Depends on whether her transition back to human form when she returned from The Wood Between the Worlds was a conscious act or just some sort of reflex…
Which brings up the question, what is her true form now? Is she actually a sphinx, like Phix, and can take the shape of a human, or a human who can take the shape of a sphinx? I think the former. That’s what Phix is, after all. I also think that makes more sense. At least it fits with the story in that both Phix and Nudge are much larger, in reality (if I can use that term here), than in their human form.
But she isn’t like Phix, remember. Phix is a straight up Sphinx, Shelly’s a hybrid. She’s not a human that can turn into a sphinx or a sphinx that can turn into a human, she’s both. Being human just comes more naturally because she’s presumably got a lot more of that DNA than she does Sphinx.
In this comic:
it’s said (by someone, perhaps Phix) sphinxes are born as humans. So I would think that means all sphinxes are born human, including Phix. They just turn at some point. It’s unclear how or why.
here, she specifically says that sphinxes mated with humans, meaning they were originally a separate species. Thinking about it, it’s never clearly stated that Phix was not born of human and Sphinx, so there’s no reason to say that she’s not a hybrid herself, but the point remains, Shelly isn’t either exclusively.
“One morning, as Gregor Samsa Shelly Wahnee was waking up from anxious dreams, he she discovered that in his her bed he she had been changed into a monstrous verminous bug sphinx.”
That’s the thing about a morphic field. It’s really, really hard to change it the first time, but once you have changed it, each subsequent change becomes much easier. Cf. Greebo.
Uh-oh… I think she needs a couple of lessons from Phix about how to transform back and forth between modes… or else she’s gonna lose more than a bed and a few other things… especially if she stretches out in that Sphinx form before she knows what she’s doing…
That would help. If she doesn’t know how to turn back and can’t poit, let’s hope she can still key a phone with her fingernail to call Monica. It would make Monica feel useful again at least.
Wonder if, after the initial shock of seeing Shelinx, would she laugh her butt off?
“Oh my Shelly, you do seem to have a problem.”
“Can it smartass and poit me over to the Library.”
“Public or private?”
“Ha ha, real funny, now do it! I gotta take a leak and you won’t like it if I lift my leg.” *poit*
“In human form, she can chuck an engine block easily as we’ve seen.”A V-8 no less.*Cylinders.* Modern, My blazer.has a” 4.3 Liter, V-6″! The only one bigger, is a 6L. ( divide by 8 cylinders”!
There was a time in the She-Hulk comic when Jen had decided that she wanted to stay hulked-out all the time, and she was becoming a rather irresponsible party girl (to say the least).
She wakes up one morning sort of entangled with a cover-model hunk she picked up the night before, and realises that she’s switched to “puny human” form in her sleep.
Seh doesn’t want him to see her that way, so she concentrates hard … changes … and the shock wave of the change throws him out of bed.
As he gathers his clothes up hurriedly, he tells her that her bed needs safety harness…
OH FRIGGIN’ YES! She CAN change into a sphinx still! Love it!
Now, what the heck is that shooting from her mouth? Teeth? Bits of tongue? Looks like more than saliva. If she turns back in her sleep over just a spider, I believe a reunion with Justin is going to have to wait a while yet. And she’ll need a bigger apt.
I was wondering. I supposed now we know…and so does she. I’m betting she didn’t think that the sphinx form was something she could manage outside the Time Forest.
Her dialogue when Shelly first returned from her 80k year forest vacation seemed to indicate that part-Sphinxes like her would be an immortal Sphinx while in the Sphinx-dimension and a mortal human while in the human-dimension.
Which means Shelly was mistaken, and now raises questions will she really die within the next century like a normal human, or will she exist ‘forever’ like the GGG & Phix?
Makes me wonder how much of a sphinx’s longevity is due to being in places outside of normal time (like Phix is and Shelly was) and how much is a function of being a sphinx? A sphinx may be long lived normally, but not necessairly that long. Would a normal human live indefinitely in the Library or the demon realm, for example, as well? Nudge, OTOH, seems be a true eternal being.
