Looks like Monica’s pretty P.O.ed, to want to give Amanda an unexpected poit-dunking in the lake… that certainly looks like that’s where this is going!
I don’t see why she’d poit Amanda and not herself in this instance, but I’d imagine she could do it sober now. I’d be more interested in her poit finesse…though poiting off her bra gets some serious style points.
As for witnesses…if you poit into the middle of a lake, people aren’t as likely to see…and the backstroke would be doubly necessary.
Atomic: Word of warning – Fairportfan is a walking Wiki with an absolutely phenomenal memory for trivia — even if he has a fact wrong (damned seldom), he can almost always quote the original source of the incorrect information.
Umm, isn’t this a bit of overkill? Notice how serious Monica is. This isn’t just a light hearted romp anymore. They could just point to the next room, or Amanda’s studio. But into the lake? This is not only making a point about proof of concept, but revenge as well. Not nice Monica, not nice at all. Plus she is about to drag Amanda into this and she has not given her concent. Again, not nice nor any concern for her feelings. I’m not sure she would still be my friend after this.
I think that those examples you give can be rationalised away but having to deal with wet clothes for the next day or so can’t.
Furthermore, look at it from Monica’s point of view. She has already been committed to a mental hospital once. If she is committed again, she is, effectively, imprisoned. Not ony that she’s likely to lose her job, her flat, her credibility, everything. Amanda knows how sensitive her past is and Monica assumed, wrongly, that Amanda would, at least, hear her out before deciding to call the authorities so she’s pretty hurt by Amanda’s reaction AND has to act fast (to stop the call being made).
On top of that, the current mission is to rescue the psyche of an extremely bruised young woman. Monica disappearing from her life could be the thing that sends her over the edge and “flatten the Earth”. Even if that doesn’t happen, the fear of being committed may cause Jin not to open up, which means the Earth is still in danger.
All things considered, she’s not treating Amanda especially badly.
Very good points, though I seriously doubt she would be committed on the basis of what she said.
It would take a lot more to convince me though. If something like that happened to me, I would think mind control. That she had some sort of method to make me see and experience things that weren’t real. Even being wet afterwards. I would simply assume Monica poured water over me while I was under an hypnotic spell. She would have to poit me to somewhere I could talk to people so I could verify it later. Not to mention make sure I looked at my watch before and after. Though I might still wonder if she also made them think they had talked to me. It gets complicated.
Really, it’s not so much a matter of the location being overkill (though I agree with Francisco above, wondering about witnesses), it’s a matter of M’s rage. She’s hurt, and she’s chosen her way in that hurt. I don’t think she ought to wait for consent (as SoWhyMe mentioned) given that her freedom is now at stake, but I do agree that it has the flavor of revenge in it now.
On the other hand, Amanda’s actually being a pretty good friend. It’s not easy to hear someone you care about talking crazy and to really stand up and try to help. And it isn’t her fault she lives in a world where such things as M was saying are considered impossible. If M insists on getting revenge, maybe Amanda’ll still get up and be the bigger person about it later, once the shock has worn down a bit…
On the being a friend front, if I was in Amanda’s position my first instinct would NOT be to call the authorities. I would probably tell M to take a holiday (or time off sick) and relax (on the grounds that she obviously was stressed and overworked). I might even threaten to call the authorities if she didn’t comply. I would advise her to seek help if she still felt the same way after her holiday but I would not call the authorities straight away.
There are only ever two times when you should call the authorities for mental health reasons against the will/without permissiion of the person concerned:
1. If the person is a CLEAR and IMMINENT danger to themselves or others.
2. If the person is not competent to make decisions.
In the first case, intervention is likely to cause the person to not trust you and, more worryingly, less likely to trust anyone so it should only be used in emergencies. In the second case, you need strong evidence before you take that on yourself.
