Just an odd thought. What if it’s only half a relic? Those posts, bolts, or whatever on the bottom could fit into something else to make complete item. Or even several items. Maybe we’re see seeing the start of a puzzle hunt where you have to find the pieces to make the item.
But that would be just too sneaky of Paul. But it would provide a good long story line though, wouldn’t it.
Wasn’t that a Rankin-Bass production? I always thought the puppet-type animation was sort of charming and old-timey. Too bad the writing and plots were generally pretty awful.
Brandi is in full June Cleaver mode this arc, isn’t she? And yes it does look like Bud managed to grab at least the chain holding the artifact when things went Ka-Blooie. Whether the artifact is still attached to that chain is a matter of conjecture.
Yep – old TV series from the 50’s called “Leave It to Beaver”. June Cleaver was the Beev’s(a “typical” 50’s adolescent) ultra 50’s, squeaky clean mom.
Yeah – I’m old enuf to remember when it was a brandy new series. I also remember Sky King, Howdy Doody, the Lone Ranger and the original Mickey Mouse Club.
Remember that Peter Graves starred in Fury? Loved it, and Sky King, and Whirlybirds, and Ripcord – a show about pro skydivers, co-starring Ken Kurtis – Who later starred as Festus Hagan of Gunsmoke!
I begin to see why I have so little memory space left….
Keep in mind, indestructible golem. Brandi’s concern is not for Bud, since nothing short of powerful magic can hurt her. It’s for what Bud might have done…
I wonder why she smells like petroleum. The blast should have made her smell like cordite or burned carbon. Maybe she had to slough through the burning diesel from the sub’s tanks after the blast to find the relic.
The sub was diesel electric so i guess there was still some diesel around that burned up after the explosion. Said diesel might explain the smell, unless stinky smells like petroleum too.
Since picky seems to be OK, Bud’s grip on the artifact must have changed since Monday’s strip. The chain in her right hand should otherwise have been visible in the last panel. But I’m glad to see it. Should be fun!
Bud’s Fashion tip #1: hot day-glo colors are out. Are you trying signal planes to land? Warn ships off the rocks? Then ditch the eyeblowing colors. But it you must have some glitter, metallics are the way to go.
Bud’s Beauty tip #2: hot machine oil treatment for indestructable straw hair. Good luck washing that out. And make sure the EPA doesn’t track it back to you.
Bud’s favorite conspiracy website: The aliens have had enough of snow and have gone south. There’s nothing to see here. Move along. The explosion in the Triangle didn’t happen. Google Earth is wrong. That was just a reflection off the giant solar death ray panels that Ian Fleming fantasized about.
The Bud and Brady won’t fight. Consistently their means of keeping each other in check has been disapproval. They are totally dependent on each other for only they understand what they lived through. Everything else in the world changes and nothing is consistent. If you are immortal and indestructible who else can be your friend for eternity? Jin??? I don’t think so. If you do which one?
Yeah I remember that same comment, at about 102 db, from behind. Followed by ‘clean it up’ and ‘What will your dad say?’
And me going ‘Oh s**t, busted!’
Can’t quite figure out what Brandi meant , or rather, how she meant what she says in the last panel.
I guess Brandi is doubting her fashion-advise to Bud, and is pondering some less sexy outfits.(Since it was Brandi that got Bud the sexy mini-kini..)
I wanna know what suit Brandi thought Bud was wearing! It is good to know that poiting doesn’t bring the fire, and I still want to know if the hatch was blown around Acacia, or if she added modesty before poiting home.
Either way, what Bud is wearing now looks uncomfortable, and in private places. Brandi’s outfit is more practical, and shows off the wearer at least as well.
Heh. I remember well the day that i was about eight; my mom looked out the front window just in time to see me come tearing down the hill on my bike, swerve into the neighbour’s driveway, hit the little berm that kept runoff from running into our front yard (each lot had been leveled, so ours was a foot or so below the next one up the hill), sail halfway across the front yard and hit the coaster brake hard as i landed so that the bike spun out and i caught it by quickly sticking my foot down as it slid sideways.
As might be predicted, the immediate response was “Michael Aldrich Weber – what do you think you are doing? Don’t you realise you could have been hurt or even killed doing that? Don’t you ever do that again, young man!”
