Yah, I have been wondering myself, txmystic. Paul’s world has expanded to the point you can’t keep track of everyone at once; too many things going on.
Maybe we should march April in here to give us an august proclamation concerning the May-Jin situation. I guess, for now, however we’ll have to july on Paul to fill us in as the months go by.
*** hovering over the Submit Comment button, deciding whether or not to click it *** what the hell, I’ve posted worse!
No, it’s not slate. It’s the stuff (kinda like heavy-duty spray paint) that they actually make chalkboards out of nowadays. They coat the outside of a regular ceramic mug with it.
…Slate? They haven’t used slate in classrooms since…
…how old are you, eschmenk?
StJ: There’s quite a few old farts around here and I’m one of them. However, if a school building was over 50 years old, it probably still had slate blackboards until they were replaced by whiteboards, which would have happened only in the last few years. IIRC, an old converted school building that I was in last winter still had the slate blackboards up on the walls.
BTW, it turns out that no only can you buy coffee cups with chalkboard paint on them, you can make your own. I’m not clear on why someone wouldn’t just use a white ceramic mug and markers, though. Because the markers are toxic?
Reminds me of what Brandi and Bud said to each other before Brandi-“You could flatten the Earth and you NEED coffee?”, Bud-“I need it so I DON’T flatten the earth.” http://wapsisquare.com/comic/flattentheearth
And scared of creatures like you two. Justifiably. I like Jins response, however.
How quickly people settle into a routine and get used to each other again. Even after 52,000-some-odd years. Gotta wonder what mom’s been doing all this time though. Both in the demon world and, more recently, in this one.
Heheh. You ever see that coffee commercial where there’s like an army of exaggeratedly ecstatic morning people like, floating around and popping into peoples’ homes and annoying everyone, and then at the end of the commercial it’s all like… “buy our coffee, it makes mornings bearable”?
No, but it sounds like one of the few I would actully like to see. My solution to morning people who bug those of us who are not can be summed up in two words … tranqualizer gun.
Which helps explain your still being alive and intact. Which is, of course, a good thing, despite your being [snarl] a morning person. We all have our flaws, after all.
I’m a “whenever-i-wake-up” person; these days i mostly sleep days and am up nights … but whenever i get up (unless i didn’t get a good “night’s” sleep) i’m ready to go.
Unfortunately, Kate and Helen are *not* morning people.
Periodically i get snarled at when our cycles mesh.
Must be nice. Like most, I’m forced to be on a morning schedule. Problem is I can’t sleep well, period, so I’m up and down all night. Like now. I recall hearing one doctor talking about how he never let his family sleep in, even on Saturday and holidays. As he put it, “I like to get the family up and moving.” He was a moring person (as well as a Type-A). I felt instant empathy and pity for them.
I’m fine when I wake up… Problem is that not only do I have a problem waking up early (thanks to Asperger’s, it turns out), but I’m also slow to get going, and it takes me a good 2 hours from “staying out of bed” to “full speed”. At least after 30 years of this, my body can function fully after 15-20 minutes, faster if I need it to.
I’m not fully awake until after my morning shower, which I take first thing upon rising. If I have a day off, however, it’s screw showering, screw shaving, hellooooo sleeping in.
I’m not fully awake until I’ve been awake for a good 2 1/2 to 3 hours. I can force a more alert posture and faster pace before that, but I end up being more likely to snap at people or have an emotional breakdown.
The coworkers I’ve had to train over the years have confided in me (after getting used to my mannerisms) that when they first started, one and all they self-imposed the rule of “Do NOT speak to Julie before 10 am unless you just want one-word answers…or don’t mind getting your head ripped off.”
Sounds like Mayahuel is still processing all the events from when she was trapped in that other dimension. I know she had first-hand experience of what fear and non-understanding does to people, but on the global scale, I’m sure it’s a lot to try to take in.
…err? She just spent 50,000 in a whole DIMENSION full of the darkest aspects of the human (and others?) psyche. I’d think that the regular, petty disagreements of normal people might seem downright cheerful to her.
