Though the strip does always fall towards gags – which I am not saying is a bad thing – it’s always been quite realistic in regards to physical limitations. I wonder if our dear little musclehead’s gotten some significant benefits out of her part in the calendar fiasco, boons we haven’t quite seen fully yet?
Shelley was abnormally strong and tough even before contact with the Calendar Machine. On the other hand, she’s also a demon doorway. Although her near-death experience way back when fused all her demons into one and seems to have sealed that particular door up. It’s possible that being an etheric conduit gives you powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal women…
I dunno.. They’ve hinted a few times that Monica may not be quite human… and Shelly has some of the same events in her past. Who knows what Jin did when M was dying in the flowers or what she did when Shelly was dying in the desert. She would do (and has done) a lot to keep her plans rolling on.
“it’s always been quite realistic in regards to physical limitations.”
Agreed that something is probably up with Shelly, but I’d twist the statement around a little. When this comic defies normal physical limitations it’s usually because something supernatural is happening and not merely an exaggeration for comedic effect.
Yeah, we’ve always known Shelly was strong, but sparks? Sparks?!!
I don’t know if those are sparks or not, but given what happens with metal on metal, maybe?? I’m a tad more disturbed by the dark stain on the table. There isn’t much grease in mechanical clocks so… Shelly’s blood! Ugh! Ouch!!
How to explain scorch marks? — by pointing out this may not be a joke exaggerated for cartoon effect, but rather the first indication of a Talent. I remember laughing out loud when Monica sneezed so hard she sneezed right out of her bra — a joke which turned out to be the first example of her ability to poit.
Agreed. Lakshmi is big and strong (particularly relative to Owen), but I don’t think she is particularly athletic or would have experience fighting. Shelly is more athletic, lifts weights and teaches kickboxing.
Well, Kaiser’s got me beat, but I wake up at 5 am most mornings, too. That said, I’d LOVE to take a Glock to my alarm clock every morning. I have recently been told that the only time I’m convincingly surly is when I wake up before I’m ready and hate everybody and everything.
(If yesterday morning was any indication, I’m apparently not ‘ready’ to wake up until about 11 am.)
There ARE more annoying ones.
The one that jumps off the nightstand and rolls under the bed…
The one that launches a toy propeller and woun’t shut up until you retrieve it and push it back in…
The one where you have to type the numbers from ‘Lost’….
My dad used to enjoy waking me up on weekends to the opening from Pink Floyd’s Time. The stereo system may have been downstairs and my bedroom upstairs, but my dad’s an audiophile on par with Monica…plus there were speakers in the ceiling, so my floor vibrated. He kept it that loud until I came down the stairs and glared at him (while he just stood at the volume knob smiling expectantly…and a trifle smugly).
I’m my case, my dad used the family dog. It was much quieter, but a cold, wet nose will get you up, too. Typically, my sisters had a lot to do with encouraging the dog, too.
Ah, did that in college once. We had a ballroom that we’d periodically convert into a theater for plays/musicals. Because of all the gear we’d load into it, we would take turns sleeping there overnight. The built-in sound system had a cassette player in it. The night before we cue’d up Time and shut the system down, and didn’t tell the person who was sleeping there that night. The next morning, I got up slightly early, went to the ballroom, and just turned the sound system on and cranked it. Obediently, the tape started to play and the rest is history…
If you have to succumb to that urge, may I suggest using The Wall, and cue it at “Vera Lynn” so they have fair warning to wake up. If that don’t work out, then “Bring The Boys Back Home” is more than enough to rouse most. You could have found that by Googling “Justin”. Of course, asking the question and letting someone else show off works too, I suppose.
I don’t suppose there is a way to do a rolleyes smiley. Trying: :rolleyes:
Yes I could have, but I don’t have the time today to search for my answers, and you guys do seem to enjoy showing off how well you know the archives. (I technically don’t have the time to post this comment right now. I just happen to need the mental break from work.)
Actually, it’s probably more a matter of curiosity (I think that’s were that happened, right?) and that it can be kind of a game (I wonder if I can find it quickly? I think I can! …Dammit! Where in the hell is it?) and the fact that it’s a good way to avoid doing something that I’d rather not be doing, for a little while anyway. I assume you realize that the rolleyes were intended as much for me as anyone else.
