Yep, seriously not digging Monica’s new do – Monica without long hair is like a fish head without the rest of the fish. Dammit Monica – there were many other choices besides “all” or “nothing” – I guess we should be grateful she didn’t shave her head.
Great page though – poor Bud. Could Jin give her lessons on magical hair? Could she teach Monica too?
Redbeard, you just drove home something that bothers me about the new change: it affects her silhouette. No, not her hourglass silhouette, her visual silhouette…
Took me a bit to nail down just why this change did not work for me. There were a few comics not long ago that showed Monica from above – walking, moving, talking – that I thought were particularly excellent – the flowing, dynamic nature of her hair in those really nailing down her hair as a major part of her character design and expressiveness for me. Now, sigh…. Shorter hair I could certainly understand – say middle of her back – but this? It’s almost like Snoopy getting his ears cropped.
I agree, Monica’s hair was distinctly part of her character… now she looks like a guitar.., without the balance to the chest and her knees it is strangely unsettling
I agree on the Jin giving lessons part. I don’t see why Bud hasn’t just sucked it up and asked Jin how she does it. I know that they don’t always get along, but Bud seems to have softened up towards Jin quite a lot (i.e. bringing May back from the Demon Realm).
Hmm…maybe she was trying to butter Jin up in preparation for asking the Hair Favor…
simple, their physical form is a reflection of what they were, they can be whatever they want, they are projections of their energies. they don’t need to be physical if they don’t want to, so, their physical form can change at will.
What makes someone an official “Glyph Reader” then? It has to be something more than a person who can read and speak glyph, because Brandi and Bud both do that in the temple (unlocking the door on Shelly, and removing the ink from Shelly’s ‘tattoo’).
I was going by this: That’s about all I know. Being taught by Maya can make you a glyph reader, but I don’t know who else could teach it or what other qualifications you might need.
I’m with you. I hope Bud asks Jin to teach her to affect her hair. I think it would be good for Jin, giving her something to focus on. Do you think it would work on Monica’s hair?
Hey Monica, There’s this thing called the Internet. You can send a picture to all your friends & family at the same time instead of Poiting to each one, one at a time.
Yeah, right! If you could poit, you’d do it all the time! I know I would. Poit down to the kitchen, poit to the corner store, poit to Bejing for some real Chinese food. Poit to New Orleans if I felt like music… (Poit past the line to get into crowded clubs/concerts…)
In both the comics in the 50s and Superman IV, Superboy/Superman donated a strand of hair to a museum that used it to holder an enormous amount of weight off the ground in a display. I think both mentioned he was temporarily exposed to Kryptonite so they could cut his hair.
Remember that in Superman IV – how Lex Luthor stole it and used it to make another superhuman to fight… Am I the only one who’s seen Superman IV? Thought so.
MaryJanice Davidson’s “Betsy, Queen of the Vampires” has remarked that it’s lucky she got a pedicure, had her highlights touched up and shaved her lega, etc. not long before she got killed.
Because she can do anything she wants with them now … and next evening when she wakes up from her day’s sleep, she’s gonna be exactly the way she was when she died….
Aw, Monica’s so happy, it’s so cute! It does feel amazing to go from long to very short hair. Light and fluffy! I think she looks great.
And the Locks of Love you’re plugging? They even take long gray hair. Yeah, it can’t be used for a kid’s wig, but they can sell it. I had long brown and gray mixed, and they took mine!
But poor Bud. Where’s a super powered hairdresser when you need one?
AERIAL ATTACK GOATS… Think about it they can climb anything and they never seem to get hurt when they jump. Also Goats are scary anyways… Was charged by one at a zoo once, Scared the life out of me…
The Symbology is also interesting as the Goat is distinctly Peasanty while the Lion and Snake are Kingly or divine symbols. The Chimera could symbolise the entire society working together… or not
hehe i have hair about as long as monicas used to be and when i was 12 i cut it into a pixie cut like hers…i looked like a boy because sadly at 12 i was built like one…i don’t think i could pull off short hair now…and also..i know about 15 people that would lynch me if i cut it all off lol and that includes my fiance. but on monica it does look cute.
Y’know I have a friend that will call me to essentially brag about any new purchase or what-not…. if he could poit, he would find himself poiting directly in front of my already-flying fist in short order..
Hi there ,FatUncle,txmystic,Jim and Hey there, Little Sister How are you today?
…..Curse you, Jim you beat me to the Heat Vision Comment. BUT… In an Old comic I read back in the 60’s Supes didn’t HAVE to shave because of his powers. He was always cleancut, No 5 o’clock shadow for him.
