Exactly! I would do the same thing if I could poit. Of course, I would probably do it too much and it would get old, until I found something more interesting to feed my mischievous streak.
Other poiting-related pranks include swapping the positions of sleeping friends (works best when said friends are in the comfort of their own homes), rearranging furniture while your friend steps into the other room, and leaving icebergs in people’s driveways.
Hmm, can Selenium detect when someone is about to poit in? An poit early warning system could be handy. Maybe the area about the poit landing zone becomes charged in some way just before the poiter’s arrival.
That would actually really make sense, especially if “poiting” is using something akin to wormholes. The disturbance should leave a trace on both ends of the transfer that a cat, or other sensitive creature, would sense forming. I think you might have made a good catch there.
They’re at 7am here, which for me is just after sitting straight up on the side of my bed and turning off my cell phone’s alarm. Good thing my phone also has a decent browser…
np: Brian Eno – Cloud 4 (Drums Between The Bells (Disc 1))
I beg to differ!
In a previous conversation M was having with Dietzel about the ghost in Jin, he had a poster of the gal from “Ghost Hunters” and held it up pointing at it.
M even made the comment about how much he wanted to meet her.
I don’t have time to look the strip up, now. Try to get it later.
So he did! I’d forgotten that. Hm, now that we’re reminded…where is Dietzel? Getting hot & bothered with Dylan the pizza girl? Programming Monica’s Tivo so he can watch it later?
If Amanda and Monica phone out for pizza later Dylan could drop off Dietzel with the food. *grin*
LOL this seems to become a week of glorious gags, while a grand-adventure waits in the distance.
Great to see these. It’s been somewhat gloomy and hard for the girls since Shell touched the Oopart..
As a teenager, i sneaked into the house after midnight, didnt open light not to wake anybody up. Sneaked upstairs into the bathroom, came out of the door and just to the right at the stairwell, there was a moaning and a white guise standing. In panic I nearly pushed that ghost downstairs. then the light went on and it was grandma with white nightgown and long open white hair.
Still comes back to me from time to time that i nearly killed my grandma.
I finally looked it up. Paul, you sneaky dude:
“Selenium is a semiconductor and is used in photocells … and one type of fluorescent quantum dot.”
WHOOHOO!! Go Monica!!
Epic prank!!
Jeez, I wish I could poit. X3
Very excellent usage of POIT! power XD
Exactly! I would do the same thing if I could poit. Of course, I would probably do it too much and it would get old, until I found something more interesting to feed my mischievous streak.
Does Amanda know about Shelly yet? How will she react to that? Have I asked this question before?
Yes did in 23 hours, 25 minutes from now. And before you ask, that was the present past passive tense.
Time travel wrecks havoc on verb tenses, doesn’t it?
Dr. Dan Streetmentioner has a book for you…
I’d need to excuse myself to change my unmentionables before watching the movie…
Can you really mention changing unmentionables?
Best prank ever pulled. LOL
Other poiting-related pranks include swapping the positions of sleeping friends (works best when said friends are in the comfort of their own homes), rearranging furniture while your friend steps into the other room, and leaving icebergs in people’s driveways.
I think you forgot the all important painting TITANIC across the car in the driveway with the iceberg
How about poiting the sleeping person (including bed) to a suitably embarrassing location.
Such as a float in the middle of a lake, or the center of a college quad.
Poit someone’s car into their office. ‘Specially if it’s the same car they just drove to work, and parked outside.
She scared her tattoo right back onto her arm
Wonderful pic of M busting a gut in the last panel
Hmm, can Selenium detect when someone is about to poit in? An poit early warning system could be handy. Maybe the area about the poit landing zone becomes charged in some way just before the poiter’s arrival.
like an earthquake?
cool idea
That would actually really make sense, especially if “poiting” is using something akin to wormholes. The disturbance should leave a trace on both ends of the transfer that a cat, or other sensitive creature, would sense forming. I think you might have made a good catch there.
you two?
selenium and…?
Monica wasn’t there..
She meant that when M got there they’d better not band together to scare her. Unfortunately for Amanda, M didn’t need Selenium’s assistance.
Yep! =D
ah thanks

too early for my brain to reason stuff like that i think
The updates are 6 am your time, aren’t they? Very few people can think straight that early in the morning.
They’re at 7am here, which for me is just after sitting straight up on the side of my bed and turning off my cell phone’s alarm. Good thing my phone also has a decent browser…
np: Brian Eno – Cloud 4 (Drums Between The Bells (Disc 1))
Notice that Dietzel doesn’t seem to be a Ghost Hunters fan?
maybe this is the day dietzel spends with his beloved pizza
and delivery girl
Maybe, maybe not. But this is when his girl friend comes over (pizza girl).
I beg to differ!
In a previous conversation M was having with Dietzel about the ghost in Jin, he had a poster of the gal from “Ghost Hunters” and held it up pointing at it.
M even made the comment about how much he wanted to meet her.
I don’t have time to look the strip up, now. Try to get it later.
You mean this strip?
That’s the one!
So he did! I’d forgotten that. Hm, now that we’re reminded…where is Dietzel? Getting hot & bothered with Dylan the pizza girl? Programming Monica’s Tivo so he can watch it later?
If Amanda and Monica phone out for pizza later Dylan could drop off Dietzel with the food. *grin*
M’s aim has certainly improved a lot if she can now poit to under a sheet like that.
Brought her own?
Grabbed it after landing? Amanda is looking the other way when she arrives.
What, you mean a short bedsheet with a rack wasn’t enough to give it away?
Like the carving on Amanda’s headboard…
2 things first off
You Two? I think Amanda has a new animal friend.
And Those are incredible expressions.
Thank you
Nah – “you two” is Selenium and Monica.
Dammit. I’d be upset about the Monday/Tuesday tease of a Jacqui cameo if not for this being one of the better Amanda comics.
Curse Paul making it hard to be angry!
Love the faces! Adorable stuff, Paul~ ^.^
Oh my god… M’s face in the last panel is priceless….
M is certainly having fun
I don’t think I have ever seen M with such a look of unbridled mirth before.
I know right?
It’s awesome!! If no one grabs it as an avi, I just might have to do it myself. XD
LOL this seems to become a week of glorious gags, while a grand-adventure waits in the distance.
Great to see these. It’s been somewhat gloomy and hard for the girls since Shell touched the Oopart..
Wait ’til she pops in wearing her superhero costume!
erm. “Knock it off,” not “of.”
Selenium! I hope we get to see that cat again! I still think Selenium and Dietzel should meet
What GHOST around, comes around…
As a teenager, i sneaked into the house after midnight, didnt open light not to wake anybody up. Sneaked upstairs into the bathroom, came out of the door and just to the right at the stairwell, there was a moaning and a white guise standing. In panic I nearly pushed that ghost downstairs. then the light went on and it was grandma with white nightgown and long open white hair.
Still comes back to me from time to time that i nearly killed my grandma.
I finally looked it up. Paul, you sneaky dude:
“Selenium is a semiconductor and is used in photocells … and one type of fluorescent quantum dot.”
It’s also a chemical toner bath used to enrich B&W photo prints to make them more archival and deepen the richness of the tone of the print. =)