When confronted with the cruel reality of onomatopoeia, I usually try to get the idea of the sound across rather than try for an imitation. It usually works, and is what I’m guessing she’s doing there.
Man… Bud… bad poit etiquette there. I suppose that when you can teleport anywhere, that the idea of calling ahead goes right out the window. Good thing that Monica wasn’t ‘busy’ with her boyfriend or something…
No. She’s in her office at the museum during normal working hours. Note the electrical devices on the wall in the first panel, the messy desk and the chair she has in her office.
I agree. That’s why it’s my second most favorite superpower. I would probably take it a step further and set up house in some remote place that doesn’t even have a name yet and then work wherever I find it.
She didn’t come across as all that nonchalant to me. The third panel looks like “Oh, this is uncomfortable and a bit alarming” to me. I think that Amanda comes across as more confident, but still surprised, in the fourth.
She didn’t panic or anything like that, but keep in mind that she’s experienced poiting, so she knows that it’s possible. Also Bud was acting like a friend of Monica’s, so she wouldn’t be a threat.
Oh goodness yes! Though just think what kind of meltdown the customs agencies would have. How would they be able to ensure that everyone’s passports were checked if they could poit anywhere they wanted?
Chaos I tell you! There’d be chaos! *shakes a cane* And whippersnappers too!
Yep, we would have to have anti-poiting police. International poit barriers errected. Of course, to pay for it all there would be a poit tax, poit customs fees, pay-per-poit. Poit theft police. Still, there would be all sorts of new industries. Poit “taxi” service for the poiting challenged. Poit surgery. Poit laxitives. There would be poit shipping; “When it absolutely, positively has to be there this instant …”
Paul, there’s an ad for a network TV show on the main page, that plays audio. Doesn’t wait for a mouse-over, it just plays it automatically. And repeatedly.
Could you contact your ad providers, and ask them to make it stop? Or set themselves on fire? Maybe both? Please?
I try to disable adblocker on websites I want to support. OTOH, I’ll go out of my way to block stuff that seems particularly obnoxious. I don’t know how the system works, though. Do the ads pay per view or per click? If the ads pay per view, I wouldn’t want to keep Paul from collecting by blocking them.
Of course, buying stuff is another way to support Paul. I think I remember you talking about items you purchased.
Obviously this is a new trend as I have seen it elsewhere. All control buttons are disabled so you can’t stop it. The idiots are cutting their own throats with this tactic. Makes me hate the product and not want to visit the site itself ever again. Of course there is little choice here. I’ve simply started turning my sound off during the comics rounds for now.
In these network ads I always select the “No, I’m not going to watch their crappy show” option. Well, it should say that instead of simply “No.”. At least there should be a “Hell No” selection. Better yet, a “Hell No and set yourself on fire” selection.
Come to think about it, I should not even click any selection as that tells them they, at least, got my attention. That’s all they want. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Me, not them.
Alright lady, You arrive every morning with fresh coffee that isn’t sold within 1,246 miles of here! You gots some explaining to do here! (Yeh, I know, they wouldn’t actually cheat on Tina that way.)
Well, they do try to hide what they are doing. I wouldn’t think about it too much, but they also have the advantage that if someone tried to explain what they saw, they would come across as a crackpot. Not having the GGGs age would be a worse problem, I would think.
When Brandi took M to visit the Bibliothiki, she gained the understanding that she could Poit — a skill she had but was unknown to her before that. Afterwards, with Brandi’s instruction, it was just concentration and practice!
Carrying hot coffee no less. She must be getting better and more confident. Too bad, the pratfalls were enjoyable. As I reacall, though, Tina is a big time clutz. Not a good attribute for someone serving scalding beverages. I remember she nailed Bud once.
True, Fairportfan, but I think I would still just have her set my coffee on the counter and ask her to back away slowly as I reached for it. Yet, even under those circumstances, I can see her quickly grab some condiment and say, “Oh! I forgot to give you your … opps!
Amanda sort of has that “Rats, I hope this one isn’t going to poit me somewhere I don’t want to be too” look. That or, “I hope she’s not going to kill me for seeing her poit.”
