If you look close the panel is in the stomach. May just has to stick her hand in the hatch and then up to the head. The touge is out as she is trying to insert the thing into a scoket without seeing it. We tend to do that when trying to put things together by feel, watch an auto mechanice with arms buried deep into an engine to fit something he can’t see.
how do you get that? you clearly see May’s arm from shoulder all the way down to about a few inches above the wrist, which is then covered up by the T-Shirt. there is no visible access panel shown; and if you go in a straight line from the elbow, May’s hand is WELL up into Jin’s breast area either IN or OUT of Jin’s body, so i fail to see how you can say the panel is in her stomach, I’d say the panel is placed between her breasts, it can’t be anywhere else for this job anyways, as they could all have more than one panel, that we just haven’t seen yet.
i do agree with the sticking out of the tongue. i do that all the time when I’m working on little fiddly stuff, and trying to line things up with less than optimal room to work in.
When Bud’s hatch is open, you can clearly see the swinging door open outward; for example here or here. Interestingly, the exact position of Bud’s hatch seems to vary, as do the hinges. Usually it’s rectangular and hinged on Bud’s left, but not always – such as here where it’s round and hinged on Bud’s right. Her clothing does adapt as necessary.
Alas, we still don’t get a good view of Jin’s access options.
What’s gross about that? Now if they had used a cadaver or live human to illustrate the same thing there would be a slight “icky” factor because of the blood, but that was nothing.
Actually MAY is the outdated one if you go by strict “date of manufacture”… however since the Priests made the Girls in accordance with May’s plans… they “should” be identical, and therefore one can’t be more outdated than the others.
You know, whoever said it before was right. Your avatar suits most of your comments well…and the others are made more amusingly and semi-sulky because of it.
Remarkable! We’ve never seen the clay form before (with the possible exception of Tepoz in his dormant state). I wasn’t sure it was even possible to reboot one of the Golem Girls without rebooting the whole Chimera.
Am I the only one who saw “Golem Girls” and immediately thought of a sit com with Bud, Jin, and Brandi living in a swinging retirement center in Florida and having to let May live with them?
I think you mean shutdown. The “Jin-Juice” OS has to stop for the new drivers to be installed. This, naturaly, turns off all the custom skins that the user has installed, at least until re-boot.
Then she recites:
The First Rule of Golemotics – A Golem will obey the instructions inscribed…..
as long as she doesn’t go:
‘Golem, Golem My Precioussss…’
or: ‘Braiiinnss..’
Things should be fine.
The scary thought is what if she is running on Vista???
I imagine the BiOS was written by the Lanthian Priests…thank the gods they weren’t at all like Microsoft, a megalomaniacal group bent on world domination…
Then there’s the problem with getting the programs loaded. The system is similar to that on the Altair 8800–toggle binary switches that have to be moved for each byte. And woe betide you if you make an error. . . .
I worked phone support for NEC computers for a while, starting the day that Windows 95 went live (literally).
W95 included BOB.
One of my friends also worked there, and he seemed to get most of the calls from French-Canadians for some reason. He said communication with some of them could be a bit spotty. (Having dealt with one such call, myself, where the only person on the other end who knew about computers and spoke fluent English was an 8-year-old girl, i understood…)
He had one call in which he and the caller could not seem to connect well enough for him to understand what the problem was. Finally, frustrated, the Canuck blurted out “The little dog – his tail, she don’ wag no more!”
I’m imagining the noises that Jin is making as something similar to an old crappy mo-ped my brother and I used to deliver newspapers in high school. Nothing more frustrating than kickstarting that beast at 3 in the morning, over and over again when it didn’t want to start.
And I can remember upgrading my system from 110 to 300 baud so I could get an upgrade on my local BBS (higher transfer rates got more page views because of less system time)
Right. Things can always get worse. Like in the Japan tsunami. Terrible flooding with huge flotillas of debris. Everything destroyed. Crops ruined, people drowned. You think how can it get any worse than that? Then you notice one of the piles of floating devastation is on fire.
And who trained the tech support? Phix? Phix’s evil twin, Phake? Maybe Phix’s conniving cousin, Phraud. Most likely her looney mad scientist Aunt, Phlake. Aunt Phlakey always was forgetting to mention important stabilizing ingredients. Like that matter projection experiment on Mars to enhance it’s atmosphere. Result … the asteroid belt.
