Ooo!! Thought! What if Monica and Jin decide to go research some maps at the Library to find the “perfect” replacement island! That would be an entertaining way to introduce them both to Justin.
Monica’s G’Pa Arron Sullivan was not your average civilian, he was a legend (remember the biker bar that M had to go to way back in the beginning of the strip(sorry can’t find it now I’m on my phone))
But it does not mean he wasn’t. From his exploits during the W.W.II, his adventures on reel to reel tape and taking his young granddaughter skydiving, you know he was more than just a little special.
I can see G’pa being a first class sailor, cruising the Triangle in a sailboat with his grand-daughter as crew, exploring islands and discovering mysteries…
And then, years later, his grand-daughter armed with uncommon knowledge from a mystical source (rune-speak, natch) goes on to stumble her way into an adventure along with powerful friends facing a…um, globe-spanning…darn, the analogy’s totally breaking down here since saving the world wasn’t the point.
Well, that island looks a bit more stable against monsters and hurricanes/tropical storms, but a little less stable about earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.Notice the steep sides to that volcano, indicating that it is prone to explosive eruptions rather than the milder, slower eruptions of the shallow-sloped shield volcano.
Sorry about that, my first scientific specialization was in geology when I was 7. I liked rocks and where they came from, and I was living on a volcanic island.
Heavy trees, though, indicate soil, which is finer-grain than sand, which in turn says the island could easily have a beach down below the lava ridge.
They’re not putting up a hotel, so one small inlet would be enough, especially if the funnel of the volcano doubled as a windbreak. It looks tropical too, so maybe import a little sugar cane for fun and sweetness.
I am wondering about the size, based on those items that look like palm trees down by the right edge. Seems too steep for a volcanic cone too. Maybe this a surviving chunk from the rim of a much larger volcano that exploded.
yes, its a bit early to speculate about the island – there could well be a sizable lagoon on the other side… and looks like good forests to hide in, if there are visitors… maybe a bit of adventure!!!
Agreed. Steep slopes to the waterline suggests a young island with violent origin. Then again, we could be seeing in older island from the windward side and missing the coral reef, lagoon and beach on the leeward side. For example, Guam, in the Pacific, well south of Japan, is mostly cliff face on the eastern (windward) side, but has many large reefs with lagoons and broad beaches on the western, downwind side.
I would never sell it short. It’s a tall order, finding just the right island to replace one of such high value. But when they see the perfect place, I’m sure their excitement will reach a peak.
I beg to differ.
This island looks to me to be the basaltic core remains of an old volcano, and it is sitting in the middle of a coral atoll lagoon.
Note the extremely calm water surrounding it.
It’s about as geologically stable as you can get in mid-pacific.
I’d hope enough time has passed for M to appreciate that as much as Jin loved G’Pa in her previous cycles, she knew that she could never have him, or Monica wouldn’t exist to help fix the Calendar Machine — the raison d’etre for Jin’s millenia of searching.
It may be that Justin is hung like a centaur because he is one? Not sure of there are any legends of shape changing, endlessly healing centaurs, but there’s tons of stuff out there to build upon!
I had an errant, fleeting thought about that too. My second thought was that a centaur who wanted to live among humans would have to be a shape changer of some sort these days.
Remember the Jungle Monica and Skindiver Monica drawings, with Monica in pursuit of those little wild ice cream cone animals on the land and in the sea?
That island we’re looking at today, is just the right shape to be the inverted body of a huge… dead… fossilized… prehistoric… ice cream cone animal.
Somebody commented yesterday that “There are no coincidences in Wapsi Square“… think about it.
At least, it’s probably dead and fossilized. There are all those old sailers’ legends about sea islands which were actually the backs of enormous sea beasts, which could wake up and dive, and drown people who had landed on them…
Are you waffling about the ice cream cone? Because, if you are right, it looks like someone bit off the tip with all the hardened chocolate that dripped down there.