Foam, I would think. The transition appears to be… unpleasant.
Since she can change like this in her sleep, unwittingly, I would suspect that from now on – and especially when Justin is sharing her bed – she’ll have to assume Sphinx form BEFORE dozing off. Otherwise the dangers would be obvious.
It may be the transitions are a bit traumatic at first until the subject get’s used to or masters them. That also seems to be the meme for shapeshifters.
Over in El Goonish Shive, Elliott has to transform to female form before going to bed to bleed off magic potential buildup that might force him to transform at inopportune moments – like in the middle of school…
(The punchline to the strip three later [] is a funny use of magical transgender comic tropes…)
Maybe a futon – they already sit on the foor, so no bed-shrapnel flying around.
Now about floor shrapnel – don’t know what the load per square foot is for a Sphinx; hopefully less than a fridge or a waterbed.
But, it didn’t collapse under Brandi, so mebe it’s cool….
I’d suspect that the sphinx are quite lightweight -comparatively, of course- regardless of them actually being mythical creatures of whom we know little about, because both cats and birds have light bones to allow their agility. What good would giant wings do if they couldn’t lift her weight?
On the other hand, I guess sphinxes could manipulate their relative weight just as well as their appearance.
Methinks “loft” would be a good idea, if she can’t find a disused aircraft hangar someplace. Four double-king mattresses on a bed of fiberglass shipping pallets would work for a sleeping platform. Visitors can just think she’s really kinky and loves lots of company.
Seriously, an aircraft hangar at a little airport someplace might work. She could get her Aircraft and Powerplant certification and work on planes instead of cars. She’d make a mint.
With all the talk about her new zen-ness, apparently 80k years of introspective wisdom does nothing for the phobias lurking in the corners, in the dark where the enlightenment doesn’t reach……
Phobias are tricky, but I have the feeling that part of the reason for this is to simply let us know that it is still the same old Shelly, even after all this time. It creates nice contrast with Monica’s fears last week. On the other hand, I could just be over-thinking things again.
No, no.. You are correct here, I believe. It is the best way to show the reader Shelly indeed still is Shelly, Phobia’s and all.
No “pretending for the public” here..
WHOA, that ain’t good!! Hopefully that didn’t make too much noise, or the neighbours are gonna be pissed. Shelly may have to kiss that apartment’s damage deposit good-bye, too.
If her weight is proportional to her size and the transformation was instantaneous, falling from the top bunk would make the whole building shake and threaten the integrity of the floor.
I don’t think Shelly needs to explain the inexplicable, but she does need to move to a place with less potential to collapse.
Shape changing is not necessarily mass changing. Birds are less dense than mammals so if a sphinx is more bird than lion, a sphinx should be larger than a human at the same mass.
However, the difference in density is not enough to account for the difference in size that we see so there must be a mass increase as well.
That begs a physics question: Mass is energy. It would take a tremendous amount of energy to create the additional mass. Where does the energy come from? Where does it go when changing back from sphinx to human? If mass is not being created/lost, where does the extra mass come from/go? Another dimension? A parallel world? An alternate universe? The possibilities are endless.
Um, for a frame of refrence, I think I see the remains of her panties under her right leg. As far as mass displacement, the GGs and Monica use wormholes to poit. It stands to reason that Spinxes and other biengs (like Nudge) that shapeshift could be using a similar mechanism to dump or retreive mass as needed. And Lanthian tech taps things like the power of the rotating galaxy. The Lanthians probably came up with the idea by observing beings who did something similar naturaly.
And I love seeing Shelly all sphinxed up again. I may be wrong, but this, along with last weeks Library visit by M seems to signal a shift to Shelly as the primary protagonist.
Certain of her human antics would be explained by her having a more dense mass (throwing engines, crushing steel pots, even playing men’s basketball) though one could argue that a superdense Shelly would have the same weight as Shellinx.
