It”s not 100% for everybody and it’s not one sided. Have you taken a look at the women’s mags? Cosmo is the prime example but almost all of them plaster their covers with sex titles.
I was tryting to explain this to my friend the other day, when he was moaning his girlfriend wont wear leather for him…
I said ‘its not the leather, its the fashion! take her to a good shop, so she can choose it..’
sure enough, he was very happy with the result, she chose a really kinky one, expensive, but worth more (to him) than the simple skirt he was thinking of!! :d
I’ve always used women with large mammalian protuberances as the litmus for when men have truly escaped puberty in their heads.
The still-adolescent male brain will see a girl with huge tits and think, “Whoa, look at the tits on her!” A guy who has escaped adolescence will see a girl with huge tits and think, “Whoa, look at the tits on her! […pause…] That poor girl is gonna have such terrible back problems by the time she’s thirty-five…”
Well, Monica doesn’t have very ‘fond’ memories of her father and mother. Makes sense she’d default to her grandparents, especially her abuela, whom she’s expressed admiration for in the past.
Aside from the comical exaggeration of “grandmother = elderly = sagging knockers”.
I think she’s skipping a step: don’t you need to be a mother before you can be a grandmother?
Now I’m thinking of Monica with child. Later, trying to feed/not smother said child.
Now I’m going to go take a shower.
symbiote- And I’m thinking of the problems involved. She goes to her bra engineer and says, “One type M nursing bra to go.” Stupified look from engineer follows.
I put forth that she should start going to Punk Yoga in yesterdays’ comments. She’d be near Shelly and Jackie, and might even learn something in Shelly’s kickboxing class – or maybe with Shelly as her personal trainer even.
Either breast-reduction or working out, both can lead to smaller knockers.
Problem is: First one is probably painful and also expensive (if not covered by health insurance) and the second option takes a lot of time… and effort.
… though perhaps less-so when you have multiple entities capable of precision poiting food in and out of your system (Bud, Jin, and Tepoz have done this to date, Brandi most likely can as well).
Not sure I’d let Jin anywhere around my insides willingly. And it’s been a while since Monica bossed around Tepoz (dude needs work, he’s regressed to Nudge’s personal chauffeur for Kukuklan’s sake).
…unless you’re someone like me who, for whatever reason, can work out, diet, lose weight, need to STOP losing weight because she’s scaring friends and family…. and STILL have the ginormous knockers.
Not good for looks, huh? So I should have endured intense pain for the rest of my life so other people could enjoy my appearance fitting their preferred mode?
And once you’re big enough, there really aren’t many options, no matter how much you spend. E.g. there’s no such thing as a sports bra in size G, I would know.
Are those kind of new or did the specialty bra shops in my area just kind of suck back in the nineties? There was definitely nothing like that for me. Now that I’ve had a reduction it doesn’t really matter any more, but I’ll definitely pass that along to some of my still busty friends.
Probably just a 90’s thing. Your g cups and my size 14 (sometimes a 15 due to the high instep) feet got the same neglect by retailers. But in my case I could still find shoes, just not at Payless, had to go to sports stores and pay triple the price, but at least I could get them.
Even today it can be fun finding nice cheap shoes for these behemoths attached to the ends of my legs. But it’s a lot better than it used to be.
Um… excuse me? When did we default back to the 50s? Yes, please try and scare women away from what, for many, is a necessary surgery, or even if it isn’t, is still not a bad choice. I had breast reduction surgery back in high school. The scarring is minimal and almost invisible (it would’ve been almost non-existent if I’d been smaller; below a certain size they can just take it out through your nipples) and only because they had to reshape. I got perky C cups instead of E cups that were already almost down to my belly button and were staring at the floor, and I finally got a year of school where people stopped making fun of me and I could actually play sports (then I went to college, and continued to be happy about it). Don’t use scare tactics. Any surgery gone wrong can be horrible; that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. And breast reduction surgery is a hell of a lot safer and more routine than you may think.
Considering I had one nine years ago, I’m well aware of what kind of scarring it leaves. And the scars are small, flat, and pale for the most part. I’ve actually had to point them out to exes who knew to expect scars and didn’t notice them.
You seriously seem to think that the appearance of my breasts (which, last time I checked, only matters to me and my significant other) are more important than the health of my body. Mine went very well, and even if it had only been so-so I think that would have been preferable to pain so bad it made me vomit from trying to stand up after a late night of studying (no exaggeration).
And as another commenter said, any bad surgery is bad, it shouldn’t scare you off from having good surgery.
I think it all has to do with your skin type and the surgeons skill. I have known people that had surgery that could have very easily left major scars, but the doctor left them so minimal that it was not worth notice.
I’m with you, Nitty. This topic even came up once with my wife, on a different tangent. Was an episode of Law and Order where they were prosecuting a quack doctor who was selling a remedy for breast cancer that they knew to be snake oil.
