I think Pablo is just trying out new art concepts. This looks to me like a 3/4s view from slightly above the subject (Monica), but then what do I know? 🙂
Oh Goddess,
I have gone back in the archives and looked a little bit. And, I can’t say If M’s nose was so prounced before this or not. But without her hair, It is just too load, now. Her eye in the 2nd panel has little too much mascara for work. PBH
We’ve gone over this before, other museum workers have confirmed this. She works in a basement, she works behind the scenes, the public never sees her. She can wear anything that’s legal to walk down the street.
Sorry Paul. Monica has grown in the life of the comic, becoming less shy and more confident in her matter and dress. At work, her appearance would be less important as she proved herself to be a good researcher.to her coworkers and bosses. M will be just M after awhile. PBH
Other museum workers have confirmed women in research sometimes wear really low cut tops and that’s just fine with management? I must have missed that.
Still she would interact with fellow employees. I doubt there are many companies which would consider her attire appropriate whether she meets the public or not. Heck, it’s legal to walk down the street in a string bikini and stileto heels so that’s hardly a valid criteria. I’m pretty sure they would frown on some male with his shirt open to his navel and wearing a half dozen gold chains to be appropriate dress either. Maybe in the entertainment industry, but not in a white collar position in a museum.
“Other museum workers have confirmed women in research sometimes wear really low cut tops and that’s just fine with management? I must have missed that.”
Indeed. That’s why I said that we’ve been over this before, in discussion about Monica, through my site and in the forums. Museum workers that do the type of work that Monica does have confirmed her wardrobe, and I’ve worked with women of the same. What she’s wearing is not scandalous.
Oh that is so 12th Century. Today we run all sorts of very expensive tests on any prospective witch. Carefully consider all possibilities. THEN we try to build a bridge out of ‘er.
Not everyone is so aggressive and violent in their witch hunting. My ancestors were Quakers. We run all sorts of very expensive tests on any prospective witch, carefully consider all possibilities, then see if she (or he…we’re progressive) weighs as much as a duck.
Quite frankly, I certainly weigh more than a duck (unless we’re talking about some sort of prehistoric 145lb Megalithic duck (would a Archaeopteryx count?)) and if anyone tried to build a bridge out of me I would put them flat on their butts and give them a very personal introduction to a trocar. Unless it was a very small creek and they were really hot… Bud could totally build a bridge out of me….
My ancestors were Vikings. They respected witches, unless they ran out of firewood.
“Don’t ya think it be a bit cold in here, Sven?”
“Right,, I’ll fetch a couple more witches.”
Well, of course! You don’t want a bridge made out of inferior quality witches! What if it collapsed in the middle of rush hour traffic? What are you going to do? Use magic?
I believe it would be prudent to ask for permission before touching an all-powerful being, and treating her like a “thing.” I would have expected a more emotional reaction to the prodding though, since Bud really hates being thought of as an object.
Or perhaps, in her own way, Bud is reminding Amanda that it’s not polite to grope any sentient being at will.
She danced around Bud’s nature when she described Bud to Amanda recently. Apparently, when she revealed her powers to Amanda after that, she didn’t talk about Bud. Jin was just described as a schizophrenic immortal when Amanda summarized what Monica told her. (July 29, 2010: /sounds-crazy/.)
Just being “indestructible” makes you a force to be reckoned with even without additional superpowers like super strength or speed. An example would be Captain Scarlet.
Right, W. A very large rock which can move about at will and is disguised as a human female could be very dangerous. Of course human females are always dangerous, regardless.
I ssuppose it would depend on the situation. Bud doesn’t seem like she’s in the mood to take poking personally, and she also seems to want to make a good impression on Amanda. So danger’s likely not on the menu. But at another time, or in another place…
It’s very important to Bud to be liked and not feared — especially if the person knows what she actually is. Amanda reacting with curiosity and not fear probably makes Bud happy, even if Amanda is a bit forward about it — plus Amanda is actually talking *to* Bud as a person there. Of course, it was good of M to leave out all the little “and she could crack the Earth open like an oyster” details.
