It’s not cheap, but it does have good happy hour deals and the oysters are quite good. It’s also within a block of four or five other great bars/restaurants, so you can have a decent pub crawl.
You know, the more reality in our fiction brings it closer – so keep adding those little touches, you never know when the barrier will be thin enough to step through!
Seriously…he still does not know of the destruction of the calendar machine, her new “project”, or the fact that his self-doubt can now do nose flicks, does he?
Ah, it’s nice to be wanted. Even if it is in a cheap, sleazy, and usurious way. Women have such a one track mind. I imagine she will catch him up after he is drained and she is sore. I see a somewhat bowlegged stride for Monica when she next returns to work.
He better mention something about her hair as well, otherwise, when she comes back from Six Flags Over Vagina, she’s gonna be peeved. Probably in a passive aggressive way.
Monica unlike Kevin definitely has the right priorities. Kevin! 4 months and you want food! You may be a gentleman and all but where’s your Libido? If I had a woman like that pouncing on me, I would definitely have my attention on her! And what about her hair? You haven’t mentioned a thing about her new hairdo. After all the debate others have been having about it, how can you not notice? OK just fornicate already.
I assure you, after months by yourself in a swamp filming otters from a bunker, sex is going to be the last thing on your mind. Food definitely becomes a priority.
Really? You think so? Personally, I figure he’s been eating (even if the food wasn’t great, food shouldn’t register as a need so much as a want), but he hasn’t been getting any.
If I were in Kevin’s position, I’d have come back and pounced my significant other before he had a chance to pounce me. I certainly wouldn’t be talking about food until I’d gotten my other needs addressed.
Simpler than that. She’s playing golf. She just acquired two balls and a putter, and she’s warning all in the vicinity she’s about to smack them into the hole.
I was wondering as well. Do we have an intoxicated Monica on our hands, or is her libido so strong it has produced an intoxicating effect on her?
Girl Cooties, on the other hand, while highly likely, are innocuous to Kevin at this point since he’s been exposed to them enough times to have either embraced the Cooties as his own or developed an immunity.
I think they were trailing behind Monica in the second frame, too. Perhaps they are hormones. Perhaps they are bits of snot caused by Doubt jealously trying to keep Monica’s attention. Yuck!
I wonder if Monica’s main problem is the four months or Doubt’s new ability.
I can see the next comic already: K&M all sprawled out, sweaty and panting under the sheets. Kevin props himself up on an elbow, leans over, and says: “So, you got a haircut?”
Haha, maybe Kevin has had a hard time concentrating on just what to say (in order to be a gentleman and NOT jump onto M at first sight) and now needs to get that conversation out of the system x)
he missed her as a person and mental/emotional intimacy so a date was a bigger need for him than food or fornicating as I see it, but he will out of love for her deal with the animal need then arrange for the romance he requires.
Really. I have to wonder if, during the actual sex, she will be lying there, legs open, with little strobing lights leading up to the “entrance.” Perhaps also waving those cone-covered flashlights used by workers at airports when leading airliners to their loading ramps, and playing this in the background:
Agreed. I think most would have put “incoming!” there, but I’ve noticed Paul always goes that extra mile and tries to use words or phrases not so trite.
For me it’s the panel layout. It gives us a great sense of direction, motion and impact. Like when a loony Tunes character forgets they drew that tunnel on the wall and run face first into it.
I believe you mean the VAGINA, btw. I know, my boyfriend is coming by for the weekend from his university that’s 3 hours away. Only two more weeks to wait!
Only three hours? Luckeee!! My girlfriend followed her job to 1250 mile away, ONE-WAY! I only get to see her maybe once or twice per year (I’m disabled, i.e. broke). Three hours I could do each month.
I have, or words to that effect, many times. Problem is they were said to my mother by other women, so there is a big “ick” factor associated to it for me.
not word for word but when I was out to relax after a hard week of work and wondering about finding a lady to woo and wed I was repeatedly approached by women wanting to have a coffee together then head to bed with them sometimes skipping the coffee.
It’s like one of the other posters to this strip pointed out a long time ago. The only purpose the males in this strip serve is to show the reader that the main characters are heterosexual.
He’s a keeper ain’t he, to come back after 4 months and have brains as his first priority…and fish… methinks Kevin has to adjust back into society too.
Does he seem concerned for her in these panels. He must have some sense of the stress she’s been under because of her aggressiveness
Totally get the reaction, if you haven’t seen each other in ages, but have been talking/texting/messaging long distance. Totally standard. Emotional needs consistently met, physical needs neglected. Have been the person giving that reaction actually.
But… was Kevin totally incommunicado while filming otters? It kind of sounds like it. I guess I am surprised by Monica’s reaction, if that were the case.
Also: four months, damn. That is hardcore. Look forward to finding out Kevin’s reaction tomorrow.