She asked me what my reaction would be and I told her – for your own state of mind, I would hope they can save you *and* your breasts. But if it came down to it – I would rather be able to hug a breastless wife, than to be forced to hug her tombstone instead. The person matters FAR more to me than their parts – period.
Yes, exercise and a proper diet can take a long time to get results (depending on how actively you pursue a regime) however, good things come to those who wait.
Usually, the slower, gradual approach, which in this case would also go hand-n-hand (no puns) with reprogramming her diet and exercise habits, would pay the best long term dividends.
Usually those who take the short-cut lose long term gain, at least in my experience as a former trainer.
Ooowwww… Tell me I’m not the only female who felt that…
Also, totally digging the new style. Things look very shiny.. though (water balloon boobs in panel 2 and her face in panel 3). Still… d ^_^ b (two thumbs up!)
Nope, I definitely thought that looked painful, too. That’s a highly uncomfortable thing to do even for a smaller woman. And I concur further that her breasts do look rather water balloon-like in panel 2. I like the new art style, but some strange choices were made there.
Definitely looks painful. Perhaps not quite as bad as the braless pirouette that Monica once did, and then swore to never let herself do again… but painful nevertheless. Those PJ tops probably provide no real support against such insults.
I’m reminded a bit of a section in D’Shai in which the protagonist (an acrobat) recalls doing something he says eventually happens to every male acrobat: doing a stunt on the flying trapeze, coming out of a midair tumble and catching the trapeze you’re aiming for, your body jerking abruptly to a halt… and you realize that you forgot to tighten your crotch strap and that two small and sensitive parts of your anatomy are still headed thataway at a high rate of speed. Owwie.
At 33 & “heavyset” (to put it politely), I often feel twice my age too.
Which makes me wonder: How old IS Mon, anyway? If it’s been stated before, I’ve forgotten.
Yes – although never actually confirmed by P – given the seasons and other clues within the strip and starting from a confirmed age he listed in an early character bio M is now 30. (at least as of May 1, 2012)
What this means interestingly is that “time” in the Wapsiverse story appears to progress at just around half speed.
Even more vague is her birthday which at best estimate is in the Spring either late March or sometime in April but before May 5th. So – Happy late B-day M.
I don’t know – Tina 1.0 was a therapist. An accredited therapist generally has a Masters. That means somewhere in the mid-twenties. Let’s say 23, just to pick a number.
Monica was fourteen when she and Tina had their encounters with the bus.
You need to work on your wellness girl! You have a strong group of loving and supportive friends who can help you on your journey to be a better you. Once you put your mind to something you can accomplish great things. Know that I am cheering for you.
I think it would be better or Jin to do it, she’s already proved adept at precision poiting, remember when she got her dressed, her hair done and made her go to the bathroom for her!, i’m running kinda behind schedule otherwise i’d look up the link.
Problem in the physiology of humans. If you remove too much of a persons body fat in too quickly a manner it will cause that being to go into shock. Look up what happens when someone has too much liposuction (what you are basically saying Tepoz should do to Monica) at one time.
Monica is reminding me of my mother… they’re both short and large in the chest region (although mom is less so nowadays since she had reduction work done). I’m the tall one in the family which had mom asking me to get items out of the upper cabinets (Mom never could figure out how she gave birth to someone so different in body shape; guess I take after dad’s side of the family).
I had a friend over this weekend who was really happy about the weight she’s been losing overall, but freaking out over the shrinking of her boobs. You can’t pick and choose where the weight comes from. And it doesn’t take that long.
“The government has changed your name to Ginormica.”
Seriously, I have always thought that there would be a plot development about this. Although I couldn’t imagine what it would involve. There has been speculation that her endowments were a path to a miniature black hole or something.
Sad but true… the metabolism which used to allow Monica to eat whatever she wanted, is probably changing and slowing down a bit as she grows older. The advice that she knows Kevin would give her is entirely correct. Eat better, eat less, exercise more. Poiting doesn’t count, and noisy anaerobic sex (as May put it) won’t be enough.
I certainly remember noticing the effect of age on food consumption myself… probably when younger than Monica. When I hit my mid-20s I realized I could’t pack it away the way I had done when in college, without it going to my waistline, and the trend has continued in the decades since then… damnit.
It’s probably no coincidence that American food portions are larger than in most other countries, and that Americans have a terrible problem with weight gain even at a young age.
We just eat too much, and we’re all turning into our grand fodders.
(tips the waiter Pun Jar lavishly… it’s fine if the Jar bulges around the midsection, as long as I don’t have to)
Mon’s problem is also fighting the effects of gravity. Skin loses elasticity over time, so she can’t be perky with a rack like that for very long. Even managing her health won’t impact that very much.
Indeed, age is a terrible master. I discovered my vegetarian diet was making me fat in my mid 20s. Had to move on to a more sensible diet of cheeseburgers and steak to loose the weight.