But who cares. The point is that Shelly never wanted to deal with all this supernatural stuff, and now she has to be it for the rest her days.
I’m thinking perhaps she “grew up” to become a sphinx over time after arriving in the TTF. Not some instant transformation by magic, but a growing process which may have taken many years, just as normal growth does. Thus she gained mass the usual way, and shape shifted downward during her return.
Trying to make science out of every magic power is fun, but eventually you can wind up like Harlan Ellison musing about the speed of Superman’s… involuntary actions.
I imagine Shelly “growing” into a sphinx over time, too, but as for the mass equation, I’d be happy to presume that supernatural bodies in Wapsi are unsuspected but stable states of matter.
Generally speaking, it’s easier to allow for a transformation from a larger creature to a smaller than the other way around. The distance between atoms is enormous compared to the atom’s size. Thus, it is simply a matter of reducing that spacing to shrink. Of course this brings up the problem of weight per unit area. Same mass in a smaller area could lead to unfortunate consequences like going through a floor just by stepping on it. Perhaps in making the transition, there is an anti-gravity effect imposed as well, causing the weight to be lessened by a proportional amount. At least such a theory allows for the change without having to store the excess mass anywhere.
In this case, of course, she went from compressed smaller back to larger (her now normal size and weight), gaining that gravity back again and shattering her bed.
Has a scary relevance to my growing pains in my early teens. Shot up 10 inches between 12 and 16. from short-round little guy to scrawny 6ft 3″.
Heh. What’s the real catalyst? Spiders, or fear? Or any extreme emotional state? Shelly needs some hand-holding at this point to learn about her newly-recognized state.
I can’t wait for the next book… these comments always help, but that’s when things become clearer for me.
I’m wondering if she shifted in response to her big fear of spiders, or if the change was spontaneous and only felt like a spider on her leg? Perhaps she needs training in how to go from one form to the other, ala Phix?
And I thought Werewolves had probs controlling their changes! I can just hear it now! “Oh hi daddy; no nothing’s wrong, just a bad dream is all. By the way, sorry about my bed; transforming into a 3-ton Sphinx will do that…” In that third panel, I thought Shelly bit off her tongue (EWWW!)
It’s awesome that she can change like that, but.. Well, if she can’t figure how to change back, well hows she gonna get out of there? Doesn’t look like she could fit through the door that’s for sure.
And cf. first two panels here for more foreshadowing:
Justin saved her from one once
I listed links to the strips in question, but that post is awaiting moderation.
There they are!
one link a time is safer for Paul, quicker for you..
Well damn…
That just sucks!!
And she got into that form by accident. It’s quite possible that she doesn’t know how to get out of it.
Depends on whether her transition back to human form when she returned from The Wood Between the Worlds was a conscious act or just some sort of reflex…
Reflex or something else unconscious I’m sure. Because when she came back, she didn’t know she was going to come back.
The worst part? Right now she really has to go to the bathroom.
Which brings up the question, what is her true form now? Is she actually a sphinx, like Phix, and can take the shape of a human, or a human who can take the shape of a sphinx? I think the former. That’s what Phix is, after all. I also think that makes more sense. At least it fits with the story in that both Phix and Nudge are much larger, in reality (if I can use that term here), than in their human form.
But she isn’t like Phix, remember. Phix is a straight up Sphinx, Shelly’s a hybrid. She’s not a human that can turn into a sphinx or a sphinx that can turn into a human, she’s both. Being human just comes more naturally because she’s presumably got a lot more of that DNA than she does Sphinx.
In this comic:
it’s said (by someone, perhaps Phix) sphinxes are born as humans. So I would think that means all sphinxes are born human, including Phix. They just turn at some point. It’s unclear how or why.
Ah, but right
here, she specifically says that sphinxes mated with humans, meaning they were originally a separate species. Thinking about it, it’s never clearly stated that Phix was not born of human and Sphinx, so there’s no reason to say that she’s not a hybrid herself, but the point remains, Shelly isn’t either exclusively.