He’s probably thinking, “Oh lord! Is this gonna happen every morning now?” Time for that hardened steel and titanium enclosed ararm clock they advertized in the Police Gazette. Of course, then he might start losing nightstands instead.
My alarm is a clock radio, and I would have taken a glock to it this morning, except Devo’s “Whip it” was playing…a bullwhip would have been really handy…
Wow. I thought this was going in a completely different direction when the topmost part of the comic came on screen. I figured, ‘Oh, Shelly’s all sleepy and weird, so she said glock instead of clock, and “Buns” is gonna be all tired too, so he hands her a gun…’. Guess I’m not as psychic as I think.
OK. Everyone know that is what a cartoon alarm clock looks like. You can still buy alarm clocks that look like that, but I wonder if that’s only because of the cartoon ones. Life imitating art imitating life, I guess.
I have one of those alarm clocks.
But mine dose NOT dance around the end table when it rings …
I guess I will have to get my next one from the Web Comic Alarm Clock Company.
There’s a classic Fantastic Four bit that goes like this.
Alarm clock goes off.
Rocky orange fish smashes it.
Thing gets up, goes to a closet full of identical alarm clocks, takes one out of the box, winds it, set the time, puts it where the other clock was.
I got my first ever clock radio after breaking the spring in my alarm clock back in the 1970’s. I slapped it across the room waking up. Turned out that not only was the radio a better setup for not smacking iy, but I wake up less violently to most music.
Satisfying in more ways than one!
How did the nightstand withstand that impact?
Would YOU buy Shelly cheap, flimsy furniture?
Aha! Knew that they’d fall madly in bed together.
Wow. Shelly is a Golem too?
No – Shelly is just strong enough to toss a V8 block across the shop.
Though the strip does always fall towards gags – which I am not saying is a bad thing – it’s always been quite realistic in regards to physical limitations. I wonder if our dear little musclehead’s gotten some significant benefits out of her part in the calendar fiasco, boons we haven’t quite seen fully yet?
Not always that realistic, thank goodness. But I am glad to see a few less serious pages for a change.
I don’t mind it being less serious, but even on the silly ones when Shelly does something stupid she’s soundly screaming OW OW OW shortly after. >.>
Here’s some realism.
Shelley was abnormally strong and tough even before contact with the Calendar Machine. On the other hand, she’s also a demon doorway. Although her near-death experience way back when fused all her demons into one and seems to have sealed that particular door up. It’s possible that being an etheric conduit gives you powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal women…
That makes sense to me!
I dunno.. They’ve hinted a few times that Monica may not be quite human… and Shelly has some of the same events in her past. Who knows what Jin did when M was dying in the flowers or what she did when Shelly was dying in the desert. She would do (and has done) a lot to keep her plans rolling on.
not quite why she is this strong.
let’s just say she is a special type of special.
“it’s always been quite realistic in regards to physical limitations.”
Agreed that something is probably up with Shelly, but I’d twist the statement around a little. When this comic defies normal physical limitations it’s usually because something supernatural is happening and not merely an exaggeration for comedic effect.
Yeah, we’ve always known Shelly was strong, but sparks? Sparks?!!
Metal on metal friction (which the squishing of a clock could create) has been known to create sparks. *shrugs*
I’m not saying this is in any way realistic, but it makes sense to me.
That said, I think that Shelly’s strength has always been a tad on the ridiculous side, and mostly seemed to be for comic effect before.
I don’t know if those are sparks or not, but given what happens with metal on metal, maybe?? I’m a tad more disturbed by the dark stain on the table. There isn’t much grease in mechanical clocks so… Shelly’s blood! Ugh! Ouch!!
do i need to remind you of the bloody V8 engine trown like foam ball
Yay! I’ve been waiting to see them again!
Wow. I hope the dark spot is scorch marks, and not blood…
How would you explain scorch marks from a wind-up alarm clock?
One can always out-stubborn a wind-up alarm, as they eventually run down. Unfortunately, this amounts to an eight-hour snooze button.
How to explain scorch marks? — by pointing out this may not be a joke exaggerated for cartoon effect, but rather the first indication of a Talent. I remember laughing out loud when Monica sneezed so hard she sneezed right out of her bra — a joke which turned out to be the first example of her ability to poit.