All of which is true, but consider it from Amada’s position. M has been behaving VERY strangely today, trying to keep her from watching her work and – when at work – apparently wandering around doing random things, suddenly dashing back to Tina’s in a panic, and then out of nowhere babbling about Lanthians (whatever those are) and making ominous and outlandish statements about some sort of extraordinary situation. All that would certainly have ME drawing back, and maybe calling mental health counselors to try to find out what to do. Monica is allowing her enthusiasm and tendancy to over-react to put her in a bad light; and while ‘poiting’ Amanda into a lake would surely convince her Monica is not crazy, I doubt it will help their friendship.
I guess you’re right. I’m so used to issues around mental health (both informal and formal) that I’m used to it. I keep forgetting other people aren’t. I used to be an agony uncle when I was at uni’. One of my weirdest memories is, when I was writing an essay in my university’s Computing Centre (which was a busy, noisy place), counselling an acquaintance on something personal.
I ended up kneeling in my front yard with my hands on top of my head and five police officers pointing their service revolvers at me one time, because my wife (who had mental stability problems herself) decided I was about to commit suicide and called 911. It took quite a bit of fast talking by my family to keep me from being committed to a mental ward, which would have cost me my job. Amanda is NOT being a friend by trying to get the authorities involved that quickly.
Many people seem to be forgetting what people are told to do in these cases. We’re generally told not to wait to be certain a person is a danger to themselves or others. Seriously, call any suicide hotline or sef-helpline and ask. Amanda is being a friend, but she’s acting by the book, in a way. She’s remembering that the last time Monica was a danger to herself, she had already almost been flattened before anyone noticed. She’s not wanting to wait that long this time, when she thinks she can get her help now.
Maybe what she is doing isn’t going to really help, but she doesn’t realize that. She is being a friend, it’s just not what would have been the best way in this case.
However, that would then lead to awkward questions when her on-going mission is not to let the world she knows become public. I forgot when it came up but I remember that she did have a discussion about the panic that would ensue if the supernatural was known to exist.
The more I think about this the more I realise that Monica didn’t want Amanda to know about her world. If anybody did any dragging then look at Tina and Phix. Tina, in essence, told Monica to deal Amanda in. Phix agreed with that.[1]
In a way, Monica did create the situation where things needed to be dealt with as an emergency. Amanda gave her the opening she needed when they were talking about the supernatural. If Monica took the initiative then, she could have eased Amanda into it.
Then again, as Monica has admitted, she does tend to dig her heels in when told to do something by others.
[1] Not only in her comments to Monica but by what she said to Tina afterwards.
If she’s gonna do it, she could make a real impression by poiting Amanda out of her clothes in the process. Wouldn’t want those clothes weighing her down or restricting her movements in the water, after all.
Okay. So Monica has lost it. Jin’s unstable and the best thing Monica can do is poit Amanda into a lake to prove a point?!? Seems like Jin has rubbed off on Mon a little bit.
Silly little drama queen, making Amanda a scapegoat for her traumatic past. Just prove your point or poit yourself into nirvana* but don`t blame people for believing in their usual reality.
Well, Monica still has some problems with landings when she poits — so poiting them both over water would probably be safest. I think Amanda is one who believes in reality — whatever it might turn out to be. She believed in Monica’s “bad feeling” because she saw it and it was proven true to her – Amanda didn’t just reject it as “impossible” or “things like that just don’t happen” (and obviously found it disturbing that Monica tried to reject it as real). I think if Amanda was shown that the Moon was actually bright purple and tasted like grape jelly, she’d say, “OK, that’s really weird and makes no sense, but at least we’ll never run out of grape jelly in space.”
In trying to hide everything and keep Amanda out, Monica has been acting totally weird and random, rejecting real events as “it didn’t happen” — Amanda sees all this and already feels that there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that’s affecting Monica, though she doesn’t know what (yet). Not surprising that Amanda is worried about Monica’s sanity right now. Monica was childishly expecting Amanda to go along with the weirdness just by Monica spinning a story — that’s NOT how Amanda operates, and Monica should KNOW this – it was stupid for Monica to try telling Amanda a tale instead of just SHOWING her. After Amanda surfaces in Lake Calhoun, I expect for her to say “Oh, well, that’s an entirely different matter then. What else you got?”