But like someone pointed out, it has an active volcano.
Not that they couldn’t poit away if it erupted, but it would suck if they poited there DURING an eruption.
I guess they could always send in Bud first, but I doubt she’d appreciate being the guinea pig every time.
There are many unoccupied little islands – barely more than sand bars – in the Maldives and Seychelles. Few if any visitors, beautiful waters, lots of sunshine.
But Jin specifically wants the spot to be in one of the triangles. This could be for the natural (or supernatural) privacy that a spot there could afford.
Jin said, “preferably in one of the vortices.” She wants it there, but is willing to look at other spots. If it has to be in one, then it seems that the one in the South Pacific near Australia/New Zealand would probably have the most islands. I still think they should look at the Seychelles.
I’d think that with all of the wealth she’s accumulated, Jin would already be on good terms with the lady who runs the big international real estate brokerage for islands and sandbars, and could just ask for a recommendation.
You’d recognize her, I’m sure. She sells Seychelles by the seashore.
Making it mobile wasn’t the mistake. Giving it an AI wasn’t the mistake. Giving it a sophisticated sense of humor? My god man, are you trying to kill us all?
How can a group of people go on a 3-hour tour and get lost and then not get found by search parties, but constantly found by criminals and other ne’er do wells for years?!
Certainly it couldn’t be the Law of Funny. LoF doesn’t cause brain rash, and that’s what happened to me every time I came within 50 feet of a TV showing that program. I concluded, years later, that there must have been a mis-adjusted Invader Zim “Stupid Field Generator” involved somehow.
get out and VOTE!!! i was reading some of my other comics and one of them had a link to a poll by the Washington Post. is has the top 20 comics… Wapsi Square is one of them!… go and Vote Wapsi
Great,First you talk about M’s G’Pa being a Super Sailor and Now in my mind I keep seeing Monica and the girls wearing those Sailor Moon Outfits!
Which isn’t bad come to think.
Errr… girls… don’t explore the “abandoned” mineshaft on the north beach… cripes… ther are … er… THINGS there that do not want to be … disturbed. And… well, that is to say… yea, well… uh… don’t ask me any questions about it…
Ummm… just fill it in, OK? Be gentil about it- Some of that stuff’s been sitting too long and it gets… grumpy… especially in warm humidity… there’s enough there to trip the trigger on Monte Fuego del Diablo… we were trying to get into the vault of Ferdinand de LaPalma down there when we realised where the heat was actually coming from. That shaft is straddleing a live tube… if you DO trip the load, run south and … hope for the best… might make a pretty expansion in a few decades… once everything settles down… RE; vault of FdLP; we are not actually SURE what’s in there, but there are these legends regarding this first officer under Ponce de Leon about bottles containing… er… never mind…
So that’s how she knew about it. Interesting.
I’d always wondered.
How did M’s G’Pa get there if it was in the Bermuda Triangle???Could he ‘POIT’ too????
or did Jin play “soccer mom”
So we leave Shelly and Justin hanging in the library.
Leave Justin hanging anyway…
Booo… >tink, tink< tapping pun vault with LART.
Groan. 9_9
Ouch, but then again Skulker did just kind of whip that one out there. Someone had to grab it.
Ai chihuahua those puns are bad. Glad we’ve moved on to the vault.
A sudden jump cut? Noooooooooo~!!!1!elf
He’s getting more clever with how he leaves us hanging…
Yep… now we can’t even call it the FRIDAY Cliffhanger… it ain’t Friday yet!!
Ooo!! Thought! What if Monica and Jin decide to go research some maps at the Library to find the “perfect” replacement island!
That would be an entertaining way to introduce them both to Justin. 
“Jump Cut”?
Here it’s a “poit cut”.
It hasn’t been said explicitly, but Nudge’s centaur comparison suggested Justin wasn’t cut at all.
Oh wait we’re back with Monica and Jin. They should check the Library for maps first.