Somehow i never got around to mentioning that that was about the tenth time i’d done it…
a hot one. Probably brightly colored, form enhancing, small cuts of fabric that juuuuuuuust barely cover the private bits. then again, a beautiful babe on the only piece of land for a few miles, I’d fly a little lower just to find out more… who knows? she could be a fabled Amazon.
Welp it appears that Bud did in fact get blasted through the sub wall for that particular one-piece. though as quick a thinker as she is, I’m still surprised she didn’t get out in time.
And again we have another situation where a character tells what happened in the wrong order… unless, she’s trying to hide the relic from Brandi….
It makes me wonder a bit about the apparent non sequitur. Why did Brandi bring airplanes into the conversation? I mean, I can understand her comment about the suit, because obviously Bud isn’t wearing it any more, but isn’t this remark about airplanes completely out of left field? Unless … is making airplanes crash something Bud has done before?
Brandi’s afraid Bud’s become yet another hazard in the Bermuda Triangle. This is not an unreasonable assumption. A girl that can make a random section of old pipe look that good has dangerous potential.
I’m surprised Bud brought the item with her — there are real questions about its power and danger. Though I tend to agree with several other posters above that it looked like it was incomplete – I don’t think the resolution of this arc will be anything like this simple – this is just the beginning.
I honestly wish I had a body that could down planes and cause street accidents. Then again, I don’t think I could afford the rising insurance premiums!
(reminds me of Cecania in the Sore Thumbs webcomic who has a court order prohibiting her from wearing revealing swimwear in public because… oh, go see for yourself!)
Yes. Although Cecania is hot, I don’t think I would ever want her to exist for that very reason, plus if she existed, who knows what other parts of her crazy life came with her. XD
You don’t think your conscience might get the better of you as well? This has occured in the Wapsiverse already, however: http://wapsisquare.com/comic/08022004/
And the following one.
The bermudas will be swarming by now with cia and asorted stuff. Various Governments have IR-satelites in space to monitor rocket starts and explosions so 14 torpedos going of in the Bermudas will most likely catch some attention.
I wonder if they would discover Stinky or traces of the group. Governments and certain agencies meddling with things that most likely can end the world as we know it is never a good thing.
Hehe that reminds of a little anectdote where the cia had blown up a russian gaspipline in siberia and had to tell the ministry of defence (iirc) that this was theyr doing and not some hidden Russian nuke targeting Washington.
“Oh, and Stinky says ‘Hi!'”
And it looks like Bud did indeed save the artifact in the first panel.
I just have to say, that is one sexy outfit. So Heavy Metal!
It’s the fitting and alterations that take a while.
All she needs is a diamond needle. She ripped it off the frame and then made a rough and ready outfit out of it that fast! Nothing she can’t do.
LOL. Brandi is in full mother mode.
And ooo. What’s that Bud has in right hand in the first panel? The relic, perhaps? Yes. Yes I do believe that’s what it is.
Just an odd thought. What if it’s only half a relic? Those posts, bolts, or whatever on the bottom could fit into something else to make complete item. Or even several items. Maybe we’re see seeing the start of a puzzle hunt where you have to find the pieces to make the item.
But that would be just too sneaky of Paul. But it would provide a good long story line though, wouldn’t it.
I still say those “bolts” may have been ribbon or strips of somfe fabric.
Her hands were empty on Monday, so I don’t think it could have come from the sub.
Brandi thinks Bud’s hotness brought airplanes down…and when she’s looking so very hot herself…
BTW, where’s stinky?
over there.
… and over there …
…and over here …
… and …
Fairport, too soon!
Not to be too picky, but – panel 2 – “sand bar”, not “san bar”
Well, they are currently sans bar….
you guys are a bunch of comic sans!
And bud is sans swimsuit.
Nobody’s gotten slugged yet, so we’re sans-a-belt…
sans = we don’ gots one…
Deep South Grammer-Nazi says:
sans = Aint’t Got No…
Is Bud intentionally hiding the whatever-it-is from Brandi?
Bud’s hair is definitely much longer. It look like is would be hanging halfway down here back, or longer.
Why do I keep thinking of Mr. Heat Miser?
Maybe because she’s hot enough to qualify?
She’s Ms. Heat Miser,
She’s Ms. sun!
She’s Ms. heat blister,
She’s Ms. hundred-and-one!