Wouldn’t ever want to take a hit from that girl…
Catfight between Shelly and Lakshmi.
“What odds are you offering for the upcoming big contest, my good man?”
“Woild War Three? Six-to-five and pick ’em.”
Lakshmi – “She who bowls like a softball pitcher.”
In a standup fair fight, Lakshmi would tie Shelly up like a pretzel. She has the reach, height, and weight advantage. No contest.
The same could be said about Fezzik in his fight with Westley, and look how that turned out.
Ah, but that wasn’t a fair fight. Poor Fezzik wasn’t fighting Westley, he was fighting The Dread Pirate Roberts.
Fair point to Dafydd.
If Lakshmi isn’t as quick as Shelly, it could be a much more even fight.
Agreed. Lakshmi is big and strong (particularly relative to Owen), but I don’t think she is particularly athletic or would have experience fighting. Shelly is more athletic, lifts weights and teaches kickboxing.
I’d call draw at 15 rounds. Lakshmi is a bloody amazon, but the way Shelly can huck an engine block around, I’d put even odds.
Beware the hammer fist of Shelly!
I’m with Shelly. Alarm clocks exist so that I may revenge myself upon them for making me return from Sleepyland.
6 a.m.? I’ll get the Glock myself. That is an unholy hour to be awake.
Hmpf!! I gotta get up at 4:30 each AM to get ready to leave for work at 5!
Well, Kaiser’s got me beat, but I wake up at 5 am most mornings, too. That said, I’d LOVE to take a Glock to my alarm clock every morning. I have recently been told that the only time I’m convincingly surly is when I wake up before I’m ready and hate everybody and everything.
(If yesterday morning was any indication, I’m apparently not ‘ready’ to wake up until about 11 am.)
I’m already up at 4:00 AM.
And 3:00 AM. And 2:00 AM. And 1, and Midnight, and 11 PM, and…
definition of a monk: someone who gets up at 4:00.
Twice every day.
@ jwhouk: Might you perchance be a Third-Shifter?
I do 3rd shift 5 nights a week, 1st shift once, and second twice. I miss sleep.
Yeah, that’s certainly what I feel like doing on a Monday morning…
Ugh . Wind-up alarm clocks . When you absolutely need to wake up , I don’t think there’s any that are more frightening/annoying .
There ARE more annoying ones.
The one that jumps off the nightstand and rolls under the bed…
The one that launches a toy propeller and woun’t shut up until you retrieve it and push it back in…
The one where you have to type the numbers from ‘Lost’….
Oh, lord have mercy.
That second one sounds like a total nightmare.
This is why they make shotguns.
Damn straight. The noisy little monster launches the propeller, and you roll out of bed for an impromptu skeet shoot — blam blam!
Or should that be Boo Yaa?
I’d love one of those! I always sleep through mine.
My dad used to enjoy waking me up on weekends to the opening from Pink Floyd’s Time. The stereo system may have been downstairs and my bedroom upstairs, but my dad’s an audiophile on par with Monica…plus there were speakers in the ceiling, so my floor vibrated. He kept it that loud until I came down the stairs and glared at him (while he just stood at the volume knob smiling expectantly…and a trifle smugly).
LOL! I can easily imagine that happening, too.
I’m my case, my dad used the family dog. It was much quieter, but a cold, wet nose will get you up, too. Typically, my sisters had a lot to do with encouraging the dog, too.
Ah, did that in college once. We had a ballroom that we’d periodically convert into a theater for plays/musicals. Because of all the gear we’d load into it, we would take turns sleeping there overnight. The built-in sound system had a cassette player in it. The night before we cue’d up Time and shut the system down, and didn’t tell the person who was sleeping there that night. The next morning, I got up slightly early, went to the ballroom, and just turned the sound system on and cranked it. Obediently, the tape started to play and the rest is history…
Surprised you weren’t history once the ex-sleeper got hold of you.
If you have to succumb to that urge, may I suggest using The Wall, and cue it at “Vera Lynn” so they have fair warning to wake up. If that don’t work out, then “Bring The Boys Back Home” is more than enough to rouse most.
I think I’d rather have an alarm that blares Clare Torry instead…
We use to have a puppy I nicknamed ALARM CLOCK! Those CLAWS! Those CLAWSSS!!!
