Wouldn’t we all be incredibly disappointed, if it turned out that Euryale’s lustrous eyes, and her rose-colored glasses were one and the same… because she was wearing tinted cosmetic contact lenses?
Color the way you see the world, and the way that others see you, all with one little pair of inserts…
Actually, I’ve known people that were this kind of bubbly. It was mostly annoying until I realized they weren’t putting on a front. After that, I had to resist the urge to break their happy little bubble. Once I got past that point, they were actually a joy to be around simply because I couldn’t stay in a depressed or ugly mood around them.
(What happened? It updated at Midnight Eastern Time for a change. Usually have to wait for Midnight Central Time, and then some.) (Don’t change it — I like an update at Midnight Eastern time, so I can get to bed at a reasonable hour, instead of waiting…)
Well, “One of the sages,” implies that in her 80k years Shelly accumulated wisdom and knowledge. If she’s known, she likely had visitors beyond the apatropic (sp?) sphinxes and her past selves. Think about it. Since she lived in the forrest backwards, near the beginning of the calender machine cycles, she would have accumulated the wisdom and knowledge of eaons from past/future cycles. Even two or three cycles in (from outside the forrest), she would still be almost incomprehensibly wise and knowledgeable.
And she still holds that knowledge and wisdom. The Shelly that went into the time forrest was another pawn on the board. The Shelly that came out is one of the architects of the calander machine solution, a Grandmaster chess player, if you will. While she’s been low key with M about this, Eyrayle knows who and what she truly is. No wonder she’s gushing.
She was stuck in the TTF, so she only knows what went on there. Except what she may have gleaned from visitors, she would have no knowledge of what went on throughout the various cycles. I’m sure she learned a lot (especially patience) but that knowledge is limited.
True, but even getting knowledge in tiny doses every decade or even century would add up. The best archeological evidence put the rise of human civilization as we know it at 10k years ago. Shelly has lived eight times longer than that. I can barely even comprehend the concept of a millenium. The numbers roll into statistics and become unrelatable. To put it in perspective, when the events of Exodus happend in the bible(Moses and the Isrealites leaving Egypt) the Great Pyramid of Giza had already been standing for a millenium. And we consider those events to be ancient. If she had a human’s memory, Shelly would have forgotten more than she retained, but as a sphinx, I’m betting she remembers it. All of it. And can see how it all fits together. I don’t think Eyrale is using hyperbole when she called her one of the sages.
I love Shelly’s character here, it’s so different…so bright. There’s an ease and serenity in Shelly that reflects from someone who’s probably gained insight on the world. So *different* from “short haired” Shelly.
Then again, the experience of living for 80K years in the time forest would either give Shelly wisdom or drive her insane. And you don’t probably live that long without earning a few wisdom nuggets along the way.
Shelly is right about labels, but some descriptions are honours bestowed by grateful generations that follow. Hearing them while alive is one of the burdens of being a time traveller.
1. Wise beyond your avatar’s years.
2. Over 80k years’ worth of wisdom in three sentances.
3. Statement not literal, words falling from gibbering fangirl like rain from a hurricane’s edge.
I’m actually not sure which answer to go with on this, though.
technically shelly is still 25(ageguessing?)
she spent 80k years in that forest but she didn’t age or anything.
i doubt shelly is now immortal and will age like a human still.
I pretty sure that if you have 80K years of life experience, then growing old would be an optional experience as that much life experience would bring enough knowledge to know how to be practically immortal.
We’ve heard that sort of message about both Tina and Shelly. Both can expect to have normal human lifespans.
Tina isn’t sure what will happen to her/them after the human Tina body dies again… whether the demon collective will die with its current host body, or be given another.
I don’t think we’ve been given any hint about what Shelly’s ultimate fate will be.
Perhaps that is the point of the statement? That such wisdom can escape even those who have lived thousands of years, like Shelly has.
Considering how childish many immortals can act (aka every one we’ve met so far, to be honest, save maybe Brandi) our Gorgon friend may be speaking from experience here.
well.. the GG are quite young(they were ‘trapped’ at that age by the golem conversion), that is how they act.. and Monica does not behave that bad, unless its about HiFi or icecream..
The GGs were summoned as drunk college girls, but there have always been hints that they were comfortable with their preternatural existence, they were only struggling with having to perform as normal humans.
