Yeah, she looked less like herself yesterday and more like Peg from Married with Children and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Tina’s one of my favorite characters.
Kevin: Yes. We are being defeated and Monica is sexually attractive. Thanks buddy, but don’t mistake me for your hundred-thousand-year-old girlfriend who doesn’t know how to operate a band-aid.
I was expecting Monica to keep pulling tennis balls out of her cleavage, just like the time she went bobbing for apples with Kevin at the museums fancy dress ball….
It’s now difficult for me to fully enjoy such scenes as these, since I’m strongly reminded of Sinfest‘s Squig the Pig recently “watching” women’s tennis & then that comic’s forum explodes with all sorts of feminist/misogynist/anti-porn/pro-porn rhetoric.
The strip in question (just in case somebody here doesn’t read Sinfest, which would be madness but whatever):
And soon after:
1. Monica really should tuck her tongue in. If she trips like that, or overbalances or whatever, she could do herself an injury. Even if her shock absorbers take most of the impact.
i think that it’ll be the other way around, Tina is gonna be the one out of breath and Monica is the one going to be cleaning up the court after her. take a look at Tina’s face, in panel two, it looks like she’s getting more and more annoyed and breathless(more so than panel one) at M for hitting the balls that SHE was attempting to hit, but M got there first.
Better be careful Paul… unless precautions are taken, we know that after this strip the comic will go downhill, because Kevin is gonna’ Jump The Shark…
nope, i’m talking “Happy Days” and how it went downhill, after Fonzi jumps the shark… it’s become a euphemism for how something is going good, then “something” happens in canon, that the audience just gos “huh?” and stops watching it…
Your Life will slowly fade away, as you get sucked in by the POWER of the search for new Tropes!…MWHaa Haa Ha…. or as Tex Richman says: Maniacal Laugh, Maniacal Laugh, Maniacal Laugh…
now don’t get me wrong, my OP was meant to be a joke, there’s no way this arc is gonna suck… I’m SURE he’s got MANY more years in his brain just waiting to be put on paper/electrons, and I’ll be here for all of them.
Oh, Tina. You so ruin all other women forever. <3
…Does Tina sweat? I don't think she would. She doesn't sleep, I don't think she needs to eat…?
My two cents: you may want to add some pleat lines on their tennis skirts, so it doesn't look like they just hacked away at some denim skirts with a hatchet.
Well Tina looks a helluva lot better in the middle panel here than she did yesterday…an elegant tease!
I’ll be in holodeck 3 if anyone needs me…
Yeah, she looked less like herself yesterday and more like Peg from Married with Children and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Tina’s one of my favorite characters.
Who needs a holodeck?
::glances at the Tina pantsu in panel 2 again::
I’ll be in my bunk … with my print of Tina under the mistletoe (best Xmas gift to myself … EVAR!).
Oh Paul … can we order a colored print of just *part* of a strip?
paging fairportfan….
isn’t he the *ace* colorist??? :p
Nah – there are others better than i.
OTOH, i am a shameless show-off…
(I’m going to burn in hell for pinkishness, aren’t it)
OTOH, i am a shameless show-off…
(I’m going to burn in hell for pinkishness, aren’t it)
(Accidentally posted before with wrong gravatar e-mail; please delete previous)
Very impressive.
link, AND gravatar!!

ebbeh, ebbeh…..
{sounds of many soldiers hitting their bunks!!…
Well, i figured i’d better grabv it fir the gravatar before one of other ungrateful types did…
I debated whether to make them white with little read hearts, but i the image wasn’t big enough to really do it well.
Thanks for that Fairportfan!
Here’s Monica. Hope you guys like. Monica.
Yes. Yes we do.
With sunburst! Very nice.
Who’d a thunk?
Perhaps having to constantly teach Jin about ordinary mortal life in the 21st Century has turned Alan into Captain Obvious.
Kevin: Yes. We are being defeated and Monica is sexually attractive. Thanks buddy, but don’t mistake me for your hundred-thousand-year-old girlfriend who doesn’t know how to operate a band-aid.
Now let’s see if these optimists can make it all the way through Game, Set, and Match….
Thankfully Monica can’t poit well enough to subtly move the ball. Now Jin could without a doubt. She’d be a dangerous opponent.
Is it wrong to say I like your balls? The realism & motion in contrast to the rest of the panels makes for a nifty effect.
Heh heh…
balls?? where?? too many bouncers to see…. :/
Just for the record, no man will ever turn down that sort of compliment.
It may be wrong, but you’re oh-so-right.
They do loook amazing here.
She must’ve been training with Minka.
but Nadine Jansen is far better – she’s a natural!!!

These girls have quite a racket going.
(Replaces pun jar with 55-gallon oil drum.)
No need, the jar is just a funnel attached to a chute leading down to the pun vault now.
Had to, after the last poor janitor got a hernia trying to empty it.