How many can poit? Can Phix poit, or does she just use an interdimentional doorway? Otherwise there are the 4 girls and blue boy. Where DOES he live now, anyway? I half expect Monica’s dog to display the talent any time.
I don’t know if you did, but it’s easy to forget that Amanda never met Bud before. (In the next strip Monica described Bud, but left the supernatural details out.) I can’t blame Amanda for being a bit alarmed or uncomfortable, especially when Bud acted alarmed that Amanda saw her poit.
I originally read what Bud said as “I didn’t see…”
Kukulcan could poit, too, apparently. He suddenly showed up in Monica’s office when Tepoz called for him. There could be more.
@SoWhyMe: I have myself been wondering about poit-ing; just how that skill was invented, and how long it’s been around. I think you are right about Phix – she just appears, silently, and goes away in much the same fashion.
I was looking back into the archives, and came to the conclusion that Mayahuel may have escaped with the calendar machine by poiting it away. Considering its size, it would have been really hard to escape without leaving a trail for the priests to follow, otherwise.
Poiting seems to be tied to being a glyph reader. I wonder if it’s something developed by Mayahuel, as an offshoot of her researches into time?
IIRC, Tepoz’s explanation for the one portal cloth being in the New World was that it was for those who could poit, but not to the New World because they couldn’t visualize themselves there, never having been there before. What he was saying seemed to imply that many people could poit at the time when they needed to flee from the priests. (The portal cloth couldn’t be used by someone who couldn’t poit in the first place.) OTOH, Monica and Katherine didn’t seem to believe what Tepoz was saying for reasons that I couldn’t figure out.
I think Monica has always been skeptical of anything Tepoz says. Not without good reason, as we found out later, since Jin was pulling his strings just like everyone else’s. Poor little guy. He ended up taking a lot of blows and humilation simply because he was following instructions from others. Not to mention being used by others at their whims.
I agree, but, human nature being what it is, it’s too much of a temptation not to use it often, and for trivial things. Tina should have a restroom stall that is always “out of order” for just such a purpose. Monica, et al. should be more careful though. What if the boss had come into the office during her absence? I guess they need look-ahead poiting to see if the destination is clear. May should work on that.
No kidding. Were you to poit to a mountain top that’s not there anymore the fall would kill you, even into the water. Of course, if you keep your wits, you could probably poit back before impact.
To thicken plot, add two cups of coffee and poit.
Good one.
Stir incessantly.
…add sugar and/or turkey as necessary.
Minneapolis Indie Xpo is over. You might want to let people know that you are going to FallCon?
Yeah, something like that.
I’ll be there. =)
She said “poity”! How did she pronounce “poity”? “poy-tee”, perhaps? Or did she somehow make that popping sound (*POIT*) with her lips?
Interesting… I hadn’t thought of ‘poit’ as a pop. More of a ‘cartoon sound effect’
I recall Paul saying in one of the comment sections that it was like the sound of a drop of water, I think (correct me if I’m wrong, please).
Then how can she pronounce a sound effect?
When confronted with the cruel reality of onomatopoeia, I usually try to get the idea of the sound across rather than try for an imitation. It usually works, and is what I’m guessing she’s doing there.
When all else fails, think like Don Martin.
O poity birds, o poity poity…
..and Bud’s been Seen, too.
D’you think she left Mall of America from an inconspicuous spot, or just ‘stepped out’? That area didn’t look too crowded….
Her and the Borrowers.
Man… Bud… bad poit etiquette there. I suppose that when you can teleport anywhere, that the idea of calling ahead goes right out the window. Good thing that Monica wasn’t ‘busy’ with her boyfriend or something…
Well that’s why Bud *Poits* into the living room. It’s the least likely place for Monica to do the woopy.
No. She’s in her office at the museum during normal working hours. Note the electrical devices on the wall in the first panel, the messy desk and the chair she has in her office.
Someone better with the archive than i needs to find the link to when Brandi poited in unexpectedly on Shelly while she was welding.
I wish I could poit. Traffic in China is murder and being able to poit myself to work would really help.
I agree. That’s why it’s my second most favorite superpower. I would probably take it a step further and set up house in some remote place that doesn’t even have a name yet and then work wherever I find it.