Good point. That tends to make it all rather muddled.
it seems more like Shelly is talking from her own personal experience in your quote.
“They’re born as humans. I was. You were.”
Regardless you’re right, it does seem rather muddled. Hopefully it’ll get cleared up later on, either through further exposition, or author comments.
She’s a sphinxanthrope.
She seems to be only now remembering she was afraid of spiders, if only subconsciously.
I can only darkly wonder what will happen should she begin to dream of all her alternates she’s executed.
Let’s hope she’s not smiling when she does. She is, after all, a lot more ruthless in sphinx form, probably of necessity.
Time travel in Wapsi is ruthless. But we’ve seen no suggestion Shelly ever became pitiless in her 80,000 years. Not sure why one would imagine that.
At least Officer Buns wasn’t there for a sleep-over.
No kidding.
Fairportfan- I can just see it at the staion the next day. You got those scratch marks, how? Dang what have you been drinking?
SHe is waking from a horrible dream to find a horrible reality. Our Shelly has been through some stressful events, but this may be the worst yet.
“One morning, as
Gregor SamsaShelly Wahnee was waking up from anxious dreams,heshe discovered that inhisher bedheshe had been changed into a monstrousverminous bugsphinx.”That’s the thing about a morphic field. It’s really, really hard to change it the first time, but once you have changed it, each subsequent change becomes much easier. Cf. Greebo.
Very little to say besides stating the obvious. A full-grown sphinx does not fit in a studio apartment.
It does look a little crowded in there, doesn’t it?
I see she collapsed the bed frame, gaining a bit more room. Still, this could get expensive.
I thought at first, that she was under the bed. *facepalm* Witch is why I also thought there was now two of her some how.
I can see that too. Makes you wonder if that was a goof or intentional…be pretty fun if it was on purpose.
That sphinx!
What the!?
Uh-oh… I think she needs a couple of lessons from Phix about how to transform back and forth between modes… or else she’s gonna lose more than a bed and a few other things… especially if she stretches out in that Sphinx form before she knows what she’s doing…
Indeed! If she has learned how to Poit also, she’s got it made!
That would help. If she doesn’t know how to turn back and can’t poit, let’s hope she can still key a phone with her fingernail to call Monica. It would make Monica feel useful again at least.
Wonder if, after the initial shock of seeing Shelinx, would she laugh her butt off?
“Oh my Shelly, you do seem to have a problem.”
“Can it smartass and poit me over to the Library.”
“Public or private?”
“Ha ha, real funny, now do it! I gotta take a leak and you won’t like it if I lift my leg.” *poit*
In human form, she can chuck an engine block easily as we’ve seen.
In Sphinx form, she can toss an entire Semi, no problems
“In human form, she can chuck an engine block easily as we’ve seen.”A V-8 no less.*Cylinders.* Modern, My blazer.has a” 4.3 Liter, V-6″! The only one bigger, is a 6L. ( divide by 8 cylinders”!
Spider Pig
♪Spider-pig, spider-pig…♪
♪Does whatever a spider-pig does♪
♪Can he swing from a web?♪
♪No he can’t He’s a pig!♪
That could turn into an expensive habit.
If she goes sleep as a sphinx it should be fine.
It’s a good thing this didn’t manifest before she met Katherine…
Wonder how Darren would have reacted to a Sphinx appearing in his bar.
I get the feeling he would have just blinked and passed her a broom whilst telling her to clean up the mess
Bartender is one of the few jobs on earth where surprise doesn’t come easily… you tend to see it all, whether you’re expecting it or not…
With complete equanimity, I imagine. He’s not flustered by much…
True that, JW; considering how Kath reacted to meeting Phix for the first time:
Now I understand why Phix sleeps on the floor in sphinx mode.
She must have some nasty nightmares!
And since everyone else has refrained from ‘hulk’ references…
Shelly Smash!
Its kinda hard to tell without seeing them together, but judging from the background, is Shelly-sphinx bigger than Phix?