Look at http://wapsisquare.com/comic/crap-like-that/ and http://wapsisquare.com/comic/jaded-now/ — Amanda doean’t cling to only what she *wants* to believe (like Monica) but adapts her view of reality to evidence, strange though it might be (unlike Monica, who always needs a heavy mallet up side the head to open her eyes to the world that exists around her). Amanda just has no patience with feather brained beliefs that have no evidence or existence in reality and are just exercises in self-delusion — and by “reality”, I mean what she can directly see, touch, experience. If her experience points to something really weird being true – she doesn’t reject it just because it doesn’t fit into her previous frame of reality. But neither does she swallow every silly story either — she’s very much a “show me” kinda girl.
Monica, poiting Amanda to the middle of Lake Calhoun will just make more problems. Dropping your best friend in the middle of a lake is just the primary one.
Naw, worst case is if she miss-poits Amanda to the middle of a freeway instead of the lake, and Amanda gets hit by a bus (irony thrown in at no extra cost).
I agree. That’s why I’m surprised that Tina engineered a situation where Monica almost certainly would be forced to involve Amanda. I was surprised when Phix accepted that (especially in the light of the reason for Monica’s “bad feeling”).
On the plus side, I think Amanda and Bud would get on (whether or not she knows who she truly is).
Lake Calhoun looks like a “kettle” lake like Lake Ronkonkoma in Long Island, NY (gouged out by a chunk of ice calving off of the glacier and being ground under the advancing ice).
You are correct. That’s the primary reason why Minnesota has 10,000 lakes; the receding glaciers left a lot of holes in the earth that were filled in with water.
What if Monica tries to poit her/both of them and it doesn’t happen? Where DO Monica’s powers come from, anyway; I don’t remember. What if all of a sudden her powers just up and leave her, or go intermittent for some reason? That would even further justify Amanda’s reaction, and solidify her belief that Monica’s having a mental breakdown.
…Just sayin’ that all this speculation means we don’t know what tomorrow’s gonna bring. Only Paul Taylor knows that for sure.
Could happen. The clay trio is evesdrop on her all the time. I would imagine one of them could block the extra poit she is trying to score. They might consider this to be an abuse of that power and flag her effort.
Monica’s powers are based on her knowledge of glyphs (which, among other things, are inscribed onto the GGG in order to provide a means of controlling them).
ya know, I’m thinking that the backstroke reference is more to some back story that we haven’t seen. Perhaps M managed at some point to rescue Amanda when they went swimming at one point. (This might actually be the subject of the strip tomorrow (a few minutes from now), a reminder of what happened previously.)
Poit ahoy!
that’s one way to get the poit across!
Very punny
Thanks. I’m trying to earn more poits in punny-business
I’m not sure such a business is very lucrative, unless you come up with one that’s a real punny maker.
Her plan is poitfect! In case of drowning Monica can be used as a flotation device.
One more …
If you do well in the business, everything will be bright and punny. You’ll be living large in the land of milk and punny.
All this punning is poitless.
I’m not POIT-ing up with any more of this!
Sweet mercy! JAR! ALL OF YOU! *pushes pun jar forward*
I think they all need backstrokes. Or at least pats on the back.
Oh lordy. Monica is going for the big casino on this one!
(CUE: Ominous Morricone Mariachi-Style Music)
Ut oh. For heaven’s sake, Monica, leave that expensive camera behind!
Poit to the shore, take a picture of Monica, return to the office.
Now the camera has a picture if Amanda doubts what she saw.
Looks like Monica’s pretty P.O.ed, to want to give Amanda an unexpected poit-dunking in the lake… that certainly looks like that’s where this is going!
But how would they explain their sudden appearance to witnesses?
Witnesses? In the middle of Lake Calhoun?
Second question: Has Monica gained the knowledge and experience to safely poit someone without going too?
I just remembered that she poited her bf without going herself. She didn’t realise that Brad was sleeping in her bed.
Kevin. And Bud.
Whoops! I’ve got a poor memory for names/faces.
I don’t see why she’d poit Amanda and not herself in this instance, but I’d imagine she could do it sober now. I’d be more interested in her poit finesse…though poiting off her bra gets some serious style points.
