Yeah but it would have to be from the land of demons to get sucked in. Or have void stuff. Or be from within the time lock. … man i watch that show too much!
Anyway, i doubt you could just start tossing CRT monitors, expired uranium, and take-out containers at her and have them all go “SHHLLRP!!” into demonland. Not that they don’t deserve it for all those recursions.
I disagree. This is a simple matter of her having a roll to play and everyone doing what had to be done. Who is to say that telling her is what screwed it up the other 47 (?) times. Or if Bud has sacrificed herself, maybe that had never been done and makes the difference. I’m hoping for an End Cap/Recap to this story. I love reading it but I’m rather lost at times.
Happy endng? Did we overlook the phrases “Shelly will have to fill you in” “Shelly will have you on permanent lockdown” & “I’ll catch you all later babes!”. It seems much more likely that Bud has just banished herself to the otherside of the Monica Door, and Shelly’s about to lock the door.
If I’m right, I love the tone/style of Bud’s departure. Quick, flip, and direct. No drawn-out self-sacrifice monologue.
I’m scared too now. I’m worried that Bud is gone for good (at least from this universe/plane/whatever). What about the other two? Not sure how this is going to go but I’m definitely bracing for a tearful goodbye.
Aw, c’mon. I’m just speculating. We’ve had all these little bits and pieces fed to us for years, I’m not supposed to try and fit them all together? I’d only be giving away the ending if I actually knew what the ending is.
yeah yeah i know, and i am too a little. I’m just ticked because you guys are thinking of stuff I never considered. Really it’s my fault for even looking here knowing that, so i have noone to blame.
Twisted “logic” at best. I suppose now we can require Mexican businesses here to pay for any use of the American flag or other national icons such as Uncle Sam. Europe can make them pay for use of any runes their people created. I think Mexico just opened a Pandora’s Box. Greedy little beauracrats never learn to keep their noses out of people’s business.
Well…if Pablo (or Starbucks) were to go to Mexico and take pictures of actual Aztec or pre-Aztec ruins or items and use those in their products, I’m sure those would be in the public domain, as Mexican copyright only extends to the life of the creator plus 100 years (as of 2004). But what is at stake here is likely not the Aztec symbols and works themselves, but the *photographs* of them taken by archeologists, which are separate copyrightable works, and are protected in and of themselves as photojournalism or scientific study materials.
This is much like music by classical composers being in the public domain — but a recording of a performance or published sheet music score may NOT be.
It is wrong on so many levels… Imagine the US sueing the Redskins or the Seahawks for their use of Native American cultural imagery. Of course since so many of the surviving natives were assimilated they do tend to think of themselves as real descendents of the Aztecs as opposed to their conquerors.
But does not the tapestry simply get one from physical place to physical place, not places like the demon world? What about the tattoo portal on Shelly? Or have I that confused as well? Heck, by “catch you later” she may have meant see you in your next lifetime.
I thought the tapestry was said to be only usable by poiters… and it was for a direct line if you can’t really visualize a line from here to there. How does one visualize an exact enough poit from demon world to real world? I wouldn’t trust a poit… I’d use the tapestry…
That’s what I figure. Bud went trough with the portal cloth and will return through Shelly, with Jin’s mom. And then distroy the portal image on Shelly by poiting it into her hand and cruching it into a diamond.
Hopefully Monica’s shock won’t keep her speachless for long….and someone better remove that key soon so the Monica door isn’t inadvertantly unlocked! Do they have to turn the key? Eew. (She’s got to have SUCH a headache right now.)
I understand Brandi’s concern in this comic
about how there being hard feelings if things go down contrary to someone’s ideas on how they should go down. Monica was obviously expecting to play a more aggressive role since she’s a glyph reader, in charge of the GGGs, has the historical knowledge, everything has centered around her for so long, etc. Instead, she was kept in the dark and had a passive role while her “muscle-head” best friend and Bud did most of the work – tricking the demon, going stabby-stab, etc. She’s gonna be piiiiiiiiised.