I hear Shelly’s found a nice peninsula.
We found out that Justin is hung in the library. Shelly already knew.
Okay, I’ll bite. How did Granpa get there?
Or did I miss the step where we learned he could poit about the place at will?
Basically, Monica’s grandpa was Indiana Jones. His methods were all mundane, but he could get anywhere he wanted to.
As best I recall, no mention as ever made of the location of that sand bar. For all we know, it might have been in the Florida Keys.
Thee was a mention. It was somewhere in the Bermuda triangle.
Definitely not Florida:-)
I remember seeing a map of The Bermuda Triangle; it touches the tip of Florida.
The Bermuda Triangle.
W., I’ve seen several maps of the Triangle, and no two are the same. I wonder which one Paul is using.
@bmonk. I usually go with the first Google hit. But most maps I’ve seen include a section of Florida.
Monica’s G’Pa Arron Sullivan was not your average civilian, he was a legend (remember the biker bar that M had to go to way back in the beginning of the strip(sorry can’t find it now I’m on my phone))
But it does not mean he wasn’t. From his exploits during the W.W.II, his adventures on reel to reel tape and taking his young granddaughter skydiving, you know he was more than just a little special.
He was also dating Jin for years before he met grandma.
Nah, the old man discovered the place when landed his Harley Liberator there for a rest stop.
I can see G’pa being a first class sailor, cruising the Triangle in a sailboat with his grand-daughter as crew, exploring islands and discovering mysteries…
And then, years later, his grand-daughter armed with uncommon knowledge from a mystical source (rune-speak, natch) goes on to stumble her way into an adventure along with powerful friends facing a…um, globe-spanning…darn, the analogy’s totally breaking down here since saving the world wasn’t the point.
Well, that island looks a bit more stable against monsters and hurricanes/tropical storms, but a little less stable about earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.Notice the steep sides to that volcano, indicating that it is prone to explosive eruptions rather than the milder, slower eruptions of the shallow-sloped shield volcano.
Sorry about that, my first scientific specialization was in geology when I was 7. I liked rocks and where they came from, and I was living on a volcanic island.
And I forgot completely about the asymmetry of the island, that indicates a recent explosion.
Couldn’t it also mean prevailing winds from one direction?
notice the lack of beaches? probably a bad sign… besides not having a comfy spot to lay out.
Beaches, well, sand, are mostly pulverised rock, and there’s certainly a lot of rock here to pulverise.
And Bud.
Heavy trees, though, indicate soil, which is finer-grain than sand, which in turn says the island could easily have a beach down below the lava ridge.
They’re not putting up a hotel, so one small inlet would be enough, especially if the funnel of the volcano doubled as a windbreak. It looks tropical too, so maybe import a little sugar cane for fun and sweetness.
It’s not so bad, beach-wise; check out all the trees. Ball’s Pyramid would be worse (even without the giant insects).
I am wondering about the size, based on those items that look like palm trees down by the right edge. Seems too steep for a volcanic cone too. Maybe this a surviving chunk from the rim of a much larger volcano that exploded.
yes, its a bit early to speculate about the island – there could well be a sizable lagoon on the other side… and looks like good forests to hide in, if there are visitors… maybe a bit of adventure!!!
Agreed. Steep slopes to the waterline suggests a young island with violent origin. Then again, we could be seeing in older island from the windward side and missing the coral reef, lagoon and beach on the leeward side. For example, Guam, in the Pacific, well south of Japan, is mostly cliff face on the eastern (windward) side, but has many large reefs with lagoons and broad beaches on the western, downwind side.
Don’t sell this place short yet.
I would never sell it short. It’s a tall order, finding just the right island to replace one of such high value. But when they see the perfect place, I’m sure their excitement will reach a peak.
On the upside, a recent explosion could have been several hundred years ago. Geological time runs a bit slower than biological time.
I beg to differ.
This island looks to me to be the basaltic core remains of an old volcano, and it is sitting in the middle of a coral atoll lagoon.
