It stands to reason. He can’t maintain his disguise past the odd brain freeze. Castela is attractive to him both in her hybrid form, and as a Plant. That and she’s spectacularly DANGEROUS! A Triple Threat [like a Candle Flame.]
Cricket said she could Kill Fae[even as a child!] Castela has been dangerously clueless until just now. She needs to take a breath, and Reginald need to SAY something NOW. “i’m Reginald.” is a good start.
So this is what it looks like when butterflies reach puberty? A crash course in practical hormone dynamics chaos theory? That’s some heavy hands-on science right there in your lap, Cass!
This reminds me of the oddness about shapeshifters. Shouldn’t they shapeshift into other forms at the same stage of life? Butterflies are adults, but Reginald is a teen. The teen equivalent for lepidopterans is pupating in a cocoon.
I’d think that would apply to weres, but not to those who uses spells for shifting, or mimics, or doppelgangers, or natural shifters such as Ursamorphs and others like them.
The paras are taught to shift into a human looking form in school. They are probably instructed to keep their human form age appropriate, and I’m guessing that for most kids who isn’t natural shifters or magic users, learning more than one human form is hard or even impossible. Besides a lot of the para kids are already looking mostly human and only have to adjust details to be able to look fully human.
Weres are only able to shift between their natural form, usually human, and their were form, which is usually animal, and they really don’t have much choice about their look in either form. Some, or actually that may be most, versions of weres are able to assume a hybrid form, stopping the transformation somewhere between their two basic forms, sometimes even gaining more mass and strength than either base form.
As weres are tied to two base forms it seems logic that apparent age for both forms will look similar. However, as a lot of weres are created by being infected after surviving a were attack these will tend to be young adults at the time. The young kids and the old are more likely to be killed in the attack.
Now the existence of werebutterflies seems rather unlikely, and Cass has said she smelled fairy on him, so I think it’s quite unlikely that Reggie is a werebutterfly…
It’s also possible that Reggie is a fairy that’s been cursed morphing him into the butterfly, or he’s human or possibly para and was cursed by a fairy to shift into a butterfly. Both possibilities could explain the fairy smell.
There’s also the possibility that Reginald is half Fae. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was Calista’s cousin, and the son of her Aunt Lorraine, the MIB agent. Bud may have asked him to keep an eye on Castela.
Is that damage on his legs or hair? And who sent him?
Whatever, vaporising would be being too nice.
Wasn’t it mentioned that Castela is powerful enough to destroy anybody?
why would he have to have been sent, couldn’t he have wandered by on his one? in fact, ya know how stereotypical girls have to hang out with the “bad boys” that treat them like crap, even though a “good guy” that wouldn’t is right there??… maybe this is the opposite? Reginald is hanging around the one person that could kill him in a blink of an eye, even though there’s the equivalent of a “good girl” Fae nearby in his life that wouldn’t treat him that way… or heck, maybe he wants to get with Cricket, so he’s getting in good with her friends first before he gathers enough courage to ask out the Princess, so that they will vouch for him when he flubbs up the intro?
not specifically, but she DID kill one of Crickets parents secret service members sent to check up on her at the orphanage, AND it’s implied that Fae are VERY powerful, so to have killed one, ergo SHE must be very powerful as well… however, while she has demonstrated some awesome powers probably DESIGNED IN as part of the Weaponization Program, we haven’t yet seen what powers a FAE has, other than shape-shifting, extreme crushing resistance, and probably enhanced strength… and that was from the only other Fae we currently know of… Cricket… other than that, nada… lots of stuff implied by human tales, etc… but not SHOWN in-universe, heck even the display of strength was off-camera and implied when she flattened that kid in school the day she arrived.
Depends –
o Did Castela just decide to name him Reginald, or is that his name?
o Does Castela speak Butterfly?
o Is she observant enough to know he was Male in Butterfly form, or was tha a guess
[or too much Anise Seed or Pine needles?] Inquiring minds want to know!
If Reginald is fae…then maybe Calista aka Cricket did send him there…but then that wouldn’t account for his expressed love in little-cartoon-hearts form for Castela…
Sure it does: Cricket sent him simply to… do whatever it was he was sent to do, but after spending all that time he developed feelings for the stinkweed, it wouldn’t be the first time
Reginald is certainly eligible for Workman’s Comp medical coverage for this incident (assuming that he survives at all, of course).
His Fae bosses should have remembered that the Adelidae are terribly allergic to anise seed. That’s the worst case of form-change hiccoughs I’ve seen in years!
…. by now she may have figured it out. [Given human males typical reaction to immanant Death, I hope not that way.] “I’m Reginald. Please don’t kill me!” might not work at this point. Reginald is a smelly creepy Fae Boy. “Castela! Your a GUARDIAN! and you just swore to protect me.” might buy him a few seconds. The five words that just might save his life are: “Milady, Queen Calista sent me.”
