Joan Collins with that last panel
With the “darling” I’m thinking of Eva Gabor from “Green Acres.” I’ve only seen a few of them, but that stands out to me.
No, more Joan Collins than Zsa Zsa.
Only problem is that May doesn’t give off the “New York is where I’d rather stay” feel what with being a green-thumb. Other than that, I think you’ve nailed it.
You know, for being ~250 million years old after running around in the Demon Realm for 57 CM cycles Myahuel looks darn good.
And how did the figure 250M years come about?
We have no idea how long time “elapsed” in the demon world. We also don’t know how long she lived before the calendar machine went kablooey.
Well that was a rough estimate based on the amount of time Bud spent in the demon realm looking for May compared to the time elapsed in the CM chamber.
Are you sure you didn’t mean 250 thousand years old? I don’t see how she can be even 1 million years old, let alone 250.
Oh hey! The RSS feed into Feedly (via Google) is showing the comic for the first time. Used to just show the title with a link.
The fact that it’s working (rather then doing a week and some change in a burst) again is good enough for me!
Hm, May has turned into The Interesting Aunt. Wonder how many cats she has by now.
I also just thought of Morticia Addams’ greenhouse….
With Silver Bells, and Cockleshells, and African Stranglers all in a row.
Invisible dusk-blooming chokevines?
Well… that was fast. Seems May did all her adjustment to being alive again off-panel.
Unless… May planned Shelly’s 80,000 year vacation, so Paul and the rest of us would be distracted while she composed herself, meaning she has outwitted her own author and animator!
What? I’m working with what I’ve got here.
be afraid SonicThunder, be very afraid.
Her demeanor reminds me of several slightly loopy older women I have known. Then again, anyone who lives as long as she has without going insane from the time passed has to be crazy to begin with.
Well, she does have the “loopy (rich) old lady” garbs to a pinch.. Reminds me of my Mom -sans margharita’s, she preferred Earl Grey-.. (and before someone comments, yes, my Mom was the lovable loopy lady of the neighbourhood. I’d like call it “quintessential idiosyncratic”
I’m especially lovin’ the look of Bud’s hair, today.
Why LOOK! It’s Auntie MaMe! “LIVE! LIVE! LIVE!!! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are STARVING to death!”
Never saw the movie – read the book.
I worked the play at a local community theater. I went in not knowing more than my tech cues, and came out able to recite most of it. one of the most fun plays I’ve done, because we had a great cast.
Bud: But it’s 7 in the morning!
May: I know so we’ll need to drink fast since we’re so behind!
Hahaha!! Well, that’s not what I expected. XD
Love today’s page!!
Hehehe. I knew I liked her!!!
Can I have one? Please?
Love to have a margarita, but I have to pass on it.
In frame one, Bud has what appears to be a bare midriff. In panel two she doesn’t.
Discontinuity? Or maybe it just took a moment for Bud’s dress to catch up? Oooo, that offers a mental picture worth staring at!
You know, if I were living in a world where people could rather casually appear at will in my house, damned if I wouldn’t make it clear that all people arriving should poit into the foyer, and should then knock or ring before entering the house. Common courtesy. People not following this simple rule should not be offended if I take the opportunity to practice my skeet shooting.
Poit! “Hey, FatUncle, I -” Blam!
Looks more like some belt-ish thing than a bare midriff to me… but yeah, whatever it is it’s absent in panel 2.
Katherine Kurtz’s Deryni novels manage that because teleportation is via “Portal Stones”, which may be placed in a sort of vestibule. Often, when the place was a private home or a fortress/castle, the vestibule would be locked and even equipped with traps. Including against magic–since, by definition, someone arriving could use magic.
In Feist’s “Riftwar” series and later books, the Great Ones of Kelewan use much the same system.
…and in Bester’s The Stars My Destination, you can’t (safely) “jaunte” to a place you’ve never been (or at least seen from a place you’ve been), so the homes of the wealthy have mazes leading to the private parts of the house.