Poke it: scientific test number 1: http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/archive_page.php?comicID=492 — trusted in all the best alternate universes (in many, test number 2 is taste it – however those universes tend to have a high casualty rate). Amanda is actually talking to Bud and says “you” – so she’s being nice, just a little forward — now if she’d said “it” after that intro, I think Bud would have been fully justified in playing “can I toss it into the Sun?” with Amanda.
Yes, I was thinking about bringing that up. Especially since now when Gunnerkrigg Court scientists look at the Moon, they see this big fingerprint on it. When gods start messing with reailty, reality gets messed up…
Getting back to the strip, that was one heck of an introduction. If someone were introduced to me like that, I think I’d try to touch them, too, both to see if they really were made of clay, and to make sure I wasn’t having a delusion. Although I’d ask permission, first.
Definitely nice seeing Monica able to fully disclose these things with Amanda though the GGG’s seem lime a tough thing to really grasp as a key person
P.S. I am impressed with the amount if cleavage that dress shows it barely seems to contain her in the last panel. She isn’t afraid to show everything she has that us for sure.
Know how they makes grits? Picture a conveyer carrying raw materials. At a certain point it splits into two lines, half one way, half the other. One line produces grits, the other produces cardboard.
I look forward to the future headline:
“NASA crew to probe Uranus.”
Yeah, yeah, I know it’s pronounced “your-a-nuss and not “your anus,” but I never let the truth affect a joke. Unless, of course, the truth is even funnier.
Bud took that with a sense of humor. Her run in with Jin must have desensitized her about that. Bud appeared out of no where and Monica says she is a clay golem. These two things would make anyone want to verify her reality. I just hope Amanda doesn’t make Bud cry, or she’ll have a visit from Brandi.
Maybe she’s just exaggerating or imagining that happening? It would be the next thing beyond touching or poking. She may still be scarred from being raped by the priests. She keeps criticizing her looks, yet she’s not comfortable turning on guys.
She should be glad Amanda’s moved beyond an infant’s method of scientific investigation, which is mostly based upon trying to taste things. 🙂
I just realized something. (I do that occasionally.) Bud is assuming that Amanda works at the museum. Bud thinks she is being investigated by a scientist. Bud isn’t comfortable being regarded as an object of scientific curiosity. She wants to be regarded as a regular person. That’s probably why she exaggerated things.
She better hope that she doesn’t meet Katherine, if the way Katherine reacted to Shelly’s tattoo is any indication of how she might react.
Where I grew up, you asked permission BEFORE geffinggerpoken or mittungrabben, cause depending on the person or circumstance, you might pull back a stump!
You know, when Pablo draws Monica at that angle, it makes her look like Morgana the halfing witch from Flaky Pastry. (If Morgana had short hair too, anway). I think it’s the nose.
The final part in the scientific process of identification is (once you’ve determined it is of a substance that will not do harm to your tool of choice): to touch it. And Monica’s dress make ssense to me, she’s stuck in the back and needs to feel womanly and ‘sexy’… it’s like policewomen and firefighting women who wear lingerie under their uniforms to retain some womanliness….
I think however, that she’s doing Jin’s thing and making sure that the person in front of her really is there, and that she hasn’t started hallucinating insanely after dealing with the drop-off Monica gave her a few days(?) back…
Early in my relationship with my fiance I woke up to find something next to me. I was not used to things being next to me when I woke up so in my highly scientific mind I decided to see what it was. Of course the best way to see what something is is to poke it. I woke up all the way when my then boyfriend yelled “why did you poke my eye”
And this is why scientists are sexy 🙂
I’m going to start using that as an excuse. “Please, it’s in the name of science!”
At which time she, strictly in the interests of science, will test the malleability of your cheek.
heehee…it’s funny ’cause it’s true.
First! and what’s with M’s eye in the second panel? it looks like she’s goth or has too much i shadow or something.
I think Pablo is just trying out new art concepts. This looks to me like a 3/4s view from slightly above the subject (Monica), but then what do I know? 🙂
i dunno, i guess it’s just because the bottom eyelids never seem to be there, sometimes even when they should be.
Oh Goddess,
I have gone back in the archives and looked a little bit. And, I can’t say If M’s nose was so prounced before this or not. But without her hair, It is just too load, now. Her eye in the 2nd panel has little too much mascara for work. PBH
With that inappropriate-for-work plunging neckline, no one will notice.