Or maybe engage in gray market smuggling.
So, what’s the first? Flight?
Wolverine grade healing.
Is that weeks long traffic jam still going on? It hasn’t been in the news lately
Heh… guess this is one secret that’ll just be impossible to keep. Love Amanda’s nonchalance, though
Looks more like numbness to me.
…or, looking at that last panel, maybe the facade of nonchalance… and it’s slipping?
She didn’t come across as all that nonchalant to me. The third panel looks like “Oh, this is uncomfortable and a bit alarming” to me. I think that Amanda comes across as more confident, but still surprised, in the fourth.
She didn’t panic or anything like that, but keep in mind that she’s experienced poiting, so she knows that it’s possible. Also Bud was acting like a friend of Monica’s, so she wouldn’t be a threat.
Poiting is so cool it sure does save time in traveling. I both envy and am jealous of Monica.
It would make visiting friends who have moved to other continents SO much easier!
Oh goodness yes!
Though just think what kind of meltdown the customs agencies would have. How would they be able to ensure that everyone’s passports were checked if they could poit anywhere they wanted?
Chaos I tell you! There’d be chaos! *shakes a cane* And whippersnappers too!
Cats living with dogs!
They’d pretty much have to give up the war on drugs…
@Julie: these kids today with their poity nonsense…in MY day, we had to walk in the five feet of snow uphill both ways…
And they have such poity mouths! It’s no wonder, with the music that they listen to.
Yep, we would have to have anti-poiting police. International poit barriers errected. Of course, to pay for it all there would be a poit tax, poit customs fees, pay-per-poit. Poit theft police. Still, there would be all sorts of new industries. Poit “taxi” service for the poiting challenged. Poit surgery. Poit laxitives. There would be poit shipping; “When it absolutely, positively has to be there this instant …”
the government should keep their laws off my poity…
Better Poit! than BAMF!
(it’s a lot more quiet and doesn’t smell like sulfur)
But BAMF comes with such a cute character attached!
Depends whether you’re talking about five-foot something one or the hordes of two-footers.
Lot of poitin’ goin’ on .
I really like Amanda’s look in the last panel , BTW .
Same here.
Paul, there’s an ad for a network TV show on the main page, that plays audio. Doesn’t wait for a mouse-over, it just plays it automatically. And repeatedly.
Could you contact your ad providers, and ask them to make it stop? Or set themselves on fire? Maybe both? Please?
Firefox with AdBlocker Plus can ensure you never see (or hear) such things… but yeah, they should set themselves on fire anyway.
I try to disable adblocker on websites I want to support. OTOH, I’ll go out of my way to block stuff that seems particularly obnoxious. I don’t know how the system works, though. Do the ads pay per view or per click? If the ads pay per view, I wouldn’t want to keep Paul from collecting by blocking them.
Of course, buying stuff is another way to support Paul. I think I remember you talking about items you purchased.
Obviously this is a new trend as I have seen it elsewhere. All control buttons are disabled so you can’t stop it. The idiots are cutting their own throats with this tactic. Makes me hate the product and not want to visit the site itself ever again. Of course there is little choice here. I’ve simply started turning my sound off during the comics rounds for now.
In these network ads I always select the “No, I’m not going to watch their crappy show” option. Well, it should say that instead of simply “No.”. At least there should be a “Hell No” selection. Better yet, a “Hell No and set yourself on fire” selection.
Come to think about it, I should not even click any selection as that tells them they, at least, got my attention. That’s all they want. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Me, not them.
For what it is worth, Firefox with NoScript stops such. In fact, I was not even aware of the problem until you mentioned it.
Opera’s “Blocked Content” list seems to get it too.
I’ll look into seeing what I can do, not sure how fine-tuned I can have certain ads blocked.
My, my – all these poity ladies. At some point, wouldn’t the general public wake up and start asking questions?
Alright lady, You arrive every morning with fresh coffee that isn’t sold within 1,246 miles of here! You gots some explaining to do here! (Yeh, I know, they wouldn’t actually cheat on Tina that way.)
