So, ALL of Shelly’s demons are…condensed(?)…into one form. I suppose that makes controlling them easier, only one entity to deal with. So why is she coming out now? What makes this different then those times she was questioning her relationship with Heather, or when she was questioning what the dolls were, or the hammer? How about all those times she got majorly pissed off? Why come out now, when there were plenty of times that she could in the past? And I thought that the boiler room, where said spirit resided, was NOT part of Shelly.
I, myself, only just found out that the phrase “What a jip/gyp” is actually a perpetuated stereotype against Romanian Gypsies as being thieves and cheats.
Looks like her younger, but a little too young to be the same time period as her vision quest. Although, that would be a good way to consolidaye one’s demons. Does everyone who has a conscience have all their demons working together? (I don’t think mine do, and I’d like to think I have a conscience)
But she stayed in the boiler room for a long time after that. Until the head injury – and now ‘it’s okay to play’….
1. Yes, she IS young enough to be from her vision quest – just go back to the second “nightmare” she had after the bowling ball hit her. Which, by the way, is interesting in itself, as a dead person (her mom) communicated with her demon little girl.
2. She also said after the Night Out with the GG’s that she went on the vision quest after her mom died, and met Jin-as-Tochtli. That was when this little girl became “ultra-demon”.
3. I think I know now why Shelly’s gonna have to stab “the pixie with the rack”: Monica is going to have “God Mode” turned on, and that little stiletto is the only thing that’s going to bring her back down.
4. Way to make a character we’ve been anticipating AWESOME, Pablo!
Yeah, Jin’s doubt is less sarcastic or witty than the others; it treats you like you’re beneath it, though doubtless it, too, would benefit from a pizza now and then.
Speaking of which, I’m hungry.
As a 1/4 Comanche, (and the rest is three other tribes) I’m not really surprised that a Nuh-nu-pi came to see Shelly. But to find out it’s her own demon come to call, now that’s entertainment. And yeah, the Comanche Little People can be a bit ornery. I like this kid.
Thinking back to the flashback to Monica and Shelly’s first meeting, “pixie with the rack” isn’t far off what Shelly thought of Monica to start out with.
Shelly’s conscience is actually pretty easy-going, considering that she apparently lived out her existence in an ethereal boiler room.
This is about the most surprising sequence since the third book, to me anyway. It didn’t really even occur to me that the creepy girl in the boiler room had a role to play, much less this one.
“The pixie with the rack?” I’m assuming she means M?
Oh wow! Didn’t see that coming.
I’m going to really like reading this arc when it’s all over. Maybe then I’ll understand it. ;^)
Something tells me Shelly’s going to lay the smack down on her daemon if she keeps rolling her eyes and making sarcastic comments.
On another note, i wonder if Tina did the same thing, hence why she is consistently Tina, and not totally skitzo.
Nah, Tina didn’t do the same.
She’s consistently Tiny by committee.
Similar Dialogue maybe, but it still makes ya wonder…
Besides, it feels like Paul could have many twists up his sleeve, so i’m not totally ready to call this.
Given, you make a good point though.
A sign of growing maturity: your immature behavior REALLY irritates you.
If demons live forever, then what happens to this combination after shelly dies? Because I assume that demons go on to another host.
Conscious? I wonder if Jimmeny Cricket ever had days like this?
Demon Shelly, I’d be careful that I don’t antagonize Shelly, who’s got arms bigger than you waist……..
Yup, just as I thought, sarcasm demon.
So, ALL of Shelly’s demons are…condensed(?)…into one form. I suppose that makes controlling them easier, only one entity to deal with. So why is she coming out now? What makes this different then those times she was questioning her relationship with Heather, or when she was questioning what the dolls were, or the hammer? How about all those times she got majorly pissed off? Why come out now, when there were plenty of times that she could in the past? And I thought that the boiler room, where said spirit resided, was NOT part of Shelly.
aw, how come she only gets one? What a jip! Well at least she’s kinda cute to offset all the creepy. XD
I, myself, only just found out that the phrase “What a jip/gyp” is actually a perpetuated stereotype against Romanian Gypsies as being thieves and cheats.
Looks like her younger, but a little too young to be the same time period as her vision quest. Although, that would be a good way to consolidaye one’s demons. Does everyone who has a conscience have all their demons working together? (I don’t think mine do, and I’d like to think I have a conscience)
But she stayed in the boiler room for a long time after that. Until the head injury – and now ‘it’s okay to play’….
Since Monica and Shelly are the same age, pretty uch, Shelly’s vision quest was when she was about fourteen.
However, i think that Sarcasm Girl’s creaton/appearance is related to Shelly’s mother’s death, which i *think* was when she was about nne or ten…
Oh man, I LIKE this chick!
1. Yes, she IS young enough to be from her vision quest – just go back to the second “nightmare” she had after the bowling ball hit her. Which, by the way, is interesting in itself, as a dead person (her mom) communicated with her demon little girl.
2. She also said after the Night Out with the GG’s that she went on the vision quest after her mom died, and met Jin-as-Tochtli. That was when this little girl became “ultra-demon”.
3. I think I know now why Shelly’s gonna have to stab “the pixie with the rack”: Monica is going to have “God Mode” turned on, and that little stiletto is the only thing that’s going to bring her back down.
4. Way to make a character we’ve been anticipating AWESOME, Pablo!
2.) I don’t believe that was actually “Jin”-as-Tochtli
Ziggy – sometimes i like Monica’s Doubt. She has a nasty sense of humour, and she understands the importance of pixzza.
Jin’s Doubt, now…
Yeah, Jin’s doubt is less sarcastic or witty than the others; it treats you like you’re beneath it, though doubtless it, too, would benefit from a pizza now and then.
Speaking of which, I’m hungry.
Aw mannnnnnn! Shelly *so* got the demon she deserves.
Called it!
November 2, 2009 at 12:15 am
It’s her conscience!
It’s the ghost of Christmas Yet to Come!
It’s her daughter from the future!
As a 1/4 Comanche, (and the rest is three other tribes) I’m not really surprised that a Nuh-nu-pi came to see Shelly. But to find out it’s her own demon come to call, now that’s entertainment. And yeah, the Comanche Little People can be a bit ornery. I like this kid.
My 9th grade English_teacher was ½ Comanche
Oh wow, It’s her inner child come out to play.
The “random” button only takes you to the current page right now.
It works for me.
Thinking back to the flashback to Monica and Shelly’s first meeting, “pixie with the rack” isn’t far off what Shelly thought of Monica to start out with.
Okay. I’ve been looking back for other reasons, but i found these answers. Shelly’s vision quest was when she was thirteen, and her mother died when she was ten.
So, yeah, i could believe that Sarcams Girl looks like Shely at age ten.
Cripes. My typing gets worse every day.
Kate doesn’t follow Wapsi, but i’ve told her about it, and showed her the occasional strip.
When i quoted the “pixie with the rack” bit to her she almost choked…
Shelly’s conscience is actually pretty easy-going, considering that she apparently lived out her existence in an ethereal boiler room.
This is about the most surprising sequence since the third book, to me anyway. It didn’t really even occur to me that the creepy girl in the boiler room had a role to play, much less this one.
Lovely. Shelly has her own personal snark demon. XD Boy, like she hasn’t already got her hands full!
Shelly catches on quick, doesn’t she?
If Conscience is also Shelly, then Conscience would have the same attitudes as Shelly. (jes thinkin’ out loud.)