The original that i paraphrased said “…re-install Windows XP.”
It came to mind because i just went through several hours of horror re-installing Windows 7 (RC1, not the retail version) after something i did apparently borked some drivers or DLLs…
Heh, I install new OSs as a hobby. Mostly Ubuntu/Debian variants, but I’ve fooled with OpenSUSE, PCLOS and Sabayon, and I even went as far into the land of Slack as SalixOS. I’d like to try PC-BSD sometime soon.
Oh, wait. You’re in the land of MS, and so are REinstalling. That’s pretty rare for me.
fairportfan, I heard of someone who got the joy of reinstalling Windows 7 three times, IIRC. First time when he discovered his system melted down on Windows 10.
Twice after that when Microsoft did a stealth upgrade in the middle of the night for him. He was not a happy camper, to say the least.
I think that the repair will be similar to end of “The Big O”, where if it gets reset, we will see what seems to be the beginning of the series, but with some key changes that mean the next go-around will be different. That could be what Doubt’s worried about. Positve or negative as it applies to the situation? Not enough data for meaningful answer.
What’s that around M’s neck? The person M would least trust? Is she talking about Doubt, Vanity and her other internal demons or Jin, Tina and her external groupies.
I hate the new website. It takes too long to load and sometimes doesn’t load at all. Worse, if I want to view the comments, I have to load the page again and hope it will load a second time.
Gotta say that if you’re having problems with the site not loading reliably, or loafing slowly, it’s gonna turn out to be your system and/or your connection, since it’s loaded pefectly for me pretty much every time, and how quickly it loads for me appears to be governed by my connection (which is pretty fast).
Are you using Internet Explorer 8? If so, you might activating “compatability mode”.
Now, i have to say that i was originally annoyed/dismayed by the loss of the original forum, but that’s survivable, and not related to your complaint.
Agreed, my connection is slow, but other site do load for me. The real question is what am I getting for this added load problem? We have something called broad band here, but we also have bandwidth limits. If I have to load the site twice and load 5 or 10 times the # of bytes that the core content contains or worse, then going to the site for the core content I may or may not be able to see for all of the delays and time outs and errors I’ll run into along the way,may end up being quite pointless.
I’m not really sure what to tell you, the site is streamlined and has WP Super Cashe backing it up. It loads in a flash for me. I don’t know what I could do different.
I’d suggest firefox, myself. Google Chrome uses the same rendering engine, but I don’t like its stripped down interface; it doesn’t let me use my keyboard to navigate my bookmarks.
Barring that, you may also want to look into any of the Webkit-based browsers. I know of several for Linux/BSD (Midori, Arora, and OOPS: Google Chromium), but (other than Chromium) I’m not sure if any of em have been ported to windows. Opera uses yet another rendering engine, and may be worth a look.
Herself? (Doubt standing there brings that thought to my mind…)
After about the 30th view of this comic – I do believe you’re right.
Well, if anything… the climax of this storyline should be awesome!
Of course — then what?
“So, now that we’ve saved the world, what do you want to do today?”
Get some coffee, for starters.
“Same thing we do every night, Pinky – patch Windows Vista…”
Double point bonus for that.
The original that i paraphrased said “…re-install Windows XP.”
It came to mind because i just went through several hours of horror re-installing Windows 7 (RC1, not the retail version) after something i did apparently borked some drivers or DLLs…
Heh, I install new OSs as a hobby. Mostly Ubuntu/Debian variants, but I’ve fooled with OpenSUSE, PCLOS and Sabayon, and I even went as far into the land of Slack as SalixOS. I’d like to try PC-BSD sometime soon.
Oh, wait. You’re in the land of MS, and so are REinstalling. That’s pretty rare for me.
fairportfan, I heard of someone who got the joy of reinstalling Windows 7 three times, IIRC. First time when he discovered his system melted down on Windows 10.
Twice after that when Microsoft did a stealth upgrade in the middle of the night for him. He was not a happy camper, to say the least.
“We have met the enemy, and he is us.” – Walt Kelly
I think that the repair will be similar to end of “The Big O”, where if it gets reset, we will see what seems to be the beginning of the series, but with some key changes that mean the next go-around will be different. That could be what Doubt’s worried about. Positve or negative as it applies to the situation? Not enough data for meaningful answer.
What’s that around M’s neck? The person M would least trust? Is she talking about Doubt, Vanity and her other internal demons or Jin, Tina and her external groupies.
That’s a scarf. She is, after all, in Minneapolis in the fall. It gets downright chilly in the mornings.
I can’t stand it, the suspense is killing me. Just post everything up to and including the end on Monday, ok?
Doubt’s already getting started. She doesn’t mess around, does she?
I think Monica just grabbed the brass ring.
But what do *I* know?
Hope everyone had a superb Thanksgiving!
A question worth pondering I think!
I hate the new website. It takes too long to load and sometimes doesn’t load at all. Worse, if I want to view the comments, I have to load the page again and hope it will load a second time.
Gotta say that if you’re having problems with the site not loading reliably, or loafing slowly, it’s gonna turn out to be your system and/or your connection, since it’s loaded pefectly for me pretty much every time, and how quickly it loads for me appears to be governed by my connection (which is pretty fast).
Are you using Internet Explorer 8? If so, you might activating “compatability mode”.
Now, i have to say that i was originally annoyed/dismayed by the loss of the original forum, but that’s survivable, and not related to your complaint.
Agreed, my connection is slow, but other site do load for me. The real question is what am I getting for this added load problem? We have something called broad band here, but we also have bandwidth limits. If I have to load the site twice and load 5 or 10 times the # of bytes that the core content contains or worse, then going to the site for the core content I may or may not be able to see for all of the delays and time outs and errors I’ll run into along the way,may end up being quite pointless.
I’m not really sure what to tell you, the site is streamlined and has WP Super Cashe backing it up. It loads in a flash for me. I don’t know what I could do different.
I repeat – are you using IE8?
If you are, tey “Compatability Mode”…
I’d suggest firefox, myself. Google Chrome uses the same rendering engine, but I don’t like its stripped down interface; it doesn’t let me use my keyboard to navigate my bookmarks.
Barring that, you may also want to look into any of the Webkit-based browsers. I know of several for Linux/BSD (Midori, Arora, and OOPS: Google Chromium), but (other than Chromium) I’m not sure if any of em have been ported to windows. Opera uses yet another rendering engine, and may be worth a look.
I’m trying to figure out where her boyfriend is in all this…
He’s a freelance videographer and gets sent on jobs that take him out of the Twin Cities for long stretches.
Yep, Doubt was the one who she’d least trust. And yet, she was the one who did her right (or, at least, she did through our last episode…).
Her cleavage is getting up to her collar bone…
As Paulo said yesterday, “tight shirt.”
I doubt she’ll guess it straight away