72seconds, given terminal velocity (=+-200km/h) is immediately reached. If poiting nullifies momentum, it gets closer to 80 seconds (have to accellerate to 200km/h first)
Saying “Ohkay, OHKAY we’ll stop!!!” takes 4 secons at best, including time to let the fear of SPLAT! sink in and free their minds of anger-clouding.
The ability to point comes with a lot of unconscious fiddling with momentum to begin with. If it didn’t, teleporting halfway around the world, she’d be suddenly breaking the sound barrier.
Which is a mite unhealthy.
There’s also adding/subtracting for longitude and latitude as well.
If Monica really knows what shes doing, she should be able to set them back in the coffee shop pretty as you please.
she wouldn’t neccessarily be breaking the sound barrier by poiting halfway around the world, a general rule of thumb for teleporters is that when they teleport they keep the momentum that they had when they teleported but gravity does take effect on you up to the point immediately before and after teleporting, it doesn’t affect you while you are teleporting
If poiting didn’t change your momentum, going from Minneapolis to Teotihuacan would mean you’d arrive going 413 km/hr to the west and 17 degrees below horizontal. I’m thinking that would hurt. At least for Monica.
Wolfram Alpha says 45 seconds to fall that far. You can use the terminal velocity calculator to adjust for air density and object size. Make sure to check “using drag” when you do it.
You’re forgetting to factor in air resistance, which will not only slow their acceleration, but lower their terminal velocity, giving them significantly more time (though still probably only a few minutes, which matches what M said).
74.8 seconds assuming 13,000 is about 4 Km and Terminal Velocity of 55.55 m/s (200 kph). 5.66 seconds to accelerate to T.V., during which they cover about 158 meters. The remainder of the fall takes 69.16 seconds.
<–Engineer. Thanks for giving me a problem I could solve easily
I dunno, I’m kind of envious. I wonder if my beau and I could sort out our pesky issues in such an environment. Seems like there’d be no mincing of words!
This quote always reminds me of Évariste Galois, who, as the story goes, wrote feverishly all night before his fatal last duel, outlining the basis for group theory.
But, air resistance is everything in this case. Terminal velocity for a person assuming the standard skydiving pose is about 125 MPH, according to Google. In a ball it’s about 200 MPH. I have no idea what it is with arms and legs thrashing about and screaming your lungs out. Anyway, at, say 120 MPH, it would take about 1.25 Min. to go 13,000 feet (about 2.5 miles). It would take a bit longer than that, since they have to accelerate up to that velocity first. OTOH, you would have to poit well before you would hit the ground, so you don’t get the entire 13,000 feet to fall.
Good thing this is fantasy and not science fiction, or getting rid of all that angular momentum would require a whole lot of ‘splaining. Even if they *poited* away at the last moment, they’d still be traveling at terminal velocity. I’d hate to hit anything at that speed.
She could just poit them into mid-air on the other side of the Earth so the momentum would actually make them fly upwards there. Then wait until they lose the speed, and poit back home as they begin to fall again.
Seriously, she’s lucky I’m not her friend.
If I knew anyone with that much power and they tried to use it to bully and frighten me into hastily “resolving” my (and in Tina and Shelly’s case, somewhat justified) emotions, they better hope I don’t find them afterwards. I’d beat them silly for it.
I find the control-through-fear thing to be abusive. But maybe that’s just me.
As I see it, the entire world is controlled by fear. Fear of retribution, fear of the unknown, fear of death, fear of injury, fear of loss (this is the big one). Everything we do is based on some sort of fear. Money doesn’t make the world go around, fear does.
It may be sad, but it’s also true. For example, I always get a chuckle when managers talk about how to manage people. They go to special classes and everything. Yet it all boils down to one thing … either the employee does what management says or they get fired. That’s it. Does anyone really think for one moment that employees would do all the Micky Mouse things management dreams up for them to do were it not for the fear of losing their jobs? THAT is the underlying motivating force.
SowhyMe: “do what management says or be fired” – no, if that is OTT, they go on strike… so *management* gets the fear of losing a big contract, or their company!
SoWhyMe–it’s not quite that simple. A good, inspiring manager can encourage his or her workers to be more productive and effective, or to find intrinsic motivation as well as extrinsic motivation (like pay, or not getting fired). And a happy workforce takes less work to manage well–such as having constantly to find new workers to hire to replace the ones you fired or who quit in disgust.
Going on strike is fearful as well. You get only a small fraction of your pay during the strike so you fear losing everything if it goes on long. The company can hire “permenant replacements” and keep on doing it’s thing. You have to toe the line where the strike is concerned whether you want to or not because of fear of the union and retribution from your fellow workers. It’s all still fear based.
There are few actually happy workforces. Contented and placated workers, yes. Truely happy to be there and doing everything they have to do? I doubt it. Of course there are the exceptions. People who really love their jobs and enjoy coming in to do them, but I think that is very much the exception and not the rule. As I see it, most people put on their happy face and just do it. Basically “it’s show time!”
hm, this is getting a bit long, so I’ll just say, at least you have freedom!!
– freedom to live your life how you want, freedom to not be able to buy food, freedom to freeze in winter, freedom to lose all your friends due to the above… At least I am old enough to have earned my good pension, unlike the teenagers who have yet to learn the value of being a ‘good worker’ – If you want ‘good times’ you have to work hard for it!!
I disagree. But that means nothing.
I wouldn’t allow someone do do that to me and get away with it. Especially if they are someone as close to me as Monica is to Shelly. That’s a serious breech of respect and trust.
Indeed, it reeks of overkill. :/ Not overly impressive in the friendship department. My ‘shit’ would very promptly be redirected to the new source of ire.
Once the terror dies down, of course.
Not what I would call a top method of conflict resolution.
So was Amanda’s dunking. I think we have to just go with the understanding this is done (in the comic) for its dramatic effect on the readers. Interpersonal ire that would normally occur as a result is simply ignored or ameliorated considerably for the sake of moving on with the story.
I agree. Doing something like that to a group you don’t know, is one thing, but doing it to your best friends is just wrong. You will have embarassed them to no end by treating them with so little respect for the friendship. And, to me, that is worse than what you actually did.
What would be good at the end of all this, when everything has been resolved, would be for Shelly to privately tell Monica “I appreciate what you were trying to do, but … *slap!* … never do something like that to me again.”
The only thing we have to fear is phobophobia?
And werewolves.
And spiders.
And clowns.
And Johnson’s wife.
And whatever it is that licks the polish off your toenails while you sleep.
Oh, dear God, as if I didn’t have enough about which to have bad dreams, now I have this mental image of some gnarly little creature with glowing red eyes, hairy ears, and a rasping tongue licking my feet in the middle of the night, and I wake up screaming …. oh, wait, that’s just the cat.
EEEEEEP!! that last one really gave me the heebies *retucks feet under eiderdown so quick, they break the sound-barrier* (I was reading the comments while in bed…WiFi is pretty handy)
Actually, I can’t think of a fear (including the ones you listed) that can’t be traced back to a fear of the unknown — the primeval fear, as it were. A large portion of all human-on-human violence is based on the really scary idea that we don’t know what the person we’re facing is thinking or what their “real” motivation is, so it’s better to stop them from thinking at all. While it’s incredibly sad that this is nearly everybody’s basic motivation, it’s also the reason for the rise of every religion and mythology. Crazy, huh?
Nah..in this specific case it is fear of the really well-jknown —> Bodies+mass+accelleration+momentum+quickly increasing view of details on ground= SPLAT!
Don’t agree with this tactic, not the least of which being Nudge should be able to get herself out, and Tina had valid reasons. I hope expect it to blow up in her face.
No I agree. Monica has really been letting her power go to her head and she’s starting to become abusive.
And I think it’s going to come back to bite her soon.
If the magic is strong enough, being buried at speed will sure shock you out of your rage… to say nothing about having to dig your way out of the crater!!
if not, the demons will have to find a way to ‘put the china back together again’… :/
Ahh..HUH? Amanda? Snow?..oooh noes..have to start reading ALLover again……apparently I missed something…AGAIN!!…. I feel more&more like Brandy here..re-living history again&again, just to be able to follow the story and comments..
Well, there are worse things than having to read and admire Paul’s work several times..
It IS something of an abuse of power, but Monica has walked in on two of her friends beating a third (assuming she recognized Nudge) into a pulp, and is understandably upset about it. She wants it to stop, and stop NOW, and since she doesn’t have the physical strength to restrain them, has gone with what she’s got to put a permanent end to this. It is, however, a bluff, since as SoWhyMe pointed out, she won’t REALLY allow them to hit the ground, she’s relying on their fear to overwhelm their anger. I doubt Shelly or Tina will realize this: But Conscience might, and if she explains this to Shelly, Shelly might just wrap her legs around Nudge and start pounding her again.
Still lost. since when do Creepy Girl and Monica’s doubt have anything to do with each other? (Other than monica’s doubt being a demon and creepy girl being a bunch of demons combined).
What? No. Conscience came to be when Shelly went on her spirit quest and almost died. Doubt had absolutely nothing to do with that. If she did, then she would be on the same boat as all of Tina’s demons.
Which, come to think, given recent events there and what Tina 1.0 was known to be doing just before she died, might not be a salubrious climate for at least one of the krewe…
Frostbite can be almost instantaneous after a certain temperature. Have you ever seen Sub-zero’s final move in Mortal Kombat? liquid nitrogen. that’s all you need. guess what can exist in upper atmospheres? you guessed it.