Hum. In the head on shot, Eyrayle’s nose seems to look a little more like the rest of the girls’ noses with a boxed in outline where her nostrils are. Still distinctive from the others though. Nice touch. I didn’t mind that she was a little more “realisticly” drawn, but I like the artistic continuity. It helps pull the visual universe together.
I’m thinking she’s suppose to standout from the rest of the art style to further emphasize just how “out of place” Eyrayle’s meant to look (aside from her nose, consider her eyes).
Other non-humanoid immortals (Phix, Nudge) do not regularly interact with humans. Therefore, when they visit the human-realm, they make sure to look as human as possible to avoid suspicion. This could also explain the ‘unique’ approach Phix took to looking normal.
However, Eyrayle (and Tepoz, come to think of it) do regularly interact with humans. They’ve learned how to stay under the radar and avoid inspection (Eyrayle’s comment regarding her speech earlier, for example) so they don’t need to hide their natural appearance as much. More of a “Wizard’s first rule” approach to the Masquerade.
I thought that the wizards’ first rule was “Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, as you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.”
I see your point, though. Being able to keep a low profile saves trouble, but there are numerous ways to limit or avoid unwelcome notice and attention.
Is that why Euryale is leeking such giddiness? She just keeps hopping around!
One thing for sure: she’ll never be chili with that warmth going on. But she’d better curry favor gingerly with the girls, or she might be in for a thyme of anger as she caroms off the walls and they try to hold her at bay.
I’d suggest that she pepper her gushing with a bit more sober reflection.
[Drops 3000 pounds of pepper in the jar–a royal ransom indeed!]
Shelly as one of the sages… it’s really obvious, but I didn’t see that coming. It’s pretty hard trying to place the words ‘Shelly’ and ‘sage-like’ in the same sentence. But things change, of course.
Just a heads up to Paul. When I opened up the homepage today it tried to download something. And the last few weeks it has been sending me to a search page, something I had written off as a quirk of this computer, now I am not sure.
Something managed to get by Adblock and install itself while I was on a Tropes page yesterday. AVG and AdAware managed to get rid of most of it but Aurora still has the occasional new tab out of nowhere.
I’m not seeing anything recently added to the code (as in the last two months). Still checking. I found an orphan line trying to access a file that was removed at the last attack, but that’s it – that was in July.
I *knew* she was fangirling over Shel.
Also, FIRST!
colorizing needed, stat!!!

Euryale’s countenance since she’s joined the “cast” just strikes me as sunshine-y and “let me get my sunglasses out”.
She’s always wearing her rose-colored glasses–so you need to add the grey ones?
Wouldn’t we all be incredibly disappointed, if it turned out that Euryale’s lustrous eyes, and her rose-colored glasses were one and the same… because she was wearing tinted cosmetic contact lenses?
Color the way you see the world, and the way that others see you, all with one little pair of inserts…
I hope it isn’t so
Early tonight…
Eurayle could get a tad wearing pretty quickly.
In the comic.
I’m trying to imagine her first meeting with Jin.
New Jin or Old Jin? It could go … um, red and drippy… either way.
Let me amplify that by “In the comic”, i meant to imply that in Real Life, she’d get pretty wearing at about the third sentence.
Nah…surely not!
Actually, I’ve known people that were this kind of bubbly. It was mostly annoying until I realized they weren’t putting on a front. After that, I had to resist the urge to break their happy little bubble. Once I got past that point, they were actually a joy to be around simply because I couldn’t stay in a depressed or ugly mood around them.
Monica did ask the Head Librarian whether what she was doing was important. She shouldn’t be surprised that she eventually got a decisive answer.
Be careful what you wish for.
…And come to think of it, Shelly has had the same question.
A Gorgon fangirl makes for a tidy metaphor. I trust Euryale herself will ultimately rise above the stereotype as a character, of course.
(What happened? It updated at Midnight Eastern Time for a change. Usually have to wait for Midnight Central Time, and then some.) (Don’t change it — I like an update at Midnight Eastern time, so I can get to bed at a reasonable hour, instead of waiting…)
Ditto that! Pleeeeezeeee keep the updates at midnight Eastern!
Makes for a nice nightcap before bed.
Didn’t correct for DST, I reckon. That would shove the update and hour earlier.
That was a couple weeks ago, and it’s been hitting at Midnight Central time since then up till now .