What about me? I know I don’t comment much but I said something on almost every comic in the last two weeks or so. Im hurt really really (not really ;> ) hurt.
Yep…the comment explaining the new avatar was on yesterday’s page. (I know the question wasn’t directed at me, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to answer.)
IIRC, Bud has expressed dissatisfaction before over her hair. She can’t condition it, she can’t cut it, I’m not sure she can even dye it since the dye wouldn’t be able to soak in and stay… Talking to Jin might be her only hope of ever getting a new ‘do…
(Have we ever seen the GGG in a shower or bath? Do they even get dirty? Or do they just ‘poit’ dirt off?)
Just because it’s not OUR comic doesn’t mean we can’t provide feedback.
If your neighbor painted its house bright pink with forest green trim, and flaming columns at all four corners, would you sit back and say “okay, I can’t complain, it’s not MY house.”?
…Okay, really bad analogy. The pixie cut isn’t as bad as a pink castle of bad taste, but still…
So why not talk directly to Maya? Bud should have ties with her anyway, since she rescued her and all… …I mean, you want the original or the crazy daughter? he he he
Folks having a hard time dealing with Monica’s hairstyle change need to realize that life is change. We are inherently resistance to change even when we know it’s good. Ergo, get over it and enjoy the comic.
That or it can be the whole idea that my one friend has “Long hair=feminine and beauty, short hair isn’t” Basically if you’re a girl and you wanna look pretty for whatever reason you’re suppose to have long hair. (It was a “discussion” hilariously brought up by my love of pixie cuts)
Then how does he explain that short hair for men is a relatively modern thing? For most of human history, men had shoulder length or longer hair. And usually beards, too.
Well I see this as a good change, though I can’t wait to see how Monica’s other friends will react to her new hair style. It will be interesting and amusing, I’m sure.
Locks for Love is a great program and I admire all the persons, the ones that live in the real and the ones that live in comics, that make a sacrifice as potentially traumatic as cutting ones hair can be.
Step back, look past the cute looking pixie-doo and take a look at the big picture.
Besides, with Monica’s plethora of other . . . assets . . . I didn’t even realize she had hair until a few months ago.
Plethora is ‘a superabundance or excess’. It can be one excessively big one, or two big somethings or a million little things. Like maybe A Plethora of Piñatas!
Umm… why doesn’t Bud just braid it up into fancy stuff? Mid-shoulder hair can do a lot of cool things with the right tools… yes it’s indestructible, but that just means no layering…
Bus has envy issues, I can see this coming up to be some serious issues later if she doesn’t find something she’s better at that the others can’t do…
Now, I’ve ‘haystack’ hair (blond, straw-textured, and incredibly resiliant to any sort of detangler or hairspray) and can fully understand that Bud’s not in for more than a ponytail. Clips, bobby pins, barettes, and similar decorations slip out before lunchtime. Braids begin to fray an hour after I put them up. (When Dietzel put the broom on his head, you should have seen me scowl, then laugh at how appropriate.) French braids look gastly (soooo many little bits of ‘straw’ sticking up!) and anything more complicated than that I don’t have the patience or ability.
I love the hair cut! Four years ago I had my butt length hair cut to above shoulder length. It’s amazing how much lighter your head feels! Rock on Monica, IMO
I proffer Bud’s hair to Monica’s now.
Yep, seriously not digging Monica’s new do – Monica without long hair is like a fish head without the rest of the fish. Dammit Monica – there were many other choices besides “all” or “nothing” – I guess we should be grateful she didn’t shave her head.
Great page though – poor Bud. Could Jin give her lessons on magical hair? Could she teach Monica too?
Redbeard, you just drove home something that bothers me about the new change: it affects her silhouette. No, not her hourglass silhouette, her visual silhouette…
I’m interested to see how difficult it will be to quickly ID Monica in the strip, because her basic form is off kilter.
D’oh, bad link. Take off the parenthesis:
Took me a bit to nail down just why this change did not work for me. There were a few comics not long ago that showed Monica from above – walking, moving, talking – that I thought were particularly excellent – the flowing, dynamic nature of her hair in those really nailing down her hair as a major part of her character design and expressiveness for me. Now, sigh…. Shorter hair I could certainly understand – say middle of her back – but this? It’s almost like Snoopy getting his ears cropped.
Maybe, if it’s too unsettling for her, Monica can magically extend her hair?