I don’t like coffee either, and also prefer tea. I have found, however, if you find the right blend and put enough sweetner and milk/cream in, it can be palatable, even tasty. Not that I’ve had much experience at that sort of thing. I’ve only had it like that twice, and at IHop both times, when I was 14 or 15. I have not been back to IHop since then and have tried it with other coffees, but they were never as good.
Black coffee is definitely an acquired taste. And after awhile one can start to discern certain geographical sources and roasts, even in blends. There are blends and roasts galore that I like and those I don’t.
But in the morning, Irish breakfast tea and Earl Grey in the afternoon do just fine…
I like both. It literally depends on my mood. During the winter, I love a good cuppa. During the summer, I’ll drink a pot of coffee and then throw on a heavy black hoodie and go mow my lawn.
The dialogue between May & Jin reminds me of the dialogue between my mum & I way back when.
And I see that my Tenth Incarnation has joined the site. Hello, Ten. Stay away from Pond. Thanks.
IN-teresting. May has seen (and caused, and helped cause) more destruction, terror, and death than most people could imagine. She’s experienced brutal tyranny and terrible pain first-hand, had to make horrific decisions, and is older than dirt. Well, dirt that isn’t over 100,000 years old. And yet she’s not cynical and hasn’t given up hope for humanity.
I like that Maya seems to be so positive despite all her trials. Kinda makes you wonder how someone with that sort of personality got into the whole golem-making and power-broking sort of world to begin with.
Shen probably started out as a much different person. Full of ambition and avarice, not to mention murder. The things she has experienced since would either create a horrific monster, bent on vengence, or a much more understanding individual. She seems to have become the latter.
Those cat (or is it reptile?) eyes must be disconcerting to people she meets, however.
Perhaps, but she still used (and did) evil to fight evil then. Sort of an ends justifying the means thing I suppose. To me, that makes you evil, even if your intentions are good.
Women aren’t mysterious. Any time you want to understand them or what they are doing, just stop and think, “what is she trying to manipulate me into doing now?”
Heh…that’s probably about 75-80% right. The rest of the time women are grooming, feeding, sleeping, or shopping with the money they already manipulated out of your wallet.
Not my wallet. My education was free, unknowingly provided by my mother and her seemingly endless stream of partners. It’s amazing what people will do and say around children. They always think the kid is not listening, or otherwise oblivious to the proceedings. Some of that is true at the time, but, as one matures, one begins to put those early memories into perspective and context. I began to have eureka moments about what I didn’t understand or appreciate way back when.
when my mom had her first heart attack, back in 2001, she switched from regular coffee, then to half decaf, and finally to tea. She’s been gone a year now, and I’m still drinking a big cup of tea in the mornings. Unless it’s an emergency, then break out my big Johnny Fever mug and lop me off a hunk of java.
It’s a good chunk of why “good news” isn’t reported often. It happens so often, most news directors think its “boring.”
So generalizing from the news (“…the idea that people all hate each other.”) is working from a data sample that’s skewed to be rare and unusual in the first place.
Oh my. I wonder if, at some point, she stopped being Ms. Nice Monster and got her satisfaction whether or not he was agreeable. We may never hear from poor Alan again.
“I don’t process froot loop before coffee,” Monica once said…
I don’t process before sugar (unless it’s froot loop)
In Monica’s world, the fruit loop processes you.
no, that’s in Soviet russia that the froot loop processes you
I’ve had a blown up copy of the panel Monica says that in as my desktop background at work ever since.
Sweet! I was worried that Jin’s mom had gone away or something…
Hello, Mayahuel, good to see you.
Yah, I have been wondering myself, txmystic. Paul’s world has expanded to the point you can’t keep track of everyone at once; too many things going on.
So now we get a slice of the May-Jin situation?
It’s August…
Maybe we should march April in here to give us an august proclamation concerning the May-Jin situation. I guess, for now, however we’ll have to july on Paul to fill us in as the months go by.
*** hovering over the Submit Comment button, deciding whether or not to click it *** what the hell, I’ve posted worse!
That pun certainly wasn’t.
@SoWhyMe: August that we will have to work hard to September the last pun that was that bad.
Groan, whimper … Hey, not bad! I was expecting a reaction more akin to projectile vomit in a crowded room.