As for witnesses…if you poit into the middle of a lake, people aren’t as likely to see…and the backstroke would be doubly necessary.
Ya…Amandas going in the lake. Just felt the need to state the obvious
Monica’s seriously not helping herself on the “OMG people think I need some time at the funny farm” front.
Ooooh. Betty Bacall eyes in the last panel!
Er — Betty Davis eyes // Lauren Bacall pose perhaps?
I don’t disagree….
Nope, Lauren Bacall’s real first name was Betty.
…and it’s “Bette” Davis, not “Betty”.
Wow! Strike out time two!
Guess I need to research my witty, off the cuff comebacks before attempting to share them with the world!
Atomic: Word of warning – Fairportfan is a walking Wiki with an absolutely phenomenal memory for trivia — even if he has a fact wrong (damned seldom), he can almost always quote the original source of the incorrect information.
I like the pose, too…
I love that pose, too…
Oooh, rage ahoy. Hope M doesn’t act too hastily, lest she pull this new rift even wider by acting in anger.
GREAT she’s gonna Poit.
i hope someone lights a match
Umm, isn’t this a bit of overkill? Notice how serious Monica is. This isn’t just a light hearted romp anymore. They could just point to the next room, or Amanda’s studio. But into the lake? This is not only making a point about proof of concept, but revenge as well. Not nice Monica, not nice at all. Plus she is about to drag Amanda into this and she has not given her concent. Again, not nice nor any concern for her feelings. I’m not sure she would still be my friend after this.
I think that those examples you give can be rationalised away but having to deal with wet clothes for the next day or so can’t.
Furthermore, look at it from Monica’s point of view. She has already been committed to a mental hospital once. If she is committed again, she is, effectively, imprisoned. Not ony that she’s likely to lose her job, her flat, her credibility, everything. Amanda knows how sensitive her past is and Monica assumed, wrongly, that Amanda would, at least, hear her out before deciding to call the authorities so she’s pretty hurt by Amanda’s reaction AND has to act fast (to stop the call being made).
On top of that, the current mission is to rescue the psyche of an extremely bruised young woman. Monica disappearing from her life could be the thing that sends her over the edge and “flatten the Earth”. Even if that doesn’t happen, the fear of being committed may cause Jin not to open up, which means the Earth is still in danger.
All things considered, she’s not treating Amanda especially badly.
Sorry, that should read:
and cause her to “flatten the Earth”
next day or so can’t be relationised away so easily.
Very good points, though I seriously doubt she would be committed on the basis of what she said.
It would take a lot more to convince me though. If something like that happened to me, I would think mind control. That she had some sort of method to make me see and experience things that weren’t real. Even being wet afterwards. I would simply assume Monica poured water over me while I was under an hypnotic spell. She would have to poit me to somewhere I could talk to people so I could verify it later. Not to mention make sure I looked at my watch before and after. Though I might still wonder if she also made them think they had talked to me. It gets complicated.
Really, it’s not so much a matter of the location being overkill (though I agree with Francisco above, wondering about witnesses), it’s a matter of M’s rage. She’s hurt, and she’s chosen her way in that hurt. I don’t think she ought to wait for consent (as SoWhyMe mentioned) given that her freedom is now at stake, but I do agree that it has the flavor of revenge in it now.
On the other hand, Amanda’s actually being a pretty good friend. It’s not easy to hear someone you care about talking crazy and to really stand up and try to help. And it isn’t her fault she lives in a world where such things as M was saying are considered impossible. If M insists on getting revenge, maybe Amanda’ll still get up and be the bigger person about it later, once the shock has worn down a bit…
On the being a friend front, if I was in Amanda’s position my first instinct would NOT be to call the authorities. I would probably tell M to take a holiday (or time off sick) and relax (on the grounds that she obviously was stressed and overworked). I might even threaten to call the authorities if she didn’t comply. I would advise her to seek help if she still felt the same way after her holiday but I would not call the authorities straight away.