There was a time in the She-Hulk comic when Jen had decided that she wanted to stay hulked-out all the time, and she was becoming a rather irresponsible party girl (to say the least).
She wakes up one morning sort of entangled with a cover-model hunk she picked up the night before, and realises that she’s switched to “puny human” form in her sleep.
Seh doesn’t want him to see her that way, so she concentrates hard … changes … and the shock wave of the change throws him out of bed.
As he gathers his clothes up hurriedly, he tells her that her bed needs safety harness…
OH FRIGGIN’ YES! She CAN change into a sphinx still! Love it!
Now, what the heck is that shooting from her mouth? Teeth? Bits of tongue? Looks like more than saliva. If she turns back in her sleep over just a spider, I believe a reunion with Justin is going to have to wait a while yet. And she’ll need a bigger apt.
I was wondering.
I supposed now we know…and so does she. I’m betting she didn’t think that the sphinx form was something she could manage outside the Time Forest.
Her dialogue when Shelly first returned from her 80k year forest vacation seemed to indicate that part-Sphinxes like her would be an immortal Sphinx while in the Sphinx-dimension and a mortal human while in the human-dimension.
Which means Shelly was mistaken, and now raises questions will she really die within the next century like a normal human, or will she exist ‘forever’ like the GGG & Phix?
Makes me wonder how much of a sphinx’s longevity is due to being in places outside of normal time (like Phix is and Shelly was) and how much is a function of being a sphinx? A sphinx may be long lived normally, but not necessairly that long. Would a normal human live indefinitely in the Library or the demon realm, for example, as well? Nudge, OTOH, seems be a true eternal being.
Foam, I would think. The transition appears to be… unpleasant.
Since she can change like this in her sleep, unwittingly, I would suspect that from now on – and especially when Justin is sharing her bed – she’ll have to assume Sphinx form BEFORE dozing off. Otherwise the dangers would be obvious.
I hope he likes fur…
It may be the transitions are a bit traumatic at first until the subject get’s used to or masters them. That also seems to be the meme for shapeshifters.
Over in El Goonish Shive, Elliott has to transform to female form before going to bed to bleed off magic potential buildup that might force him to transform at inopportune moments – like in the middle of school…
(The punchline to the strip three later [] is a funny use of magical transgender comic tropes…)
Her pillow disappeared too.
That would be the recurring giant marshmallow dream.
Oh, THAT’S what’s spewing out of her mouth.
Uh oh… what ^^ said; and didn’t that used to be a bunk bed??? Holy Moley….!
“OK! Who shrank my bedroom?”
“How do you feel?”
-Captain America, the first Avenger.
“Have you seen Glen?”
-MST3K, The Amazing Colossal Man
Ouch, that looks like bloody teeth she’s spitting out in panel 3.
She’s pitting through clenched teeth.
Somebody call Geico.
Looks like the transformation isn’t exactely painless either. Quite a stretched neck.
Huh.. that was bound to happen sooner or later… just happy it was SOONER! XD
Either her bedroom is huge, or she has a studio apartment. And if she didn’t, she does now.
yep it’s a studio apartment.
Fortunately, she already had a studio apartment. Paul mentioned it in the comments somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it.
Her bedroom was big enough to contain Brandi in Giant-Lion-form, so it is big enough for Shellinx I guess.
….Alrighty then….
*Snerk* I can’t wait for that to happen when she’s with Justin
I believe the right reaction is :”Oooopsi”…

Shelly should be careful when frightened I guess… and start sleeping on the floor….
Oopsi is when you drop a spoon. This is more like WTFsi.
SoWhyMe- followed by back up and give that girl all the room she wants.
Why not…Transformed as she is, I’m sure she’s FLOORED enough as it is! (empties wallet into pun jar)
I would recommend Shelly get a studio apartment… right after a new bed!
Perhaps a small warehouse and a big bed.
Maybe a futon – they already sit on the foor, so no bed-shrapnel flying around.