Wake me up when September ends.
But you’ll miss all this snappy dialogue.
I must be getting tired for a moment there I thought you’d typed:
Wake me up before you go-go
and I had a double-take
<< definitely not an evening person
BTW, where can I get a “MEAT FOR BREAKFAST” mug?
Agreed. WANT!
A solid white cup and a magic marker?
They have those cups that are covered in blackboard substance…
Do you mean whiteboard? I’m having trouble imagining a slate coffee cup.
I wonder how many people have never seen a blackboard first hand. The number is certainly growing.
…or enjoyed the bronchial irritation after being asked to pound out the erasers…
No, it’s not slate. It’s the stuff (kinda like heavy-duty spray paint) that they actually make chalkboards out of nowadays. They coat the outside of a regular ceramic mug with it.
…Slate? They haven’t used slate in classrooms since…
…how old are you, eschmenk?
I haven’t seen a slate chalkboard since I was what… 23?
StJ: There’s quite a few old farts around here and I’m one of them. However, if a school building was over 50 years old, it probably still had slate blackboards until they were replaced by whiteboards, which would have happened only in the last few years. IIRC, an old converted school building that I was in last winter still had the slate blackboards up on the walls.
BTW, it turns out that no only can you buy coffee cups with chalkboard paint on them, you can make your own.
I’m not clear on why someone wouldn’t just use a white ceramic mug and markers, though. Because the markers are toxic?
Yes, but that lacks the consumer-driven corporate mass-production je ne sais quoi, non?
…You’d think she’d be a heckuva lot more happy to be with her mom after not having her for… how many thousands of years??
She’s HAD a while to be happy, but now that it’s lost the ragged high edge, “SEVERELY not a morning person” rears it’s head…
Probably didn’t have a relaxing night with Alan –no wonder she’s grouchy!
We haven’t seen Alan since the Calendar Machine was “taken care of”, I wonder what (who) he’s doing now.
Reminds me of what Brandi and Bud said to each other before Brandi-“You could flatten the Earth and you NEED coffee?”, Bud-“I need it so I DON’T flatten the earth.”
Was about to go scouting for that one. Thanx.
…and it led to one of the more important events in the strip’s run.
Wonder if this might, too.
I have this and the original above my desk at work. I mainline more coffee than Gibbs.
Same here. I eat Java Nuts by the handful and enjoy ‘Coffee Crispies’ for breakfast. (coffee + whitener poured over Rice Crispies. Yum!)
I’m the same way sometimes.
And scared of creatures like you two. Justifiably. I like Jins response, however.
How quickly people settle into a routine and get used to each other again. Even after 52,000-some-odd years. Gotta wonder what mom’s been doing all this time though. Both in the demon world and, more recently, in this one.
They don’t even know creatures like that exist and they are still scared of them. “Faith” is pretty freaking weird.
It’s not just faith. Many people have personal experiences with frightening things which are unseen and unfelt by others.
So Mayahuel is a morning person? There should be more morning people in fiction.
Can’t stand morning people, but I’ll try not to hold it against Mayahuel. Or anyone here who is one. Just keep your distance.
Heheh. You ever see that coffee commercial where there’s like an army of exaggeratedly ecstatic morning people like, floating around and popping into peoples’ homes and annoying everyone, and then at the end of the commercial it’s all like… “buy our coffee, it makes mornings bearable”?
No, but it sounds like one of the few I would actully like to see. My solution to morning people who bug those of us who are not can be summed up in two words … tranqualizer gun.
I used to be worse at uni — cheeful and loud in the mornings. Now, I’m just mellow in the mornings.
Which helps explain your still being alive and intact. Which is, of course, a good thing, despite your being [snarl] a morning person. We all have our flaws, after all.
My mother was a morning person. I can’t tell you the number of times where I woke up wandering down the hallway, my hands in the ‘strangle you’ pose…
Psssshhh.. Was she all, WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAAAAAD!! =D *sparkle sparkle*
And then they go all shaking your shoulder and pulling the covers off your face and RRGH
I’m a “whenever-i-wake-up” person; these days i mostly sleep days and am up nights … but whenever i get up (unless i didn’t get a good “night’s” sleep) i’m ready to go.