Yeah look how many people didn’t notice.
And yes. I did notice the cleavage (very nice)
M’s face made me think of Dory for some reason.
Her Neckline? Ah What about it? She is M, she can’t avoid them, unless she dresses like a nun.
We’ve gone over this before, other museum workers have confirmed this. She works in a basement, she works behind the scenes, the public never sees her. She can wear anything that’s legal to walk down the street.
She can wear how ever much or little that she wants. I will still notice her and I will still love her!
Sorry Paul. Monica has grown in the life of the comic, becoming less shy and more confident in her matter and dress. At work, her appearance would be less important as she proved herself to be a good researcher.to her coworkers and bosses. M will be just M after awhile. PBH
Other museum workers have confirmed women in research sometimes wear really low cut tops and that’s just fine with management? I must have missed that.
Still she would interact with fellow employees. I doubt there are many companies which would consider her attire appropriate whether she meets the public or not. Heck, it’s legal to walk down the street in a string bikini and stileto heels so that’s hardly a valid criteria. I’m pretty sure they would frown on some male with his shirt open to his navel and wearing a half dozen gold chains to be appropriate dress either. Maybe in the entertainment industry, but not in a white collar position in a museum.
“Other museum workers have confirmed women in research sometimes wear really low cut tops and that’s just fine with management? I must have missed that.”
Indeed. That’s why I said that we’ve been over this before, in discussion about Monica, through my site and in the forums. Museum workers that do the type of work that Monica does have confirmed her wardrobe, and I’ve worked with women of the same. What she’s wearing is not scandalous.
Probing questions answered .
…actually, gathering information (touching) confirming or disproving hypothesis (They feel like clay)… that’s scientific method at it’s purist.
True. After all… how do you tell if someone’s a witch? BUILD A BRIDGE OUT OF ‘ER!
Oh that is so 12th Century. Today we run all sorts of very expensive tests on any prospective witch. Carefully consider all possibilities. THEN we try to build a bridge out of ‘er.
Not everyone is so aggressive and violent in their witch hunting. My ancestors were Quakers. We run all sorts of very expensive tests on any prospective witch, carefully consider all possibilities, then see if she (or he…we’re progressive) weighs as much as a duck.
Then we BUUUURN her. 🙂
Puritans do the burning thing. Quakers not so much. We like everybody. Helps when you’re a pacifistic religion.
Quite frankly, I certainly weigh more than a duck (unless we’re talking about some sort of prehistoric 145lb Megalithic duck (would a Archaeopteryx count?)) and if anyone tried to build a bridge out of me I would put them flat on their butts and give them a very personal introduction to a trocar. Unless it was a very small creek and they were really hot… Bud could totally build a bridge out of me….
@Shammo I know Quakers are pacifists. I just wanted to be able to say “BUUURN HER!!” 😛
What burns besides witches?
Christine O’Donnell had better watch her back this election…
My ancestors were Vikings. They respected witches, unless they ran out of firewood.
“Don’t ya think it be a bit cold in here, Sven?”
“Right,, I’ll fetch a couple more witches.”
Monica doesn’t burn witches. She burns demons.
I don’t know. Before you can weigh the witch, you need that wonderful logical sequence to figure out why witches weigh the same as ducks.
Well, of course! You don’t want a bridge made out of inferior quality witches! What if it collapsed in the middle of rush hour traffic? What are you going to do? Use magic?
Purest; a purist is the person using the purest scientific method.
These pyromaniacs scare me!!!
As well
wethey should.Aww, this is a cute one. XD
ah, so now M is in “full disclosure” mode with Amanda.
Ah She is then, but Will she be with Kevin?
Kevin already knows most if not all – due to finding a naked Bud in his bed one morning.
She Blinded Meeee!
with SCIENCE!!!
Damn straight they’re approaches. Kinetic Whatsitology.
Don’t be too hard on her. Not every school is so forward thinking that they provide classes in the poking and prodding sciences.
What about the groping?
oh, THAT’s funny! “Kinetic Whatsitology”..heh heh..gonna use that one, Professor!