Now about floor shrapnel – don’t know what the load per square foot is for a Sphinx; hopefully less than a fridge or a waterbed.
But, it didn’t collapse under Brandi, so mebe it’s cool….
I’d suspect that the sphinx are quite lightweight -comparatively, of course- regardless of them actually being mythical creatures of whom we know little about, because both cats and birds have light bones to allow their agility. What good would giant wings do if they couldn’t lift her weight?
On the other hand, I guess sphinxes could manipulate their relative weight just as well as their appearance.
Methinks “loft” would be a good idea, if she can’t find a disused aircraft hangar someplace. Four double-king mattresses on a bed of fiberglass shipping pallets would work for a sleeping platform. Visitors can just think she’s really kinky and loves lots of company.
Seriously, an aircraft hangar at a little airport someplace might work. She could get her Aircraft and Powerplant certification and work on planes instead of cars. She’d make a mint.
How about the apartment she managed to rent (on a welder’s salary?) in Flashdance?
I do believe, that in the situation, the appropriate emotional response would be this:
With all the talk about her new zen-ness, apparently 80k years of introspective wisdom does nothing for the phobias lurking in the corners, in the dark where the enlightenment doesn’t reach……
Phobias are tricky, but I have the feeling that part of the reason for this is to simply let us know that it is still the same old Shelly, even after all this time. It creates nice contrast with Monica’s fears last week. On the other hand, I could just be over-thinking things again.
No, no.. You are correct here, I believe. It is the best way to show the reader Shelly indeed still is Shelly, Phobia’s and all.
No “pretending for the public” here..
Jay-Em- As John whats his name said “Character is what you are in the dark” on Buckaroo((?) Banzai, or in this case in your sleep.
Remember, no matter where you go…there you are.
Not unless you can carry all your stuff with you (or a workable subset thereof).
WHOA, that ain’t good!! Hopefully that didn’t make too much noise, or the neighbours are gonna be pissed. Shelly may have to kiss that apartment’s damage deposit good-bye, too.
If her weight is proportional to her size and the transformation was instantaneous, falling from the top bunk would make the whole building shake and threaten the integrity of the floor.
I don’t think Shelly needs to explain the inexplicable, but she does need to move to a place with less potential to collapse.
Shape changing is not necessarily mass changing. Birds are less dense than mammals so if a sphinx is more bird than lion, a sphinx should be larger than a human at the same mass.
However, the difference in density is not enough to account for the difference in size that we see so there must be a mass increase as well.
That begs a physics question: Mass is energy. It would take a tremendous amount of energy to create the additional mass. Where does the energy come from? Where does it go when changing back from sphinx to human? If mass is not being created/lost, where does the extra mass come from/go? Another dimension? A parallel world? An alternate universe? The possibilities are endless.
Um, for a frame of refrence, I think I see the remains of her panties under her right leg. As far as mass displacement, the GGs and Monica use wormholes to poit. It stands to reason that Spinxes and other biengs (like Nudge) that shapeshift could be using a similar mechanism to dump or retreive mass as needed. And Lanthian tech taps things like the power of the rotating galaxy. The Lanthians probably came up with the idea by observing beings who did something similar naturaly.
And I love seeing Shelly all sphinxed up again. I may be wrong, but this, along with last weeks Library visit by M seems to signal a shift to Shelly as the primary protagonist.
“Up untill now, you’ve been the center.”
Certain of her human antics would be explained by her having a more dense mass (throwing engines, crushing steel pots, even playing men’s basketball) though one could argue that a superdense Shelly would have the same weight as Shellinx.
But who cares. The point is that Shelly never wanted to deal with all this supernatural stuff, and now she has to be it for the rest her days.
I’m thinking perhaps she “grew up” to become a sphinx over time after arriving in the TTF. Not some instant transformation by magic, but a growing process which may have taken many years, just as normal growth does. Thus she gained mass the usual way, and shape shifted downward during her return.
Trying to make science out of every magic power is fun, but eventually you can wind up like Harlan Ellison musing about the speed of Superman’s… involuntary actions.