I agree, Monica’s hair was distinctly part of her character… now she looks like a guitar.., without the balance to the chest and her knees it is strangely unsettling
I agree on the Jin giving lessons part. I don’t see why Bud hasn’t just sucked it up and asked Jin how she does it. I know that they don’t always get along, but Bud seems to have softened up towards Jin quite a lot (i.e. bringing May back from the Demon Realm).
Hmm…maybe she was trying to butter Jin up in preparation for asking the Hair Favor…
How does Jin do it?
I don’t know, but since she was a glyph reader in addition to becoming a golem, she can do things that Bud and Brandi can’t do.
simple, their physical form is a reflection of what they were, they can be whatever they want, they are projections of their energies. they don’t need to be physical if they don’t want to, so, their physical form can change at will.
If it is simple, why is Bud complaining as if she cannot change her hair?
What makes someone an official “Glyph Reader” then? It has to be something more than a person who can read and speak glyph, because Brandi and Bud both do that in the temple (unlocking the door on Shelly, and removing the ink from Shelly’s ‘tattoo’).
I was going by this: That’s about all I know. Being taught by Maya can make you a glyph reader, but I don’t know who else could teach it or what other qualifications you might need.
I’m with you. I hope Bud asks Jin to teach her to affect her hair. I think it would be good for Jin, giving her something to focus on. Do you think it would work on Monica’s hair?
Monica couldn’t suddenly make her hair longer without people noticing. Jin didn’t see the same people every day, so it wasn’t an issue.
This? It’s a hair extension. You thought it was real? You’re silly!
Does indestructible hair grow? Could she poit off part of her hair? Maybe that’s what Jin does.
Hey Monica, There’s this thing called the Internet. You can send a picture to all your friends & family at the same time instead of Poiting to each one, one at a time.
Or cellphones.
“…a lovely invention known as the ‘telephone …”
Yeah, right! If you could poit, you’d do it all the time! I know I would. Poit down to the kitchen, poit to the corner store, poit to Bejing for some real Chinese food. Poit to New Orleans if I felt like music… (Poit past the line to get into crowded clubs/concerts…)
XD all that energy has to come from somewhere!
Yea! More pie!!!
If I could poit I’d use it for evil. Bank heist, go to Canada and get legal weed, assassin for hire, etcetera. (insert evil laugh here.)
Umm Weed is technically illegal in Canada… do you possibly mean Holland?
Ummm … errr … “hers” not “her’s” …
…sorry …
Oh, yeah, right – let me be the judas goat.
See if i play along with any of your gags at “Pibgorn” any more…
Remember when her fashion model friend popped in for a “Let’s Have Lunch!” moment?
It’s that….
Bud, darlin’, I feel your pain.
Nice to see that Monica is using her abilities in a mature, responsable manner.
As for Bud, she just needs to figure out how Superman kept his hair trimed.
According to the comic book mythology Superman’s hair doesn’t grow (that’s why he doesn’t have to shave either)
At one point he used a mirror to bounce back his heat vision to trim hair and beard.
I once read an issue where it required both Krypto & Supergirl’s heat vision to give him a shave after being exposed to red kryptonite.
He also at one point used his fingernails.
Also seen in the movie ‘Hancock’.
All he needs are scissors with lead shielded, kryptonite edges.
In both the comics in the 50s and Superman IV, Superboy/Superman donated a strand of hair to a museum that used it to holder an enormous amount of weight off the ground in a display. I think both mentioned he was temporarily exposed to Kryptonite so they could cut his hair.
Remember that in Superman IV – how Lex Luthor stole it and used it to make another superhuman to fight… Am I the only one who’s seen Superman IV? Thought so.
MaryJanice Davidson’s “Betsy, Queen of the Vampires” has remarked that it’s lucky she got a pedicure, had her highlights touched up and shaved her lega, etc. not long before she got killed.
Because she can do anything she wants with them now … and next evening when she wakes up from her day’s sleep, she’s gonna be exactly the way she was when she died….
I love today’s strip. Even this jaded soul laughed out loud!
I wonder if a nice HCl hairwashing might soften up that hair… Get rid of the ages of build-up.
I see Monica is still very excited about her hair style.
To recap from Yesterday. I am the poster formally known as LW18(LADYWOLF)
A few of you already know that I have changed my screen name to Little Sister.
We’d wondered where you had run off to.
Rub that salt into Bud’s hair style “wound” whydoncha? Some people are so inconsiderate. Reminds me of me.
That as well.
You mean after 54K years Bud has never talked “about your hair” with Jin? In any of the loops? Wow.