I believe it would be prudent to ask for permission before touching an all-powerful being, and treating her like a “thing.” I would have expected a more emotional reaction to the prodding though, since Bud really hates being thought of as an object.
Or perhaps, in her own way, Bud is reminding Amanda that it’s not polite to grope any sentient being at will.
Nah – she sort of expects tactile investigation since Jin’s approach…
Also, Monica doesn’t say anything about “all-powerful” … and, Superman aside, “indestructible” doesn’t necessarily imply “all-powerful”.
I mean, Very Large Rocks are “indestructible” for all practical purposes, but unless they fall on you they’re not particularly dangerous.
I would have thought she had already given Amanda the rundown on the GGGs by now, but perhaps not since she introduced Bud as she did here.
She danced around Bud’s nature when she described Bud to Amanda recently. Apparently, when she revealed her powers to Amanda after that, she didn’t talk about Bud. Jin was just described as a schizophrenic immortal when Amanda summarized what Monica told her. (July 29, 2010: /sounds-crazy/.)
Just being “indestructible” makes you a force to be reckoned with even without additional superpowers like super strength or speed. An example would be Captain Scarlet.
Right, W. A very large rock which can move about at will and is disguised as a human female could be very dangerous. Of course human females are always dangerous, regardless.
I ssuppose it would depend on the situation. Bud doesn’t seem like she’s in the mood to take poking personally, and she also seems to want to make a good impression on Amanda. So danger’s likely not on the menu. But at another time, or in another place…
Yeah – Bud’s pose and expression in the first panel is all “I’m cute and not at all threatening…”
“Please like me..”
It’s very important to Bud to be liked and not feared — especially if the person knows what she actually is. Amanda reacting with curiosity and not fear probably makes Bud happy, even if Amanda is a bit forward about it — plus Amanda is actually talking *to* Bud as a person there. Of course, it was good of M to leave out all the little “and she could crack the Earth open like an oyster” details.
Love Bud’s pose in Panel 1.
I feel sorry for the person that actually gropes any of the GGGs to see if they are real. That said, I just want to hug Bud every time I see her. 🙂
I’d be willing to touch Bud as much as needed to prove she’s real (with her permission, of course – I don’t want to wind up as a diamond.)
Do be careful. Women are fickle, often withdrawing their permission without notification.
Poke it: scientific test number 1: http://www.gunnerkrigg.com/archive_page.php?comicID=492 — trusted in all the best alternate universes (in many, test number 2 is taste it – however those universes tend to have a high casualty rate). Amanda is actually talking to Bud and says “you” – so she’s being nice, just a little forward — now if she’d said “it” after that intro, I think Bud would have been fully justified in playing “can I toss it into the Sun?” with Amanda.
Yes, I was thinking about bringing that up. Especially since now when Gunnerkrigg Court scientists look at the Moon, they see this big fingerprint on it. When gods start messing with reailty, reality gets messed up…
Getting back to the strip, that was one heck of an introduction. If someone were introduced to me like that, I think I’d try to touch them, too, both to see if they really were made of clay, and to make sure I wasn’t having a delusion. Although I’d ask permission, first.
I LIKE Monica’s scarf!
Well, the combination of Monica’s figure and that scarf, i’m ashamed to admit, put me in mind of 80’s pron loops featuring Seka and Juliet Anderson…
Porn. Substituting for the real thing since the invention of drawing.
Right. You should never link to that one without also linking this one.
Whatever happened to the old tried and true method of probing for science?????
Definitely nice seeing Monica able to fully disclose these things with Amanda though the GGG’s seem lime a tough thing to really grasp as a key person
P.S. I am impressed with the amount if cleavage that dress shows it barely seems to contain her in the last panel. She isn’t afraid to show everything she has that us for sure.
Apparently aliens are great believers in it — though they might just be doing it for grits and shins.
Now I have an image of Bud leaning back in a chair, with her shins on a desk, eating a bowl of grits.
Know how they makes grits? Picture a conveyer carrying raw materials. At a certain point it splits into two lines, half one way, half the other. One line produces grits, the other produces cardboard.
I look forward to the future headline:
“NASA crew to probe Uranus.”