Well, they do try to hide what they are doing. I wouldn’t think about it too much, but they also have the advantage that if someone tried to explain what they saw, they would come across as a crackpot. Not having the GGGs age would be a worse problem, I would think.
Gracious! How did Monica get so *tall*?!
I think it’s a matter of perspective, like in the third panel.
How and when did Monica get the ability to poit? I’ve read the whole archive, but I don’t recall how it happened.
When Brandi took M to visit the Bibliothiki, she gained the understanding that she could Poit — a skill she had but was unknown to her before that. Afterwards, with Brandi’s instruction, it was just concentration and practice!
…and this is the best “landing” we’ve ever seen her make.
Carrying hot coffee no less. She must be getting better and more confident. Too bad, the pratfalls were enjoyable. As I reacall, though, Tina is a big time clutz. Not a good attribute for someone serving scalding beverages. I remember she nailed Bud once.
As long as she keeps challenging herself, there may be opportunities.
Well, to be fair to Tina, that time she was very shaken by the fact that Bud has no aura.
True, Fairportfan, but I think I would still just have her set my coffee on the counter and ask her to back away slowly as I reached for it. Yet, even under those circumstances, I can see her quickly grab some condiment and say, “Oh! I forgot to give you your … opps!
Some of the earlier ones were fine.
Amanda sort of has that “Rats, I hope this one isn’t going to poit me somewhere I don’t want to be too” look. That or, “I hope she’s not going to kill me for seeing her poit.”
How many can poit? Can Phix poit, or does she just use an interdimentional doorway? Otherwise there are the 4 girls and blue boy. Where DOES he live now, anyway? I half expect Monica’s dog to display the talent any time.
I don’t know if you did, but it’s easy to forget that Amanda never met Bud before. (In the next strip Monica described Bud, but left the supernatural details out.) I can’t blame Amanda for being a bit alarmed or uncomfortable, especially when Bud acted alarmed that Amanda saw her poit.
I originally read what Bud said as “I didn’t see…”
Kukulcan could poit, too, apparently. He suddenly showed up in Monica’s office when Tepoz called for him. There could be more.
@SoWhyMe: I have myself been wondering about poit-ing; just how that skill was invented, and how long it’s been around. I think you are right about Phix – she just appears, silently, and goes away in much the same fashion.
I was looking back into the archives, and came to the conclusion that Mayahuel may have escaped with the calendar machine by poiting it away. Considering its size, it would have been really hard to escape without leaving a trail for the priests to follow, otherwise.
Poiting seems to be tied to being a glyph reader. I wonder if it’s something developed by Mayahuel, as an offshoot of her researches into time?
IIRC, Tepoz’s explanation for the one portal cloth being in the New World was that it was for those who could poit, but not to the New World because they couldn’t visualize themselves there, never having been there before. What he was saying seemed to imply that many people could poit at the time when they needed to flee from the priests. (The portal cloth couldn’t be used by someone who couldn’t poit in the first place.) OTOH, Monica and Katherine didn’t seem to believe what Tepoz was saying for reasons that I couldn’t figure out.
I think Monica has always been skeptical of anything Tepoz says. Not without good reason, as we found out later, since Jin was pulling his strings just like everyone else’s. Poor little guy. He ended up taking a lot of blows and humilation simply because he was following instructions from others. Not to mention being used by others at their whims.
Actually, it might be prudent to keep the poiting to a minimum lest the greater populace take notice and start a modern witch hunt or something…
I agree, but, human nature being what it is, it’s too much of a temptation not to use it often, and for trivial things. Tina should have a restroom stall that is always “out of order” for just such a purpose. Monica, et al. should be more careful though. What if the boss had come into the office during her absence? I guess they need look-ahead poiting to see if the destination is clear. May should work on that.
or in the case of Lanthis, still exists
No kidding. Were you to poit to a mountain top that’s not there anymore the fall would kill you, even into the water. Of course, if you keep your wits, you could probably poit back before impact.
When the Mac was new (newish?) you could select the ‘beep’
sound, one of which was ‘droplet'(?)
which, now that I think about it, sounds ‘poit!’.
For some reason, Monica really reminds me of the mother from the Brady Bunch in this.
I think this is my favorite drawing of Monica. I want her to keep looking like this.