Plot elements, faintly resembling shadowy wolves, circle the clearing in which the Readers are gathered. By silent signs and signals they communicate, staging themselves advantageously behind the rocks and trees. The Readers often glimpse them as they move, but see only the individuals in motion and fail to realize what is truly happening.
When the last of the plot elements has arrived in position, and when the Readers have been lulled into a hazy state of complacency by the natural beauty of the scenery… the plot shall strike.
and of course the readers too dumb to see have usually wandered off by then, lured by questionablecontent & sinfest…
leaving the more worthy readers to get the good stuff…
Disagree. M had been spending her entire Waspi life dealing with her boobs — that is, how they get in the way and how other people react to them. Most anything she does could be considered fan service just because of her figure. That issue is a huge part of her personna, and one she resolved after the Calendar Machine event. I remember her (link pleez, somebody?) in her back yard in a bikini just cooling down on a warm day, and Amanda showing up to say hello and stir the pot a bit. What came out of that is Monica has accepted herself as she is, she doesn’t want reduction surgery, and those who find her offensive can take a leap.
She’s finally happy as she is, and good for her — indeed, anyone with body image issues!
That’s the point. So from here on, she is now aware of having to care for the house she lives in. Middle age approaches, and we all pay toll on that highway of life. So to dismiss this as merely fan service because she’s sexy? Sure it’s fan service-ish, but you’ve utterly missed the point if her introspection and realization. I wonder how someone else would script and draw someone voluptuous facing the mirror of time? This works, on point and on character.
people claiming ‘fan service’ deserve the same low respect as a guy shouting to a pretty girl ‘why are you dressed like a slut’ – they will get a beating by the girl, as well as their BF… no internet to hide behind.. >:(
and yes I know many pretty girls, one a navy seal who loves confusing idiots by paralyzing them with one hand..
Last week we were having phd level discussions about time-space loops and causalities, as well as questions about who was pulling strings across said loops. As well, the topics covered eternal souls and demon covens.
So, if this week things are a little more earthier and, dare I say it, weightier and meatier, is that wrong?
I personally love the swing back and forth between the Post-Grad Physics lessons (better explained than the sequence in Back to the Future II), and the day to day problems of a 30 something with mild body issues. Well, also the swing between that and the absolute terror of inner demons and stark contrast monsters. To me, Tina embodies all three of those, usually in the space of a single strip.
That is because it is there to make a point. Monica had to notice that it was time to make a life change. Probably the same reason that Tina had her bad morning with her tight jeans. I am expecting that at some point the two of them are going to go to Punk Yoga for some healthy living tips.
Ha! My wife is diabetic. Through her own efforts she has shed about 40 lbs over the last decade, improved her health in the process (and got a new wardrobe about 6 sizes smaller) but still thinks that she’s top-heavy. It’s all body image.
She has done well but is agonizing over where the losses have been. IMHO a gym membership is called for, not for any additional weight losses but for toning up what’s still there. It’s on the short B’Day list for next month. She is much more fit with the weight gone, cut her meds a lot, but ALWAYS looked just fine. For some reason she even puts up with me!
It’s never a good time to give your girl a gym membership.
But I sure wouldn’t do it on a birthday or major gift giving holiday, unless that’s what SHE.
I like the effort being put into the comic (it’s nice that the style used to sell prints is being applied to the comic). I’ve been reading this comic for years, I enjoyed the characters and the zany plots. But I’m concerned. Most of the characters wear clothes that are almost always revealing and sexy (which, hey, women do that in real life, but even in the winter they’re wearing miniskirts). Or they strike poses which always squish their boobs together (when I want to fold my arms over each other I do so over my breasts, not under). It really makes me sad that Monica thinks her boyfriend can only view her in two regards- either negatively (out of shape because, gravity has an effect on her bust) or for sex. I get that this is meant to be light hearted, but it’s really sad. We rarely see Monica and Kevin interact in the comic, and when he’s mentioned again after months of him being MIA (as usual), it’s to hypothetically mock Monica. I guess by now I expect the characters have more dimension outside of their bodies (or at least not always being used as fan service- for instance, fans ideally shouldn’t be openly remarking about how they’re using just one hand). Again, I enjoy this comic for the art style, but hope that it’ll start to respect its characters again.
But remember, it’s Monica saying this, she’s so negative on herself and critical that she’s saying that Kevin will say this. Kevin is active and eats healthy, he does get worried when he sees her eating crap.
I think you’ll find its only the golem girls that are out in the snow in a t-shirt.. heck, if weather had NO effect on me, I would not bother with clothes that hamper movement either!!
The only reason the GG’s wear winter clothes is so they dont look strange…
I’ve had three ladyfriends of the incredibly endowed persuasion, and all but one went for reduction surgery. Those who opted in were able to maintain their weight better, had much better posture, and all their chronic neck, shoulder and back pain went away. The third who opted out has struggled with her weight, as well as the pain mentioned earlier, and actually has bra strap scars in her shoulders. Monica would do well for herself to consider that less is more.