Let’s see I remember this correctly: the lapse rate of temperature to altitude is -2C per 1000 ft. So at 13,000 ft they should be about (assuming ground is 0C) a brisk -26C or -14.8F and rapidly accelerating to 120mph or 10,560 feet per minute. At 1 minute they should be passing through the -5C level or about 23F. Let’s hope she poited some warm air with them…
That’s one way to insure privacy. The participants, however, should know they have nothing to worry about and simply enjoy the ride. They know full well Monica is not going to let anyone hit the ground so they really have no actual incentive to do anything. Or maybe Shelly can get in a couple of licks before it’s over. Assuming she’s still hanging on to Nudge. Must be cold up there though.
Watching the ground come at you at terminal velocity, it’s going to hard to convince the lizard part of your brain that your best friend isn’t going to let you splat.
At an amusement park, me and my friends rode a free-fall ride six, count ’em, six, times in one day. Even knowing every thing about the ride and experiencing 5 times before, the gut wrench when the cage let go was intense…
That ride had a full cage around you, and you didn’t really feel that high up.
The ones where you sit on a bench with an over the shoulder lap bar, and everything else is open you really feel the altitude. Those are the one where you put a penny on your knee and watch it ‘float’ on the way down…
I find it hard enough to convince my lizard underbrain that I’m not going to fall when I’m 40 feet up on a nicely stable scaffolding, and have plenty of time to talk it into relaxing and doing a bit of work with a free hand. I’m not about to try to talk to it when we are both in free-fall.
As someone else pointed out, if Monica doesn’t poit them back pretty quickly, they’re going to get hurt when she does poit because their bodies will have to maintain the same quantity of speed/inertia which is increasing the longer they’re allowed to fall.
Let’s just hope “poiting”nullifies momentum. It seems to do that, browsing through all occasions of poiting. You’ll apparently just get a dead-stop and tumble, if aimed poorly.
Sory to be contrary, but I feel M. does the right thing here. When toddlers let their anger get the better of them(like: swelling up, getting all red and screamish, almost suffocating in their anger), harsh measures are called for. (My mom used to put our heads under a cold shower. Nothing better to let the mind re-settle in the place it ought to be.)
Monica has enough trouble of her own. She’s the adult here.
I agree, the conversation in panel three shows them being very childish. Something to break the chain of events and scare the crap out of them. Not such a bad call IMHO.
Not really, it’s not like Glyph reading is a title or position. Jin’s mom taught her. That’s it. It’s a skill. Even if it was, nobody there has anything to do with Glyph reading. So still no authority.
No… That gives her reason to be responsible to not abuse that power (which she is blatantly doing right now), not authority. She is not a tyrant, she is not above anybody. The instant she STARTS thinking she is above people is when things will get bad.
Monica seems to be the only one being able to truly see the bigger picture here. Despite Shelly’s “mental”growth-spurt, she’s still too prone to violent solutions, anger clouding her judgement.
Monica, on the other hand, is constantly(even painfully so) aware that petty squabbles and personal grudges are detrimental to what must be done. She fought her own demons and won. Shelly and Tina are still in that struggle, and as such, less inclined to reason, and less mature.
Howevermuch violence makes for great gags, in reality, reason is much more effective here, even if forced for a bit.
Jin has proven that you can change the position of things ‘in transit’. All Monica has to do is turn the direction of travel from down to up. At the apex of the upward travel, teleport to a level surface and viola.
Of course trusting all of that to Monica’s sketchy teleport skills is quite another adrenaline rush.
The poiting itself is supernatural, however, the moment they pop out of their probability-bubble, normal physics take over immediately, hence, the risk of ending in the garbage-bin after a (or another) poorly aimed poit….
I wonder if Paul takes notes when us, geeks ,discuss crazy concepts like “poiting”
Irrelevant. Those events happened after the completion of the poit. One assumes that they arrived with zero velocity relative to their surroundings.
That is, since a poit operates by the application of bolonium and magic handwavium, there is no reason to assume that momentum and so on are transferred with the poitee.
If they did, poiting much of anywhere would be not only impossible, but quite possibly fatal, since you would arrive with the “intrinsic velocity” (thank you, “Doc” Smith for the term) of your point of departure. And that would include a component equal to the Earth’s speed of rotation, in a direction tangent to the point that you departed. which, if you poited to an antipodal location, would give you a velocity, relative to your surroundings, of twice that.
I can just see a Monica-shaped hole in Ayers Rock…
Also, you would have to instantaneously acquire or lose the difference in potential energy due to altitude between where you departed and where you arrived.
That is – taking the departure elevation as our datum point, at 13,000 feet, the potential energy difference would be equal to the energy required to accelerate you to a velocity of just under 800 mph – the speed you would acquire in a free fall in vacuum from that height in normal gravity.
And your body would have to have acquired that energy instantaneously… And it would, quite likely, exprss as heat energy, possibly causing your body to burst into flame … and poiting downward that far would require the loss of that much energy – which might very well cause you to freeze solid.
SO, no, based on what we’ve seen, i doubt that poiting conserves momentum.
i guess this is up to you, but it seems like this is going a bit fast. where did monica come from? how does she already have such clear understanding of what’s going on? i mean, we don’t see anyone but her this entire strip…and she swears and shuts everyone up! is she being presumptuous or is this plot advancement?
It is assumed that Monica was just walking in at the last panel of the previous comic. If thats the case, she had plenty of time to watch Shelly pick up Nudge and hear Tina say “NO, not by that wall, punch her near THIS one!” (i’m paraphrasing). I feel that Monica’s reaction is completely justified. She felt that clearly there was too much emotion and determination to kill Nudge to sort out their problems by talking or physical restraint. So she used shock. It would be similar to having an argument and someone who was not engaged directly comes in and slaps you. The sudden sensation of pain tells you to rethink your actions. I see M as the Lawful Neutral in this situation, Shelly the Chaotic Good, and Tina as always, the Chaotic Neutral. The Lawful Neutral will settle things from the sidelines, letting the two parties duke it out, but acting as a catalyst, so they can continue with their own agendas. The Chaotic Good is someone who follows their instincts or emotions and they have a code they follow, but it doesn’t always agree with societies rules. And Tina, who is generally neutral, is powered by her own agenda and won’t let anyone stop her from achieving her goals, even if they have to cross lines on either good or bad. So it should be interesting, because those personalities don’t necessarily cancel each other out. Where is Nudge in all this? Because she doesn’t really have any say or control of the situation, she doesn’t really fit anywhere…XD
Hmm. I disagree to your statement that Tina is CN. I would place her as Neutral Good. While she has done many chaotic things in her life, she also has a clear idea of what she wants in life, how to get there, and a fair mindset of personal guidelines for life, more than enough to qualify her as Neutral, although not enough to make her Lawful. As for my argument for Good, she has well defined Good habits, and spends her days trying to improve the lives of others with a smile and a coffee. And being good would not necessarily rule out slugging someone; Nudge got her clawed, slammed face first into a counter, and slugged in the head by Phix, not to mention the mental mindgames that must have happened there. So she’s a Neutral Good with a really strong and well justified grudge. Now, if she still follows through on her punishings after being publicly call out on them, THEN I’ll call alignment check on her.
I have another set of arguments about why I think Monica would be Good, but this comment is too long already.
Hmm interesting point, i’ll keep that in mind. but for M, i was talking about this situation only. if it were the whole story, i don’t know where to put her because she is both pro and antagonist for the Calender Machine arc…
Sorting out the shit while falling down 13.000 feet… now THAT’s mutitasking.
Remind me of this solution the next time someone complains to me about the stress he/she has.
Wow, what a dick move. Seriously, just walking in and inserting herself in the middle of other peoples’ business, especially with such long-standing issues? One of those people she threw up into the wide blue yonder is supposedly her very best friend, even. If this DOESN’T blow up in her face and result in someone calling her out for being a self-righteous bitch, especially considering the amount of childish blowups Monica herself has had in the past, then things are really unbalanced.
I agree. I get that Shelly and Tina where not controlling there anger very well, but then again Nudge has given BOTH of them some serious grief.
But GOOD LORD!! Teleporting three individuals (two of which are a couple of your closest friends) 13000 feet up and essentially threatening to let them hit the ground with a splat if they don’t “sort their shit”?? Not only will that NOT create any sincere closure between them, but it’s wrong of her to assume such a position of control over these people. Why should they trust her if she’s going to do things like that?
I really hope at least one of them calls her out on this.
Seriously!? Monica walks in the store and witnesses her friends committing assault and battery on a customer with no sign of stopping and she breaks it up and she’s the dick?! I bet the police would’ve used tazers.
Yeah a customer that is actually a trickster demigod that has put both both women through a lot of crap.
I think that Monica could have done a variety of other things (letting them explain what was really going on would be a start) before teleporting them 13000 feet above ground for a terror inducing free fall.
And no the cops wouldn’t use a taser. They’d attempt to physically separate the women first.
Yeah, maybe I’m the only person in the world with enough patience to wait a few more seconds to tell them to stop and tell me what is going on one by one. And I’d like them to start by telling me who the third woman is, because we can’t assume Monica knows that’s Nudge.
I wouldn’t mind this solution so much if Monica had at the very least attempted to get things settled through talking and mediation instead of immediately turning to the strong-arm magic tricks. She didn’t give them a chance.
Well if she did that the cop would be completely justified in using a tazer. But cops are not taught to just run in an immediately taze whoever is there.