Unfortunately, Kate and Helen are *not* morning people.
Periodically i get snarled at when our cycles mesh.
Must be nice. Like most, I’m forced to be on a morning schedule. Problem is I can’t sleep well, period, so I’m up and down all night. Like now. I recall hearing one doctor talking about how he never let his family sleep in, even on Saturday and holidays. As he put it, “I like to get the family up and moving.” He was a moring person (as well as a Type-A). I felt instant empathy and pity for them.
I’m fine when I wake up… Problem is that not only do I have a problem waking up early (thanks to Asperger’s, it turns out), but I’m also slow to get going, and it takes me a good 2 hours from “staying out of bed” to “full speed”. At least after 30 years of this, my body can function fully after 15-20 minutes, faster if I need it to.
I’m not fully awake until after my morning shower, which I take first thing upon rising. If I have a day off, however, it’s screw showering, screw shaving, hellooooo sleeping in.
I’m not fully awake until I’ve been awake for a good 2 1/2 to 3 hours. I can force a more alert posture and faster pace before that, but I end up being more likely to snap at people or have an emotional breakdown.
The coworkers I’ve had to train over the years have confided in me (after getting used to my mannerisms) that when they first started, one and all they self-imposed the rule of “Do NOT speak to Julie before 10 am unless you just want one-word answers…or don’t mind getting your head ripped off.”
This is probably sacrilege for beings that have spent some time in Mayan and other Latin American civilizations but:
Coffee isn’t all it’s cracked up to be
Actually those news items are quite late because I remember similar news stories 10-1 years ago. I know because the persuaded me to give up coffee.
What I’m suggesting is that Jin (and Bud) take a few days out to deal with their coffee additions.
Jin doesn’t drink coffee, she drinks tea. That’s why her mom said that there’s hot water on the stove.
Sorry, Caffeine additions.
Well, for one thing, you are supposed to grind it. Sometimes you crack peppercorns, though.
Ah , coffee . That magic elixir of life . Now excuse me , while I go and main-line some , ’cause I just woke up , myself .
Meat for breakfast! Words to live by, especially the second time round!
I thought that was, “braaaiiinnnsss.”
Sounds like Mayahuel is still processing all the events from when she was trapped in that other dimension. I know she had first-hand experience of what fear and non-understanding does to people, but on the global scale, I’m sure it’s a lot to try to take in.
…err? She just spent 50,000 in a whole DIMENSION full of the darkest aspects of the human (and others?) psyche. I’d think that the regular, petty disagreements of normal people might seem downright cheerful to her.
I have to pin this up over my desk. ‘Cause, like – it’s just so much me…
Coffee smells great – but too bitter. Prefer Tea thanks.
I don’t like coffee either, and also prefer tea. I have found, however, if you find the right blend and put enough sweetner and milk/cream in, it can be palatable, even tasty. Not that I’ve had much experience at that sort of thing. I’ve only had it like that twice, and at IHop both times, when I was 14 or 15. I have not been back to IHop since then and have tried it with other coffees, but they were never as good.
Black coffee is definitely an acquired taste. And after awhile one can start to discern certain geographical sources and roasts, even in blends. There are blends and roasts galore that I like and those I don’t.
But in the morning, Irish breakfast tea and Earl Grey in the afternoon do just fine…
I like both. It literally depends on my mood. During the winter, I love a good cuppa. During the summer, I’ll drink a pot of coffee and then throw on a heavy black hoodie and go mow my lawn.
The dialogue between May & Jin reminds me of the dialogue between my mum & I way back when.
And I see that my Tenth Incarnation has joined the site. Hello, Ten. Stay away from Pond. Thanks.
Part of me is wondering what “Tag words” would mean in this context?
You’re “it”?
jwhouk: For old folks like me, the tag is the folder label, as in file under these headings.
“Key words”
Thanks so much – however, I’m wondering why Jin would use that terminology with her mom?
Why do any teenage daughters use certain lingo with their moms, even knowing they may only understand through context?
All Jin needs is a warm hug and an I.V of coffee dripped in STAT!