Even if Bud did, she wouldn’t remember now — only Jin remembers all those loops and all that time.
How about in the 10K or so years before the clock was made?
*snorts loudly*
Poor Bud
Aw, Monica’s so happy, it’s so cute! It does feel amazing to go from long to very short hair. Light and fluffy! I think she looks great.
And the Locks of Love you’re plugging? They even take long gray hair. Yeah, it can’t be used for a kid’s wig, but they can sell it. I had long brown and gray mixed, and they took mine!
But poor Bud. Where’s a super powered hairdresser when you need one?
Personally, I love this new Hairstyle!
I think that Monica looks cute, and to me it makes her look like a sophisticated young lady, ready to take on the world.
“Who can take the world on with a smile? Who can take a ‘nothing’ day, and suddenly make it all seem worth-whiiiileee?…”
…But even her hair was longer during that show’s run.
M’s going to make it after allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!
Lol. Hit and run Poiting
I gotta say… I have a… thing for Bud… I’d find it flattering if Paul drew me in to be an Alan for Bud.
…Okay… I just advocated having sex with a clay doll… A sexy clay doll. One that can breathe fire hot enough to vaporize clay. Erm. Cute though.
The only problem is, someone would eventually take a picture of you and Bud, and they’d end up having the picture of you with a goat…
Okay, that joke didn’t type out as well as it sounded…
There are already plenty of pictures of StJason with a goat on the internet.
Ouch. Guess I opened myself up for that one.
That’s something I never got about Chimeras. I get the lion and snake, their terrifying, but whats scary about a goat?
The Chimera was a combination of all three in one beast.
Yep, and goats are stubborn bastards who will eat ANYTHING. That can be terrifying in its own way…
That, plus the goat contributes horns to the beast, and likely a decent talent for ramming things as well as mauling them and poisoning them.
AERIAL ATTACK GOATS… Think about it they can climb anything and they never seem to get hurt when they jump. Also Goats are scary anyways… Was charged by one at a zoo once, Scared the life out of me…
The Symbology is also interesting as the Goat is distinctly Peasanty while the Lion and Snake are Kingly or divine symbols. The Chimera could symbolise the entire society working together… or not
Well, if you subscribe to the Biblical lore of Genesis, we’re all clay dolls. So, there you go. Problem solved.
The short hair makes Monica look way more unique. I really like her new ‘do.
Heheh . Poor Bud .
hehe i have hair about as long as monicas used to be and when i was 12 i cut it into a pixie cut like hers…i looked like a boy because sadly at 12 i was built like one…i don’t think i could pull off short hair now…and also..i know about 15 people that would lynch me if i cut it all off lol and that includes my fiance. but on monica it does look cute.
Didn’t several actresses make the ‘haystack hair’ look work?
Meg Ryan?
Define “haystack hair” (as in provide links), and then define “making that look work.”
My first thought was of Uma Thurman’s cut in Paycheck, which I definitely did not think was most flattering to her.
Farah Fawcett?
Y’know I have a friend that will call me to essentially brag about any new purchase or what-not…. if he could poit, he would find himself poiting directly in front of my already-flying fist in short order..
Awww. Now I just wanta give Bud a hug.
Well, okay, I frequently want to give Bud a hug, but that’s another story…
Hey, hands off! I called dibs!
Monica, your timing is impeccable…
Hi there ,FatUncle,txmystic,Jim and Hey there, Little Sister How are you today?
…..Curse you, Jim you beat me to the Heat Vision Comment. BUT… In an Old comic I read back in the 60’s Supes didn’t HAVE to shave because of his powers. He was always cleancut, No 5 o’clock shadow for him.
<raises hand hesitantly>
Hey? … Over here?
I see fatuncle, and TheDoctor, and there’s Little Sister, and I see Jim, and eschmenk, and Julie, and…..and fatuncle, and TheDoctor…
Awww…I got noticed.
I’m standing between you and the good doctor; I think the term I’m looking for is Total Eclipse.
What about me? I know I don’t comment much but I said something on almost every comic in the last two weeks or so. Im hurt really really (not really ;> ) hurt.
@jwhouk: Did you color your avatar yourself? I was wondering if I would still like Monica’s haircut when it was colored. I do.
Yep…the comment explaining the new avatar was on yesterday’s page.
(I know the question wasn’t directed at me, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to answer.)
No problem. Yes, I colored it, and the resizing eliminated my eternal problem of bad coloring.
That haircut really got her all caffeinated, didn’t it?
