I figure that, after, say Lily and Suzi have some reason to come thdough, we are going to see the Jaguar Girl in her full aspect meting out swift and condign retribution to one elemental, two sphinxes, one shadow child {and her little dog too} and whoever roars through tomorrow.
I think that this is a Benny Hill moment.
And now I’m imagining it pooped together to the music.
Glad that’s not one of my skillsets.
Just screams for Yakety Sax!
their the same song, just different names BUT if that was the point of your comment I will r/woooooosh myself
I think Monica is about ready to cut a bitch.
There are still two days to go tbis week.
I figure that, after, say Lily and Suzi have some reason to come thdough, we are going to see the Jaguar Girl in her full aspect meting out swift and condign retribution to one elemental, two sphinxes, one shadow child {and her little dog too} and whoever roars through tomorrow.
It’s gonna be yuugge!
Hm, no.. I bet phix will carry on through, wielding some sort of large clue bat…
M: WTF????
Phix: don’t worry sunshine, I have a spare bat if you want!
So, Phix is going to loop around (twice), while Shelly and Connie are hiding behind Mon?
Band-Aid on the leg? Shaving’s not what it’s cracked up to be…
Monica always has a band-aid on one leg or the other.
It’s probably a side effect of not knowing by sight where one’s feet are going.
And folks wonder why Monica’s such a psycho?
Clear case of “With friends like these…”
Well, Tsiilah could have brought along Boo, as well.
Oh right, Baxter and Boo are the guard dogs who tried to scare Shelley? Was wondering who Baxter was