I think maybe in Monica’s case, that ›poiting‹ the excess mass from her beasts could be a viable alternative to surgical reduction (it remains to be seen whether, and how, the degree to which the skin on her breasts has stretched out over the years complicates the process).
She’s fictional, and STILL everyone has opinions on her body and advice for her about losing weight and surgery, even suggesting that a nother person or group poit food in and out of her body to force her body to change. Seriously? I’ve loved Wapsi since the beginning because of how respectful and encouraging and positive it has always been–please don’t chuck that all in the garbage by poisoning Monica with body hate.
I don’t see it as body hate. I see it as a person with some negative self issues (and she always had some issues about herself from when she was put in the psych hospital) just beginning to notice that we all age and the body needs to have things change to keep up with it all
actually, Kevin had the advice about her health and body who is another fictional character by the same author who writes the Wapsi Square which you love… so where’s the hate?… in my head it’s slice of life through the eyes of the author… agreeing or disagreeing in this forum is just expressing my viewpoint, yeah?
GreyWolf- Mental Grenades (trademark of the Socratic Arms LMD.) to drive them off, and a generous supply of meta mines (various producers, most Mother-in-Law supply houses can fill moderate sized orders. For strategic levels however the US senate has no equal as a supplier) to channel them away in confusion usually works.
The shading on Monica’s breasts in the last panel shows a way that a bend in the compound curve surface of breasts between the clavicle and areola (even a sharp bend from a pushup bra) can be more realistically depicted, without said bend looking like a crease
I’d bet on the sex.
and note they dont see all the little things women do, all they see is one thing… :/
Please don’t keep perpetuating a myth.
It”s not 100% for everybody and it’s not one sided. Have you taken a look at the women’s mags? Cosmo is the prime example but almost all of them plaster their covers with sex titles.
It’s not a myth. It’s a stereotype. There are plenty of people who match the description…but not everyone does.
and what demographic does cosmo apply to?? certainly not teens, or over 50…. :/
TheSkulker: you will have to clarify.. If you mean ‘men simple / women complex’ I dont mean intelligence!! try these..
I was tryting to explain this to my friend the other day, when he was moaning his girlfriend wont wear leather for him…
I said ‘its not the leather, its the fashion! take her to a good shop, so she can choose it..’
sure enough, he was very happy with the result, she chose a really kinky one, expensive, but worth more (to him) than the simple skirt he was thinking of!!
I’ve always used women with large mammalian protuberances as the litmus for when men have truly escaped puberty in their heads.
The still-adolescent male brain will see a girl with huge tits and think, “Whoa, look at the tits on her!” A guy who has escaped adolescence will see a girl with huge tits and think, “Whoa, look at the tits on her! […pause…] That poor girl is gonna have such terrible back problems by the time she’s thirty-five…”
We men will be distracted by beautiful women regardless of our age.
As the saying goes:
“I’ll be a dirty old man until I’m a dead old man”
So you’ll be dirty until you’re buried in dirt? Fascinating juxtaposition.
Yes, well they bury him in a nice clean box that won’t collapse under the weight of all the dirt, so there you have it…
If you do it right, sex counts as exercise. Bonus!
Ah, the joy of mundane issues. Monica does not have enough of them.
Nothing mundane about her “issues”. ^_^
Right. Her issues are mountane indeed. (clink)
Hrm, I was going to say that her ‘issues’ were monumental indeed.
Does that mean when Kevin sees them he’s thinking about mounts rushmore?
……………………..(O).(O)….speaking of Kevin. Where is that knucklehead at anyways?
Best…. sound effect…. EVER!
“Becoming my grandmother”, my we’ve skipped a generation!
Well, Monica doesn’t have very ‘fond’ memories of her father and mother. Makes sense she’d default to her grandparents, especially her abuela, whom she’s expressed admiration for in the past.
Aside from the comical exaggeration of “grandmother = elderly = sagging knockers”.
Ah ha! “Become my grandmother”! More ominous foreshadoechoes of Monica taking Jin or May’s place.
Seriously, even if there’s the slightest chance she’ll be doomed to an indefinite ageless state after December 21st, she may want to ramp up for that.
Yeah. Even when she’s leaning forward, as in panel one, they still don’e reach her knees. So mother is more like it than grandmother.
Still, if you’re alienated from parents, and like gram-parents, that’s probably what you go with.
I think she’s skipping a step: don’t you need to be a mother before you can be a grandmother?
Now I’m thinking of Monica with child. Later, trying to feed/not smother said child.
Now I’m going to go take a shower.
symbiote- And I’m thinking of the problems involved. She goes to her bra engineer and says, “One type M nursing bra to go.” Stupified look from engineer follows.
[Jayne Cobb] …I’ll be in my bunk. [/Jayne Cobb]
Ahh… My world. -_-
In such cases sex can be exercise… just have to do it for an hour or two… Need an exercise partner Akamar?