There was a bit in the old “Gotham Adventures” comic – basd on the animated “Batman” series (all original stories, though, not TV adaptations).
Bruce Wayne has been kidnapped, and Batgirl, Robin and Nightwing are searching for him. Superman flies in from Metropolis to help out, and winds up working with Batgirl, who explains that his kinder, gentler methods won’t work in Gotham City.
Su Superman grabs a Bad Guy they think might know something, swoops him several thousand feet up, and informs him that they are in the approach pattern for Gotham International, and that LexAir flight 307 from Metropolis (which we can see getting bigger and bigger in the background) is due any minute…
As he flies away and Batgirl swings along at his side, he asks how he did. She says it looks as if he’s getting the idea, but “…I don’t think Batman would have bought him a cup of coffee afterward to steady his nerves…”
Well we dont know how long monica has been watching the whole thing. And she is really pissed to see her Best friends trying to murder somebody. Especialy like this following only build up anger and frustation.
I’m thinking she probably saw everything from outside. Kinda hard not to see someone lifting another person up by the collar as you’re coming into a shop.
Exactly! And hearing the serious remark about killingNudge..well, let’s say, as long as Monica’s aim isn’t precise enough to poit part of a lake on top of the quarreling dogs, this poiting to altitude and cold, is the best way to shake them up.
“Killing” is the word thjat is crucial here. Tina’s a combination of demons. I really doubt they’ll have any qualms about actually killing that which angers them.
considering that Wapsi has come to the conclusion they would *Poit* to that point without motion, its safe to assume that the current velocity of the group at the end of Monica’s speech is about 10 m/s, or 22mph. you can still hear her, but they will have to shout pretty soon.
‘Really soon’ being less than a few seconds. It’s simply not possible to hold any sort of conversation in free-fall. Guess Paul (and/or Monica) doesn’t watch Mythbusters. : /
Since consensus seem to be that they arrive motionless, it would take a few seconds to build up the speed to produce a conversation-stopping wind–they have a few seconds to converse until then.
And more, if Monica repoits them, they can get a few more seconds until the crisis is past.
I’m feeling more sorry for Nudge. She was already freezing–being at 13,000 feet is not gonna help that!
Mythbusters investigated this when they were exploring some movie myths, including if you can hold a conversation while skydiving. You can’t. The sound of the wind is too intense, your mouth has to be right by someone’s ear for there to be any chance of them hearing what you’re shouting…
But hey, this is Wapsi Square, where the dead walk and time can be reset. Who CARES about the laws of physics?!?
Yes–in fantasy/cartoons, the laws of physics can be anything the author wants. The trick is being consistent once you have established the laws.
Here: poiting does not work in RL, so our common assumptions may not apply.
We can puzzle out the rules: momentum and energy seem not to be conserved, since cross-continental poiting does not fry/freeze/smash-into-goo the poiters. Poiting to 13,000 feet would thus leave the poited at rest (momentarily) to their surroundings. Similarly, after falling 10,000 (or so) feet, a second poit to solid ground would not smash them into the earth at 120-200 mph.
If we’re going with cartoon physics, they can add a few seconds to their drop time for the time it takes to realize they are no longer standing on the floor of Mucho Mocha…
Cardboard signs with ‘Yipe!’ scrawled on them earn extra poits…
That ^ Plus, they should -on impact- leave a nice little dustcloud and a Wapsi-crew sized, crumbly hole, with a hand holding a sign saying:auwwie! sticking out of it.
(Graduate from ACME’s academy of road-runner-catching talking here)
From 13.000 feet, its for a human exactly 60.6 seconds to SPLAT. Each non-aerodynamic body reaches Terminal Velocity after 7.08 sec falling for the first 245,8m. And the rest is falling with 69,44 m/s.
Any skydiver will tell you that 12,000 feet gives you 60 seconds of stable free fall to the opening altitude of about 2,500 feet. Add 6 seconds for the extra 1,000 ft and 15 seconds to SPLAT and that gives you a total of 81 seconds average, probably slightly less without the usual jumpsuit.
I feel like we’re missing a panel at the beginning of this scene, something that brings M into the shop, allows her to assess the situation and stop the fight. Even an open door behind M would give a clearer sense of how long she had been there. Otherwise, good strip.
I agree, that appears to be a door, but a closed one. It loses some of the immediacy of the moment if she walks in and takes time to settle in before noticing all the chaos. I think an offpanel shout of “STOP!!” in yesterday’s strip or something similar in today’s would tidy it up.
Nudge understands they need to work out their anger and stress… and Nudge is a demigod(dess)… she can take it and then literally lick her wounds clean and be fine tomorrow.
Actually, it is a great solution! They can’t go anywhere and unless they grab Nudge like a hockey player, hitting is gonna be ineffectual. This is going to act like turning a hose on a dog or cat fight; it changes the focus. Maybe Nudge can *poit* out of there, but I think she’ll stay around to see the results of Monica’s interference. Oh and Paul has upped the ante, not a cliff-hanger, but a free-faller.
Looks like Monica is takeing the reins of ‘LEADER’ well. Did anyone notice her abilities must be improveing since she “POIT”-ed everyone without touching anyone.
Indeed, or it could be the adrenaline from the rage boosting her abilities, much like the adrenaline boost she got when she went through the portal cloth.
Monica is 4.11″ soo, indeed, pixie is more appropriate. (I am a bit “Tolkien-elf-biased” here. Elfs are tall and beautiful to me. Monica is pretty, but..ehh not exactly “tall” )
Thank you Llewellian for pointing out how long they really have. Skydiving free fall lasts for ~30 seconds. And for all you folks debating momentum, remember that they teleport around the globe and arrive at zero velocity relative to local. There is at most one point on a spinning globe having the exact same velocity (that’s speed and direction to a physicist) as a generic starting point so their method of travel has already demonstrated momentum matching.
1: Teleportation (and its sub-set time travel) HAS to include target site velocity matching and F.O.G. (feet on ground) reorientation.
2: Did I miss the comment about explosive decompression?
13,000 ft… Isn’t oxygen recommended above 10,000?
Not life threatening but really painful to the ears!
you will have to read Larry Niven sci fi, for the teleport tech.. they have a large tank in the ocean, where any unwanted ‘velocities’ are sent, so the person arrives without disturbance.. plus using it as a good way of stopping rioters!!
don’t get me wrong, i love analyzing things, one of the many “obscure” reasons i want to be a video game designer. but sometimes you just have to take things at face value XD
After reading the posts, I believe I may have been looking at this situation incorrectly (hard to imagine, I know). When she says sort out their s***, she may be referring to giving them a cooling down period and not that they should be resolving their differences. Sorting out their individual anger so that, when returned, they will be in a less feral frame of mind. Not to mentioned shocked into stunned silence.
Hence my analogy to my Mom sticking my -almost suffocating in anger- red toddler head under a cold shower. Makes the brain sink-in again. Falling through ice-cold air will do the same.
I still think it is a good snap-decision on Monica’s part to defuse the hot-heads, and prevent true carnage in the process..
But those three aren’t angry toddlers, Monica is not there mother, and a free fall from 13000 feet is not a cold shower. Even if some might say they are acting like toddlers, they are still grown women (or one grown woman, a demigod, and a group of demons) and I think that attempting to talk to them would have been a better solution before the ridiculously over-the-top scare tactic.
I know she’s the MAIN character, but Mon’s is quickly becoming my least favorite. She doesn’t seem to be any fun anymore. (Please don’t kill me!! It’s just an opinion.) *hides*
Monica needs a slap. She’s lording it over everyone here, without any attempt at letting them explain themselves.
I for one, think that Tina and Shelly had GOOD reason to kick the shit out of Nudge. Tricksters are not my favorite personalities.
They know violence isn’t the answer, but they got it wrong on purpose.
Sometimes you just have to suck it up and realize that your friends aren’t perfect people either, and NEED to kick a nigh-immortal pain-in-the-ass in the ass.
She shouldn’t. Unless she’s been standing in the doorway a while and listening in. If she identified the stranger as Nudge (maybe she closed her left eye again), she might be able to guess why Tina is beating on her. But Shelly would have no reason to be doing so, too, and Monica should be – and maybe is – confused about this. And maybe as to why Nudge is there, to begin with…
Monica shouldn’t know why, maybe she recognizes Nudge, maybe not. But, when walking in on two of your friends beating the crap out of someone, you’re libel to do something to stop and see what’s going on.
“Violence is never the answer…no matter how clearly you show your work.”
^ That would be handy..My brain often goes faster than my meagre motory skills allow, resulting in massive “clumsy-fat-finger-syndrom” permeated posts.
nope, not violence, just scary!! Its good to see the effect on someone who is *expecting* a big punch or slap, and then you stop it 1 inch away from their face, without even touching!!
they have no ‘evidence’, so they are called a lair..
No the point was that Monica was right to do what she did because “violence isn’t the answer.” But her answer was just as violent. I think it’s worse because she isn’t involved in any of this except in her own self-important-I-have-all-the-power head.
1. It is still within the consistency of the laws of *poit*ing:
first off, she had to think of the location. It was someplace she experienced. therefore she could poit there.
2. M is the leader figure, while she doesn’t keep direct control on the group, she can and will assert her authority. taking them skydiving is similar to telling a child to go to a corner. She is giving them time to think about what they have done, and what the real problems are.