I imagine Shelly “growing” into a sphinx over time, too, but as for the mass equation, I’d be happy to presume that supernatural bodies in Wapsi are unsuspected but stable states of matter.
A simple explanation would be an analogue of “hammerspace”–a place to store the excess mass for when it’s needed again.
Generally speaking, it’s easier to allow for a transformation from a larger creature to a smaller than the other way around. The distance between atoms is enormous compared to the atom’s size. Thus, it is simply a matter of reducing that spacing to shrink. Of course this brings up the problem of weight per unit area. Same mass in a smaller area could lead to unfortunate consequences like going through a floor just by stepping on it. Perhaps in making the transition, there is an anti-gravity effect imposed as well, causing the weight to be lessened by a proportional amount. At least such a theory allows for the change without having to store the excess mass anywhere.
In this case, of course, she went from compressed smaller back to larger (her now normal size and weight), gaining that gravity back again and shattering her bed.
Whatever happened to Justin?
Look where the lower bunk used to be.
Forgot to say: Great muscular tension in frame 3!
Has a scary relevance to my growing pains in my early teens. Shot up 10 inches between 12 and 16. from short-round little guy to scrawny 6ft 3″.
My dad said he grew a foot in a year during his teens – and then lost two inches over the next five years as his spine settled.
He had back trouble on and off the rest of his life.
Surely you mean an inch per year — else from 13 to 19 he gained seven feet?
Oh, dear. Now how do I put the silly thing in reverse?
Awww! The big kitty is scared of spiders! That’s okay, my Ragdoll is afraid of them too..well sort of.
Heh. What’s the real catalyst? Spiders, or fear? Or any extreme emotional state? Shelly needs some hand-holding at this point to learn about her newly-recognized state.
I can’t wait for the next book… these comments always help, but that’s when things become clearer for me.
“You won’t like me when I’m angry…”
I always loved that line!
If this were a wacky sitcom someone would be knocking on the door about now.
“Wait a minute while I change!”
{Change, Dammit! Change! Happy thoughts…. Gah! %$#@!!!!!}
“Lucy I’m home! OMGWTF!!?? Where’s little Ricky? Is that Ethel’s bloody shoe? Luuucy … you got some splainin to do!”
“Rickkkkyyy, I’m sorry. I … hey! Wait a minute! Lets just say you should start treating me better from now on. Oh, and I WILL be in the show!”
Huh, this cannot be good.
The guitars are undamaged, so it’s all good.
oh man..
THIS is her true form.
She’ll have to assume human form in public.
(Like Mystique does.)
well, looks like the Shellster will have to watch it now xD
Oh Schnitt!
I’m wondering if she shifted in response to her big fear of spiders, or if the change was spontaneous and only felt like a spider on her leg? Perhaps she needs training in how to go from one form to the other, ala Phix?
Holy crap! The dream blew her clothes off!
And I thought Werewolves had probs controlling their changes! I can just hear it now! “Oh hi daddy; no nothing’s wrong, just a bad dream is all. By the way, sorry about my bed; transforming into a 3-ton Sphinx will do that…” In that third panel, I thought Shelly bit off her tongue (EWWW!)
It’s awesome that she can change like that, but.. Well, if she can’t figure how to change back, well hows she gonna get out of there? Doesn’t look like she could fit through the door that’s for sure.
I’m pretty sure she can make her own door. It’s alerting the neighbors that is the problem.
All I can think is… Rude Awakening !!!
(Apologies to the HULK)
Good thing Shelly isn’t claustrophobic… but she does look uncomfortable.
Somebody give the girl some catnip to calm her down.
So, Shelly was sleeping and just dreamed that she met Heather?
Not unless she got dressed, too. She was naked before. So we never got any explanation about the inconsistencies with the telephone?
Transformations like this make me think atomic wedgie
I don’t know if it is as bad for females as males but mega-owie
Here comes that SPHINX-ing feeling…