ROFL. Alas… :3
I like option two.
This is relevant to my interests.
Hehehe..This is gonna be fun. Monica is having one of those anxt-attacks again.. That’s always a prelude of whimsical… (remember her bicycle?)
You cut me by two minutes…
She should sign up at Punk Yoga. Shelly would have a ball making her exercise…
But hey, ‘everyday problems arc’ coming up for a change, good thing
(anyone remembers the old arc with Amanda and the bicycle? That was hilarious
I put forth that she should start going to Punk Yoga in yesterdays’ comments. She’d be near Shelly and Jackie, and might even learn something in Shelly’s kickboxing class – or maybe with Shelly as her personal trainer even.
Her doing yoga might be a dangerous thing without the proper support.
No really, I mean backwards arching position and one of those get’s loose? Poor girls gonna have a black eye for a month.
well she first needs some retail therapy at her ‘custom bra’ shop.. get some good support and nice outfit to feel good in!
I recommend the sports-bra I found through Bravissimo…the Shock Absorber.
But Monica’s Bra Engineer will have to reinforce that one first.
Either breast-reduction or working out, both can lead to smaller knockers.
Problem is: First one is probably painful and also expensive (if not covered by health insurance) and the second option takes a lot of time… and effort.
… though perhaps less-so when you have multiple entities capable of precision poiting food in and out of your system (Bud, Jin, and Tepoz have done this to date, Brandi most likely can as well).
Not sure I’d let Jin anywhere around my insides willingly. And it’s been a while since Monica bossed around Tepoz (dude needs work, he’s regressed to Nudge’s personal chauffeur for Kukuklan’s sake).
…unless you’re someone like me who, for whatever reason, can work out, diet, lose weight, need to STOP losing weight because she’s scaring friends and family…. and STILL have the ginormous knockers.
….no, I don’t get it either.
surgery is not 100% safe or good for looks… In RL, a girl with the build of Monica needs properly designed bras and clothing..
Today there is a lot more out there catering to Busty Petite Women.. just google it!
Not good for looks, huh? So I should have endured intense pain for the rest of my life so other people could enjoy my appearance fitting their preferred mode?
And once you’re big enough, there really aren’t many options, no matter how much you spend. E.g. there’s no such thing as a sports bra in size G, I would know.
Wrong. There are sports-bras for G cups…I wore one this morning (see my comment above about the Shock Absorber).
Are those kind of new or did the specialty bra shops in my area just kind of suck back in the nineties? There was definitely nothing like that for me. Now that I’ve had a reduction it doesn’t really matter any more, but I’ll definitely pass that along to some of my still busty friends.
Probably just a 90’s thing. Your g cups and my size 14 (sometimes a 15 due to the high instep) feet got the same neglect by retailers. But in my case I could still find shoes, just not at Payless, had to go to sports stores and pay triple the price, but at least I could get them.
Even today it can be fun finding nice cheap shoes for these behemoths attached to the ends of my legs. But it’s a lot better than it used to be.
you do know that reduction leaves quite big scars???
a google for ‘bad breast reduction’ may put you off!!
Um… excuse me? When did we default back to the 50s? Yes, please try and scare women away from what, for many, is a necessary surgery, or even if it isn’t, is still not a bad choice. I had breast reduction surgery back in high school. The scarring is minimal and almost invisible (it would’ve been almost non-existent if I’d been smaller; below a certain size they can just take it out through your nipples) and only because they had to reshape. I got perky C cups instead of E cups that were already almost down to my belly button and were staring at the floor, and I finally got a year of school where people stopped making fun of me and I could actually play sports (then I went to college, and continued to be happy about it). Don’t use scare tactics. Any surgery gone wrong can be horrible; that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. And breast reduction surgery is a hell of a lot safer and more routine than you may think.
you can be blaze if you may, just dont get it done on the cheap….
My experience: in almost every area of life, “cheap” often means “very expensive”.
Considering I had one nine years ago, I’m well aware of what kind of scarring it leaves. And the scars are small, flat, and pale for the most part. I’ve actually had to point them out to exes who knew to expect scars and didn’t notice them.
You seriously seem to think that the appearance of my breasts (which, last time I checked, only matters to me and my significant other) are more important than the health of my body. Mine went very well, and even if it had only been so-so I think that would have been preferable to pain so bad it made me vomit from trying to stand up after a late night of studying (no exaggeration).
And as another commenter said, any bad surgery is bad, it shouldn’t scare you off from having good surgery.
I think it all has to do with your skin type and the surgeons skill. I have known people that had surgery that could have very easily left major scars, but the doctor left them so minimal that it was not worth notice.
I’m with you, Nitty. This topic even came up once with my wife, on a different tangent. Was an episode of Law and Order where they were prosecuting a quack doctor who was selling a remedy for breast cancer that they knew to be snake oil.