3. While Tina may already be “dead” her body is still human, and will go splat, and since her demons need her body to function, she is in danger. Again, this is also a “shock” exercise. She could have just as easily *poit*ed them to lake Calhoun, but Paul has done that before with Amanda.
4. It is her Irish Grandfather i believe. and second, even if it was her Mexican Grandfather, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are in Mexico, it is just the place where she was taken skydiving by said Grandfather, for all we know, they could be in Australia right now.
5. That is true, however, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t at 13000 feet from sea level. you can sky dive from 5000 ft above the ground and be fine. And it’s safe to assume that because this is just to “shock” them, she plans on *poit*ing back withing 30 seconds anyway. So the shock of lack of oxygen would work in her favor.
6. It would take M about 5 seconds to yell that. if they are accelerating at 9.8 meters per second and their initial velocity was 0. they would be travelling about 49m/s (106.2 mph) by the time she was done. If they are in a 4 ft radius, the last words they would probably hear are “That gives you..”, which gives them of enough of an idea of whats going on. (Plus the look on her face is enough indication that they all did something wrong, and are being reprimanded for it. Supernatural beings require supernatural punishments)
Stop thinking about every little detail. You’ll drown in depth. Yes Paul didn’t leave us with a cliffhanger feeling, but not every Friday comic needs to end that way. I feel that M’s approach is a valid solution, because it accomplishes mentally what she wanted to do physically to all three of them.
Yes, Tina will more than likely hold a grudge against Nudge for the remainder of the Wapsi Universe, but you can’t have a plot without conflict. Shelly freaking out is more than likely, and because M reacted without really thinking this trough, she will more than likely suffer some consequence. As for Nudge saving people, she probably will attempt something to try and win them over, to prove that she is different.
P.S Creepy Girl, if not sipping on some coffee and reading a newspaper back at Tina’s shop for comedic effect, she will be floating with them on monday because she is part of Shelly, and where Shelly goes, CG follows.
Monica is also trying to lord it over the laws of physics… those folk reach terminal velocity and when they re-poit will they not splat no matter where they go? Just sayng…
I guess a poit is a bit like C J Cherryh’s star drive; it gathers energy from the interface of hyperspace and normal space, which can then be used to either gain or dump velocity. The energy the ship supplies is only tiny fraction of the output; most of it is merely the price paid to tap the interface. The fabric of space itself supplies the energy for the change of momentum. The drive then directs the momentum, “points” the direction of the pulse, so to speak.
After all, humans are tool users, and use tools to apply more energy to a task than our own strength can supply. Why should poiting be any different?
I get the feeling M has a large amount of button combinations that get her to flip out. Calling her crazy or suicidal, getting dumped on by the weather, feeling betrayed, getting dumped on by the weather, watching her friends beat the crap out of each other, Modern Art and Artists, getting dumped on by the weather…
You’re saying is she’s human? *trying to imagine the possibilities when I could POIT..* I think she’s rather controlled as far as her super-human abilities go.
Luckily we, ordinary humans cannot POIT.. Imagine the carnage all our hang-ups would cause :eep:
Oh well! That solves it!
P.S – A few minutes is actually at most 80 seconds, more likely 70 to impact. FYI — think fast!
72seconds, given terminal velocity (=+-200km/h) is immediately reached. If poiting nullifies momentum, it gets closer to 80 seconds (have to accellerate to 200km/h first)
Saying “Ohkay, OHKAY we’ll stop!!!” takes 4 secons at best, including time to let the fear of SPLAT! sink in and free their minds of anger-clouding.
All in all, plenty of time…..
Let’s hope poiting does nullify momentum or they’ll all go splat when they poit back anyway.
The ability to point comes with a lot of unconscious fiddling with momentum to begin with. If it didn’t, teleporting halfway around the world, she’d be suddenly breaking the sound barrier.
Which is a mite unhealthy.
There’s also adding/subtracting for longitude and latitude as well.
If Monica really knows what shes doing, she should be able to set them back in the coffee shop pretty as you please.
LOL That is what I get for posting without reading! Addressed my thought on the second reply! New record!!!
she wouldn’t neccessarily be breaking the sound barrier by poiting halfway around the world, a general rule of thumb for teleporters is that when they teleport they keep the momentum that they had when they teleported but gravity does take effect on you up to the point immediately before and after teleporting, it doesn’t affect you while you are teleporting
If poiting didn’t change your momentum, going from Minneapolis to Teotihuacan would mean you’d arrive going 413 km/hr to the west and 17 degrees below horizontal. I’m thinking that would hurt. At least for Monica.
Yep– we’re nerds….
Thanks for the physics lesson! I hope Paul updates his comic… we wouldn’t want the Wapsi girls to defy gravity.
OMG That was classic dry dryyyyy wit!!! Defying gravity is Monica’s MO. So funny
Wolfram Alpha says 45 seconds to fall that far. You can use the terminal velocity calculator to adjust for air density and object size. Make sure to check “using drag” when you do it.
You’re forgetting to factor in air resistance, which will not only slow their acceleration, but lower their terminal velocity, giving them significantly more time (though still probably only a few minutes, which matches what M said).
74.8 seconds assuming 13,000 is about 4 Km and Terminal Velocity of 55.55 m/s (200 kph). 5.66 seconds to accelerate to T.V., during which they cover about 158 meters. The remainder of the fall takes 69.16 seconds.
<–Engineer. Thanks for giving me a problem I could solve easily
Monica is quick on the uptake. LOL
Arr arr arr!
way to *poit* out the obvious!
Love her outfit, especially the stockings.
Definitely adds to the intensity of her speech, plus the hairstyle is nice too…
Personally I’m not that big on the stockings, but I do love the rest of the outfit. And the hair. Oh yeah, definitely the hair.
I was more amazed at the coat–must have some huge darts on the sides to get it to fit properly with that tight belt at the waist.
*GULP!* Talk about tough love, Mon! o_O
Three Words, “REALLY Tuff Love”
Tuff love? Lethal love.
Only if the go all the way…
Wednesday: Pugsley, the baby weighs ten pounds, the cannonball weighs twenty pounds, which will hit the stone walkway first?
Pugsley: I’m still on fractions.
Wednesday: Which do you think?
Pugsley: The cannonball?
Wednesday: Very good. But which one will bounce?
Pugsley: The baby?
Wednesday: There’s only one way to find out. Ready? One… two… three.
Ah, now we’ll have a reasoned, measured response! *POIT* Or not…….
At least her *poit* aim is a lot better than it used to be.
Lot of room for error, mid-air 13,000 feet…
I dunno, I’m kind of envious. I wonder if my beau and I could sort out our pesky issues in such an environment. Seems like there’d be no mincing of words!
“When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.”
— Dr. Johnson
This quote always reminds me of Évariste Galois, who, as the story goes, wrote feverishly all night before his fatal last duel, outlining the basis for group theory.
Perhaps if he had gotten some sleep, he would have been sharp and rested enough to win the duel. Seems like he may have done himself in.
Except he was convinced he was going to die–and needed to finish the work as far as possible before morning.
A self-fulfilling prophecy?
Monica has become a lot more … decisive … than she used to be.
Must be the new hairdo.
Don’t look down.
Actually, discounting air resistance, it gives them roughly 28.5 seconds…
Talk fast!
But, air resistance is everything in this case. Terminal velocity for a person assuming the standard skydiving pose is about 125 MPH, according to Google. In a ball it’s about 200 MPH. I have no idea what it is with arms and legs thrashing about and screaming your lungs out. Anyway, at, say 120 MPH, it would take about 1.25 Min. to go 13,000 feet (about 2.5 miles). It would take a bit longer than that, since they have to accelerate up to that velocity first. OTOH, you would have to poit well before you would hit the ground, so you don’t get the entire 13,000 feet to fall.
Good thing this is fantasy and not science fiction, or getting rid of all that angular momentum would require a whole lot of ‘splaining. Even if they *poited* away at the last moment, they’d still be traveling at terminal velocity. I’d hate to hit anything at that speed.
She could just poit them into mid-air on the other side of the Earth so the momentum would actually make them fly upwards there. Then wait until they lose the speed, and poit back home as they begin to fall again.
Brilliant solution! And imagine the fan service drawings of the girls momentum changing over and over as she gets em to zero! 8D
Except (if momentum is conserved) the fact that they would then be travelling sideways at twice the Earth’s rotational velocity…
Poit to 5,000 feet with a reverse orientation (falling up), once you slow down poit to ground. Easy peasy. Poiting is the hard part.
AKA “Joel’s Law”. Or “The Rule of Funny.”
Are they over the Wile E Coyote Memorial Canyon?
That’s the one with all the impact craters in the bottom?
Right. And the special sand that makes the perfect dust rings…
She can repoit (ha ha, my spell checker’s going crazy over that) back up to 13,000 feet as often as necessary for them to sort things out.
Jeez, Monica.
I’m starting to think she’s taking the supernatural powers a bit too far.
(Not that I still don’t LOVE the over-the-topness of this. XD)
Seriously, she’s lucky I’m not her friend.
If I knew anyone with that much power and they tried to use it to bully and frighten me into hastily “resolving” my (and in Tina and Shelly’s case, somewhat justified) emotions, they better hope I don’t find them afterwards. I’d beat them silly for it.
I find the control-through-fear thing to be abusive. But maybe that’s just me.
As I see it, the entire world is controlled by fear. Fear of retribution, fear of the unknown, fear of death, fear of injury, fear of loss (this is the big one). Everything we do is based on some sort of fear. Money doesn’t make the world go around, fear does.
