Interesting how Shelly says the “the things [Monica’s] involved in” as if she’s separated from it all. Her demon conscience thingie should pop out of the boiler room just about now. Actually, I am curious if Monica could see her.
Thank you Pablo! Monica Croft made me chuckle (and she look stunning in that too lol)
I also noted the bandaid. It’s probably been mentioned before, I guess she’s just a klutz rather than suffering from dull razors when she shaves her legs?
By “caliber,” of course, I refer to both the size of their gun barrels and the high quality of their characters… Two meanings… caliber… it’s a homonym… Forget it.
My mom says short ladies with big boobs need large feet so they don’t tip over. Of course, being short, big boobed, and with large feet I’ve learned that’s not true. The top portion makes for wonky balance.
And if the victim were female? Would it still be funny? Odd how that artist never, ever draws anything like that happening to a female. I guess that would be “wrong.”
Still, in the future, if you are going to link to “guro” like that I would appreciate a warning. Thanks.
I’m proud to say I’ve never seen “Stripes” and never intend to. I dislike military or political satires, nor do I like Bill Murray as a comedian. He’s silly, not funny.
Owwwwwwwww . . . either panel 2 has some odd drawing, or M’s developed a MAJOR case of scoliosis. That swayback looks like it belongs on a twenty-year-old saddle horse!
This is one of the most kick@$$ pictures of Monica that you have ever drawn, Pablo; it fits her personality perfectly.
If you want shoes with lots of pep
Get Keds™, kids, Keds™!
For bounce and zoom in every step
Get Keds™, kids, Keds™!
Those shock-proof arches can’t be beat!
They sure are great for growing feet!
You’ll be a champion athlete!
Keds™, kids, Keds™!
(And I didn’t even have to Google that…. curse Madison Avenue!) :p
OT, hands up everyone else who thinks SciFi’s new name us StyPyd. (Not that the old one was very good to begin with… I’ve always hated the word “Sci-Fi”.)
“To those who pronounce it, ‘sci-fi,’
I must sadly say with a sigh,
Please study your diction,
For in, ‘science fiction,’
The second word has no long ‘i.'”
I don’t recall the author, alas. Anyone who does, feel free to enlighten me.
All seriousness aside, used to be when you say “explorer” or “archeologist”, the first images that came up were magnifying glasses, notebooks, small brushes, and pith helmets. (why pith helmets? to pith in, of course!) Now, it’s bullwhips, fedoras (for exploras), or tight shirts and two pistols blazing. Although, if Monica was wearing her 8-ball shirt, that would be pin-up worthy.
I’m reminded of an old Sluggy Freelnace storyline where the two main characters meet an ultra-short tempered/uber-violent Lara parody who doesn’t take kindly to their questioning the physics behind her being able to perform such acrobatic feats while being similarly proportioned… Such questions did lead to violence directed at them.
Forget this Wapsi Square business I want the spin off comic that has the Wapsi Square cast as an adventuring team of archeologist. Sexy adventures and thrills a bound.
Makes me think of Kat , from the current Sequential Art , story arc .
Well , except for the Chuck Taylors .
Interesting how Shelly says the “the things [Monica’s] involved in” as if she’s separated from it all. Her demon conscience thingie should pop out of the boiler room just about now. Actually, I am curious if Monica could see her.
Thank you Pablo! Monica Croft made me chuckle (and she look stunning in that too lol)
I also noted the bandaid. It’s probably been mentioned before, I guess she’s just a klutz rather than suffering from dull razors when she shaves her legs?
Monica is indeed a klutz.
I can’t imagine why she’d be clumsy. It’s not like her center of gravity is any diffe-
Oh, wait.
Yes, she always seems to have a band aid on that same leg.
Must be because she’s right-handed and right-eyed–so it’s hard to reach there with the razor, and to see it once it’s there?
Love the Band-Aid and the blatant shoe promotion. It’s the little things that make you smile.
Wow! So that’s what Shelly sees when she closes her left eye. Awesome!
*wolf whistle*
Woo-hoo !
I’d pin this last panel up a wall – definitely!
Now you’ve done it. Now we have to go and MAKE this series.
Cue the drooling fanboys with nosebleeds and broken brains in…
1 …
Snap! Crackle! Pop!
Heh. Giselle and her succubus cousin Lula visit Victoria’s Secret
SoWhyMe should not look.
Thank you for the warning. I shant.
Typo, first word.
The government, try to weaponize Bud, Brandi, or even worse… Jin?
Yeah. That’d go SO well for the government. Hopefully after losing a few army bases they’d get the message and leave ’em alone.
Oh, wait, what am I saying? When a government/military fails to control something, they go to plan B. “Nuke it all”
It’s a tad ironic, because the golem girls were created as weapons to begin with any they’re far worse than any nuclear weapons could be.
…and, in fact, did “nuke it all”.
what? no dual-guns?
Why? She already has big guns….
PHWEEEET! “Atomic, two minutes, bad boob puns.”
By “caliber,” of course, I refer to both the size of their gun barrels and the high quality of their characters… Two meanings… caliber… it’s a homonym… Forget it.
There are GOOD boob puns? Examples, please!
badum, pshhhhh
Wow, Monica has big… feet.
My, Monica, for such a little woman what big feet you have.
My mom says short ladies with big boobs need large feet so they don’t tip over. Of course, being short, big boobed, and with large feet I’ve learned that’s not true. The top portion makes for wonky balance.
I fear for the structual integrity of Monica’s shirt .
My reaction to that thought is not, precisely, fear…
OTOH, there is tthis to consider…
(That link is to an image on a blog in {i think} Czech; the image is by Phillip M Jackson, creator of Sequential Art, mentioned above.)
