i saw your post from yesterday, but couldn’t reply there as it was too far into the nesting.. I’m here in Washington too, Federal Way … where are you out of, if you don’t mind me asking?
RE ice scuptures and snowmen: another post that got in too late for yesterday:
Many years ago, in (very!), upstate NY (Potsdam), we had an annual ice festival the fraternities carved ice sculptures. It was my first experience with these sculptures and I thought the 15? tall works were quite impressive.
However, they wouldn’t even make a footnote compared to the sculptures at the Harbin Ice and Snow World 2009 in northern China. Mr King has been documenting this event since 2003 and the pics are simply astounding. Many sculptures are over 100 ft high, are massive and have exquisite detail. It is truly one of the 50 for your bucket.
Now that, whatever it is she’s wearing on her head, looks like a Smurf hat. I never understand people who go out in cold weather for extended periods without wearing something over their ears. I’ve also found rubber boots do wonders for keeping your feet warm. I’ve even worn them inside for that very purpose. I’m not much of an outdoor kinda guy though (could you tell?). Certainly not the snowman building type.
No comments on this? Am I the only one who recognizes Alice’s Restaurant? I’ve actually heard the whole routine right down to the story about the implements of deeeestruction …
Thanks for the compliment, but don’t let me stop you from doing anything creative. I love looking at other folks interpretations of Paul’s work.
(A hint a Solbert)
Save the thanks for Paul, without his wonderful art I wouldn’t have anthing to color.
Practicing on his art has vastly improved what I can do in just months…
The joy of having work that inspires me.
odd-ball query… are they still standing upright and M is in the act of jumping on him with her feet in the air? or is this after they have both hit the ground with Kevin laying on his left side and Monica mostly on her stomach with feet in the air? the lack of background detail leaves me wondering which way they’re oriented right now.
You give us cliff hangers which keep us (well me) occupied for the weekend thinking of what will occur.
And when you don’t you send us off to the weekend with a lovely ending to make our weekend start off nice
I just perceive the value of Pokemon cards as less than the value of … a lot of things. There are things in the pun jar I perceive of less value, I suppose.
THAT will make an INTERESTING pair of Snow Angels when they are done. Nice to see Monica happy.
Lets see…Monicas happy.
Shelly’s happy.
Jin is happy.
That leaves Bud,Brandy, May,Tina, and Euryale.
Were they older, this might become a Cialis add — but then they’d end in matching bathtubs, and that could be kinda cold in December in the Twin Cities, especially when it came time to get out. . . .
M’s butt looks so small in that pic — but it’s cute.
What do you mean? It’s only slightly smaller than Kevyn’s hand.
Very cute. Cute enough that I can’t think clearly to make an intelligent comment.
i saw your post from yesterday, but couldn’t reply there as it was too far into the nesting.. I’m here in Washington too, Federal Way … where are you out of, if you don’t mind me asking?
The U district in Seattle.
cool, up until about 3 months ago i had a friend that lived there too, now he’s on the east side to save 520 tolls.
RE ice scuptures and snowmen: another post that got in too late for yesterday:
Many years ago, in (very!), upstate NY (Potsdam), we had an annual ice festival the fraternities carved ice sculptures. It was my first experience with these sculptures and I thought the 15? tall works were quite impressive.
However, they wouldn’t even make a footnote compared to the sculptures at the
Harbin Ice and Snow World 2009 in northern China. Mr King has been documenting this event since 2003 and the pics are simply astounding. Many sculptures are over 100 ft high, are massive and have exquisite detail. It is truly one of the 50 for your bucket.
Many thanks for the link – Very Impressive.
Dawwww… How sweet… =^w^=
On a separate note, I want Monica to take me shopping. I like her style. XD
Now that, whatever it is she’s wearing on her head, looks like a Smurf hat. I never understand people who go out in cold weather for extended periods without wearing something over their ears. I’ve also found rubber boots do wonders for keeping your feet warm. I’ve even worn them inside for that very purpose. I’m not much of an outdoor kinda guy though (could you tell?). Certainly not the snowman building type.
