If I were not a long time reader, I wouldn’t be able to tell Shelly and Jin in apart in this strip. As much as I liked her old hair, I still think a great short hairstyle for Jin is possible, but it should not look nearly identical to Shelly’s.
If you feel that I’ve been keeping things original so far than why would you come here with your bitching about some hackneyed crap about Monica meeting here grandfather?
J.K. Rowling did something like that with Harry Potter. I was disappointed because she had gone to all this trouble to make this interesting world with unique rules but ended up doing the predictable and overused stuff anyway and kept all the heroes with clean hands.
However, your reply and the way it’s worded alleviates this concern quite a bit. Thanks.
I’m still not sure just how Monica getting stabbed with a shiv is somehow going to cause time to not loop itself anymore, but I guess that’s what waiting and seeing is all about.
Sorry if I seem grumpy, I’ve just had one too many backhanded “compliments” in the last week than any one person should have.
Not that you did but I think that there are some people that forget that there’s a person that reads the emails and posts on the other end and feel that the internet is their personal toilet to shit their uncensored passive aggressive crap into.
I’m at the point with the people that have a bitchy complaint but try to act like they’re Wapsi’s biggest fan, of telling them to screw off and quit trying to fool anyone.
just remember that if you are doing this for you, no ones’ opinion matters but your own. if you are doing it for critical acclaim, remember that you can’t please all the people all the time.
and finally, there are people out there who would still complain while receiving oral, winning the lottery, and attaining eternal youth and beauty simultaneously.
so, keep doing this awesome thing you are doing, and if anyone doesn’t like it, i say @#$%’em.
If Alan lives through this, he’s going to be verrrryy tired.
And whatever happened to Lakshimi? Or however you spell Alan’s former girlfriend (the 6’6″ Amazon with the heart of glass and the emotional strength of a little girl).
Late response… but Lakshmi is girlfriend to Owen, Shelly’s close friend since elementary school, and fellow band member. Alan was introduced as a friend of Kevin’s considerably later.
Similar, perhaps — but Shelly has big arms and small breasts, while Jin has normal arms and bigger breasts. When it’s visible, Shelly also has the tattoo on her torso. Yes ,the hair looks similar, but I think there’s enough differences to tell them apart.
Been meaning to comment for quite a while about how much I like the site redesign. The icons for the strip functions, etc., are so cool. Interesting how your style has evolved over the course of the story — It’s become more polished and uniquely yours.
I dunno if I could so it with the giant Buddhist face looking at me. It’d be weirder with Jesus or something, cause Jesus stare into your soul with those “the Jews killed me” puppy dog eyes and it’s hard to say no to those. And thats how Christianity became the most powerful religion in the world…
The calm before the storm…
Wake up, boy! Wake up!
She wore him out.
Imagine when she has to actually sleep
One last fling before the universe hits the fan!
Jin must have EVERYTHING under control…
Of interest to those following the Mayan calendar.
At least Alan will get whiffed out of existence happy if they don’t manage to fix the machine this time…
Notice one person isn’t shown?
Perhaps because we’ve been with her for several strips?
And i count three people (using the term advisedly) not shown who might be concerned – four if you count Tepoz – Tina, Kevin and Katharine.
(I just had a Senior Moment – Monica’s BF is “Kevin”, isn’t he?)
Yes, he is.
Think Pablo is going to do reaction shots all week, then they all “poit” into the machine – and then we just see them all “poit” back?
I’m actually hoping we get a glimpse of this machine everyone’s been fussing over. If not, fine – but it would be cool just the same.
waiting is the hardest part!
If I were not a long time reader, I wouldn’t be able to tell Shelly and Jin in apart in this strip. As much as I liked her old hair, I still think a great short hairstyle for Jin is possible, but it should not look nearly identical to Shelly’s.
Shelly’s the ripped one. Kinda comes with the territory of being a mechanic.
. . . not to mention throwing engines across the room.
Waiting sucks. Waiting alone even more so.
I can’t stand the suspense! Hold me.
If this thing ends up with Monica’s soul going to some afterlife where she meets her dead grandpa I’m gonna be kinda let down.
Souls are a bullshit ad hoc concept that people overuse. Fortunately Pablo has been keeping things pretty original so far.
If you feel that I’ve been keeping things original so far than why would you come here with your bitching about some hackneyed crap about Monica meeting here grandfather?
J.K. Rowling did something like that with Harry Potter. I was disappointed because she had gone to all this trouble to make this interesting world with unique rules but ended up doing the predictable and overused stuff anyway and kept all the heroes with clean hands.
However, your reply and the way it’s worded alleviates this concern quite a bit. Thanks.
I’m still not sure just how Monica getting stabbed with a shiv is somehow going to cause time to not loop itself anymore, but I guess that’s what waiting and seeing is all about.
Sorry if I seem grumpy, I’ve just had one too many backhanded “compliments” in the last week than any one person should have.
Not that you did but I think that there are some people that forget that there’s a person that reads the emails and posts on the other end and feel that the internet is their personal toilet to shit their uncensored passive aggressive crap into.
I’m at the point with the people that have a bitchy complaint but try to act like they’re Wapsi’s biggest fan, of telling them to screw off and quit trying to fool anyone.
Condolences, sir! You’ve built the tension so long and so well that people are starting to snap!
Count that as a success! Well done!
just remember that if you are doing this for you, no ones’ opinion matters but your own. if you are doing it for critical acclaim, remember that you can’t please all the people all the time.
and finally, there are people out there who would still complain while receiving oral, winning the lottery, and attaining eternal youth and beauty simultaneously.
so, keep doing this awesome thing you are doing, and if anyone doesn’t like it, i say @#$%’em.
If Alan lives through this, he’s going to be verrrryy tired.
And whatever happened to Lakshimi? Or however you spell Alan’s former girlfriend (the 6’6″ Amazon with the heart of glass and the emotional strength of a little girl).
Late response… but Lakshmi is girlfriend to Owen, Shelly’s close friend since elementary school, and fellow band member. Alan was introduced as a friend of Kevin’s considerably later.
Two totally different people.
Shelly and Jin do look really similar now.
Similar, perhaps — but Shelly has big arms and small breasts, while Jin has normal arms and bigger breasts. When it’s visible, Shelly also has the tattoo on her torso. Yes ,the hair looks similar, but I think there’s enough differences to tell them apart.
Been meaning to comment for quite a while about how much I like the site redesign. The icons for the strip functions, etc., are so cool. Interesting how your style has evolved over the course of the story — It’s become more polished and uniquely yours.
The tension mounts… And so does Jin, it would seem. XD
I love this, Paul. The misery on Bud’s face is absolutely pitiful. I just want to hug her.
Poor Alan. Death by snoo snoo.
Ithink they’re all feeling frisky about now
I dunno if I could so it with the giant Buddhist face looking at me. It’d be weirder with Jesus or something, cause Jesus stare into your soul with those “the Jews killed me” puppy dog eyes and it’s hard to say no to those. And thats how Christianity became the most powerful religion in the world…
It looks like Bud has acquired more furnishings for her room (panel 3), including a TV
Little steps. It’s only been several millennia for her to get this far.