You know… the best analogy I’ve ever heard about drug and alcohol use wasn’t some stupid eggs frying in a pan… it was a baby.
Look at this baby; tickle his chin, and he giggles. Smile at him, and he laughs in delight. It is so EASY to happy when you’re a baby; it takes so little, and everything around is fun and intensely interesting. This is because babies are simple-minded.
People are motivated to take drugs and alcohol to return to a similar simple-minded state, when it is EASY to be happy.
Babies are easy to make cry too. The smallest and simplest of problems are miserable, and they are completely helpless to solve any of them. A baby can accomplish almost nothing on its own.
Babies and drug abusers also frequently piss all over themselves and fill their underwear with shit, and vomit over themselves or others. Neither is capable of preventing this from happening at the time, and other people are usually left cleaning up the mess.
So… Still sure you want to be an adult baby for half a day or so?
Those who walk away from drugs and other addictions do so because they have found something they want even more – here Bud decides to choose the good stuff.
Bud reminds me a bit of Katherine in the last panel
Just another outsider on the brink of learning how to find a place in society…. so familiar…
I love this particular strip. I like the inner quiet that Bud projects. She’s probably my favorite of Paul’s characters.
Like. Like so very, very much. <3 you, Bud! :-]
You know… the best analogy I’ve ever heard about drug and alcohol use wasn’t some stupid eggs frying in a pan… it was a baby.
Look at this baby; tickle his chin, and he giggles. Smile at him, and he laughs in delight. It is so EASY to happy when you’re a baby; it takes so little, and everything around is fun and intensely interesting. This is because babies are simple-minded.
People are motivated to take drugs and alcohol to return to a similar simple-minded state, when it is EASY to be happy.
Babies are easy to make cry too. The smallest and simplest of problems are miserable, and they are completely helpless to solve any of them. A baby can accomplish almost nothing on its own.
Babies and drug abusers also frequently piss all over themselves and fill their underwear with shit, and vomit over themselves or others. Neither is capable of preventing this from happening at the time, and other people are usually left cleaning up the mess.
So… Still sure you want to be an adult baby for half a day or so?
Those who walk away from drugs and other addictions do so because they have found something they want even more – here Bud decides to choose the good stuff.