She asked me what my reaction would be and I told her – for your own state of mind, I would hope they can save you *and* your breasts. But if it came down to it – I would rather be able to hug a breastless wife, than to be forced to hug her tombstone instead. The person matters FAR more to me than their parts – period.
Yes, exercise and a proper diet can take a long time to get results (depending on how actively you pursue a regime) however, good things come to those who wait.
Usually, the slower, gradual approach, which in this case would also go hand-n-hand (no puns) with reprogramming her diet and exercise habits, would pay the best long term dividends.
Usually those who take the short-cut lose long term gain, at least in my experience as a former trainer.
*feels sympathy boob pain as Monica drops hers*
Ooowwww… Tell me I’m not the only female who felt that…
Also, totally digging the new style. Things look very shiny.. though (water balloon boobs in panel 2 and her face in panel 3). Still… d ^_^ b (two thumbs up!)
Nope, I definitely thought that looked painful, too. That’s a highly uncomfortable thing to do even for a smaller woman. And I concur further that her breasts do look rather water balloon-like in panel 2. I like the new art style, but some strange choices were made there.
Definitely looks painful. Perhaps not quite as bad as the braless pirouette that Monica once did, and then swore to never let herself do again… but painful nevertheless. Those PJ tops probably provide no real support against such insults.
I’m reminded a bit of a section in D’Shai in which the protagonist (an acrobat) recalls doing something he says eventually happens to every male acrobat: doing a stunt on the flying trapeze, coming out of a midair tumble and catching the trapeze you’re aiming for, your body jerking abruptly to a halt… and you realize that you forgot to tighten your crotch strap and that two small and sensitive parts of your anatomy are still headed thataway at a high rate of speed. Owwie.
AH, that certain HERNIATED feeling. I wish I didn’t know what that felt like.
I miss Joel.
At 33 & “heavyset” (to put it politely), I often feel twice my age too.
Which makes me wonder: How old IS Mon, anyway? If it’s been stated before, I’ve forgotten.
Recently turned 30 if I remember correctly. Already over the hill, or are her hills going over instead. Either way a definet downward trend.
Yes – although never actually confirmed by P – given the seasons and other clues within the strip and starting from a confirmed age he listed in an early character bio M is now 30. (at least as of May 1, 2012)
What this means interestingly is that “time” in the Wapsiverse story appears to progress at just around half speed.
Even more vague is her birthday which at best estimate is in the Spring either late March or sometime in April but before May 5th. So – Happy late B-day M.
I don’t know – Tina 1.0 was a therapist. An accredited therapist generally has a Masters. That means somewhere in the mid-twenties. Let’s say 23, just to pick a number.
Monica was fourteen when she and Tina had their encounters with the bus.
Tina 2.1’s body is thirty-six.
That would make Monica 27.
I’m typing this with only one hand.
Definite TMI. Not cool, bro.
I had a moment like this not too long ago…but I felt like I looked like my mom. It’s not fun getting older.
No its not. But it does beat the alternative by a mile.
Squish…Squish…Bounce ( . )( . )
You need to work on your wellness girl! You have a strong group of loving and supportive friends who can help you on your journey to be a better you. Once you put your mind to something you can accomplish great things. Know that I am cheering for you.
Tepoztecal once poinked food in Monica’s stomach (IIRC). Why not doing so with the … whatever is there too much?
I think it would be better or Jin to do it, she’s already proved adept at precision poiting, remember when she got her dressed, her hair done and made her go to the bathroom for her!, i’m running kinda behind schedule otherwise i’d look up the link.
Problem in the physiology of humans. If you remove too much of a persons body fat in too quickly a manner it will cause that being to go into shock. Look up what happens when someone has too much liposuction (what you are basically saying Tepoz should do to Monica) at one time.
Monica is reminding me of my mother… they’re both short and large in the chest region (although mom is less so nowadays since she had reduction work done). I’m the tall one in the family which had mom asking me to get items out of the upper cabinets (Mom never could figure out how she gave birth to someone so different in body shape; guess I take after dad’s side of the family).
Just tell her your size is the long term effects of genetic diversity making itself known.
I had a friend over this weekend who was really happy about the weight she’s been losing overall, but freaking out over the shrinking of her boobs. You can’t pick and choose where the weight comes from. And it doesn’t take that long.
“The government has changed your name to Ginormica.”
Seriously, I have always thought that there would be a plot development about this. Although I couldn’t imagine what it would involve. There has been speculation that her endowments were a path to a miniature black hole or something.
Ginormica. Liking it!
To be honest, I think it would be the later.
M’s problem reminded me of this little diddy. I said ‘diddy’ with a “D”.
Oh thank you, you know what’s going to be stuck in my head all day… 9_9
thats great, other items good too..
Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
*trying to sculpt two Devil’s Towers out of oatmeal*
These……. These are important……
nah man, you would know what they were, by size and shape..
note it was the ‘flat top’ that clued him in… :p
come on now… they were MASHED POTATOES not oatmeal…
But ‘This means something!!!’