Oops. Forgot to include the URL before i hit “Enter”:
Here it is.
Damn! You got me looking for bare skin on Bud.
I assume Paul fixed something.
You assume right…
Interesting…I still see bare skin. Maybe I need to clear my cache or something…
Nice hat.
You know, everyone else is reminded of some character or another, but my first thought was of the the aunts from Practical Magic. After all…they did grub in the dirt to grow stuff, and also had midnight margaritas.
A giant sun hat and sun glasses on a golem who can’t be harmed by the sun, no matter how hot it is and maybe even if she were thrown into it. OK. On the other hand, the golems can still feel sensation, so maybe it’s all about comfort…
They can also still get drunk, so a whole pitcher of margaritas MIGHT be a bit excessive.
She’s gone Potty!
The belt on Bud isn’t absent in panel two, it’s covered up by her arms. It also looks like it’s either a tie or a seam, not a belt, for an empire waist, which puts it just below her bust.
From our Sunday visit to my brother & sister-in-law and mother at the dogtrot house that was my great-great-grandfather’s: 364 Views of a Tire Swing…
Re: RSS Feed.
The feed through Google seems to have been fixed as of Sunday. The title is correct again and today’s update came through with the correct date and time. Hopefully other people are seeing the same thing.
I hope Bud’s “Oh, dear” was a reaction to Maya’s appearance, rather than anything Maya was growing.
I am a little surprised to not see any agave plants, though.
Was there a pitcher of margaritas on the table before Bud showed up? Maya probably has power over tequila, but still.
Maya has kind of outdone Monica, hasn’t she?
[url=]Bud may be feeling a little bit outdone, too[/url]. Actually, though, they should have some common ground. Bud was pretty much of a farm girl before she became a golem.
So the artifact is safe for others to handle now?
It always was safe–as long as it was closed. Getting the plutonium load in and the artifact closed was the problem that required 56 time loops.
Makes me loopy just thinking about it.
But before that, it had some sort of (probably defensive) mechanism that made Monica see the banshee. That was why everyone was holding it by the chain until Shelly took it. Nudge said something silly about wormholes and said that anyone could touch it now.
Or maybe (given the reverse time flow) it wasn’t so much a defensive mechanism, but something that Shellinx put in place (or CG or something) to protect her friends??
Wouldn’t do nothing at all have worked ever better?
Not entirely safe. The sub crew died because of something it did. Even if what it did caused them to kill each other. I certainly wouldn’t define that as safe.
Down in Homestead,Pa. There is a little Mexican Restaraunt called Gran Agave. This place is NOT a Taco Hell, but Mexican made right, Done right ,Outa Sight. All Homemade Food Delicious. Oh,and the Artwork inside reminds me of the art in this strip. Monica and the other Girls would be right at Home.
At least it wasn’t one of theose quaint little family “restaurants” in Mexico. One person I know said his mother was on vacation down there and stopped at one. She especially liked the tortillas. Every now and then she would encounter a crunchy something that was especially flavorful (no, they weren’t bugs). She asked to see the cook for the recipe and was led out back where a little old lady was cooking them in a small clay oven. The fire was fueled by dried cow patties. As she watched she noticed every now and then the lady stopped and threw in a few more patties, then went back to making the tortillas. She then realized what the crunchies were. No more quaint restaurants.
Anyone else getting a Malware warning for the strip? Opera/AVG popped it up trying to load.
As far as we know, Paul has scrubbed the site of the offending advert. Malware detectors may provide false positives for up to 30 days.
This is true. Troy, my tech guy, found the malware, removed and patched it, yet most folks will get the message “Malware Warning: Visiting this page may be harmful. It has been reported for distributing malicious software.” for up to 30 days. That sucks, but there you go.
I’ve got chrome/avg and I haven’t seen the popup since the big scrubbing.
May is now my favorite character. ♥