Portapoo, just saying it made me giggle 🙂
As long as it’s not spelled “Poit-a-Poo”
You got to the joke before I could…
You got to be quick around here, and I was wayyyyyy slloooooooooow.
‘scuse me, I have to take a poit in the porta-poo now.
superman gets a photo-booth, but monica gets the port-a-poit, lol
As long as it’s not painted blue, like a proper TARDIS-poit-a-poo.
Would that make it a TURDIS?
Yes, I went there and I make no apottygies.
^ that pun is number two!
2 things: a) i hope the smell doesn’t go with her or phix might ban her and b) that thing is now locked from the inside. i hope people don’t assume someone died in there, although it’s possible, given the smell on a warm day…
She didn’t have to lock it, just make sure nobody was near when she entered. Poiting only has a small window to be caught.
Talk about ‘poiting’ it all behind you..
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Portapoo, just saying it made me giggle 🙂
As long as it’s not spelled “Poit-a-Poo”
You got to the joke before I could…
You got to be quick around here, and I was wayyyyyy slloooooooooow.
‘scuse me, I have to take a poit in the porta-poo now.
superman gets a photo-booth, but monica gets the port-a-poit, lol
As long as it’s not painted blue, like a proper TARDIS-poit-a-poo.
Would that make it a TURDIS?
Yes, I went there and I make no apottygies.
^ that pun is number two!
2 things: a) i hope the smell doesn’t go with her or phix might ban her and b) that thing is now locked from the inside. i hope people don’t assume someone died in there, although it’s possible, given the smell on a warm day…
She didn’t have to lock it, just make sure nobody was near when she entered. Poiting only has a small window to be caught.
Talk about ‘poiting’ it all behind you..