Shelly does not seem too phased that there’s a Amazon-sized Gorgon fan-girling out over her.
If Shelly gets someone to say “boo” to her, she’ll be five times bigger (I think that’s the ratio, anyway). Fangirl=not an immediate threat.
It takes surprisingly little effort to become almost completely unfazable.
Spending 80,000 years in a time forest also helps take the edge off as well. LOL
Well, “One of the sages,” implies that in her 80k years Shelly accumulated wisdom and knowledge. If she’s known, she likely had visitors beyond the apatropic (sp?) sphinxes and her past selves. Think about it. Since she lived in the forrest backwards, near the beginning of the calender machine cycles, she would have accumulated the wisdom and knowledge of eaons from past/future cycles. Even two or three cycles in (from outside the forrest), she would still be almost incomprehensibly wise and knowledgeable.
And she still holds that knowledge and wisdom. The Shelly that went into the time forrest was another pawn on the board. The Shelly that came out is one of the architects of the calander machine solution, a Grandmaster chess player, if you will. While she’s been low key with M about this, Eyrayle knows who and what she truly is. No wonder she’s gushing.
She was stuck in the TTF, so she only knows what went on there. Except what she may have gleaned from visitors, she would have no knowledge of what went on throughout the various cycles. I’m sure she learned a lot (especially patience) but that knowledge is limited.
True, but even getting knowledge in tiny doses every decade or even century would add up. The best archeological evidence put the rise of human civilization as we know it at 10k years ago. Shelly has lived eight times longer than that. I can barely even comprehend the concept of a millenium. The numbers roll into statistics and become unrelatable. To put it in perspective, when the events of Exodus happend in the bible(Moses and the Isrealites leaving Egypt) the Great Pyramid of Giza had already been standing for a millenium. And we consider those events to be ancient. If she had a human’s memory, Shelly would have forgotten more than she retained, but as a sphinx, I’m betting she remembers it. All of it. And can see how it all fits together. I don’t think Eyrale is using hyperbole when she called her one of the sages.
I love Shelly’s character here, it’s so different…so bright. There’s an ease and serenity in Shelly that reflects from someone who’s probably gained insight on the world. So *different* from “short haired” Shelly.
Then again, the experience of living for 80K years in the time forest would either give Shelly wisdom or drive her insane.
And you don’t probably live that long without earning a few wisdom nuggets along the way.
Shelly is right about labels, but some descriptions are honours bestowed by grateful generations that follow. Hearing them while alive is one of the burdens of being a time traveller.
How can she be wise beyond her years when she’s 80K years old?
1. Wise beyond your avatar’s years.
2. Over 80k years’ worth of wisdom in three sentances.
3. Statement not literal, words falling from gibbering fangirl like rain from a hurricane’s edge.
I’m actually not sure which answer to go with on this, though.
4. Quoting from a book about Shelly that she’s read, but really shouldn’t be telling her about.
If a demon collective writes an autobiography, does the Library want a copy?
Curse you, Opus, you took the words out of my mouth.
technically shelly is still 25(ageguessing?)
she spent 80k years in that forest but she didn’t age or anything.
i doubt shelly is now immortal and will age like a human still.
Buuuut… Shelly is a sphinx, so that is how she will age?? and live a LOT longer than a human…
We were specifically told that Shelly is NOT immortal but would age as a normal human.
Huh? I thought that was tina???
Point: I believe we were told that she would age, but not told at what rate – she might live to be two or three hundred years old, still.
I pretty sure that if you have 80K years of life experience, then growing old would be an optional experience as that much life experience would bring enough knowledge to know how to be practically immortal.
We’ve heard that sort of message about both Tina and Shelly. Both can expect to have normal human lifespans.
Tina isn’t sure what will happen to her/them after the human Tina body dies again… whether the demon collective will die with its current host body, or be given another.
I don’t think we’ve been given any hint about what Shelly’s ultimate fate will be.
She’ll live as long as a human, according to Shelly herself.
Perhaps that is the point of the statement? That such wisdom can escape even those who have lived thousands of years, like Shelly has.
Considering how childish many immortals can act (aka every one we’ve met so far, to be honest, save maybe Brandi) our Gorgon friend may be speaking from experience here.
well.. the GG are quite young(they were ‘trapped’ at that age by the golem conversion), that is how they act.. and Monica does not behave that bad, unless its about HiFi or icecream..