That’s right! Isn’t Her Mom, Calista’s consultant on Amulets? SHE may very well have sent Reginald. Regardless It would be VERY useful for Reggie to claim he was sent and is following orders. Better to fall out of the “friend zone,” and take a few lumps, then be Vaporized.
You know, there part of me that keeps thinking of that old tao nugget ” Am I man who dreamed he was a Butterfly, or a butterfly who dreamed he was a man.” That and we haven’t seen a changeling yet.
hmm. Castela doesn’t seem to have asked Leucosia about the Fae? She *seems to be* operating on the same information she had when she met Calista. Which, perhaps that’s actually accurate? Or perhaps despite the “weaponization of a flower” comment Leucosia didn’t actually know about the Fae? Hmm. Hmm hmm hmm.
Only thing sure – with Paul’s storytelling and characterization abilities, best to put your emotions on the shelf if you don’t want them blenderized.
It would be funny if the catalyst is extremely awkward moments.
It stands to reason. He can’t maintain his disguise past the odd brain freeze. Castela is attractive to him both in her hybrid form, and as a Plant. That and she’s spectacularly DANGEROUS! A Triple Threat [like a Candle Flame.]
Rinse and repeat.
Shoved with extreme prejudice…
And she wants to be a scientist.
Gotta be a little more observant, kiddo!
Oh, dear. She just made a promise to a fae.
She did, didn’t she…
(George Takei’s voice: “Oh my…”)
But only once.
That said… Still perhaps not the best idea.
Oh…oh, dear God…
If she can smell Fae when he’s humanoid why not when he’s insectoid?
Maybe something along the lines of a cloaking spell or when a Fae transforms they become the target fully.
I’m going to guess it’s either a backfired spell or a curse that completely transforms him.
annnnd… AWKWARD!
So Reginald’s a shapeshifter—man, that root beer Castela made is some powerful stuff.
Hmmm . . . perhaps it’s a little overage . . . and has fermented?
I’m confused. And very curious where it’ll go!
Maybe coincidence, but the 16th anniversary is approaching.
DAMMIT! I had a perfectly good Fae-d to Grey joke and do you think I can remember it?!
“Lost Girl” flashbacks
Cricket said she could Kill Fae[even as a child!] Castela has been dangerously clueless until just now. She needs to take a breath, and Reginald need to SAY something NOW. “i’m Reginald.” is a good start.
Props to whomever called that Reg is fae. Now there’s a naked boy in your lap, Castela. And you thought it was awkward before?
“and that’s how I met your mother”?
Kath walking in in 3…2…….
So this is what it looks like when butterflies reach puberty? A crash course in practical hormone dynamics chaos theory? That’s some heavy hands-on science right there in your lap, Cass!
This reminds me of the oddness about shapeshifters. Shouldn’t they shapeshift into other forms at the same stage of life? Butterflies are adults, but Reginald is a teen. The teen equivalent for lepidopterans is pupating in a cocoon.
I’d think that would apply to weres, but not to those who uses spells for shifting, or mimics, or doppelgangers, or natural shifters such as Ursamorphs and others like them.
The paras are taught to shift into a human looking form in school. They are probably instructed to keep their human form age appropriate, and I’m guessing that for most kids who isn’t natural shifters or magic users, learning more than one human form is hard or even impossible. Besides a lot of the para kids are already looking mostly human and only have to adjust details to be able to look fully human.
Weres are only able to shift between their natural form, usually human, and their were form, which is usually animal, and they really don’t have much choice about their look in either form. Some, or actually that may be most, versions of weres are able to assume a hybrid form, stopping the transformation somewhere between their two basic forms, sometimes even gaining more mass and strength than either base form.
As weres are tied to two base forms it seems logic that apparent age for both forms will look similar. However, as a lot of weres are created by being infected after surviving a were attack these will tend to be young adults at the time. The young kids and the old are more likely to be killed in the attack.
Now the existence of werebutterflies seems rather unlikely, and Cass has said she smelled fairy on him, so I think it’s quite unlikely that Reggie is a werebutterfly…
It’s also possible that Reggie is a fairy that’s been cursed morphing him into the butterfly, or he’s human or possibly para and was cursed by a fairy to shift into a butterfly. Both possibilities could explain the fairy smell.
There’s also the possibility that Reginald is half Fae. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was Calista’s cousin, and the son of her Aunt Lorraine, the MIB agent. Bud may have asked him to keep an eye on Castela.
Is that damage on his legs or hair? And who sent him?
Whatever, vaporising would be being too nice.