That’s a sad way to see the world.
It’s better if you don’t let the fears control you.
‘member what Hicks said “Life is just a ride.”
have fun!
It may be sad, but it’s also true. For example, I always get a chuckle when managers talk about how to manage people. They go to special classes and everything. Yet it all boils down to one thing … either the employee does what management says or they get fired. That’s it. Does anyone really think for one moment that employees would do all the Micky Mouse things management dreams up for them to do were it not for the fear of losing their jobs? THAT is the underlying motivating force.
SowhyMe: “do what management says or be fired” – no, if that is OTT, they go on strike… so *management* gets the fear of losing a big contract, or their company!
SoWhyMe–it’s not quite that simple. A good, inspiring manager can encourage his or her workers to be more productive and effective, or to find intrinsic motivation as well as extrinsic motivation (like pay, or not getting fired). And a happy workforce takes less work to manage well–such as having constantly to find new workers to hire to replace the ones you fired or who quit in disgust.
Going on strike is fearful as well. You get only a small fraction of your pay during the strike so you fear losing everything if it goes on long. The company can hire “permenant replacements” and keep on doing it’s thing. You have to toe the line where the strike is concerned whether you want to or not because of fear of the union and retribution from your fellow workers. It’s all still fear based.
There are few actually happy workforces. Contented and placated workers, yes. Truely happy to be there and doing everything they have to do? I doubt it. Of course there are the exceptions. People who really love their jobs and enjoy coming in to do them, but I think that is very much the exception and not the rule. As I see it, most people put on their happy face and just do it. Basically “it’s show time!”
hm, this is getting a bit long, so I’ll just say, at least you have freedom!!
– freedom to live your life how you want, freedom to not be able to buy food, freedom to freeze in winter, freedom to lose all your friends due to the above… At least I am old enough to have earned my good pension, unlike the teenagers who have yet to learn the value of being a ‘good worker’ – If you want ‘good times’ you have to work hard for it!!
I disagree. But that means nothing.
I wouldn’t allow someone do do that to me and get away with it. Especially if they are someone as close to me as Monica is to Shelly. That’s a serious breech of respect and trust.
Indeed, it reeks of overkill. :/ Not overly impressive in the friendship department. My ‘shit’ would very promptly be redirected to the new source of ire.
Once the terror dies down, of course.
Not what I would call a top method of conflict resolution.
So was Amanda’s dunking. I think we have to just go with the understanding this is done (in the comic) for its dramatic effect on the readers. Interpersonal ire that would normally occur as a result is simply ignored or ameliorated considerably for the sake of moving on with the story.
Exactly, no friend puts her friends thru fear of death just to make a point. I fear that fear is being abused here.
choronzonseyes: AFAIK, they cannot die… If you take away the magic, tina would be a corpse, and the others clay dolls IIRC..
and what would you do, if you saw two close friends hammering each other? (and dont want the police finding they are ‘not human’ )
I agree. Doing something like that to a group you don’t know, is one thing, but doing it to your best friends is just wrong. You will have embarassed them to no end by treating them with so little respect for the friendship. And, to me, that is worse than what you actually did.
What would be good at the end of all this, when everything has been resolved, would be for Shelly to privately tell Monica “I appreciate what you were trying to do, but … *slap!* … never do something like that to me again.”
The only thing we have to fear is phobophobia?
And werewolves.
And spiders.
And clowns.
And Johnson’s wife.
And whatever it is that licks the polish off your toenails while you sleep.
Yesh we must fear the toelicker sprites… true evil where you least expect it.
Oh, dear God, as if I didn’t have enough about which to have bad dreams, now I have this mental image of some gnarly little creature with glowing red eyes, hairy ears, and a rasping tongue licking my feet in the middle of the night, and I wake up screaming …. oh, wait, that’s just the cat.
Never mind.
Hahaha!! What the heck?! XD
EEEEEEP!! that last one really gave me the heebies *retucks feet under eiderdown so quick, they break the sound-barrier* (I was reading the comments while in bed…WiFi is pretty handy)
Actually, I can’t think of a fear (including the ones you listed) that can’t be traced back to a fear of the unknown — the primeval fear, as it were. A large portion of all human-on-human violence is based on the really scary idea that we don’t know what the person we’re facing is thinking or what their “real” motivation is, so it’s better to stop them from thinking at all. While it’s incredibly sad that this is nearly everybody’s basic motivation, it’s also the reason for the rise of every religion and mythology. Crazy, huh?
Nah..in this specific case it is fear of the really well-jknown —> Bodies+mass+accelleration+momentum+quickly increasing view of details on ground= SPLAT!
Don’t agree with this tactic, not the least of which being Nudge should be able to get herself out, and Tina had valid reasons. I
hopeexpect it to blow up in her face.I’m assuming you didn’t care much for the dunk in Lake Calhoun, either?
Do not like this abuse of power Monica has going on at the moment.
First Amanda.
Then the snow
Now making her friends plummet to their death?
and i am aware she won’t actually let them die but isn’t what she is doing exactly what nudge did to tina? putting her in harms way to suit herself?
No I agree. Monica has really been letting her power go to her head and she’s starting to become abusive.
And I think it’s going to come back to bite her soon.
Yeah… Shelly should let her own power go to Monica’s head.
HaHA!! Oh, I second the motion. XD
Are you by chance referring to the time when Monica used her power and her bra went to her head?
Nah, I was thinking more of the time Shelly crushed the frothing cup beyond recognition in less than a second.
Oops, I thought you were refering to my comment and not ShadOBabe. Sorry, though my statement still kinda makes sense. Oh well.
Tessa–whatever works for you. I do like how the comment fits either way…freaky!
well I dont think they CAN die, can they???
If the magic is strong enough, being buried at speed will sure shock you out of your rage… to say nothing about having to dig your way out of the crater!!
if not, the demons will have to find a way to ‘put the china back together again’… :/
Well, Shelly can certainly die if they can’t.
Ahh..HUH? Amanda? Snow?..oooh noes..have to start reading ALLover again……apparently I missed something…AGAIN!!…. I feel more&more like Brandy here..re-living history again&again, just to be able to follow the story and comments..
Well, there are worse things than having to read and admire Paul’s work several times..
Suggest you start your reading here and here to save some time.
Why not just reread from the beginning? I’m thinking of doing it again just because it’s such a great story.
ooh..thnx..forgot all about that last one….
Heh, well those incidents are very recent, so you could skip a few years worth of comics.
But a review never hurts. This comic is very confusing. XD
Here’s the relevant comic. You might want to read the one before and after too.
Forgot the Amanda one, here it is.
The Amanda event is Here.
The Snow event is Here, but she gets it right the second time!
It IS something of an abuse of power, but Monica has walked in on two of her friends beating a third (assuming she recognized Nudge) into a pulp, and is understandably upset about it. She wants it to stop, and stop NOW, and since she doesn’t have the physical strength to restrain them, has gone with what she’s got to put a permanent end to this. It is, however, a bluff, since as SoWhyMe pointed out, she won’t REALLY allow them to hit the ground, she’s relying on their fear to overwhelm their anger. I doubt Shelly or Tina will realize this: But Conscience might, and if she explains this to Shelly, Shelly might just wrap her legs around Nudge and start pounding her again.
Hmmmm Creepy girl can fly. If she can hold up Shelly’s weight, Monica can suck it.
It’d be funny if CG poited them all back to the shop. And made herself known to Monica.
…”Hi, mom.”
You had me until the “hi mom” and then you lost me. So… Huh?
Oh, she wouldn’t make herself known to Monica. She’d make herself known… to Doubt.
…and hence the “Hi, mom! Haven’t seen you in what, 12, 15 years?”
Still lost. since when do Creepy Girl and Monica’s doubt have anything to do with each other? (Other than monica’s doubt being a demon and creepy girl being a bunch of demons combined).
They’re related. As in, Doubt is the “mother” of CG.
What? No. Conscience came to be when Shelly went on her spirit quest and almost died. Doubt had absolutely nothing to do with that. If she did, then she would be on the same boat as all of Tina’s demons.
Is Monica good enough at poiting to deal with all that built-up kinetic energy when they ‘bail out’? Hope nobody catches fire.
AFAIK poiting is down to what you can see/think – so you just think “I’m standing motionless in the coffee shop”..
no problem..
Actually, I think Paul’s explanation of how a poit works is best.
Welp…. That’ll settle them out quick.
If it’s anywhere in minnisota….in the dead of winter frostbite will occur long before they hit the ground.
I’m thinking she’s not hovering over MN at the moment.
If it is where G’pa showed her how to skydive, it’s, probably, a warmer clime than Minnarctolis…
Quite likely in Mexico, in fact.
Which, come to think, given recent events there and what Tina 1.0 was known to be doing just before she died, might not be a salubrious climate for at least one of the krewe…
um, I think frostbite takes a lot longer than 2 minutes to happen, even at that ‘wind speed’ ..
Frostbite can be almost instantaneous after a certain temperature. Have you ever seen Sub-zero’s final move in Mortal Kombat? liquid nitrogen. that’s all you need. guess what can exist in upper atmospheres? you guessed it.
do your research!
liquid nitrogen has to -210c at least.
13000 ft = 4Km – at that height, it’s only about -20c,
it only gets to -100c at 90Km, and then starts getting warmer!