That’s a good assessment and honestly it’s what brought me back around. Before this part of the story began I was really fed up with and sick of Monica due to everything centering around her, which was also altering her personality into one I’ve disliked for a while. I really like the revelation that she was clearly of key importance, but in a totally different way than what she (and we) had assumed.
So the calender machine was an artificial construct made to mess with time, not keep time running. Suck it into a pocket dimension before it goes off, and it can’t hurt you.
Removing the key will close and lock the aperture. Also, it’s rude to leave a young lady idling like that. Some crook could come along and drive her off when you’re not looking. Always take your keys with you.
For some reason this story feels like it’s nearing the end and I really don’t want it to end I love the fact that it’s just so engaging, literally sucks you in so to speak
A bit late to comment, but I wanted to clear up the fuss with Mexico and Starbucks.
According to this article (in Spanish), what happened was that Starbucks hired an ad agency to design the mugs. The ad agency then used images belonging to the National Institute of Anthropology and History without getting their permission. Since the NIAH is a government body, the pictures technically belong to the government.
It isn’t that Aztec and Mayan stuff all belongs to Mexico, it’s that the rights for the photos weren’t properly purchased/
Holy crap. The key is still embedded in Monica’s head.
Heehee, it makes me think of Minnie Mouse now!
Makes me think of Tess from Serenity Rose who has a screwdriver permanently imbedded in her skull.
Makes me think of Elmira from Tiny Toons…but I’m sure there’s No Relation.
Nobody got Rick Estoban from Sam and Fuzzy? (Before he removed the fork and became all sane?)
yeah at first i was like “is that a hair thing?” but then i was all “OMG IT’S–” and totally had to comment.
like, you know? (ok seriously, when did i become a valley girl?)
monica is going to yell at all of them for this
How is she going to explain THAT to airport security?
Awwwwww… does that mean Bud is gone now?
Or maybe she’ll just been in Monica’s head like Doubt and all them?
Otherwise I am sad.
(sing-song voice) The magic was always inside of yooooou.
At this point, if I were there, I’d just start throwing random things at Monica to see if she would absorb them.
Yeah but it would have to be from the land of demons to get sucked in. Or have void stuff. Or be from within the time lock. … man i watch that show too much!
Anyway, i doubt you could just start tossing CRT monitors, expired uranium, and take-out containers at her and have them all go “SHHLLRP!!” into demonland. Not that they don’t deserve it for all those recursions.
Uh… What? That was not alluded to at all! What happened to the spirit thing that was holding Monica?
This comic needs a plot map. Or a college course.
Bud must have been the one who broke all the rules perhaps?
But yeah, I second the college course idea!
Where was it not alluded to? I think Doubts still there, personally, and has something to do with the key.
In that case, I am dumb and need foot notes. Cause I have little to no understanding of what just happened.
There is the Cast List, but it hasn’t really covered the last few months of action.
Suffice to say that we’re getting to a key denouement point in this little soap opera of semi-paranormal activity.
I’m liking this happy ending…
…They’re going to have to REALLY do some Monica ass kissing.
I disagree. This is a simple matter of her having a roll to play and everyone doing what had to be done. Who is to say that telling her is what screwed it up the other 47 (?) times. Or if Bud has sacrificed herself, maybe that had never been done and makes the difference. I’m hoping for an End Cap/Recap to this story. I love reading it but I’m rather lost at times.
Does this mean Wapsi is ending?
I miiight just shoot myself.
He said it wasn’t, thankfully.
“Mother of God, is this the end of Wapsi?”
Well, Bud says “Catch you all later,” so one must assume she intends to return and the strip will go on…
Happy endng? Did we overlook the phrases “Shelly will have to fill you in” “Shelly will have you on permanent lockdown” & “I’ll catch you all later babes!”. It seems much more likely that Bud has just banished herself to the otherside of the Monica Door, and Shelly’s about to lock the door.