Heheheh . Nice illustration by Jackson . Yeah , fear was probably the wrong word .
I take it that’s supposed to be “funny?”
No, it’s not “supposed to be” funny.
It is funny.
And if the victim were female? Would it still be funny? Odd how that artist never, ever draws anything like that happening to a female. I guess that would be “wrong.”
Still, in the future, if you are going to link to “guro” like that I would appreciate a warning. Thanks.
I can’t think of too many instances were a man’s shirt button is considered straining against his chest that would cause a button to pop.
“Lighten up Francis.”
I seem to recall a link or two from you to art i considered a tad less than amusing.
Grow up.
Paul Taylor said:
Lou Ferrigno.
Oh , wow . It’s been a dog’s life since I’ve seen Stripes .
you just made the list, buddy…
What list?
You haven’t seen Stripes, have you?
It’s been a long time since i saw it, and i remember nearly nothing about it, myself.
I’m proud to say I’ve never seen “Stripes” and never intend to. I dislike military or political satires, nor do I like Bill Murray as a comedian. He’s silly, not funny.
Hey Monica. Its Eidos on the Phone. They want to have a word with you ;o).
Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later, what with her chosen profession…
Though, actually, she’d probably fit the fedora-wearing, bullwhip-toting researcher archetype far better than this one.
*hint, hint*
Looks like Halloween has come early this year.
I sense a wall poster in the works…
Since Lara Croft is nearly a null-reference for me, anyone remember a TV show called Relic Hunter?
I’m totally digging the pince-nez glasses!
Owwwwwwwww . . . either panel 2 has some odd drawing, or M’s developed a MAJOR case of scoliosis. That swayback looks like it belongs on a twenty-year-old saddle horse!
Her back is curved naturally, I think you’re looking at her waist pudge on her sides.
I think hauling around that chest could cause anybody back problems. Also, Why a belly shirt? Do they not make full size shirts in her size?
Have you seen the Tomb Raider pics?
This pic would probably be a good one for comparison…
Or (minus the bare midriff) , here.
This is one of the most kick@$$ pictures of Monica that you have ever drawn, Pablo; it fits her personality perfectly.
If you want shoes with lots of pep
Get Keds™, kids, Keds™!
For bounce and zoom in every step
Get Keds™, kids, Keds™!
Those shock-proof arches can’t be beat!
They sure are great for growing feet!
You’ll be a champion athlete!
Keds™, kids, Keds™!
(And I didn’t even have to Google that…. curse Madison Avenue!) :p
Except they’re Chucks.
I have no idea what Chucks are, they look like high-top Keds to me. Ya gotta go with what ya know…
Converse Chuck Taylor.
The definitive high-top sneaker.
Chuck T got it right decades ago. No shoe has looked better since.
You dated yourself with that, Old Wolf. And, now, so have I…
OT, hands up everyone else who thinks SciFi’s new name us StyPyd. (Not that the old one was very good to begin with… I’ve always hated the word “Sci-Fi”.)
“To those who pronounce it, ‘sci-fi,’
I must sadly say with a sigh,
Please study your diction,
For in, ‘science fiction,’
The second word has no long ‘i.'”
I don’t recall the author, alas. Anyone who does, feel free to enlighten me.
Turkey’s done!
All seriousness aside, used to be when you say “explorer” or “archeologist”, the first images that came up were magnifying glasses, notebooks, small brushes, and pith helmets. (why pith helmets? to pith in, of course!) Now, it’s bullwhips, fedoras (for exploras), or tight shirts and two pistols blazing. Although, if Monica was wearing her 8-ball shirt, that would be pin-up worthy.
Actually — this new pose should not only be a poster, but perhaps the next installment available from PatchTogether…
Oh! Oh! Me too!
Lara Croft, step aside; there’s a new explorer babe in town!
Happy Birthday to me! Thanks Pablo!
Those glasses actually make her look a bit like Phix…
And speaking of Phix, is Justin still chained to the bed? (What can I say. I’ve got a one-track gutter.)
No worries, it’s still the morning after, so he’s prolly not too uncomfortable…
…and how is Monica’s boss’s encounter with the man eater going?
Probably still digesting the first encounter!
I’m reminded of an old Sluggy Freelnace storyline where the two main characters meet an ultra-short tempered/uber-violent Lara parody who doesn’t take kindly to their questioning the physics behind her being able to perform such acrobatic feats while being similarly proportioned… Such questions did lead to violence directed at them.
Monica doesn’t have scoliosis she has a big butt! Cue Sir Mix-a-lot
Yeah, baby … when it comes to females, Cosmo ain’t got nothin’
to do with my selection. 36-24-36? Ha ha, only if she’s 5’3″.
Forget this Wapsi Square business I want the spin off comic that has the Wapsi Square cast as an adventuring team of archeologist. Sexy adventures and thrills a bound.
…and bound and bound…
Cue monica bounce links
I can just hear ‘girls with guns’ by Tommy Shaw being played now…
Fan Art
I’m not the world’s greatest digital colourist, and i don’t have Photoshop or the Gimp currently on the machine (just re-installed Windows 7), but…
Daaang looks awesome!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many posts this early before!! And with good reason.
Monica – WOW!!
T-shirt material – you do GOOOOOD stuff, Pablo!
+1 for the tshirt
Monica can only ‘publicize her assets’ if she turns around…
“who needs Indy when you’ve got Lara” was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this
Gah! Why did they ever change it to SyFy? It just sounds ridiculous. Ah well. Marketing isn’t full of the intelligent…most of the time.
She is missing the bull elephant gun from her G’pa Sullivan to make that image perfect.