Has the hallway girl actually been properly introduced yet? I remember the spider puppy escapades kind of introducing her, but I think that was about it.
All your hard work shows, but was there a continuity error? I thought I saw Castela wearing shoes as she went down ********’s stairs, but for the rest of the video they were both barefoot. That aside I enjoyed the video, the sounds were immersive and I liked the mix of animation/drawing styles.
I was going to show their shoes getting knocked off when Castela crashes into Shawna after leaving the stairwell, it just looked too busy, however, it would have explained things.
I was particularly impressed by the contrasts in art style. It lent real weight to the surreal nature of the Library itself, a creature (or machine but at this level who can make the distinction?) that is in essence billions of years old even if the actual literature is only a few tens of millennia.
Find a ghost story in the most unlikely place. Knew the Library would have quite a few on file. Written AND unwritten. (Including those which are oral story only.)
P.S. How long did it take to make this 12 minute 02 second video? Just curious.
Gordon Bennett, that was so Wicked Cool. Bit of everything for everybody. Loved the Dead Sailor Moon-type Skeleton. Some of the Masks reminded me of Georgette’s and Monica’s Subconscious’s (?) Anyway, When will the Oscar committee get to see it ? Really Great.
Actually — that’s not a bad idea. You should try to see what you can find out about submitting to the nominating committee. There’s at least one category where they do animated shorts. (I know every year I love to see the reel of animated shorts that come to one of my local theaters every year a few weeks around Oscar time.) good luck. One place to start might be https://shorts.tv — they’re a cable channel that specialize in short films, and I think they sponsor the short film reels i mentioned.)
That wasn’t actually a “Sailor Moon type Skeleton”, it was actually a skeleton of a Japanese schoolgirl, in a type of schoolgirl uniform commonly seen in anime and manga (the kind that the outfits of Sailor Moon & her cohorts were apparently based on)
Thanks. Yeah, the dolls turned to watch Cass and Shawna go by, I was hoping folks would notice. I used Photoshop, Blender, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Premiere for this project. Over half way through I stopped using After Effects as I was able to do most of what I needed in Photoshop and Blender, and then Premiere was just used for final editing of video and sound.
That was wonderful, and excellently timed for Halloween! It may be the best we will get for Halloween this year as well, but a real treat for all of us to see your characters in motion. I love how you used your usual art style mixing photography and drawings mixed together to make your characters really pop. the story also drew the audience into the climax, with a nice twist at the end before the punch line. Bravo!
That’s a relief! I too thought I had been mispronouncing it since Phix was introduced. And by the way, the singer is right – definitely ahead of the game!
The dressmaker’s dummy brings back memories. My mom had one, but hers had a styrofoam head that someone had painted eyes and lips on. For years I had nightmares of that thing chasing me through the house and basement. Never saw it move, but round a corner and there it was. Open a door and there it was. Much much later, when we were adults, my younger sister mentioned it, and I said how it had given me nightmares and my older sister said “You too?!?” we compared notes and her dreams were very similar to mine.
Has the hallway girl actually been properly introduced yet? I remember the spider puppy escapades kind of introducing her, but I think that was about it.
Not officially yet.
Thank you. Is there a transcript available? I don’t hear well.
Not currently, but the auto CC at the bottom of the video gets most of the dialog correct.
Very cool, Paul., I was hoping to see more of the skeleton with elongated limbs.
That was awesome. Phix has always been one of my favorites. That ending line was perfect.
Could barely understand it, myself. After about five replays, I think it’s “Oops a daisy.” Maybe.
I had trouble with it too, and was also puzzled that it wasn’t delivered with a British accent, which I understood Phix to have.
Awesome! Paul, keep up the good work!
that was good. Worth the wait. (My preference is still the nearly daily strip, as an ongoing thing, and the new story line is good too. Keep going.)
Any chance Conscience was part of the set-up in the Library for this? (Well done, too, by the way . . .)
Thought that part way through, too. “…but all that talk you’re givin’ me is Conscience, I guess…”
Bravo! Well done, good sir!
Fabulous art.
Perfect, absolutely perfect (and entertaining)
That was delightful. Extremely well done.
Oh man, this was great! I was on the edge of my seat just grinning the whole time through. Especially that ending, well done! /bow
Came here for the cute girls in skimpy clothing, was not disappointed. Cool ghost story, too.
All your hard work shows, but was there a continuity error? I thought I saw Castela wearing shoes as she went down ********’s stairs, but for the rest of the video they were both barefoot. That aside I enjoyed the video, the sounds were immersive and I liked the mix of animation/drawing styles.