And then, the garage wouldn’t fix the forklift under warranty… something about unusual wear and tear…
It took me a minute to notice the wierd expression on Tina’s face in panel two. The bottom left corner is quite distracting.
I was expecting Monica to keep pulling tennis balls out of her cleavage, just like the time she went bobbing for apples with Kevin at the museums fancy dress ball….
Lots of bouncing balls in this strip!- “adds bank account to pun jar”
Ta hell with plotline- I LIKE what winks at me from under that skirt! Oh, wait… they’re playing tennis, right? Ummmmm…. so… what’s the score…?
I’m pretty sure that Kevin will score…sometime after the game.
30-love, of course.
So, neither one of them is playing back court? The guys must be really distracted not to notice that.
rules?? they’re not playing by *tennis* rules…
Artistic license?
It’s now difficult for me to fully enjoy such scenes as these, since I’m strongly reminded of Sinfest‘s Squig the Pig recently “watching” women’s tennis & then that comic’s forum explodes with all sorts of feminist/misogynist/anti-porn/pro-porn rhetoric.
The strip in question (just in case somebody here doesn’t read Sinfest, which would be madness but whatever):
And soon after:
Hey Paul. Nice fan service. But the match is unfair. It’s two against four.
.. but you are forgetting that the men just **don’t mind** at all…
– of course, that was the whole plan, by the girls!!
As long as the men are prepared to massage their aching feet and necks, afterward… :/
Arguably, it’s two against one + Legion.
I’m getting dizzy just looking at Tina’s eyes…
I wished for slow mo play by play, I got it!
A couple of points.
1. Monica really should tuck her tongue in. If she trips like that, or overbalances or whatever, she could do herself an injury. Even if her shock absorbers take most of the impact.
2. Tina IS rather quite cute.
(DId I say that aloud???)
That looks like a Photo of a REAL Tennis ball in Motion-ooo!
PANTY SHOT! (I bet they’re PINK)
Tell me Doctor – would that be “Sky-Blue Pink” or the shade we can’t refer to.??
Ya think?
Ya think?
(Accidentally posted with wrong gravatar e-mail./ please delete previous.)
This page makes me smile. Yay for exercise that’s fun!!
There is nothing that will take the place of the Tennis Shark in our Mythology, I want you to know.
Well, at least Monica’s out in the sun, on the ball court for 2012. That’s a good thing.
Right, Tepoz?
I’m wondering if Tina is doing anything but acting as Monica’s backup. And if she’ll be ready to take over when M gets out of breath.
i think that it’ll be the other way around, Tina is gonna be the one out of breath and Monica is the one going to be cleaning up the court after her. take a look at Tina’s face, in panel two, it looks like she’s getting more and more annoyed and breathless(more so than panel one) at M for hitting the balls that SHE was attempting to hit, but M got there first.
But I’m thinking that M will only keep that up for so long before she runs out of breath, and has to take a breather. And then T will have to cover…
Tina seems to be rather intense.
Better be careful Paul… unless precautions are taken, we know that after this strip the comic will go downhill, because Kevin is gonna’ Jump The Shark…
I can’t decide whether or not I should agree or groan at that.
nah, it’s been done, and only made it better!!!
nope, i’m talking “Happy Days” and how it went downhill, after Fonzi jumps the shark… it’s become a euphemism for how something is going good, then “something” happens in canon, that the audience just gos “huh?” and stops watching it…
Your Life will slowly fade away, as you get sucked in by the POWER of the search for new Tropes!…MWHaa Haa Ha…. or as Tex Richman says: Maniacal Laugh, Maniacal Laugh, Maniacal Laugh…
now don’t get me wrong, my OP was meant to be a joke, there’s no way this arc is gonna suck… I’m SURE he’s got MANY more years in his brain just waiting to be put on paper/electrons, and I’ll be here for all of them.
Seriously. Is there a animator in the house?
as long as there is no mistaking of her beachballs for tennis balls
1) wrong density
2) wrong mass
3) wrong color
4) if the “beach balls” come flying over the net and you whack them with your racket… WRONG!!!!
Want to take ten on that, Lis? I don’t mind fudging the roll.
Oh, Tina. You so ruin all other women forever. <3
…Does Tina sweat? I don't think she would. She doesn't sleep, I don't think she needs to eat…?
My two cents: you may want to add some pleat lines on their tennis skirts, so it doesn't look like they just hacked away at some denim skirts with a hatchet.
heh, you need to check a few months back….
tina is no normal girl!!!
LoLDrood, if you are *attracted* to tina, be prepared for a shock… this and later, is her ‘morning routine’..
Even if the guys lose the game, they still win
I still wonder if Tina will ever have a romantic entanglement.
The real question is will her entanglement be human or something else.
Tina + Monica = Intense x 2
Intense x 2 = HOT!!!!
I love how Monica has her tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth. For balance, as an old teacher of mine would say.