First! Wait a minit where’s the comic?
First things first! :^P
Four months filming otters… Damn you really know how to live it up Kevin
A little less talk , and little more action .
The headboards are gonna be rattling tonight!
That is IF they make it to the bed
No problem, they can rattle the whole house at this point. Even Tina may be shaking when she next reads Monica.
Very subtle, Monica… XD
Mon is forthright with her needs and desires; it is as it should be!
Is Stella’s a real place, BTW?
Yep! And I highly recommend trying them out to anyone visiting the Twin Cities! ^_^
The “Oyster Orgy Happy Hour” is tempting enough to get me looking at flight schedules into Minneapolis…
It’s not cheap, but it does have good happy hour deals and the oysters are quite good. It’s also within a block of four or five other great bars/restaurants, so you can have a decent pub crawl.
You know, the more reality in our fiction brings it closer – so keep adding those little touches, you never know when the barrier will be thin enough to step through!
BTW the rooftop deck looks like a great late-night date location………..
Oh, wait, you didn’t read the story about when I met Monica, did you?
Will do if ever i get there.
Kevin’s not interested in those twins at the moment.
Love Stella’s! And I love that this weather is keeping the Roof Top open a little longer!
The fish taco “appetizer” alone is a satisfying main course.
I was beginning to the Kevin no longer existed in the comic.
Libido much, Monica?
If I only had a dime for evey time I’ve heard that said…
…to someone else.
Oh. Uh, hi Kevin…you back?
Seriously…he still does not know of the destruction of the calendar machine, her new “project”, or the fact that his self-doubt can now do nose flicks, does he?
Ah, it’s nice to be wanted. Even if it is in a cheap, sleazy, and usurious way. Women have such a one track mind. I imagine she will catch him up after he is drained and she is sore. I see a somewhat bowlegged stride for Monica when she next returns to work.
He better mention something about her hair as well, otherwise, when she comes back from Six Flags Over Vagina, she’s gonna be peeved. Probably in a passive aggressive way.
I don’t know…Monica certainly isn’t coming across as passive agressive right now.
On a side note…LOL I needed that. Six Flags Over Vagina…it does sound like an amusement park that leaves people bowlegged.
Quite true. She has surpassed simple aggressive and moved onto animal taking down her prey … literally.
You do know why God is a Civil Engineer?
Only a civil engineer would put a playground between two sewers.
Yay for cliché.
Ditto on the “Six Flags…” bit. Are we to assume that there are six eruptions in store?
For starters.
He WILL know after the sex. I think he learned to gauge her “frustration level” from the amount of libido she had.
Monica unlike Kevin definitely has the right priorities. Kevin! 4 months and you want food! You may be a gentleman and all but where’s your Libido? If I had a woman like that pouncing on me, I would definitely have my attention on her! And what about her hair? You haven’t mentioned a thing about her new hairdo. After all the debate others have been having about it, how can you not notice? OK just fornicate already.
If an incredibly horny Monica was straddling me, I probably wouldn’t notice her new hairstyle at first either
geek– yeah, i know, right?
RS–hm, good point.
I assure you, after months by yourself in a swamp filming otters from a bunker, sex is going to be the last thing on your mind. Food definitely becomes a priority.
True, but it aint food staring him in the face at the moment. Priorities have a way of shifting due to current events.
Really? You think so? Personally, I figure he’s been eating (even if the food wasn’t great, food shouldn’t register as a need so much as a want), but he hasn’t been getting any.
If I were in Kevin’s position, I’d have come back and pounced my significant other before he had a chance to pounce me. I certainly wouldn’t be talking about food until I’d gotten my other needs addressed.
Its not the food kevin wants… Its just a very polite way of saying, ‘wanna do something’…
I know a few girls, horny though they are, would be turned off by anything ruder…
Oh one other thing. F O R E ???
I think that was her attempt at ‘fore’play.
It was only slightly more appropriate than “CANNONBALL!”
Simpler than that. She’s playing golf. She just acquired two balls and a putter, and she’s warning all in the vicinity she’s about to smack them into the hole.
I would have thought that “INCOMING” or “Fire in the hole!” would be better, but “FORE” as a golfing simile (or is that a metaphor?) could also work.
“Fire in the hole”?
Not <i.quite yet…
XD Subtle as always, Monica. I know that feeling. Both sides.
What are all those little circles floating around in the last frame? Perhaps Kevin is being showered with girl cooties?
I was wondering as well. Do we have an intoxicated Monica on our hands, or is her libido so strong it has produced an intoxicating effect on her?
Girl Cooties, on the other hand, while highly likely, are innocuous to Kevin at this point since he’s been exposed to them enough times to have either embraced the Cooties as his own or developed an immunity.
I believe she’s all sweaty from the kissing and such.