Wasn’t it mentioned that Castela is powerful enough to destroy anybody?
that’s his hairy legs in human form.
why would he have to have been sent, couldn’t he have wandered by on his one? in fact, ya know how stereotypical girls have to hang out with the “bad boys” that treat them like crap, even though a “good guy” that wouldn’t is right there??… maybe this is the opposite? Reginald is hanging around the one person that could kill him in a blink of an eye, even though there’s the equivalent of a “good girl” Fae nearby in his life that wouldn’t treat him that way… or heck, maybe he wants to get with Cricket, so he’s getting in good with her friends first before he gathers enough courage to ask out the Princess, so that they will vouch for him when he flubbs up the intro?
not specifically, but she DID kill one of Crickets parents secret service members sent to check up on her at the orphanage, AND it’s implied that Fae are VERY powerful, so to have killed one, ergo SHE must be very powerful as well… however, while she has demonstrated some awesome powers probably DESIGNED IN as part of the Weaponization Program, we haven’t yet seen what powers a FAE has, other than shape-shifting, extreme crushing resistance, and probably enhanced strength… and that was from the only other Fae we currently know of… Cricket… other than that, nada… lots of stuff implied by human tales, etc… but not SHOWN in-universe, heck even the display of strength was off-camera and implied when she flattened that kid in school the day she arrived.
There was the Fae who found, beheaded, and relocated the heads of a whole bunch of people. While standing in a room. So the Fae are kind of like God.
MIB Special Agent Lorraine Foxglove, Calista’s aunt.
that is an extremely compromising position, now is when some Three’s Company style shenanigans will occur. sings “come and knock on our door” ~<3
It’s a good thing she merely shoved him. Had she punched him, he had exploded.
Now Atsali walks in. Freaks to Jesus. Calls mom.
He gets punched again in 3……..2……..1……..
Winds up fleeing for his life all around the house while simultaneously trying to explain what’s going on.
Poor guy is either very unlucky, or a masochist.
I also get the feeling he may be mute.
Maybe he’ll speak in butterfly, the way Digit spoke in spider…
Depends –
o Did Castela just decide to name him Reginald, or is that his name?
o Does Castela speak Butterfly?
o Is she observant enough to know he was Male in Butterfly form, or was tha a guess
[or too much Anise Seed or Pine needles?] Inquiring minds want to know!
If Reginald is fae…then maybe Calista aka Cricket did send him there…but then that wouldn’t account for his expressed love in little-cartoon-hearts form for Castela…
Sure it does: Cricket sent him simply to… do whatever it was he was sent to do, but after spending all that time he developed feelings for the stinkweed, it wouldn’t be the first time
Then again, why send someone who morphs into someone Castela’s age?
Who says Rule 34 doesn’t apply to butterflies and Fae as much as humanoids?
And they seem to have a bad rep in the Wapsiverse (consider Cricket’s comments shortly after she was introduced!).
What cartoon hearts?
August 13th, in the one of the semi-formal portraits that are usually around on weekends or holidays.
Just putting this out there, but maybe Reginald is Cricket’s younger brother?
Oh, she’ll ‘take care of him’ all right
Someone comes home unexpectedly = totally expected narrative causality.
Hopefully we can skip that.
Reginald is certainly eligible for Workman’s Comp medical coverage for this incident (assuming that he survives at all, of course).
His Fae bosses should have remembered that the Adelidae are terribly allergic to anise seed. That’s the worst case of form-change hiccoughs I’ve seen in years!
…. by now she may have figured it out. [Given human males typical reaction to immanant Death, I hope not that way.] “I’m Reginald. Please don’t kill me!” might not work at this point. Reginald is a smelly creepy Fae Boy. “Castela! Your a GUARDIAN! and you just swore to protect me.” might buy him a few seconds. The five words that just might save his life are: “Milady, Queen Calista sent me.”
actually unless her MOM died, she’s still only a Princess…
That’s right! Isn’t Her Mom, Calista’s consultant on Amulets? SHE may very well have sent Reginald. Regardless It would be VERY useful for Reggie to claim he was sent and is following orders. Better to fall out of the “friend zone,” and take a few lumps, then be Vaporized.
You know, there part of me that keeps thinking of that old tao nugget ” Am I man who dreamed he was a Butterfly, or a butterfly who dreamed he was a man.” That and we haven’t seen a changeling yet.
Gotta feel about sorry for all the men in this comic, knocked around by power house women
hmm. Castela doesn’t seem to have asked Leucosia about the Fae? She *seems to be* operating on the same information she had when she met Calista. Which, perhaps that’s actually accurate? Or perhaps despite the “weaponization of a flower” comment Leucosia didn’t actually know about the Fae? Hmm. Hmm hmm hmm.
Only thing sure – with Paul’s storytelling and characterization abilities, best to put your emotions on the shelf if you don’t want them blenderized.
Castilla has to thnk fast now…Instead of wondering where the fae boy *went* then, she should be a bit more concerned with where he’s *going* now.