IN-teresting. May has seen (and caused, and helped cause) more destruction, terror, and death than most people could imagine. She’s experienced brutal tyranny and terrible pain first-hand, had to make horrific decisions, and is older than dirt. Well, dirt that isn’t over 100,000 years old. And yet she’s not cynical and hasn’t given up hope for humanity.
All of a sudden, I rather like her.
Spending 50000 years being tortured by demons tends to change your outlook on a lot of things…
I like that Maya seems to be so positive despite all her trials. Kinda makes you wonder how someone with that sort of personality got into the whole golem-making and power-broking sort of world to begin with.
Shen probably started out as a much different person. Full of ambition and avarice, not to mention murder. The things she has experienced since would either create a horrific monster, bent on vengence, or a much more understanding individual. She seems to have become the latter.
Those cat (or is it reptile?) eyes must be disconcerting to people she meets, however.
FWIW, in Jin’s case, people have been calling them snake eyes because Jin often appeared as a serpent.
If the priests were evil, Mayahuel would have had an incentive to accumulate power to offset them, even if she weren’t evil herself.
Perhaps, but she still used (and did) evil to fight evil then. Sort of an ends justifying the means thing I suppose. To me, that makes you evil, even if your intentions are good.
Given the way that Bud, Brandi, and Jin got into it it’s quite likely that she was dragged into it by force.
Yea I rather like her too, though I’ve not really heard enough of her to know her well enough to judge yet.
I completely understand Jin right now.
I always love seeing the mysterious creature known as ‘woman’ in their natural state like this… Pre-coffee, pre-tea, pre-makeup, pre-comb…
Women aren’t mysterious. Any time you want to understand them or what they are doing, just stop and think, “what is she trying to manipulate me into doing now?”
Obviously someone who isn’t married…
…wait, maybe not…
Married!?? [holding fingers up in sign of cross]
Heh…that’s probably about 75-80% right. The rest of the time women are grooming, feeding, sleeping, or shopping with the money they already manipulated out of your wallet.
Not my wallet. My education was free, unknowingly provided by my mother and her seemingly endless stream of partners. It’s amazing what people will do and say around children. They always think the kid is not listening, or otherwise oblivious to the proceedings. Some of that is true at the time, but, as one matures, one begins to put those early memories into perspective and context. I began to have eureka moments about what I didn’t understand or appreciate way back when.
when my mom had her first heart attack, back in 2001, she switched from regular coffee, then to half decaf, and finally to tea. She’s been gone a year now, and I’m still drinking a big cup of tea in the mornings. Unless it’s an emergency, then break out my big Johnny Fever mug and lop me off a hunk of java.
Generalizing from the news is imprudent.
Do you know how things get on the news?
They’re rare.
It’s a good chunk of why “good news” isn’t reported often. It happens so often, most news directors think its “boring.”
So generalizing from the news (“…the idea that people all hate each other.”) is working from a data sample that’s skewed to be rare and unusual in the first place.
Good point.
Or exciting…or gruesome. Those kinds of things grab public interest more than…say…puppies and kittens kinding happy homes.
“If it bleeds, it leads.”
True that. Which in itself says a lot about people, generally.
Jin needs her morning tea, stat!
I can’t remember if mom has met Allen yet
IIRC, she has not. The last I remember seeing Alan was here…
Oh my. I wonder if, at some point, she stopped being Ms. Nice Monster and got her satisfaction whether or not he was agreeable. We may never hear from poor Alan again.
So where is the Aztec god of coffee?
Right here, bro.
JK…Have we figured out who that is that’s pictured in Tina’s countertop?
Of course!
He’s the Lord of the Dawn, not coffee, though.
They ain’t no such animal. Coffee is an Old World plant, remember. Wasn’t known in the pre-Columbian New World.
i have just reread the whole comic and we still haven’t heard the explanation for this one: http://wapsisquare.com/comic/12022002/
That may be Pablo’s version of “The Noodle Incident”…
C’mon, you HAVE to link to it.
Monica had been watching “Dr Who” that week.
May’s comment is why I don’t watch the news. It just depresses me.
And, since it’s an election year, the depression alternates with rage about the sorry state of the U.S. “Government”.