There are only ever two times when you should call the authorities for mental health reasons against the will/without permissiion of the person concerned:
1. If the person is a CLEAR and IMMINENT danger to themselves or others.
2. If the person is not competent to make decisions.
In the first case, intervention is likely to cause the person to not trust you and, more worryingly, less likely to trust anyone so it should only be used in emergencies. In the second case, you need strong evidence before you take that on yourself.
All of which is true, but consider it from Amada’s position. M has been behaving VERY strangely today, trying to keep her from watching her work and – when at work – apparently wandering around doing random things, suddenly dashing back to Tina’s in a panic, and then out of nowhere babbling about Lanthians (whatever those are) and making ominous and outlandish statements about some sort of extraordinary situation. All that would certainly have ME drawing back, and maybe calling mental health counselors to try to find out what to do. Monica is allowing her enthusiasm and tendancy to over-react to put her in a bad light; and while ‘poiting’ Amanda into a lake would surely convince her Monica is not crazy, I doubt it will help their friendship.
I guess you’re right. I’m so used to issues around mental health (both informal and formal) that I’m used to it. I keep forgetting other people aren’t. I used to be an agony uncle when I was at uni’. One of my weirdest memories is, when I was writing an essay in my university’s Computing Centre (which was a busy, noisy place), counselling an acquaintance on something personal.
I ended up kneeling in my front yard with my hands on top of my head and five police officers pointing their service revolvers at me one time, because my wife (who had mental stability problems herself) decided I was about to commit suicide and called 911. It took quite a bit of fast talking by my family to keep me from being committed to a mental ward, which would have cost me my job. Amanda is NOT being a friend by trying to get the authorities involved that quickly.
Many people seem to be forgetting what people are told to do in these cases. We’re generally told not to wait to be certain a person is a danger to themselves or others. Seriously, call any suicide hotline or sef-helpline and ask. Amanda is being a friend, but she’s acting by the book, in a way. She’s remembering that the last time Monica was a danger to herself, she had already almost been flattened before anyone noticed. She’s not wanting to wait that long this time, when she thinks she can get her help now.
Maybe what she is doing isn’t going to really help, but she doesn’t realize that. She is being a friend, it’s just not what would have been the best way in this case.
While Monica could lose her job, flat, credibility, etc., if committed, she can’t be effectively imprisoned anywhere when she can poit. Just sayin’.
Absolutely. Hard to put you away when you can be elsewhere at will.
However, that would then lead to awkward questions when her on-going mission is not to let the world she knows become public. I forgot when it came up but I remember that she did have a discussion about the panic that would ensue if the supernatural was known to exist.
The more I think about this the more I realise that Monica didn’t want Amanda to know about her world. If anybody did any dragging then look at Tina and Phix. Tina, in essence, told Monica to deal Amanda in. Phix agreed with that.[1]
In a way, Monica did create the situation where things needed to be dealt with as an emergency. Amanda gave her the opening she needed when they were talking about the supernatural. If Monica took the initiative then, she could have eased Amanda into it.
Then again, as Monica has admitted, she does tend to dig her heels in when told to do something by others.
[1] Not only in her comments to Monica but by what she said to Tina afterwards.
Then, again, as osomeone pointed out earlier[1], Amanda does have a bad reaction to the supernatural so M’s reticence earlier was natural.
[1] See the comment by txmystic on comic http://wapsisquare.com/comic/crap-like-that/
Do I feel a *poit* coming on?
I was thinkgin “poi-splash” myself
A “poi-tumble”?
Uh-oh ! I can’t wait till tomorrow .
Lake Calhoun: Wish you are here!
POIT incoming!
If she’s gonna do it, she could make a real impression by poiting Amanda out of her clothes in the process. Wouldn’t want those clothes weighing her down or restricting her movements in the water, after all.
She’s gonna’ poit. That’s never good.
Okay. So Monica has lost it. Jin’s unstable and the best thing Monica can do is poit Amanda into a lake to prove a point?!? Seems like Jin has rubbed off on Mon a little bit.
….perhaps that’s the point? (And I REFUSED to use the obvious pun, because I suspect our Artiste has a method to his madness.)