If I’m right, I love the tone/style of Bud’s departure. Quick, flip, and direct. No drawn-out self-sacrifice monologue.
I’m scared too now. I’m worried that Bud is gone for good (at least from this universe/plane/whatever). What about the other two? Not sure how this is going to go but I’m definitely bracing for a tearful goodbye.
Nah – she’s just heading in to kick a little demon butt.
That’s why she wore her ass-kicking boots.
(I mean, can you think of any *other* reason to wear fur boots in the Central American jungle?
I bet that’s why Shelly has the portal cloth tattooed on her chest- so Bud can get back after the door is locked.
I’m thinking that too!
Rosebud was a s… eh, nvm
Aw, c’mon. I’m just speculating. We’ve had all these little bits and pieces fed to us for years, I’m not supposed to try and fit them all together? I’d only be giving away the ending if I actually knew what the ending is.
I thought so too, but it looks gone now. :/ Part had been on her neck.
yeah yeah i know, and i am too a little. I’m just ticked because you guys are thinking of stuff I never considered. Really it’s my fault for even looking here knowing that, so i have noone to blame.
Love Monica’s expression in the first panel.
Sort of reminds me of when Bud POITed a whole pizza straight into her stomach.
Probably for similar reasons.
How is she gonna explain her new cranial decoration to Kevin?
I was wondering the other day what Pablo intended to do with the portal tattoo.
Maybe i have a suspicion, now…
I like Shelly’s expression even more. “Yeah, I stabbed my best friend in the head and got away with it! Bitchin’!”
Also – be careful with using those Aztec images, Pablo:
Twisted “logic” at best. I suppose now we can require Mexican businesses here to pay for any use of the American flag or other national icons such as Uncle Sam. Europe can make them pay for use of any runes their people created. I think Mexico just opened a Pandora’s Box. Greedy little beauracrats never learn to keep their noses out of people’s business.
Agreed. Are they going to go after ever movie now that has had any Aztec symbols or ruins in them? I think they’re over stepping their bounds.
I don’t know much about Mexican copyright law, but you’d think those things would have entered the public domain by now.
Well…if Pablo (or Starbucks) were to go to Mexico and take pictures of actual Aztec or pre-Aztec ruins or items and use those in their products, I’m sure those would be in the public domain, as Mexican copyright only extends to the life of the creator plus 100 years (as of 2004). But what is at stake here is likely not the Aztec symbols and works themselves, but the *photographs* of them taken by archeologists, which are separate copyrightable works, and are protected in and of themselves as photojournalism or scientific study materials.
This is much like music by classical composers being in the public domain — but a recording of a performance or published sheet music score may NOT be.
I’ve re-drawn much of the images, so i don’t feel i have anything really to worry about.
Ummm, guys – I wasn’t even semi-serious when I posted the link about Starbucks, I just did it for s*** and giggles to be honest…
Aren’t you taking this a wee bit too far?
It’s just scary that the gov of Mexico even went this far with that.
It is wrong on so many levels… Imagine the US sueing the Redskins or the Seahawks for their use of Native American cultural imagery. Of course since so many of the surviving natives were assimilated they do tend to think of themselves as real descendents of the Aztecs as opposed to their conquerors.
That and you arent selling your images in Mexico on coffee mugs.
Gotta love the Mexicans fighting over the rites to the indigent culture they wiped out… (yeah yeah, wiped out. That isnt Aztec they speak)
You know, the strip comes out upside-down when you look at it from Australia. ;^P
But I’m still just as confused. But none the less delighted.
Well, of course Bud will be back.
…what do you think the tapestry was for?
Yup. That’s what i figure…
But does not the tapestry simply get one from physical place to physical place, not places like the demon world? What about the tattoo portal on Shelly? Or have I that confused as well? Heck, by “catch you later” she may have meant see you in your next lifetime.