Yeah, yeah, I know it’s pronounced “your-a-nuss and not “your anus,” but I never let the truth affect a joke. Unless, of course, the truth is even funnier.
Can you image Monica’s description of Bud on a dating site? That would be funny!
Bud took that with a sense of humor. Her run in with Jin must have desensitized her about that. Bud appeared out of no where and Monica says she is a clay golem. These two things would make anyone want to verify her reality. I just hope Amanda doesn’t make Bud cry, or she’ll have a visit from Brandi.
Amanda’s curious and friendly and not afraid – so I think Bud will be quite happy with that.
Seeing Monica in the last panel made my brain go, “Why is Woody Allen here?”
From the neck up, at least.
I still think she looks like Dory
Awesome strip today. I’m put in mind of Picard lovingly caressing the first FTL ship. In spite of the humor, what Bud says is true.
On another note, an outsider listening to M might be moved to call the men in the white coats.
Love Wapsi ^ 100!
Amanda: Wait a minute, Monica. You expect me to believe she’s a dance instructor?
“My god, son! Not a church organist!”
You know…on second (or third or fourth) thought, where did Bud’s inclusion of groping as a part of scientific method come from?
Poking she got from her recent experience with Jin. I’m assuming that Amanda is touching her, not groping.
Who groped her and claimed it was for science? 🙂
Maybe she’s just exaggerating or imagining that happening? It would be the next thing beyond touching or poking. She may still be scarred from being raped by the priests. She keeps criticizing her looks, yet she’s not comfortable turning on guys.
She should be glad Amanda’s moved beyond an infant’s method of scientific investigation, which is mostly based upon trying to taste things. 🙂
I just realized something. (I do that occasionally.) Bud is assuming that Amanda works at the museum. Bud thinks she is being investigated by a scientist. Bud isn’t comfortable being regarded as an object of scientific curiosity. She wants to be regarded as a regular person. That’s probably why she exaggerated things.
She better hope that she doesn’t meet Katherine, if the way Katherine reacted to Shelly’s tattoo is any indication of how she might react.
I thought ‘grope’ was a unix command… must be wrong, cant find it… proper def is NOT naughty!! 🙂
Don’t try grepping Bud! She might execute killall! Remember that she’s already a superuser.
Where I grew up, you asked permission BEFORE geffinggerpoken or mittungrabben, cause depending on the person or circumstance, you might pull back a stump!
I love Bud. I want to snuggle her to pieces. She’s such a sweetheart.
You know, when Pablo draws Monica at that angle, it makes her look like Morgana the halfing witch from Flaky Pastry. (If Morgana had short hair too, anway). I think it’s the nose.
Is that “halfling” or “halfassed” witch?
Still looks more like Dory than Morgana to me.
M kind of looks like Liza Minnelli to me today.
Yeah I see a little Liza there, but still reminds me of Dory.
Hmm … shot in the dark here, but are you trying to tell us something?
Neckerchiefs rule.
Couldn’t Monica just poit the demons back to hell.
Nope. They’re not that kind of demons.
The final part in the scientific process of identification is (once you’ve determined it is of a substance that will not do harm to your tool of choice): to touch it. And Monica’s dress make ssense to me, she’s stuck in the back and needs to feel womanly and ‘sexy’… it’s like policewomen and firefighting women who wear lingerie under their uniforms to retain some womanliness….
I think however, that she’s doing Jin’s thing and making sure that the person in front of her really is there, and that she hasn’t started hallucinating insanely after dealing with the drop-off Monica gave her a few days(?) back…
…or Ed Wood, who fought at D-Day in woman’s underwear?
Any more of the touchy-feely, and our girl may have to start poking back…
With A Vengance!
that is now one of my favorite lines.
Next, pinch both her nipples and twist slightly to see if she’s real!
This method is well-documented.
I also use the, ‘if you drop can drop it onto a table, it’s real,” test for real objects.
Early in my relationship with my fiance I woke up to find something next to me. I was not used to things being next to me when I woke up so in my highly scientific mind I decided to see what it was. Of course the best way to see what something is is to poke it. I woke up all the way when my then boyfriend yelled “why did you poke my eye”
Hey, girl, if it works, then it’s a credible method!