Oohkayy.. The “switching off and turning inti clay,worked…”
Only thing left now, is reviving Golem…euh…oooh dear,I forgot how I did that.. Oh,yes, I only need a Lanthian flexomigajitdopdah. It’s somewhere under the mediterranean, if I remember correctly..
I’m thinking perhaps May should have actually looked at what she was doing. Saying “that was sudden” could be the equivalent of “oops” (or a word/phrase to that effect).
I’m reminded of a classic Bloom County, in which Opus was introducing the readers to various recurring characters. Oliver Wendell Jones was working on his computer and said “Oops!”. Opus anxiously asked him what was wrong, and Jones said something to the effect of “Nothing, oh, nothing. By the way, where’s the nearest nuclear fallout shelter?”
Other people mentioned it, but I have to say that the tongue sticking out while May tries to insert an object blindly is a very nice touch. Well done (again) Paul!
Given that this is a plotline Paul waited until /after/ the kitchen fiasco was over to begin, I somehow doubt that this reboot of Jin will be the end of her problems. This could go a lot of ways, but having a rogue golum would certainly provide the strip with a recurring nemesis. Especially one who has occasional sympathetic moments and used to be one of the “good guys.”
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I’m half crazy all for the love of you. It won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage. But you’ll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two….
Ummmm…her “access panels” are a bit north of where Bud’s were…
Yes, quite a bit higher… And that was a very unexpected transition.
If you look close the panel is in the stomach. May just has to stick her hand in the hatch and then up to the head. The touge is out as she is trying to insert the thing into a scoket without seeing it. We tend to do that when trying to put things together by feel, watch an auto mechanice with arms buried deep into an engine to fit something he can’t see.
how do you get that? you clearly see May’s arm from shoulder all the way down to about a few inches above the wrist, which is then covered up by the T-Shirt. there is no visible access panel shown; and if you go in a straight line from the elbow, May’s hand is WELL up into Jin’s breast area either IN or OUT of Jin’s body, so i fail to see how you can say the panel is in her stomach, I’d say the panel is placed between her breasts, it can’t be anywhere else for this job anyways, as they could all have more than one panel, that we just haven’t seen yet.
i do agree with the sticking out of the tongue. i do that all the time when I’m working on little fiddly stuff, and trying to line things up with less than optimal room to work in.
When Bud’s hatch is open, you can clearly see the swinging door open outward; for example here or here. Interestingly, the exact position of Bud’s hatch seems to vary, as do the hinges. Usually it’s rectangular and hinged on Bud’s left, but not always – such as here where it’s round and hinged on Bud’s right. Her clothing does adapt as necessary.
Alas, we still don’t get a good view of Jin’s access options.
This is where the stomach is. Fair warning, Gross.
What’s gross about that? Now if they had used a cadaver or live human to illustrate the same thing there would be a slight “icky” factor because of the blood, but that was nothing.
Side effect of Jin being the outdated model of Golem (considering the exorbitant power source she requires compared to Bud and Brandi). (>^_^)>
Actually MAY is the outdated one if you go by strict “date of manufacture”… however since the Priests made the Girls in accordance with May’s plans… they “should” be identical, and therefore one can’t be more outdated than the others.
To my thinking she inserted the plug with the + and the – in backwards. All she needs to do is unplug and re-insert it correctly.
There problem solved!
I don’t think they have “plus” or “minus” in that technology. The proper terms are “correct” or “screwed”
Ah yes! The old “reverse the polarity” trick! It always served Scotty and the Doctor v2 well.
So very glad it’s not Friday and Paul can’t leave us hanging.
still 24 hours to wait though…
My thoughts exactly. Because that’s what he’d do.
Unless of course he does another pin-up.
You know, whoever said it before was right. Your avatar suits most of your comments well…and the others are made more amusingly and semi-sulky because of it.
Hopefully, this is part of the normal startup sequence. I’d hate for May to have to boot from RAM…
True. They don’t even have a spark plug!
Yes, her hair does seem rather clay-like now doesn’t it? I think this is a normal “re-boot” for a clay golem.
Remarkable! We’ve never seen the clay form before (with the possible exception of Tepoz in his dormant state). I wasn’t sure it was even possible to reboot one of the Golem Girls without rebooting the whole Chimera.
Am I the only one who saw “Golem Girls” and immediately thought of a sit com with Bud, Jin, and Brandi living in a swinging retirement center in Florida and having to let May live with them?
Oh lord no! Not by the hair of my jinny jin jin!
“Thank You for Being a Friend.”
