When exposed, breasts exhibit as skin- surface, texture and shading. It’s when the bosom is covered/enclosed in clothing that it registers as *volume.* White shirts exaggerate shadows, and the poly blend of most t-shirts creates a combination of loose movement and slight clingyness, which in turn draws attention to volumes by highlighting their motion- even more so than a shimmery slinky club dress (again, surface and texture vs.volume)
Our safe word in the mornings is MORGENMUFFEL “morning grouch”. Of course, sometimes it extends to TAGEMUFFEL or even ABENDMUFFEL and, on very rare occasions, WOCHEMUFFEL
One of the modes of dress we are using for my bed-ridden wife is a white tall mens’ stay tucked T-shirt, which is actually longer than her nightgowns. Mrs. the Poet actually prefers white T-shirts to nightgowns.
I love that Valerie’s mask {which seems to have magically reappeared on their way to her place} blushes when she’s embarrassed…
Perhaps Valerie left it with the club’s mask-check-girl.
When exposed, breasts exhibit as skin- surface, texture and shading. It’s when the bosom is covered/enclosed in clothing that it registers as *volume.* White shirts exaggerate shadows, and the poly blend of most t-shirts creates a combination of loose movement and slight clingyness, which in turn draws attention to volumes by highlighting their motion- even more so than a shimmery slinky club dress (again, surface and texture vs.volume)
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
Thank you for your Ted Talk.
That’s actually very interesting. You learn neat things on the internet.
You, my man, deserve a cookie. Iwish I could send one to you, but alas, my internet connection is not that good. Have my thanks instead.
You say potato, I say patato?
Let’s call the whole thing off!
My code word for when my brain is full/ done is ‘AAUURRGGG!!!’.
Mine is, “It’s been lovely, but I have to scream, now.”
My favorite safety/code word is “MEATLOAF”, because it means exactly what it says…

…”I will do anything for love … But I won’t do that!”
Okay that comment wins the internet today. Thank you
“Hot patato, bless my soul!”
It doesn’t mean “Let me sleep on it, I’ll give you an answer in the morning”?
It was pajama bottoms I fell in love with. So much easier lounging around in something with an elastic waist band.
Digit you say that like it’s a bad thing…
Our safe word in the mornings is MORGENMUFFEL “morning grouch”. Of course, sometimes it extends to TAGEMUFFEL or even ABENDMUFFEL and, on very rare occasions, WOCHEMUFFEL
Is Valerie related to Kelly Bundy? https://nudgewinkreport.wordpress.com/2016/03/30/full-brain-syndrome/
One of the modes of dress we are using for my bed-ridden wife is a white tall mens’ stay tucked T-shirt, which is actually longer than her nightgowns. Mrs. the Poet actually prefers white T-shirts to nightgowns.