IIRC, Bud has expressed dissatisfaction before over her hair. She can’t condition it, she can’t cut it, I’m not sure she can even dye it since the dye wouldn’t be able to soak in and stay… Talking to Jin might be her only hope of ever getting a new ‘do…
(Have we ever seen the GGG in a shower or bath? Do they even get dirty? Or do they just ‘poit’ dirt off?)
Sheesh New Hair haters… It’ll take time to get used to it… LOL It’s not YOUR comic… so, shush.
New hair, old hair, pixie cuts fail.
Just because it’s not OUR comic doesn’t mean we can’t provide feedback.
If your neighbor painted its house bright pink with forest green trim, and flaming columns at all four corners, would you sit back and say “okay, I can’t complain, it’s not MY house.”?
…Okay, really bad analogy. The pixie cut isn’t as bad as a pink castle of bad taste, but still…
Where are Bud and Brandi right now? Given bud’s penchant for minimalism, I’m guessing it is Brandi’s modern loft?
Haystack hair. Is that a comment about color or texture? Hmm. or Straightness? or managability? or …?
Probably all of the above. Bud’s a tow-head with naturally thicker, coarser hair apparently.
Dietzel once suggest that Monica should consult Bud about something by putting a mop on his head.
And, tellingly, she immediately got the reference.
So why not talk directly to Maya? Bud should have ties with her anyway, since she rescued her and all… …I mean, you want the original or the crazy daughter? he he he
That. Was. Awesome.
Folks having a hard time dealing with Monica’s hairstyle change need to realize that life is change. We are inherently resistance to change even when we know it’s good. Ergo, get over it and enjoy the comic.
That or it can be the whole idea that my one friend has “Long hair=feminine and beauty, short hair isn’t” Basically if you’re a girl and you wanna look pretty for whatever reason you’re suppose to have long hair. (It was a “discussion” hilariously brought up by my love of pixie cuts)
Then how does he explain that short hair for men is a relatively modern thing? For most of human history, men had shoulder length or longer hair. And usually beards, too.
Good question, I shall ask him the next time I chat with him!
The military high and tight / buzz cut is what made short hair masculine.
You know, I used to have long hair, but I made a football bet with my dad last year. If my team (Denver Broncos) loses then I would get my hair cut.
Well I lost!
It took me awhile to get used to my now shoulder length hair. but I have grown to like it.
Well I see this as a good change, though I can’t wait to see how Monica’s other friends will react to her new hair style. It will be interesting and amusing, I’m sure.
Well hello to you as well TheDoctor
Bud worrying about hair is the best signal we have that things are quiet at the moment and Bud is adjusting to being human.
Locks for Love is a great program and I admire all the persons, the ones that live in the real and the ones that live in comics, that make a sacrifice as potentially traumatic as cutting ones hair can be.
Step back, look past the cute looking pixie-doo and take a look at the big picture.
Besides, with Monica’s plethora of other . . . assets . . . I didn’t even realize she had hair until a few months ago.
I always thought e “plethora” was more than two.
Well…if you think about normal sized women, it would take a plethora of their assets to equal Monica’s.
Plethora is ‘a superabundance or excess’. It can be one excessively big one, or two big somethings or a million little things. Like maybe A Plethora of Piñatas!
And since she doesn’t have hair now…
Umm… why doesn’t Bud just braid it up into fancy stuff? Mid-shoulder hair can do a lot of cool things with the right tools… yes it’s indestructible, but that just means no layering…
Bus has envy issues, I can see this coming up to be some serious issues later if she doesn’t find something she’s better at that the others can’t do…
Now, I’ve ‘haystack’ hair (blond, straw-textured, and incredibly resiliant to any sort of detangler or hairspray) and can fully understand that Bud’s not in for more than a ponytail. Clips, bobby pins, barettes, and similar decorations slip out before lunchtime. Braids begin to fray an hour after I put them up. (When Dietzel put the broom on his head, you should have seen me scowl, then laugh at how appropriate.) French braids look gastly (soooo many little bits of ‘straw’ sticking up!) and anything more complicated than that I don’t have the patience or ability.
The more I think of this strip, the more I feel Monica is being rude here. She didn’t even give Bud a chance to respond before poiting away.
In fact, I’m beginning to wonder if Monica has a poit addiction.
I love the hair cut! Four years ago I had my butt length hair cut to above shoulder length. It’s amazing how much lighter your head feels! Rock on Monica, IMO
If someone knows the trick of how to change it, why don’t you ask her…?