*looks again*
Aw man, you’re right. And now I’m trying to imagine Mon as Smurfette. It…doesn’t quite work.
She is not quite tall enough.
Does this help?
Gotta love the internet.
♪♪ You can find anything you want on the internet juggernaut
Log right on, it won’t cost you much
You can be a princess or a raving nut
You can find anything you want on the internet juggernaut ♪
Including malice
You can be anything you want on the internet juggernaut ♫
No comments on this? Am I the only one who recognizes Alice’s Restaurant? I’ve actually heard the whole routine right down to the story about the implements of deeeestruction …
Wow, M’s lower back is gonna be soooo sore when she thaws out.
Paul, and possibly Jabber, could we get a color version of this? Possibly as a wallpaper? It’s just so awesome…
Very nice!
You’re awesome! Thanks very much!
…and thanks for not making the Smurf Hat white or blue
Thank you, and I’d rather make an oblique Prince reference than a smurf reference anyday.
Yes very nice. I don’t always color, and when I don’t I know Jabberwonky will make me glad I didn’t.
Thanks for the compliment, but don’t let me stop you from doing anything creative. I love looking at other folks interpretations of Paul’s work.
(A hint a Solbert)
*** Jabberwonky …
That is one Great Picture. Thank You for colorizing it for us.
*** Paul
Thank You for drawing it.
Save the thanks for Paul, without his wonderful art I wouldn’t have anthing to color.
Practicing on his art has vastly improved what I can do in just months…
The joy of having work that inspires me.
odd-ball query… are they still standing upright and M is in the act of jumping on him with her feet in the air? or is this after they have both hit the ground with Kevin laying on his left side and Monica mostly on her stomach with feet in the air? the lack of background detail leaves me wondering which way they’re oriented right now.
They’re on the ground, in the snow.
Looking down at a yard full of snow can give anyone that kind of vertigo. Snow lacks a lot of detail.
Either M’s butt and legs are really really small or those pants can’t be very warm.
Just saying.
Paul you spoil us!
You give us cliff hangers which keep us (well me) occupied for the weekend thinking of what will occur.
And when you don’t you send us off to the weekend with a lovely ending to make our weekend start off nice
I see this a holiday type of cliffhanger. Leave us with a positive note so no angst during the weekend until the next strip.
*grumble* Stupid lucky tall handsome photographers.
Sounds like someone has gotten the cold shoulder once or twice…
I saw what you did there…
*rattles the pun jar*
Aww man how did *I* forget?
*throws in a deck of Pokemon cards*
what? they’re valuable….
Value is as value is perceived, I suppose…
I just perceive the value of Pokemon cards as less than the value of … a lot of things. There are things in the pun jar I perceive of less value, I suppose.
Very good ending for 3 out of the 7 on going plots …
THAT will make an INTERESTING pair of Snow Angels when they are done. Nice to see Monica happy.
Lets see…Monicas happy.
Shelly’s happy.
Jin is happy.
That leaves Bud,Brandy, May,Tina, and Euryale.
Euryale is happy, she got to meet her heroines.
Were they older, this might become a Cialis add — but then they’d end in matching bathtubs, and that could be kinda cold in December in the Twin Cities, especially when it came time to get out. . . .
Does anyone else think that Kevin has proposal face? It’s like he is suddenly surprised by how much he loves her.
Hey, you two! Get an igloo!
And none has yet to remark how cunningly M is warming up her (gloveless, tut tut) fingers against Kevin’s bare neck! ;D
Dude, a two-headed snow angel!
this is cute… but why are M’s calves wider than her waist?
Because she’s a cartoon character.
Have you seen the Character sheets for The Incredibles? How about Popeye’s forearms?
Well now that yo mention it, I always thought Popeye’s forearms, and personality, were from intensive steroid abuse.
And here I thought it was a combination of workouts and snow boots.