“Hot in Lanthis”.
It would still star Betty White, too.
Ooh, yes! For the animated Wapsi Square series, Betty White should voice Mayahuel.
But we have seen their clay forms before…
Only now her hair has solidified into the Crown of Upper Egypt.
That would look impressive going forward.
I think you mean shutdown. The “Jin-Juice” OS has to stop for the new drivers to be installed. This, naturaly, turns off all the custom skins that the user has installed, at least until re-boot.
Then she recites:
The First Rule of Golemotics – A Golem will obey the instructions inscribed…..
as long as she doesn’t go:
‘Golem, Golem My Precioussss…’
or: ‘Braiiinnss..’
Things should be fine.
The scary thought is what if she is running on Vista???
If it was Vista she would turned blue first then started counting.
Bob!- Or just state, “no memory available for core dump. Please insert system disc number 1 of 50 . . .”
You’re showing your age with the “Disk 1 of 50” reference…
No, these are DVDs. Golem-OS v2.03 is kinda big.
@Ratcatcher – Nice!
I imagine the BiOS was written by the Lanthian Priests…thank the gods they weren’t at all like Microsoft, a megalomaniacal group bent on world domination…
“Golem-OS v2.03 is kinda big.”
Yes, and it’s all stored on a huge pile of rectangular punch rocks.
the worst part is gOS has 10,000 years of patches to download. It’s up to service pack MMCCXXXVII now.
Then there’s the problem with getting the programs loaded. The system is similar to that on the Altair 8800–toggle binary switches that have to be moved for each byte. And woe betide you if you make an error. . . .
Thank goodness that the GG production run utilizing the BOB user interface was short.
I worked phone support for NEC computers for a while, starting the day that Windows 95 went live (literally).
W95 included BOB.
One of my friends also worked there, and he seemed to get most of the calls from French-Canadians for some reason. He said communication with some of them could be a bit spotty. (Having dealt with one such call, myself, where the only person on the other end who knew about computers and spoke fluent English was an 8-year-old girl, i understood…)
He had one call in which he and the caller could not seem to connect well enough for him to understand what the problem was. Finally, frustrated, the Canuck blurted out “The little dog – his tail, she don’ wag no more!”
Looks like she’s reverted to her clay form
oh crap
that looks like crispy!
or not
2nd look (and reading the comments) it is just clay and May doesn’t appear surprised by the actual transformation – just the speed of it.
Still, it’s a good thing Bud took the time to mention her concerns about a “haunted golem” to May.
That… that did come up at some point over margaritas… right, Bud?
I’d say she was probably only mostly dead. If she had been completely dead, all they could have done would be to search her pockets for money.
Technically speaking, all three of the women in the apartment are dead. Brandi, too. For that matter, we’ve actually seen Jin’s corpse.
They just didn’t stay dead.
Stop ruining my Princess Bride reference with your logic!!!
Wuv. Twooo wuv…
so that’s why she turned golem
they didn’t chocolate coat the nuclear powered sword hilt before putting it in her.
*turned clay*
(mutters about fingers insisting on typing their own sentence and not what her brain told them to type)
The chocolate coating does make it go down easier. The question is more whether they waited fifteen minutes for full potency.
Have fun storming the castle…
Think it’ll woik?
So, what *would* a Golem Girl wear as a Holocaust Cloak… and why would she bother?
Just hand over the chocolate and nobody gets hurt.
I’m imagining the noises that Jin is making as something similar to an old crappy mo-ped my brother and I used to deliver newspapers in high school. Nothing more frustrating than kickstarting that beast at 3 in the morning, over and over again when it didn’t want to start.
Funny. I was just imagining that she would sound like a 56K dial-up modem…
At this point it would probably be closer to 300 baud…
Man, thanks to that reminder I just realized that I am old. I can remember when 300 baud was state of the art and just arriving in the stores.
I was a tech at Hayes when 1200 baud was new…
And I can remember upgrading my system from 110 to 300 baud so I could get an upgrade on my local BBS (higher transfer rates got more page views because of less system time)
That can’t be good.
Hopefully this falls in the category of ‘It’s gotta get worse before it gets better.’
Hope this is as bad as it can get….
I can think of a couple of things worse than whats happening so…
Right. Things can always get worse. Like in the Japan tsunami. Terrible flooding with huge flotillas of debris. Everything destroyed. Crops ruined, people drowned. You think how can it get any worse than that? Then you notice one of the piles of floating devastation is on fire.