Let’s see I remember this correctly: the lapse rate of temperature to altitude is -2C per 1000 ft. So at 13,000 ft they should be about (assuming ground is 0C) a brisk -26C or -14.8F and rapidly accelerating to 120mph or 10,560 feet per minute. At 1 minute they should be passing through the -5C level or about 23F. Let’s hope she poited some warm air with them…
Wait! No parachute. Uh oh looks like they better solve their problems fast, or it wont be pretty.
That’s one way to insure privacy. The participants, however, should know they have nothing to worry about and simply enjoy the ride. They know full well Monica is not going to let anyone hit the ground so they really have no actual incentive to do anything. Or maybe Shelly can get in a couple of licks before it’s over. Assuming she’s still hanging on to Nudge. Must be cold up there though.
Watching the ground come at you at terminal velocity, it’s going to hard to convince the lizard part of your brain that your best friend isn’t going to let you splat.
At an amusement park, me and my friends rode a free-fall ride six, count ’em, six, times in one day. Even knowing every thing about the ride and experiencing 5 times before, the gut wrench when the cage let go was intense…
Aaaand..You do that…..for fun…???? Freefall..six times..????.*faints on the spot*
My serious acrophobia would not even allow me to go up that far, let alone plumet back down.
Aaand then there’s that^
It is not that I am afraid of heights, it is just that depths make my mind freeze and switch off my limbs.
That ride had a full cage around you, and you didn’t really feel that high up.
The ones where you sit on a bench with an over the shoulder lap bar, and everything else is open you really feel the altitude. Those are the one where you put a penny on your knee and watch it ‘float’ on the way down…
Why waste a penny? Pee works just as well.
Great idea, except you have to walk through the crowd watching to get away…
I find it hard enough to convince my lizard underbrain that I’m not going to fall when I’m 40 feet up on a nicely stable scaffolding, and have plenty of time to talk it into relaxing and doing a bit of work with a free hand. I’m not about to try to talk to it when we are both in free-fall.
Damn, I know that look, if Shelly and Tina are lucky… they won’t have to worry about finding cemetery plots…but if they’re not….they better duck….
whoops that was supposed to be its own comment…
Monica – The Authority Figure. Hope this plan works out for everyone benefit.
Man, talking about power corrupting.
As someone else pointed out, if Monica doesn’t poit them back pretty quickly, they’re going to get hurt when she does poit because their bodies will have to maintain the same quantity of speed/inertia which is increasing the longer they’re allowed to fall.
Let’s just hope “poiting”nullifies momentum. It seems to do that, browsing through all occasions of poiting. You’ll apparently just get a dead-stop and tumble, if aimed poorly.
Sory to be contrary, but I feel M. does the right thing here. When toddlers let their anger get the better of them(like: swelling up, getting all red and screamish, almost suffocating in their anger), harsh measures are called for. (My mom used to put our heads under a cold shower. Nothing better to let the mind re-settle in the place it ought to be.)
Monica has enough trouble of her own. She’s the adult here.
I agree, the conversation in panel three shows them being very childish. Something to break the chain of events and scare the crap out of them. Not such a bad call IMHO.
Yeeeah, and threatening to murder people who don’t listen to you is the pinnacle of maturity.
Worked for my mother…
As a matter of fact, I can remember getting the panel 3 look from my mother MANY times.
Along with the line “Are you out of your cotton-pickin’ mind?”
Except Monica has no real authority over any of them. She is not their mother. She doesn’t even know Nudge. She’s being a self important bad word.
Actually, Monica does have authority over anything involving her glyph-reading abilities and responsibilities.
Not really, it’s not like Glyph reading is a title or position. Jin’s mom taught her. That’s it. It’s a skill. Even if it was, nobody there has anything to do with Glyph reading. So still no authority.
Monica controls the Golem Girls. That gives her great power (not to mention the poiting thing). With great power comes great authority.
No… That gives her reason to be responsible to not abuse that power (which she is blatantly doing right now), not authority. She is not a tyrant, she is not above anybody. The instant she STARTS thinking she is above people is when things will get bad.
*Shoot! Hit “post”too quick*
Monica seems to be the only one being able to truly see the bigger picture here. Despite Shelly’s “mental”growth-spurt, she’s still too prone to violent solutions, anger clouding her judgement.
Monica, on the other hand, is constantly(even painfully so) aware that petty squabbles and personal grudges are detrimental to what must be done. She fought her own demons and won. Shelly and Tina are still in that struggle, and as such, less inclined to reason, and less mature.
Howevermuch violence makes for great gags, in reality, reason is much more effective here, even if forced for a bit.
Jin has proven that you can change the position of things ‘in transit’. All Monica has to do is turn the direction of travel from down to up. At the apex of the upward travel, teleport to a level surface and viola.
Of course trusting all of that to Monica’s sketchy teleport skills is quite another adrenaline rush.
Yeah, they do stand the risk of ending-up upside-down above Tina’s organic-waste-container, making for a somewhat exiting, if not smelly, landing
No you are thinking with Poitals.
You’re assuming poiting works according to the laws of physics. Something Paul has previously covered.
It did when Monica, while poiting, missed her staircase by a bit and tumbled down.. Or plunged her friend in a lake from 6 feet high.
The poiting itself is supernatural, however, the moment they pop out of their probability-bubble, normal physics take over immediately, hence, the risk of ending in the garbage-bin after a (or another) poorly aimed poit….
I wonder if Paul takes notes when us, geeks ,discuss crazy concepts like “poiting”
I picture Paul, beer in hand, reading these and saying “You dopes, it don’t work like that at all.”
Irrelevant. Those events happened after the completion of the poit. One assumes that they arrived with zero velocity relative to their surroundings.
That is, since a poit operates by the application of bolonium and magic handwavium, there is no reason to assume that momentum and so on are transferred with the poitee.
If they did, poiting much of anywhere would be not only impossible, but quite possibly fatal, since you would arrive with the “intrinsic velocity” (thank you, “Doc” Smith for the term) of your point of departure. And that would include a component equal to the Earth’s speed of rotation, in a direction tangent to the point that you departed. which, if you poited to an antipodal location, would give you a velocity, relative to your surroundings, of twice that.
I can just see a Monica-shaped hole in Ayers Rock…
Also, you would have to instantaneously acquire or lose the difference in potential energy due to altitude between where you departed and where you arrived.
That is – taking the departure elevation as our datum point, at 13,000 feet, the potential energy difference would be equal to the energy required to accelerate you to a velocity of just under 800 mph – the speed you would acquire in a free fall in vacuum from that height in normal gravity.
And your body would have to have acquired that energy instantaneously… And it would, quite likely, exprss as heat energy, possibly causing your body to burst into flame … and poiting downward that far would require the loss of that much energy – which might very well cause you to freeze solid.
SO, no, based on what we’ve seen, i doubt that poiting conserves momentum.
Ooops. Backward – hot down, cold up…
No, sideways. Hot water on the left, cold water on the right.
i guess this is up to you, but it seems like this is going a bit fast. where did monica come from? how does she already have such clear understanding of what’s going on? i mean, we don’t see anyone but her this entire strip…and she swears and shuts everyone up! is she being presumptuous or is this plot advancement?
It is assumed that Monica was just walking in at the last panel of the previous comic. If thats the case, she had plenty of time to watch Shelly pick up Nudge and hear Tina say “NO, not by that wall, punch her near THIS one!” (i’m paraphrasing). I feel that Monica’s reaction is completely justified. She felt that clearly there was too much emotion and determination to kill Nudge to sort out their problems by talking or physical restraint. So she used shock. It would be similar to having an argument and someone who was not engaged directly comes in and slaps you. The sudden sensation of pain tells you to rethink your actions. I see M as the Lawful Neutral in this situation, Shelly the Chaotic Good, and Tina as always, the Chaotic Neutral. The Lawful Neutral will settle things from the sidelines, letting the two parties duke it out, but acting as a catalyst, so they can continue with their own agendas. The Chaotic Good is someone who follows their instincts or emotions and they have a code they follow, but it doesn’t always agree with societies rules. And Tina, who is generally neutral, is powered by her own agenda and won’t let anyone stop her from achieving her goals, even if they have to cross lines on either good or bad. So it should be interesting, because those personalities don’t necessarily cancel each other out. Where is Nudge in all this? Because she doesn’t really have any say or control of the situation, she doesn’t really fit anywhere…XD
Hmm. I disagree to your statement that Tina is CN. I would place her as Neutral Good. While she has done many chaotic things in her life, she also has a clear idea of what she wants in life, how to get there, and a fair mindset of personal guidelines for life, more than enough to qualify her as Neutral, although not enough to make her Lawful. As for my argument for Good, she has well defined Good habits, and spends her days trying to improve the lives of others with a smile and a coffee. And being good would not necessarily rule out slugging someone; Nudge got her clawed, slammed face first into a counter, and slugged in the head by Phix, not to mention the mental mindgames that must have happened there. So she’s a Neutral Good with a really strong and well justified grudge. Now, if she still follows through on her punishings after being publicly call out on them, THEN I’ll call alignment check on her.
I have another set of arguments about why I think Monica would be Good, but this comment is too long already.
Hmm interesting point, i’ll keep that in mind. but for M, i was talking about this situation only. if it were the whole story, i don’t know where to put her because she is both pro and antagonist for the Calender Machine arc…
Sorting out the shit while falling down 13.000 feet… now THAT’s mutitasking.
Remind me of this solution the next time someone complains to me about the stress he/she has.