Who in the hell would send their best friend swimming in Lake Calhoun?
That lake is just filthy.
Someone who was very hurt and upset by said best friend?
I take it swimming in Lake Calhoun is a bad idea?
I see now. I just realised you had a second paragraph.
Silly little drama queen, making Amanda a scapegoat for her traumatic past. Just prove your point or poit yourself into nirvana* but don`t blame people for believing in their usual reality.
*or to Kevin
I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that Amanda’s backstroke is nowhere NEAR as epic as M’s breaststroke.
Never before has the “100-meter breaststroke” been so very….literal.
Why was the buxom blond swimmer upset she lost in the breast stroke competition? Because everyone else was cheating and using their arms.
ROTFL! Good one!
I wonder if it’s gonna be even more dramatic ( and avoiding lake dampened clothing)
Poit directly above the lake be some distance.
Lots of falling and screaming
Poit back just in the nick of time…..
My only concern is how does the conservation of momentum work with poits…
I mean if you are moving at 33 fps/s and poit will you still be traveling at that speed when you poit back. Have we ever had any traveling poits?
Well, M was running like mad from the machine gun firing bad guys in Egypt and poited away in mid stride. The landing — mmm — have to find that strip…
You mean the one for Jan 1st 2009?
A successful teleportation compensates for differences
in speed and direction between orgin and destination.
Earth is rotating 1000 mph at the equator in additon
to orbiting the sun.
Using the air at destination to fill the vaccuum at orgin is
the sign of a quality ‘port.
Monica looks stunning in both poses – but the combination of wicked/determined on her face in the last panel is delightful.
Won’t someone…please…slap her upside the head???!
To quote a great & wise man: “I have a bad feeling about this”
Uh-oh … water you gonna do?
Time for the nuclear option! Nothing reorders a person’s understanding like a good poiting.
Well, Monica still has some problems with landings when she poits — so poiting them both over water would probably be safest. I think Amanda is one who believes in reality — whatever it might turn out to be. She believed in Monica’s “bad feeling” because she saw it and it was proven true to her – Amanda didn’t just reject it as “impossible” or “things like that just don’t happen” (and obviously found it disturbing that Monica tried to reject it as real). I think if Amanda was shown that the Moon was actually bright purple and tasted like grape jelly, she’d say, “OK, that’s really weird and makes no sense, but at least we’ll never run out of grape jelly in space.”
In trying to hide everything and keep Amanda out, Monica has been acting totally weird and random, rejecting real events as “it didn’t happen” — Amanda sees all this and already feels that there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that’s affecting Monica, though she doesn’t know what (yet). Not surprising that Amanda is worried about Monica’s sanity right now. Monica was childishly expecting Amanda to go along with the weirdness just by Monica spinning a story — that’s NOT how Amanda operates, and Monica should KNOW this – it was stupid for Monica to try telling Amanda a tale instead of just SHOWING her. After Amanda surfaces in Lake Calhoun, I expect for her to say “Oh, well, that’s an entirely different matter then. What else you got?”
My poit exactly.
Actually, she said, “A feeling?! When the Hell did you start getting all New-Age on me?”[1]
She dropped it when Tina broke her arm.
[1] I’ve posted the link above.
Look at http://wapsisquare.com/comic/crap-like-that/ and http://wapsisquare.com/comic/jaded-now/ — Amanda doean’t cling to only what she *wants* to believe (like Monica) but adapts her view of reality to evidence, strange though it might be (unlike Monica, who always needs a heavy mallet up side the head to open her eyes to the world that exists around her). Amanda just has no patience with feather brained beliefs that have no evidence or existence in reality and are just exercises in self-delusion — and by “reality”, I mean what she can directly see, touch, experience. If her experience points to something really weird being true – she doesn’t reject it just because it doesn’t fit into her previous frame of reality. But neither does she swallow every silly story either — she’s very much a “show me” kinda girl.
You’re right. I missed the clues the first time round. Maybe Tina did have a point in getting them to work together?
This is going to undermine her current worldview pretty throughly. She seems solid enough to adjust, given time, but until then she may make mistakes.