Is this the first time we’ve heard Officer Tightbuns’ name? I have the feeling that it’s not, but I certainly didn’t know it before now. You could have found that by Googling “Justin”. Of course, asking the question and letting someone else show off works too, I suppose.
I don’t suppose there is a way to do a rolleyes smiley. Trying:
Well, I’ll be! That was just “roll” between the colons.
Yes I could have, but I don’t have the time today to search for my answers, and you guys do seem to enjoy showing off how well you know the archives.
(I technically don’t have the time to post this comment right now. I just happen to need the mental break from work.)
Actually, it’s probably more a matter of curiosity (I think that’s were that happened, right?) and that it can be kind of a game (I wonder if I can find it quickly? I think I can! …Dammit! Where in the hell is it?) and the fact that it’s a good way to avoid doing something that I’d rather not be doing, for a little while anyway. I assume you realize that the rolleyes were intended as much for me as anyone else.
Justin looks a little …
a. Drained
b. Worn out
c. Slaked
d. All of the above
Fnord, you have a one track gutter.
Um … I vote d … all of the above.
He’s probably thinking, “Oh lord! Is this gonna happen every morning now?” Time for that hardened steel and titanium enclosed ararm clock they advertized in the Police Gazette. Of course, then he might start losing nightstands instead.
That is the only kind of alarm clock that will wake me up. I wonder where you can find those in Minnesota.
My alarm is a clock radio, and I would have taken a glock to it this morning, except Devo’s “Whip it” was playing…a bullwhip would have been really handy…
Wow. I thought this was going in a completely different direction when the topmost part of the comic came on screen. I figured, ‘Oh, Shelly’s all sleepy and weird, so she said glock instead of clock, and “Buns” is gonna be all tired too, so he hands her a gun…’. Guess I’m not as psychic as I think.
I imagine destroying an alarm clock with your own hands is immensely satisfying.
It’s a little scary that Shelly hows how satisfying it is to use a Glock to do that.
OK. Everyone know that is what a cartoon alarm clock looks like. You can still buy alarm clocks that look like that, but I wonder if that’s only because of the cartoon ones. Life imitating art imitating life, I guess.
I see the photo there is showing 10:10.
That’s so the hour and minute hands are visible.
I suppose 1:50 would work too.
Except for talking watches.
<a href=""
From an ad.
talking watch
8:18 used to be traditional in catalogs; that way not only would the hands both be visible, but they wouldn’t obscure the numbers in that position.
I have one of those alarm clocks.
But mine dose NOT dance around the end table when it rings …
I guess I will have to get my next one from the Web Comic Alarm Clock Company.
Is that the Gitter Bug … or just the Web Comic Alarm Clock Wiggle?
I see the photo there is showing 10:10.
That’s so the hour and minute hands are visible.
I suppose 1:50 would work too.
Except for talking watches.
talking watch
Holy shit! I wonder if Shelly can make diamonds, like Bud.
There’s a classic Fantastic Four bit that goes like this.
Alarm clock goes off.
Rocky orange fish smashes it.
Thing gets up, goes to a closet full of identical alarm clocks, takes one out of the box, winds it, set the time, puts it where the other clock was.
I remember that.
I REALLY hope Monica doesn’t poit in Gabbling about hair at this point…
that could be awkward…
heh heh…all that’s left is the giant splotch of ink Paul used to draw the thing…
Now that’s just surreal.
hehe good thing for metal table tops, who knows what she would have done to a wooden one.
p.s. that’s my explanation for the sparks
… I’m in love
Justin seems to have that expression which says “I don’t care how good the sex is, it’s not worth dealing with this psycho.”
Naw, that is Justin’s “I woke up, but I am not awake” face.
I remember seeing in a catalog once, a drill instructor alarm clock made to look and sound like R. Lee Ermey. That’ll wake you up, you jack-wagon!!
Soooooo… Shelly wanted to clock the clock with a Glock? And I am glad I didn’t forget the “L”s
You know… I’ve never actually seen an alarm clock like that anywhere outside of a Looney Toons cartoon.
I think they stopped making them by 1970.
“No shooting the alarm clock”, reminds me of Katchoo.
I got my first ever clock radio after breaking the spring in my alarm clock back in the 1970’s. I slapped it across the room waking up. Turned out that not only was the radio a better setup for not smacking iy, but I wake up less violently to most music.