Wow, what a dick move. Seriously, just walking in and inserting herself in the middle of other peoples’ business, especially with such long-standing issues? One of those people she threw up into the wide blue yonder is supposedly her very best friend, even. If this DOESN’T blow up in her face and result in someone calling her out for being a self-righteous bitch, especially considering the amount of childish blowups Monica herself has had in the past, then things are really unbalanced.
I agree. I get that Shelly and Tina where not controlling there anger very well, but then again Nudge has given BOTH of them some serious grief.
But GOOD LORD!! Teleporting three individuals (two of which are a couple of your closest friends) 13000 feet up and essentially threatening to let them hit the ground with a splat if they don’t “sort their shit”?? Not only will that NOT create any sincere closure between them, but it’s wrong of her to assume such a position of control over these people. Why should they trust her if she’s going to do things like that?
I really hope at least one of them calls her out on this.
Seriously!? Monica walks in the store and witnesses her friends committing assault and battery on a customer with no sign of stopping and she breaks it up and she’s the dick?! I bet the police would’ve used tazers.
Yeah a customer that is actually a trickster demigod that has put both both women through a lot of crap.
I think that Monica could have done a variety of other things (letting them explain what was really going on would be a start) before teleporting them 13000 feet above ground for a terror inducing free fall.
And no the cops wouldn’t use a taser. They’d attempt to physically separate the women first.
They started</i ‘splainin’ – and the ‘splainin’ consisted mostly of each blaming one of the others…
Yeah, maybe I’m the only person in the world with enough patience to wait a few more seconds to tell them to stop and tell me what is going on one by one. And I’d like them to start by telling me who the third woman is, because we can’t assume Monica knows that’s Nudge.
I wouldn’t mind this solution so much if Monica had at the very least attempted to get things settled through talking and mediation instead of immediately turning to the strong-arm magic tricks. She didn’t give them a chance.
After Shelly inadvertently throws an officer across the room… *Zzztttzzzttt *
Well if she did that the cop would be completely justified in using a tazer. But cops are not taught to just run in an immediately taze whoever is there.
There was a bit in the old “Gotham Adventures” comic – basd on the animated “Batman” series (all original stories, though, not TV adaptations).
Bruce Wayne has been kidnapped, and Batgirl, Robin and Nightwing are searching for him. Superman flies in from Metropolis to help out, and winds up working with Batgirl, who explains that his kinder, gentler methods won’t work in Gotham City.
Su Superman grabs a Bad Guy they think might know something, swoops him several thousand feet up, and informs him that they are in the approach pattern for Gotham International, and that LexAir flight 307 from Metropolis (which we can see getting bigger and bigger in the background) is due any minute…
As he flies away and Batgirl swings along at his side, he asks how he did. She says it looks as if he’s getting the idea, but “…I don’t think Batman would have bought him a cup of coffee afterward to steady his nerves…”
That was funny. Thanks for sharing that.
Well we dont know how long monica has been watching the whole thing. And she is really pissed to see her Best friends trying to murder somebody. Especialy like this following only build up anger and frustation.
I’m thinking she probably saw everything from outside. Kinda hard not to see someone lifting another person up by the collar as you’re coming into a shop.
Exactly! And hearing the serious remark about killingNudge..well, let’s say, as long as Monica’s aim isn’t precise enough to poit part of a lake on top of the quarreling dogs, this poiting to altitude and cold, is the best way to shake them up.
“Killing” is the word thjat is crucial here. Tina’s a combination of demons. I really doubt they’ll have any qualms about actually killing that which angers them.
At that speed you can’t hear what the other people are saying, because of the rushing air.
considering that Wapsi has come to the conclusion they would *Poit* to that point without motion, its safe to assume that the current velocity of the group at the end of Monica’s speech is about 10 m/s, or 22mph. you can still hear her, but they will have to shout pretty soon.
‘Really soon’ being less than a few seconds. It’s simply not possible to hold any sort of conversation in free-fall. Guess Paul (and/or Monica) doesn’t watch Mythbusters. : /
But they do, and it’s canon: http://wapsisquare.com/comic/mythbustersison/
That establishes that Deitzel and the golem girls watch it. No indication of whether Monica joined them.
The sound of the wind is surprisingly loud when your falling that fast, not the best place to hold a conversation =p
I thought about that do. How could they even hear what Monica said.
(yeah, it’s really just cartoon logic, but still)
Since consensus seem to be that they arrive motionless, it would take a few seconds to build up the speed to produce a conversation-stopping wind–they have a few seconds to converse until then.
And more, if Monica repoits them, they can get a few more seconds until the crisis is past.
I’m feeling more sorry for Nudge. She was already freezing–being at 13,000 feet is not gonna help that!
Mythbusters investigated this when they were exploring some movie myths, including if you can hold a conversation while skydiving. You can’t. The sound of the wind is too intense, your mouth has to be right by someone’s ear for there to be any chance of them hearing what you’re shouting…
But hey, this is Wapsi Square, where the dead walk and time can be reset. Who CARES about the laws of physics?!?
Or as the Mythbusters call them “The Law of CARTOON Physics”
Yes–in fantasy/cartoons, the laws of physics can be anything the author wants. The trick is being consistent once you have established the laws.
Here: poiting does not work in RL, so our common assumptions may not apply.
We can puzzle out the rules: momentum and energy seem not to be conserved, since cross-continental poiting does not fry/freeze/smash-into-goo the poiters. Poiting to 13,000 feet would thus leave the poited at rest (momentarily) to their surroundings. Similarly, after falling 10,000 (or so) feet, a second poit to solid ground would not smash them into the earth at 120-200 mph.
I agree, Jay-Em–only I always wondered where they got the little sign from. Hammerspace? (As long as we’re invoking cartoon physics…)
That last comment actually goes with the below two…
If we’re going with cartoon physics, they can add a few seconds to their drop time for the time it takes to realize they are no longer standing on the floor of Mucho Mocha…
Cardboard signs with ‘Yipe!’ scrawled on them earn extra poits…
That ^ Plus, they should -on impact- leave a nice little dustcloud and a Wapsi-crew sized, crumbly hole, with a hand holding a sign saying:auwwie! sticking out of it.
(Graduate from ACME’s academy of road-runner-catching talking here)
From 13.000 feet, its for a human exactly 60.6 seconds to SPLAT. Each non-aerodynamic body reaches Terminal Velocity after 7.08 sec falling for the first 245,8m. And the rest is falling with 69,44 m/s.
Any skydiver will tell you that 12,000 feet gives you 60 seconds of stable free fall to the opening altitude of about 2,500 feet. Add 6 seconds for the extra 1,000 ft and 15 seconds to SPLAT and that gives you a total of 81 seconds average, probably slightly less without the usual jumpsuit.
Saved by the belle!
Monica Villarreal, queen of subtlety.
I feel like we’re missing a panel at the beginning of this scene, something that brings M into the shop, allows her to assess the situation and stop the fight. Even an open door behind M would give a clearer sense of how long she had been there. Otherwise, good strip.
I think that is a door behind her.. and all the rest were far to preoccupied with nudge & tina, to notice anything else!!!
I agree, that appears to be a door, but a closed one. It loses some of the immediacy of the moment if she walks in and takes time to settle in before noticing all the chaos. I think an offpanel shout of “STOP!!” in yesterday’s strip or something similar in today’s would tidy it up.
But Sheellly, If Nudge didn’t trick you into the woods, and almost let you die, I wouldn’t exist.—Creepy Girl
M is really doing a Mom maneuver… But hey Nudge could *Poit* them back. Would that settle things?
who said Nudge could *poit*?
If Nudge could teleport, why would she stay for the beating?
Nudge understands they need to work out their anger and stress… and Nudge is a demigod(dess)… she can take it and then literally lick her wounds clean and be fine tomorrow.
Probably because poiting takes concentration which is kinda hard to do when someone is pounding the stuffing out of you.
And the halfling takes the gold!
Actually, it is a great solution! They can’t go anywhere and unless they grab Nudge like a hockey player, hitting is gonna be ineffectual. This is going to act like turning a hose on a dog or cat fight; it changes the focus. Maybe Nudge can *poit* out of there, but I think she’ll stay around to see the results of Monica’s interference. Oh and Paul has upped the ante, not a cliff-hanger, but a free-faller.
…Her G’pa rocked so much!
Looks like Monica is takeing the reins of ‘LEADER’ well. Did anyone notice her abilities must be improveing since she “POIT”-ed everyone without touching anyone.
Indeed, or it could be the adrenaline from the rage boosting her abilities, much like the adrenaline boost she got when she went through the portal cloth.
She’s an angry elf.
Not elf, pixie. http://wapsisquare.com/comic/puts-up-with-you/
I’ve been refering to here as the pixie since that strip, also…
Monica is 4.11″ soo, indeed, pixie is more appropriate. (I am a bit “Tolkien-elf-biased” here. Elfs are tall and beautiful to me. Monica is pretty, but..ehh not exactly “tall” )
She’s one miffed pixie though.
I think that is more of an ‘endearment’ – she is small and sweet, like a pixie..
Good lord, what would happen if Monica was PMSing?!?! Actually if she IS PMSing this would make a world of sense.
I figured M would show up and have a creative solution–Go Monica!!
Thank you Llewellian for pointing out how long they really have. Skydiving free fall lasts for ~30 seconds. And for all you folks debating momentum, remember that they teleport around the globe and arrive at zero velocity relative to local. There is at most one point on a spinning globe having the exact same velocity (that’s speed and direction to a physicist) as a generic starting point so their method of travel has already demonstrated momentum matching.