She’s not likely to like some of the things that Jin and Bud have done either. I can easily see this becoming a source of friction.
Monica, poiting Amanda to the middle of Lake Calhoun will just make more problems. Dropping your best friend in the middle of a lake is just the primary one.
Worst-case scenario for Monica is if she biffs on the poit and it doesn’t happen…
Naw, worst case is if she miss-poits Amanda to the middle of a freeway instead of the lake, and Amanda gets hit by a bus (irony thrown in at no extra cost).
Dang…had the wrong email address in the tab. I think that might be why my avatar is sometimes random…
So I’ll repeat…the worst-case scenario for Monica is if she biffs on the poit and nothing happens…
I still think it is a mistake to get Amanda involved…she’s just not willing to accept any of it.
I agree. That’s why I’m surprised that Tina engineered a situation where Monica almost certainly would be forced to involve Amanda. I was surprised when Phix accepted that (especially in the light of the reason for Monica’s “bad feeling”).
On the plus side, I think Amanda and Bud would get on (whether or not she knows who she truly is).
get on well together
redbeard did make a good point. It looks like Monica should have explained the situation to Amanda when she gave her the chance to.
Note to self: Must stop skim readind webcomics such as this.
Sorry: reading
Good Thinking, Monica. (In what I think you are thinking.)
You Go Girl.
After thinking about it for a while, I started to wonder if Paul is slipping one over on us with that visual hint about the lake.
The backstroke Monica is speaking of might be rhetorical — she could be asking Amanda “How good are you at backing away from a firmly held opinion?”
Or she could be asking how well Amanda can back off of a subject and pretend a conversation never occurred?
But I guess that would be “backpeddling”, not “backstroke”…
I think you might be overthinking it.
You think?
I think not…
Shame on you, missing the poit of the joke like that – “I think knott.
Wrong forum!
Overthinking is what we do best.
I want a Poit ! We haven’t had a good Poit in a long time. Get to the Poit, NOW!
Not biting on your request. Give it up, it’s poitless.
There’s been quite enough poitification on this poit already…
Yeah, let’s poit disjoint.
Lake Calhoun looks like a “kettle” lake like Lake Ronkonkoma in Long Island, NY (gouged out by a chunk of ice calving off of the glacier and being ground under the advancing ice).
You are correct. That’s the primary reason why Minnesota has 10,000 lakes; the receding glaciers left a lot of holes in the earth that were filled in with water.
It seems the only way to prove one isn’t crazy is to do something insane.
Deep six’d before section eight.
Nice formulation of M’s dilemma.
What if Monica tries to poit her/both of them and it doesn’t happen? Where DO Monica’s powers come from, anyway; I don’t remember. What if all of a sudden her powers just up and leave her, or go intermittent for some reason? That would even further justify Amanda’s reaction, and solidify her belief that Monica’s having a mental breakdown.
…Just sayin’ that all this speculation means we don’t know what tomorrow’s gonna bring. Only Paul Taylor knows that for sure.
Could happen. The clay trio is evesdrop on her all the time. I would imagine one of them could block the extra poit she is trying to score. They might consider this to be an abuse of that power and flag her effort.
…and that explains where Tepoz is. He’s riding a John Deere on a farm in Kiln.
Nah – they work for her, remember?
If that were to happen, I’d be very sad, mostly because it would be heading towards the dreaded “dreams of an autistic little girl” trope.
Yes, that is what I meant by my “worst-case scenario” for Monica…
Monica’s powers are based on her knowledge of glyphs (which, among other things, are inscribed onto the GGG in order to provide a means of controlling them).
ya know, I’m thinking that the backstroke reference is more to some back story that we haven’t seen. Perhaps M managed at some point to rescue Amanda when they went swimming at one point. (This might actually be the subject of the strip tomorrow (a few minutes from now), a reminder of what happened previously.)
That last frame. Monica cut out against the background. “We’re not in your world anymore, Amanda.”
Sing it with me!
“Do you believe in maaagic! And I hope you dooo!
You’ll always have a tiny friend with great big bewbs!”