My favourite “Far Side” panel shows a blazing building floating down a flooded river toward a waterfall.
Sign on building: “Crisis Center”
(My second favourite is “Hey – look at me! I’m a cowboy! Howdy howdy howdy!”; the one that got him the most flack.)
Sorry to disappoint you but I doubt it. We still have the Friday cliffhanger to go.
You hope this is as bad as it can get? Don’t ever say that!! That’s like “At least it can’t get worse” or other forms of tempting fate.
Maybe May held her tongue wrong when she was sticking the thingamabob in.
So WHO do you call for tech support?
May IS Tech Support.
Fairportfan- And just where did I put those manuals?
And who trained the tech support? Phix? Phix’s evil twin, Phake? Maybe Phix’s conniving cousin, Phraud. Most likely her looney mad scientist Aunt, Phlake. Aunt Phlakey always was forgetting to mention important stabilizing ingredients. Like that matter projection experiment on Mars to enhance it’s atmosphere. Result … the asteroid belt.
@SoWhyMe, the matter transmitter project was on the planet that USED to be between Jupiter and Mars, which is now the asteroid belt.
O’Neill usually calls for this guy.
If it’s not on FIRE, it’s a software problem.
Oohkayy.. The “switching off and turning inti clay,worked…”
Only thing left now, is reviving Golem…euh…oooh dear,I forgot how I did that.. Oh,yes, I only need a Lanthian flexomigajitdopdah. It’s somewhere under the mediterranean, if I remember correctly..
And so the quest to fix Jin ensues.
The traditional “reboot” key sequence for a humanoid is “ear, nose, eyeball.”
Not comfortable, but it isn’t supposed to be.
It looks as if Jin has reverted to “ye standard” clay golem. Iwouldn’t be too surprized that, by now, Tepoz is needed to re-build Jin’s “personality”
Sweet Jehoshaphat! She’s turned into a stone golem!
Quick. Hide the pidgins!
I’m thinking perhaps May should have actually looked at what she was doing. Saying “that was sudden” could be the equivalent of “oops” (or a word/phrase to that effect).
And that just gave me flashback memories of Independence Day…
“What do you say we try that again.”
“Yes, yes, yes. Without the ‘Oops.’ Thataway.”
Yes, the ambiguity is delicious…did she do an “oops”, or was it totally expected, just happened more quickly than she anticipated.
C’mon, midnight!
I’m reminded of a classic Bloom County, in which Opus was introducing the readers to various recurring characters. Oliver Wendell Jones was working on his computer and said “Oops!”. Opus anxiously asked him what was wrong, and Jones said something to the effect of “Nothing, oh, nothing. By the way, where’s the nearest nuclear fallout shelter?”
I do believe that this is what most people would call a “complication”.
Other people mentioned it, but I have to say that the tongue sticking out while May tries to insert an object blindly is a very nice touch. Well done (again) Paul!
Thanks for pointing that out, I missed it on the first pass.
Gah!! Well THAT’S scary!! DX
I can almost hear May say tomorrow, “Damn it Jinn! I’m a Doctor! Not a …”
That aside, I hope it doesn’t take 3-4 months to fix Jinn. She’s not a kitchen remodel job after all.
Thats COLD, Dude.
Just remember that a kitchen remodeling job is far more complicated and frustrating than a simple golem rebuild.
She’s a Timekeeper, not a doctor… Doctor.
Hardware reboot!
Given that this is a plotline Paul waited until /after/ the kitchen fiasco was over to begin, I somehow doubt that this reboot of Jin will be the end of her problems. This could go a lot of ways, but having a rogue golum would certainly provide the strip with a recurring nemesis. Especially one who has occasional sympathetic moments and used to be one of the “good guys.”
And no one’s yet mentioned that clay-Jin seems to have hit a hair-growth spurt à la Shellynx.
More evidence that this might be a reboot. She had long hair when she first became a golem.
I don’t think I’d wanna be the barber who has to give her a trim after this. It’d be expensive in scissors.
Just what do you think you’re doing, Dave?
Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I’m half crazy all for the love of you. It won’t be a stylish marriage, I can’t afford a carriage. But you’ll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle built for two….
Aw come on! No one spotted the HAL9000 shutdown scene from 2001 Space Odyssey?!?
Maya had cold hands?
Ewww…. she’s feeling her up!
Six minutes to go…
Talk about dying in May…
So she was expecting that to happen, just not quite so soon?