I was going to show their shoes getting knocked off when Castela crashes into Shawna after leaving the stairwell, it just looked too busy, however, it would have explained things.
I was particularly impressed by the contrasts in art style. It lent real weight to the surreal nature of the Library itself, a creature (or machine but at this level who can make the distinction?) that is in essence billions of years old even if the actual literature is only a few tens of millennia.
Find a ghost story in the most unlikely place. Knew the Library would have quite a few on file. Written AND unwritten. (Including those which are oral story only.)
P.S. How long did it take to make this 12 minute 02 second video? Just curious.
Thank you so much! ^_^ I started working on this on April 9th, 2020.
Gordon Bennett, that was so Wicked Cool. Bit of everything for everybody. Loved the Dead Sailor Moon-type Skeleton. Some of the Masks reminded me of Georgette’s and Monica’s Subconscious’s (?) Anyway, When will the Oscar committee get to see it ? Really Great.
Actually — that’s not a bad idea. You should try to see what you can find out about submitting to the nominating committee. There’s at least one category where they do animated shorts. (I know every year I love to see the reel of animated shorts that come to one of my local theaters every year a few weeks around Oscar time.) good luck. One place to start might be https://shorts.tv — they’re a cable channel that specialize in short films, and I think they sponsor the short film reels i mentioned.)
That wasn’t actually a “Sailor Moon type Skeleton”, it was actually a skeleton of a Japanese schoolgirl, in a type of schoolgirl uniform commonly seen in anime and manga (the kind that the outfits of Sailor Moon & her cohorts were apparently based on)
Not bad, I see elements of ‘dtuff’ all through there… Like Mononoke….
Typo up abouve, meant STUFF. That said, let’s not ferget there is Theme Music, you can hear a bit on the closing credits…
Thank you. I was wondering what the song was. I like it!
That’s Briar’s sister Dale Callegari modeling for whatever cosmetic or fashion product is being sold by that billboard, right?
Nope, that’s Hellen “Hell” Blair. She’s friends with Atsali’s roommate Skylar’s mom Selene. http://wapsisquare.com/comic/meeting-hellen/
crud. beat me to it…
Thanks. Yeah, the dolls turned to watch Cass and Shawna go by, I was hoping folks would notice. I used Photoshop, Blender, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Premiere for this project. Over half way through I stopped using After Effects as I was able to do most of what I needed in Photoshop and Blender, and then Premiere was just used for final editing of video and sound.
Outstanding work, very entertaining! Love the voicing of Phix…
That was wonderful, and excellently timed for Halloween! It may be the best we will get for Halloween this year as well, but a real treat for all of us to see your characters in motion. I love how you used your usual art style mixing photography and drawings mixed together to make your characters really pop. the story also drew the audience into the climax, with a nice twist at the end before the punch line. Bravo!
Something very “Gorillaz” about the animation style, can’t say exactly what it is, but it’s something that isn’t as obvious in the comics.
Took me a couple days to block out the time to watch it but that was a lot of fun.
Same here, well worth the time though
Scariest part for me is learning I’ve been saying “Phix” incorrectly for 12 years!!
But seriously Paul. GREAT WORK HERE! I look forward to more!
Castela says Phix’s name most correctly pronouncing it “Fix”, Shawna has an accent from her pixie dialect saying “feeks”.
That’s a relief! I too thought I had been mispronouncing it since Phix was introduced. And by the way, the singer is right – definitely ahead of the game!
Bravo…MORE please.
Just backtracked and caught the video release, very fun short. I enjoyed seeing the crew animated and in action!
Did that spook scare a fart out of her? Or was that a sound effect? If fart, I laughed.
At 8:26, there is a stone arch with gaps… Defective architecture. VERY SCARY. Close the doors and do NOT pass under it.
Curvy girls jiggling while they walk (strut really). Ohhh! Terrifying!
The dressmaker’s dummy brings back memories. My mom had one, but hers had a styrofoam head that someone had painted eyes and lips on. For years I had nightmares of that thing chasing me through the house and basement. Never saw it move, but round a corner and there it was. Open a door and there it was. Much much later, when we were adults, my younger sister mentioned it, and I said how it had given me nightmares and my older sister said “You too?!?” we compared notes and her dreams were very similar to mine.
I couldn’t help noticing how tiny Shawnaʾs butt is in this video, especially compared to the more … fatty part of her upper torso (aka boobs)
So “Phix” is pronounced “Feeks”?
That through me off a bit.