I said that.
Something about today’s art was nagging at e – something seemed awfully familiar.
And then i remembered what it was…
Yeah… What fairportfan said!
1: Teleportation (and its sub-set time travel) HAS to include target site velocity matching and F.O.G. (feet on ground) reorientation.
2: Did I miss the comment about explosive decompression?
13,000 ft… Isn’t oxygen recommended above 10,000?
Not life threatening but really painful to the ears!
you will have to read Larry Niven sci fi, for the teleport tech.. they have a large tank in the ocean, where any unwanted ‘velocities’ are sent, so the person arrives without disturbance.. plus using it as a good way of stopping rioters!!
found it!
As a break from all the anal-retentive over analysis..
love Monicas expression in the last panel!
WOO someone who actually enjoys the comic for the sake of being a comic! i thought i was the only one for a second there…XD
Aww..C’mon..Anal retentively over-analizing is part of the fun in a brainy comic like this….
The speak with Poirot;”It makes the leettle grey-cells work”.
There is as much joy in overanalizing ,as in enjoying the story as a whole. Look at it as a holistic-experience..
Quite correct. We’re sort of like a book club discussing a book. Only we’re doing it as it’s being written.
And sometimes–like this weekend–it gets a leetle out of hand…
don’t get me wrong, i love analyzing things, one of the many “obscure” reasons i want to be a video game designer. but sometimes you just have to take things at face value XD
Say “Sort your shit” ten times real fast.
After reading the posts, I believe I may have been looking at this situation incorrectly (hard to imagine, I know). When she says sort out their s***, she may be referring to giving them a cooling down period and not that they should be resolving their differences. Sorting out their individual anger so that, when returned, they will be in a less feral frame of mind. Not to mentioned shocked into stunned silence.
You hit the nail on the head.
That makes a lot more sense.
I’d still be freakin’ pissed though…
Hence my analogy to my Mom sticking my -almost suffocating in anger- red toddler head under a cold shower. Makes the brain sink-in again. Falling through ice-cold air will do the same.
I still think it is a good snap-decision on Monica’s part to defuse the hot-heads, and prevent true carnage in the process..
But those three aren’t angry toddlers, Monica is not there mother, and a free fall from 13000 feet is not a cold shower. Even if some might say they are acting like toddlers, they are still grown women (or one grown woman, a demigod, and a group of demons) and I think that attempting to talk to them would have been a better solution before the ridiculously over-the-top scare tactic.
Oh! Oh! i NEVER MAKE MISTA… nE… Nevermind…
I know she’s the MAIN character, but Mon’s is quickly becoming my least favorite. She doesn’t seem to be any fun anymore. (Please don’t kill me!! It’s just an opinion.) *hides*
No problem, but if you hear a sound like “poit” behind you, run like hell.
Nope..You’ll just hear a PO–..! and no more. after fans *poit!* Your head to a different place than Your body…
Isn’t trying to kill off everybody you know really bad karma?
she isn’t going to kill anyone. this is a “scare them straight” tactic.
I hope they land outside a laundromat because everybody is going to have clean their pants after this event.
Monica needs a slap. She’s lording it over everyone here, without any attempt at letting them explain themselves.
I for one, think that Tina and Shelly had GOOD reason to kick the shit out of Nudge. Tricksters are not my favorite personalities.
but M knows about their reasons for hitting Nudge, thats why she is disappointed in them.
They know violence isn’t the answer, but they got it wrong on purpose.
Sometimes you just have to suck it up and realize that your friends aren’t perfect people either, and NEED to kick a nigh-immortal pain-in-the-ass in the ass.
It’s not like Monica is ms. Perfect.
What I want to know is, how did Monica know the stranger was Nudge?
She shouldn’t. Unless she’s been standing in the doorway a while and listening in. If she identified the stranger as Nudge (maybe she closed her left eye again), she might be able to guess why Tina is beating on her. But Shelly would have no reason to be doing so, too, and Monica should be – and maybe is – confused about this. And maybe as to why Nudge is there, to begin with…
Monica shouldn’t know why, maybe she recognizes Nudge, maybe not. But, when walking in on two of your friends beating the crap out of someone, you’re libel to do something to stop and see what’s going on.
“Violence is never the answer…no matter how clearly you show your work.”
One could easily state that what Monica did is also violence, too.
Yes, I used both “also” and “too”. I wish we could edit comments.
^ That would be handy..My brain often goes faster than my meagre motory skills allow, resulting in massive “clumsy-fat-finger-syndrom” permeated posts.
Paul? Is it possible to add an “edit” function?
Sorry, I haven’t been able to find a way to add an edit function for folks commenting.
nope, not violence, just scary!! Its good to see the effect on someone who is *expecting* a big punch or slap, and then you stop it 1 inch away from their face, without even touching!!
they have no ‘evidence’, so they are called a lair..
Just because there’s no touching doesn’t make it not violent. Psychological abuse is still violence.
but the point is, if they were behaving more ‘grown up’, it would not be needed…
No the point was that Monica was right to do what she did because “violence isn’t the answer.” But her answer was just as violent. I think it’s worse because she isn’t involved in any of this except in her own self-important-I-have-all-the-power head.
OKay Nimrod. Counter points…
1. It is still within the consistency of the laws of *poit*ing:
first off, she had to think of the location. It was someplace she experienced. therefore she could poit there.
2. M is the leader figure, while she doesn’t keep direct control on the group, she can and will assert her authority. taking them skydiving is similar to telling a child to go to a corner. She is giving them time to think about what they have done, and what the real problems are.
3. While Tina may already be “dead” her body is still human, and will go splat, and since her demons need her body to function, she is in danger. Again, this is also a “shock” exercise. She could have just as easily *poit*ed them to lake Calhoun, but Paul has done that before with Amanda.
4. It is her Irish Grandfather i believe. and second, even if it was her Mexican Grandfather, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are in Mexico, it is just the place where she was taken skydiving by said Grandfather, for all we know, they could be in Australia right now.
5. That is true, however, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t at 13000 feet from sea level. you can sky dive from 5000 ft above the ground and be fine. And it’s safe to assume that because this is just to “shock” them, she plans on *poit*ing back withing 30 seconds anyway. So the shock of lack of oxygen would work in her favor.
6. It would take M about 5 seconds to yell that. if they are accelerating at 9.8 meters per second and their initial velocity was 0. they would be travelling about 49m/s (106.2 mph) by the time she was done. If they are in a 4 ft radius, the last words they would probably hear are “That gives you..”, which gives them of enough of an idea of whats going on. (Plus the look on her face is enough indication that they all did something wrong, and are being reprimanded for it. Supernatural beings require supernatural punishments)
Stop thinking about every little detail. You’ll drown in depth. Yes Paul didn’t leave us with a cliffhanger feeling, but not every Friday comic needs to end that way. I feel that M’s approach is a valid solution, because it accomplishes mentally what she wanted to do physically to all three of them.
Yes, Tina will more than likely hold a grudge against Nudge for the remainder of the Wapsi Universe, but you can’t have a plot without conflict. Shelly freaking out is more than likely, and because M reacted without really thinking this trough, she will more than likely suffer some consequence. As for Nudge saving people, she probably will attempt something to try and win them over, to prove that she is different.
P.S Creepy Girl, if not sipping on some coffee and reading a newspaper back at Tina’s shop for comedic effect, she will be floating with them on monday because she is part of Shelly, and where Shelly goes, CG follows.
Irish Grandpa spent a lot of time in Mexico…
Thanks for that, helps sort out a few bits I forgot..
Monica is also trying to lord it over the laws of physics… those folk reach terminal velocity and when they re-poit will they not splat no matter where they go? Just sayng…
You obviously haven’t been reading the comments – if poiting conserved momentum, almost any poit would be instantly fatal, not to mention messy.
I guess a poit is a bit like C J Cherryh’s star drive; it gathers energy from the interface of hyperspace and normal space, which can then be used to either gain or dump velocity. The energy the ship supplies is only tiny fraction of the output; most of it is merely the price paid to tap the interface. The fabric of space itself supplies the energy for the change of momentum. The drive then directs the momentum, “points” the direction of the pulse, so to speak.
After all, humans are tool users, and use tools to apply more energy to a task than our own strength can supply. Why should poiting be any different?
Or in sum, handwavium and gibberspeak.
I take “Pride” in the fact that I’m around people who read C J Cherryh.
So, would a gathering of Wapsi fans be a pride?
Considering the tone of the average comment string, perhaps a puzzlement of fans would be more apropos.
Maybe a debate of Wapsi fans?
A gibberish of Wapsi fans?
A minutia of Wapsi fans?
I get the feeling M has a large amount of button combinations that get her to flip out. Calling her crazy or suicidal, getting dumped on by the weather, feeling betrayed, getting dumped on by the weather, watching her friends beat the crap out of each other, Modern Art and Artists, getting dumped on by the weather…
my point was that it doesn’t take much for her to start *poit*ing things
Are you accusing Monica of poiting out the obvious?
You’re saying is she’s human? *trying to imagine the possibilities when I could POIT..* I think she’s rather controlled as far as her super-human abilities go.
Luckily we, ordinary humans cannot POIT.. Imagine the carnage all our hang-ups would cause :eep:
i’m being enlightened all over this comment board today… XD
again something i had not thought of…