You never really get over losing your Loved Ones. I’m still working out my parents’ passing six years ago, and we buried my Uncle last week. I want to hold Stheno, and hang on for at least a half-hour. We’re all allowed to cry for something like this.
Was actually a bit hard to tell if Stheno was crying or laughing (at imagining a tiny Medusa doing a Pickle impression) in the last panel. This would almost follow the same pattern as the “Totally Organic” joke page from a while back.
Next comic makes it clear she’s bursting into tears here, but some other folks might have been as unsure as I was.
Ohmahgosh! Feels overload!
Immortal or no, Stheno is still as Human as the next person… 😔
You never really get over losing your Loved Ones. I’m still working out my parents’ passing six years ago, and we buried my Uncle last week. I want to hold Stheno, and hang on for at least a half-hour. We’re all allowed to cry for something like this.
Guessing not even Euryale knew just how much losing Medusa meant to Stheno 🙁
Lil ‘Dusa was such a cutie 🙂
Well, played Paul. That connected.
Perhaps Stheno is a hardass because she’s a soft touch…
hit me n the heart with the feels from this one.
Years of reading “Sister Claire” (specially the last couple months) has made this (slightly) easier to handle, but still tough 🙁
Ah gods, she looks so adorable!!
I want a daughter like her!
Which one? o_O
The only correct answer to that is ‘Yes’.
I know if I were recalling memories of my beloved, dearly-departed baby Sister, I’d come unglued too… 🙁
Was actually a bit hard to tell if Stheno was crying or laughing (at imagining a tiny Medusa doing a Pickle impression) in the last panel. This would almost follow the same pattern as the “Totally Organic” joke page from a while back.
Next comic makes it clear she’s bursting into tears here, but some other folks might have been as unsure as I was.
Ugh my stepdad died on the same year this comic came out. He was the only thing keeping my mom relatively happy. The feels ugh.