I think they were trailing behind Monica in the second frame, too. Perhaps they are hormones. Perhaps they are bits of snot caused by Doubt jealously trying to keep Monica’s attention. Yuck!
I wonder if Monica’s main problem is the four months or Doubt’s new ability.
I can see the next comic already: K&M all sprawled out, sweaty and panting under the sheets. Kevin props himself up on an elbow, leans over, and says: “So, you got a haircut?”
For extra points, he says he doesn’t like it.
Extra points for you…a quick boot out of Monica’s place for him.
Haha, maybe Kevin has had a hard time concentrating on just what to say (in order to be a gentleman and NOT jump onto M at first sight) and now needs to get that conversation out of the system x)
he missed her as a person and mental/emotional intimacy so a date was a bigger need for him than food or fornicating as I see it, but he will out of love for her deal with the animal need then arrange for the romance he requires.
Who says women can’t communicate? Seems pretty clear to me.
No kidding.
Really. I have to wonder if, during the actual sex, she will be lying there, legs open, with little strobing lights leading up to the “entrance.” Perhaps also waving those cone-covered flashlights used by workers at airports when leading airliners to their loading ramps, and playing this in the background:
BTW, I think that’s a Mad TV sketch. It may be somewhere on Youtube or some such if some can find it.
Haha! Love the little ‘fore’ panel.
Agreed. I think most would have put “incoming!” there, but I’ve noticed Paul always goes that extra mile and tries to use words or phrases not so trite.
For me it’s the panel layout. It gives us a great sense of direction, motion and impact. Like when a loony Tunes character forgets they drew that tunnel on the wall and run face first into it.
This can only end in a trip to the ER. For the bruises and welts to Kevin’s head, of course…
Yes indeed. There is a fine line between overt sexual fun and emergency cosmetic surgery.
Oh Monica…I know the feeling.
When I was a teenager, it seemed like I just walked around in that state 24/7…now I’m far more concerned with the location of the remote…….NOT!
seriously. nothing’s changed. Except that having kids puts a damper on most of the things you can do in that regard…
What is that phrase? “In Spring a young man’s fancy … remains unchanged.” Young women also I imagine.
In the first Matt Helm book, Helm wonders (despite having accomplished the feat himself) how couples with one child ever manage to produce another…
Somenex in the PB&J
Or kids visiting Grandparents for the weekend.
Liquid benedryl in the diet Dr. Pepper – I’ve heard that before but can’t remember where (2:30am).
Ask the people from “17 kids and Counting” they could give him some tips
Oh, I can SO relate! Get ‘im, Monica!
Absence makes the heart grow hornier it seems
The heart?
I believe you mean the VAGINA, btw. I know, my boyfriend is coming by for the weekend from his university that’s 3 hours away. Only two more weeks to wait!
Only three hours? Luckeee!! My girlfriend followed her job to 1250 mile away, ONE-WAY! I only get to see her maybe once or twice per year (I’m disabled, i.e. broke). Three hours I could do each month.
My goodness! Is there a supernova in this bathtub? I hadn’t noticed…
Wow how people have heard that from a woman? For real how many?
I have, or words to that effect, many times. Problem is they were said to my mother by other women, so there is a big “ick” factor associated to it for me.
The “Shut up & screw me” part? Pretty much every guy I have dated.
not word for word but when I was out to relax after a hard week of work and wondering about finding a lady to woo and wed I was repeatedly approached by women wanting to have a coffee together then head to bed with them sometimes skipping the coffee.
It’s like one of the other posters to this strip pointed out a long time ago. The only purpose the males in this strip serve is to show the reader that the main characters are heterosexual.
You forgot “enthusiastically”.
I really, really hate Kevin right now. Respect, of course, but….HATE.
Now THERE’S a command only a fool would decline…
He’s a keeper ain’t he, to come back after 4 months and have brains as his first priority…and fish… methinks Kevin has to adjust back into society too.
Does he seem concerned for her in these panels. He must have some sense of the stress she’s been under because of her aggressiveness
Totally get the reaction, if you haven’t seen each other in ages, but have been talking/texting/messaging long distance. Totally standard. Emotional needs consistently met, physical needs neglected. Have been the person giving that reaction actually.
But… was Kevin totally incommunicado while filming otters? It kind of sounds like it. I guess I am surprised by Monica’s reaction, if that were the case.
Also: four months, damn. That is hardcore. Look forward to finding out Kevin’s reaction tomorrow.
I just realized a LOT has gone on in 4 months. Is the story line in 2010, or is it a different year in their little universe?
I would have replied, “Out of what?”
Then run for cover.
More Kevin!!!
he otter be ashamed of himself
Well, four months without any good luvvin’ will make anyone take the direct approach regarding their needs. That’s quite a dry spell.