The GGs were summoned as drunk college girls, but there have always been hints that they were comfortable with their preternatural existence, they were only struggling with having to perform as normal humans.
@illiad: When did Monica become an immortal?
Hum. In the head on shot, Eyrayle’s nose seems to look a little more like the rest of the girls’ noses with a boxed in outline where her nostrils are. Still distinctive from the others though. Nice touch. I didn’t mind that she was a little more “realisticly” drawn, but I like the artistic continuity. It helps pull the visual universe together.
I’m thinking she’s suppose to standout from the rest of the art style to further emphasize just how “out of place” Eyrayle’s meant to look (aside from her nose, consider her eyes).
Other non-humanoid immortals (Phix, Nudge) do not regularly interact with humans. Therefore, when they visit the human-realm, they make sure to look as human as possible to avoid suspicion. This could also explain the ‘unique’ approach Phix took to looking normal.
However, Eyrayle (and Tepoz, come to think of it) do regularly interact with humans. They’ve learned how to stay under the radar and avoid inspection (Eyrayle’s comment regarding her speech earlier, for example) so they don’t need to hide their natural appearance as much. More of a “Wizard’s first rule” approach to the Masquerade.
I thought that the wizards’ first rule was “Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, as you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.”
I see your point, though. Being able to keep a low profile saves trouble, but there are numerous ways to limit or avoid unwelcome notice and attention.
perhaps it is a shape shifting thing, just as the snakes going into the fantastic ‘Anchor Woman’ neatly coiffed hair.
Now we know why eury was fangurling
Shelly is a spice girl
(or well.. herb girl but spice girl fit better and was more amusing to me…)
You know better than that. I think it’s thyme for you to pay the pun jar.
Man, you guys just love to rack them up don’t you?
(get rack, spice rack… i’ll just drop my two cents and run… *plink plink*)
With a pun that bad… Run far dude :p
I’m so bad at puns. It makes me look like a jerk.
Is that why Euryale is leeking such giddiness? She just keeps hopping around!
One thing for sure: she’ll never be chili with that warmth going on. But she’d better curry favor gingerly with the girls, or she might be in for a thyme of anger as she caroms off the walls and they try to hold her at bay.
I’d suggest that she pepper her gushing with a bit more sober reflection.
[Drops 3000 pounds of pepper in the jar–a royal ransom indeed!]
I have to warn you, bmonk… masala is full of the bodies of people who out-pun me like that!
I’ve never cinnamon with such wit! But of course, besides the comic, that’s what I camphor. If I could buy it, what would it sulphur?
MerchManDan, to the carbon with you!
Shelly as one of the sages… it’s really obvious, but I didn’t see that coming. It’s pretty hard trying to place the words ‘Shelly’ and ‘sage-like’ in the same sentence. But things change, of course.
BTW, has she called her gentlememan in the end?
I think, if you give anyone enough time, they’ll figure some things out.
I was about to make a bad pun with “Shelly”, “boyfriend” and “in the end” in it, but … nah.
“Wise beyond your years…”
Okay – you thought it – put two imaginary zlotys in the hypothetical Pun Jar.
I’d settle for wise between my ears…
In that case, instead of putting your money where your mouth is, you need to put it where your brains are?
Just a heads up to Paul. When I opened up the homepage today it tried to download something. And the last few weeks it has been sending me to a search page, something I had written off as a quirk of this computer, now I am not sure.
I’ll check with my tech guy and see what’s up. Thanks for the heads-up.
I haven’t noticed anything running FF 3.6.24 Ubuntu special version. Your DNS server might have been hacked.
Haven’t seen that myself. if you’re using Firefox, are you using Adblock?
Something managed to get by Adblock and install itself while I was on a Tropes page yesterday. AVG and AdAware managed to get rid of most of it but Aurora still has the occasional new tab out of nowhere.
I’m not seeing anything recently added to the code (as in the last two months). Still checking. I found an orphan line trying to access a file that was removed at the last attack, but that’s it – that was in July.
I haven’t gone through the database itself, but no signs of any tampered files for the last month+
Gushing gorgon Gibson Girl with those Sailor Moon anime eyes. I like!
The Gibson Girl hairdo is a nice look.
Second frame, my favorite drawing of Euryale.