My apologies to Richard Dreyfuss.
hey man, if you dont like it….
Ohh, the plot died? I didn’t know. Condolences to the family of belles-lettres.
I’ll donate a generous continued interest in the comic in lieu of flowers.
Sad but true… the metabolism which used to allow Monica to eat whatever she wanted, is probably changing and slowing down a bit as she grows older. The advice that she knows Kevin would give her is entirely correct. Eat better, eat less, exercise more. Poiting doesn’t count, and noisy anaerobic sex (as May put it) won’t be enough.
I certainly remember noticing the effect of age on food consumption myself… probably when younger than Monica. When I hit my mid-20s I realized I could’t pack it away the way I had done when in college, without it going to my waistline, and the trend has continued in the decades since then… damnit.
It’s probably no coincidence that American food portions are larger than in most other countries, and that Americans have a terrible problem with weight gain even at a young age.
We just eat too much, and we’re all turning into our grand fodders.
(tips the
waiterPun Jar lavishly… it’s fine if the Jar bulges around the midsection, as long as I don’t have to)Mon’s problem is also fighting the effects of gravity. Skin loses elasticity over time, so she can’t be perky with a rack like that for very long. Even managing her health won’t impact that very much.
Indeed, age is a terrible master. I discovered my vegetarian diet was making me fat in my mid 20s. Had to move on to a more sensible diet of cheeseburgers and steak to loose the weight.
Heh heh.
Plot elements, faintly resembling shadowy wolves, circle the clearing in which the Readers are gathered. By silent signs and signals they communicate, staging themselves advantageously behind the rocks and trees. The Readers often glimpse them as they move, but see only the individuals in motion and fail to realize what is truly happening.
When the last of the plot elements has arrived in position, and when the Readers have been lulled into a hazy state of complacency by the natural beauty of the scenery… the plot shall strike.
Also like!
+1 on that. actually for a comment that was excellent writing…
and of course the readers too dumb to see have usually wandered off by then, lured by questionablecontent & sinfest…
leaving the more worthy readers to get the good stuff…
I read both of those as well as this one. There is plenty of good art and writing out there. Variety is schizophrenia for the soul.
scoff scoff
Disagree. M had been spending her entire Waspi life dealing with her boobs — that is, how they get in the way and how other people react to them. Most anything she does could be considered fan service just because of her figure. That issue is a huge part of her personna, and one she resolved after the Calendar Machine event. I remember her (link pleez, somebody?) in her back yard in a bikini just cooling down on a warm day, and Amanda showing up to say hello and stir the pot a bit. What came out of that is Monica has accepted herself as she is, she doesn’t want reduction surgery, and those who find her offensive can take a leap.
She’s finally happy as she is, and good for her — indeed, anyone with body image issues!
That’s the point. So from here on, she is now aware of having to care for the house she lives in. Middle age approaches, and we all pay toll on that highway of life. So to dismiss this as merely fan service because she’s sexy? Sure it’s fan service-ish, but you’ve utterly missed the point if her introspection and realization. I wonder how someone else would script and draw someone voluptuous facing the mirror of time? This works, on point and on character.
people claiming ‘fan service’ deserve the same low respect as a guy shouting to a pretty girl ‘why are you dressed like a slut’ – they will get a beating by the girl, as well as their BF… no internet to hide behind.. >:(
and yes I know many pretty girls, one a navy seal who loves confusing idiots by paralyzing them with one hand..
You Navy friend sounds like a fun one to go bar hopping with. Just sit back and watch the idiots learn something.
Last week we were having phd level discussions about time-space loops and causalities, as well as questions about who was pulling strings across said loops. As well, the topics covered eternal souls and demon covens.
So, if this week things are a little more earthier and, dare I say it, weightier and meatier, is that wrong?
Only your analogies, sir, only your analogies.
I think you owe the Pun Jar at least triple-time payment.
We do love our meaty bits here.
I personally love the swing back and forth between the Post-Grad Physics lessons (better explained than the sequence in Back to the Future II), and the day to day problems of a 30 something with mild body issues. Well, also the swing between that and the absolute terror of inner demons and stark contrast monsters. To me, Tina embodies all three of those, usually in the space of a single strip.
Mmm, when you put it like that…..rrrRRAARRrrrr!
True…but we are also fans of fabulous butts…and those are quite meaty.
That top panel is rather unappealing.
That is because it is there to make a point. Monica had to notice that it was time to make a life change. Probably the same reason that Tina had her bad morning with her tight jeans. I am expecting that at some point the two of them are going to go to Punk Yoga for some healthy living tips.
Liking this next step in the art department. Very much enjoy seeing the story, characters, and art all develop.
Ha! My wife is diabetic. Through her own efforts she has shed about 40 lbs over the last decade, improved her health in the process (and got a new wardrobe about 6 sizes smaller) but still thinks that she’s top-heavy. It’s all body image.