Note the extremely calm water surrounding it.
It’s about as geologically stable as you can get in mid-pacific.
recent in geologic terms, yes. recent in human terms, maybe not.
I’d totally wanna sip on one of those drinks in a coconut cup, with the little paper parasol in it.
Nice think about getting there and back, you don’t have to worry about checkpoints.
Looks like Bali Ha’i.
That’s interesting…
Skull Island?
Super villian lair?
Gilligan’s Island?
Castaway (Tom Hanks Movie)
Robinson Crusoe!
Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Vollyball?
That is *exactly* what I was thinking when I saw that island! It would be funny if they found that long goodbye message he carved into the rock.
I wonder if mentioning Monica’s grandpa is going to bring up the subject of his and Jin’s previous relationship.
*awkward moment*
See! Comedy/drama gold, it just writes itself!
It ought to.
Can’t wait for tomorrow
I’d hope enough time has passed for M to appreciate that as much as Jin loved G’Pa in her previous cycles, she knew that she could never have him, or Monica wouldn’t exist to help fix the Calendar Machine — the raison d’etre for Jin’s millenia of searching.
Talk about love lost!
Oh look, it’s Monuriki. Wonder if there’s a volleyball floating around.
nope, they want somewhere *secluded*!!!
Ninja’d again. I was going to say something about meeting Tom Hanks down there…
It’s a nice place. But some reason I see it going up in smoke at some point in the future.
Meanwhile – back at the Library – Nudge is asked if it can produce or provide suitable articles of apparel . Now ! Including shoes .
It may be that Justin is hung like a centaur because he is one? Not sure of there are any legends of shape changing, endlessly healing centaurs, but there’s tons of stuff out there to build upon!
I had an errant, fleeting thought about that too. My second thought was that a centaur who wanted to live among humans would have to be a shape changer of some sort these days.
My third thought was of a story I read in Isaac Asimov’s Fantasy Beasts anthology, “Centaur Fielder For The Yankees” by Edward D. Hoch.
And for Justin, three socks.
It appears that one or two of the others are there with them (that looks like someone other than M & Jin on the other side of the volcano/mountaintop.
Huh. The angle of the cut at the bottom of Monica’s swimsuit in Panel#2…
Is she not wearing any bottoms?
Hey, it’s not an invalid question, given her past clothing-related poiting mishaps.
More likely a low-cut tankini? But it could have been a poit mishap, as you say.
or they’re a two-color one-piece, with white on bottom, and red on top.
Or a T-shirt and shorts.
I’m not sure that’s actually a volcanic island.
Remember the Jungle Monica and Skindiver Monica drawings, with Monica in pursuit of those little wild ice cream cone animals on the land and in the sea?
That island we’re looking at today, is just the right shape to be the inverted body of a huge… dead… fossilized… prehistoric… ice cream cone animal.
Somebody commented yesterday that “There are no coincidences in Wapsi Square“… think about it.
At least, it’s probably dead and fossilized. There are all those old sailers’ legends about sea islands which were actually the backs of enormous sea beasts, which could wake up and dive, and drown people who had landed on them…
Are you waffling about the ice cream cone? Because, if you are right, it looks like someone bit off the tip with all the hardened chocolate that dripped down there.
Was it Stinky? We may never find out.
Holy Willy Willy Wonka Forum-Man, Think there could be a chocolate waterfall here????
I See What You Did There, bmonk!
However, since I provoked it, I’ll pay your bill this time.
(drops two Maraschino cherries into the Pun Jar)
Thanks. I thought about pouring in a bottle of chocolate syrup, but I didn’t want to gum up the works.
I think you’re right, Dave. They have discovered the legendary Island of King Kone.
…What’s the tallest building in Minneapolis again?
“‘Twas sprinkles killed the beast.”
O … M … G …
— nope …. nothing to add.
Pay up, buddy!