She could just POIT back, the tapestry’s for vegetables (or first-time teleporters to its particular location)
I thought the tapestry was said to be only usable by poiters… and it was for a direct line if you can’t really visualize a line from here to there. How does one visualize an exact enough poit from demon world to real world? I wouldn’t trust a poit… I’d use the tapestry…
Acaica better come back from where she’s going.
She will. And she’s going to bring a surprise for someone in this room along with her.
PleasepleasepleasepleasePLEASE let that off-screen cast member FINALLY join the strip, Pablo!???!!!!!
That’s what I figure. Bud went trough with the portal cloth and will return through Shelly, with Jin’s mom. And then distroy the portal image on Shelly by poiting it into her hand and cruching it into a diamond.
Mommy. And yes, Bud can lock the door behind her.
Hopefully Monica’s shock won’t keep her speachless for long….and someone better remove that key soon so the Monica door isn’t inadvertantly unlocked! Do they have to turn the key? Eew. (She’s got to have SUCH a headache right now.)
Putting the key into the lock is one thing…. coming out easy as “poit”?
I understand Brandi’s concern in this comic
about how there being hard feelings if things go down contrary to someone’s ideas on how they should go down. Monica was obviously expecting to play a more aggressive role since she’s a glyph reader, in charge of the GGGs, has the historical knowledge, everything has centered around her for so long, etc. Instead, she was kept in the dark and had a passive role while her “muscle-head” best friend and Bud did most of the work – tricking the demon, going stabby-stab, etc. She’s gonna be piiiiiiiiised.
That’s a good assessment and honestly it’s what brought me back around. Before this part of the story began I was really fed up with and sick of Monica due to everything centering around her, which was also altering her personality into one I’ve disliked for a while. I really like the revelation that she was clearly of key importance, but in a totally different way than what she (and we) had assumed.
So the calender machine was an artificial construct made to mess with time, not keep time running. Suck it into a pocket dimension before it goes off, and it can’t hurt you.
Ok, now what about those crystal skulls?
Crystal skulls? C’mon, man, no one wants to touch that shit with a ten foot pole after the Indiana Jones ALIEEEEEENSSSSS thing.
(Plus they’ve been confirmed as bullshit for a while. Better to make things up out of whole cloth.)
Unless of course you mean this:
welp, I’m thinking those crystal skulls – or more prexactly, what is in them – can hurt you, especially if imbibed in sufficient quantities.
Removing the key will close and lock the aperture. Also, it’s rude to leave a young lady idling like that. Some crook could come along and drive her off when you’re not looking. Always take your keys with you.
Bud will be right back, after these messages.
Maybe M’s just going to wear hats from now on. XD
let the party begin!
WOOHOO BUD! You go girl!
For some reason this story feels like it’s nearing the end and I really don’t want it to end
I love the fact that it’s just so engaging, literally sucks you in so to speak 
I thought Bud was just going to get Jin’s Mom out of the Demon world before the door is locked or something.
Crap – that was actually meant as a reply to Paul’s response above…
I just checked – Bud DOES have the portal cloth!
I think that the “loose end” that needs to be tied up is Tina, doesn’t she have some part in this?
Maybe Bud can reach the Library from the other side of Monica’s gate.
F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 *sucks down starbucks coffee* F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5
A bit late to comment, but I wanted to clear up the fuss with Mexico and Starbucks.
According to this article (in Spanish), what happened was that Starbucks hired an ad agency to design the mugs. The ad agency then used images belonging to the National Institute of Anthropology and History without getting their permission. Since the NIAH is a government body, the pictures technically belong to the government.
It isn’t that Aztec and Mayan stuff all belongs to Mexico, it’s that the rights for the photos weren’t properly purchased/
That indeed makes sense. =)
OK, that’s all for now…Monica has had a BELLYFUL!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Hooooooooooooooooooooo!!! (Major Kong)