She has done well but is agonizing over where the losses have been. IMHO a gym membership is called for, not for any additional weight losses but for toning up what’s still there. It’s on the short B’Day list for next month. She is much more fit with the weight gone, cut her meds a lot, but ALWAYS looked just fine. For some reason she even puts up with me!
It’s never a good time to give your girl a gym membership.
But I sure wouldn’t do it on a birthday or major gift giving holiday, unless that’s what SHE.
asked for.
Alas, I know that I’M turning into my Grandmother…
I like the effort being put into the comic (it’s nice that the style used to sell prints is being applied to the comic). I’ve been reading this comic for years, I enjoyed the characters and the zany plots. But I’m concerned. Most of the characters wear clothes that are almost always revealing and sexy (which, hey, women do that in real life, but even in the winter they’re wearing miniskirts). Or they strike poses which always squish their boobs together (when I want to fold my arms over each other I do so over my breasts, not under). It really makes me sad that Monica thinks her boyfriend can only view her in two regards- either negatively (out of shape because, gravity has an effect on her bust) or for sex. I get that this is meant to be light hearted, but it’s really sad. We rarely see Monica and Kevin interact in the comic, and when he’s mentioned again after months of him being MIA (as usual), it’s to hypothetically mock Monica. I guess by now I expect the characters have more dimension outside of their bodies (or at least not always being used as fan service- for instance, fans ideally shouldn’t be openly remarking about how they’re using just one hand). Again, I enjoy this comic for the art style, but hope that it’ll start to respect its characters again.
But remember, it’s Monica saying this, she’s so negative on herself and critical that she’s saying that Kevin will say this. Kevin is active and eats healthy, he does get worried when he sees her eating crap.
I think you’ll find its only the golem girls that are out in the snow in a t-shirt.. heck, if weather had NO effect on me, I would not bother with clothes that hamper movement either!!
The only reason the GG’s wear winter clothes is so they dont look strange…
Well, Nudge did so once but she immediately regretted it… I think we can ascribe that incident to inexperience on her part.
See Bud:
See OTB wince.
I seem to remember a Minnesota Spring beach indecent with Bud too.
I’ll be in my bunk.
I’ve had three ladyfriends of the incredibly endowed persuasion, and all but one went for reduction surgery. Those who opted in were able to maintain their weight better, had much better posture, and all their chronic neck, shoulder and back pain went away. The third who opted out has struggled with her weight, as well as the pain mentioned earlier, and actually has bra strap scars in her shoulders. Monica would do well for herself to consider that less is more.
If she is having bra strap problems, she is wearing the wrong bra…
Well-endowed ladies are advised to not look at this image, which today’s page and comments reminded me of.
it seems like someone else is writing or…. is trying a different style as well as the art style… or maybe it’s the ale i drank… it’s a toss up
I never thought Monica would make a BLOMP sound. I would expect more of a quiet flubble. (Well, at least they don’t make a clanging noise.)
Nah, BLOMP is about right. I feel for her. It’s even worse for us big-busted ladies who breastfed. Then they’re big, but look half deflated.
She’s fictional, and STILL everyone has opinions on her body and advice for her about losing weight and surgery, even suggesting that a nother person or group poit food in and out of her body to force her body to change. Seriously? I’ve loved Wapsi since the beginning because of how respectful and encouraging and positive it has always been–please don’t chuck that all in the garbage by poisoning Monica with body hate.
I don’t see it as body hate. I see it as a person with some negative self issues (and she always had some issues about herself from when she was put in the psych hospital) just beginning to notice that we all age and the body needs to have things change to keep up with it all
actually, Kevin had the advice about her health and body who is another fictional character by the same author who writes the Wapsi Square which you love… so where’s the hate?… in my head it’s slice of life through the eyes of the author… agreeing or disagreeing in this forum is just expressing my viewpoint, yeah?
BLOMP is my new favorite word!
I envy Kevin so much
Tonight’s random Wapsi Square link:
Tonight’s Bonus Question:
My parents were married out of wedlock. How about yours?
What scares me is someone trying to defend their parents by saying that theirs were not and not knowing that it would mean committing bigamy .
Aye. There’s the rub.
Fairportfan…I’m totally hip with that image; that IS me when I run!
Centaur12- That is more or less why my sister gave up cross country running. According to her “too many ounces in the bounces”
Reminds me of a woman I knew in college . . . showed up one day with a black eye, explaining that she was running and her bra strap broke . . .
Actually, she’d walked into a door in the dark – the door had left a sharp edge on the bruise.
Yet you care enough to post about it, Shamaniaq? Back under the bridge, where trolls belong eh?
Don’t make me get the stick …
GreyWolf- Mental Grenades (trademark of the Socratic Arms LMD.) to drive them off, and a generous supply of meta mines (various producers, most Mother-in-Law supply houses can fill moderate sized orders. For strategic levels however the US senate has no equal as a supplier) to channel them away in confusion usually works.
alas, I’m that way with my own juggs…