The cat from Girls with Slingshots?
I hope not. The Pun vault would give her back.
Annnnnd WHIPLASH from the transition!!
This might have been a good strip for Monday.
Yeah, we can understand sentimental value Mon. But this island is definitely better. XD
But like someone pointed out, it has an active volcano.
Not that they couldn’t poit away if it erupted, but it would suck if they poited there DURING an eruption.
I guess they could always send in Bud first, but I doubt she’d appreciate being the guinea pig every time.
Hmmm is Paul’s style changing again? Monica looks different.
There are many unoccupied little islands – barely more than sand bars – in the Maldives and Seychelles. Few if any visitors, beautiful waters, lots of sunshine.
But Jin specifically wants the spot to be in one of the triangles. This could be for the natural (or supernatural) privacy that a spot there could afford.
Jin said, “preferably in one of the vortices.” She wants it there, but is willing to look at other spots. If it has to be in one, then it seems that the one in the South Pacific near Australia/New Zealand would probably have the most islands. I still think they should look at the Seychelles.
I’d think that with all of the wealth she’s accumulated, Jin would already be on good terms with the lady who runs the big international real estate brokerage for islands and sandbars, and could just ask for a recommendation.
You’d recognize her, I’m sure. She sells Seychelles by the seashore.
The Pun Vault is coming to get you.
Making it mobile wasn’t the mistake. Giving it an AI wasn’t the mistake. Giving it a sophisticated sense of humor? My god man, are you trying to kill us all?
…If things get awkward because Jin used to have a thing with Monica’s grandfather, I call not being surprised!
It could get really awkward if Jin is the one to show him how to get to the island in the first place and forgot about that.
You people don’t see it?! That’s…
How can a group of people go on a 3-hour tour and get lost and then not get found by search parties, but constantly found by criminals and other ne’er do wells for years?!
Corny script writing?????
Must be.
Certainly it couldn’t be the Law of Funny. LoF doesn’t cause brain rash, and that’s what happened to me every time I came within 50 feet of a TV showing that program. I concluded, years later, that there must have been a mis-adjusted Invader Zim “Stupid Field Generator” involved somehow.
Gilligan’s island was the test site for Zim’s weapon (much like Bikini Atoll was used for atom bomb tests)
Well, there isn’t anything that says they have to have just one island. Pick a couple and visit whichever suits your fancy at the time.
get out and VOTE!!! i was reading some of my other comics and one of them had a link to a poll by the Washington Post. is has the top 20 comics… Wapsi Square is one of them!… go and Vote Wapsi
oh yeah her is the frickin’ HUGE link:
The island may not always be uninhabited.
I see two black tics at the water line on the left hand side that suggest a dock.
Great,First you talk about M’s G’Pa being a Super Sailor and Now in my mind I keep seeing Monica and the girls wearing those Sailor Moon Outfits!
Which isn’t bad come to think.
Errr… girls… don’t explore the “abandoned” mineshaft on the north beach… cripes… ther are … er… THINGS there that do not want to be … disturbed. And… well, that is to say… yea, well… uh… don’t ask me any questions about it…
But Sarge, I’m sure you realize how important it is… we must not have a mineshaft gap!
Ummm… just fill it in, OK? Be gentil about it- Some of that stuff’s been sitting too long and it gets… grumpy… especially in warm humidity… there’s enough there to trip the trigger on Monte Fuego del Diablo… we were trying to get into the vault of Ferdinand de LaPalma down there when we realised where the heat was actually coming from. That shaft is straddleing a live tube… if you DO trip the load, run south and … hope for the best… might make a pretty expansion in a few decades… once everything settles down… RE; vault of FdLP; we are not actually SURE what’s in there, but there are these legends regarding this first officer under Ponce de Leon about bottles containing… er… never mind…
I thought I posted this but I guess I didn’t. Bombshells Mon… bombshells. Geez.
So, they’re scoping Gilligan’s Island?