“They call me Heat Miser,
Whatever I touch…
Start’s to melt in my clutch–
I’m too much!”
Biker Matt, thank you for that! I always loved those specials and that brings back the memories.
Wasn’t that a Rankin-Bass production? I always thought the puppet-type animation was sort of charming and old-timey. Too bad the writing and plots were generally pretty awful.
dunno my hair is pretty much the same as Buds and i can get it to stand that high… gotta go from tip top where its the longest
Brandi is in full June Cleaver mode this arc, isn’t she? And yes it does look like Bud managed to grab at least the chain holding the artifact when things went Ka-Blooie. Whether the artifact is still attached to that chain is a matter of conjecture.
June Cleaver or not rather June Cleavage? (Sorry, will have to google for Mrs. Cleaver, I do faintly think “TV, old TV”, but will have to corroborate)
Yep – old TV series from the 50’s called “Leave It to Beaver”. June Cleaver was the Beev’s(a “typical” 50’s adolescent) ultra 50’s, squeaky clean mom.
Yeah – I’m old enuf to remember when it was a brandy new series. I also remember Sky King, Howdy Doody, the Lone Ranger and the original Mickey Mouse Club.
Andy’s Gang
Klown Karnival (Ed McMahon’s TV debut…)
Remember that Peter Graves starred in Fury? Loved it, and Sky King, and Whirlybirds, and Ripcord – a show about pro skydivers, co-starring Ken Kurtis – Who later starred as Festus Hagan of Gunsmoke!
I begin to see why I have so little memory space left….
“Down in Arizona, there’s a Ranger brave and bold.
He flies his plane the Songbird in the rain and in the cold.
Sky King! Sky King!”
You’re the first person I’ve ever talked to who knows about Sky King but didn’t work with me at the EAA.
Yes, I’m fine Brandi, thank you for asking.
ahh most mums will yell at their kids first before killing them with hugs
Really? Mine never quite got to the hugs part.
Keep in mind, indestructible golem. Brandi’s concern is not for Bud, since nothing short of powerful magic can hurt her. It’s for what Bud might have done…
I wonder why she smells like petroleum. The blast should have made her smell like cordite or burned carbon. Maybe she had to slough through the burning diesel from the sub’s tanks after the blast to find the relic.
The sub was diesel electric so i guess there was still some diesel around that burned up after the explosion. Said diesel might explain the smell, unless stinky smells like petroleum too.
I’m so glad they can both breathe in their respective close-fitting outfits!
Breathe? What is this air you speak of?
These two can take my breath away…
Bud looks like one of those 80’s troll dolls in that 2nd panel.
Since picky seems to be OK, Bud’s grip on the artifact must have changed since Monday’s strip. The chain in her right hand should otherwise have been visible in the last panel. But I’m glad to see it. Should be fun!
“Young lady you are NOT going outside in that!” Bud in a Brazilian Thong is the reason for the Bermuda Triangle. XD~
Bud’s Fashion tip #1: hot day-glo colors are out. Are you trying signal planes to land? Warn ships off the rocks? Then ditch the eyeblowing colors. But it you must have some glitter, metallics are the way to go.
Bud’s Beauty tip #2: hot machine oil treatment for indestructable straw hair. Good luck washing that out. And make sure the EPA doesn’t track it back to you.
Bud’s favorite conspiracy website: The aliens have had enough of snow and have gone south. There’s nothing to see here. Move along. The explosion in the Triangle didn’t happen. Google Earth is wrong. That was just a reflection off the giant solar death ray panels that Ian Fleming fantasized about.
If this were /., I’d want to see a +5 funny on this one
Bud actually looks like a kid being told off by her mum
which begs the question
could the golem girls kill each other? i mean do they have the power too?
they wouldn’t i’m sure but…could they?
Maybe. Problem is, the earth would not likely survive the attempt. Perhaps not even the solar syatem.
The Bud and Brady won’t fight. Consistently their means of keeping each other in check has been disapproval. They are totally dependent on each other for only they understand what they lived through. Everything else in the world changes and nothing is consistent. If you are immortal and indestructible who else can be your friend for eternity? Jin??? I don’t think so. If you do which one?
Brandy suddenly sounds like my mom when I discovered the interesting combustible properties of diesel-fuel.

what were you doing in a swim suit playing with diesel fuel?
Yeah I remember that same comment, at about 102 db, from behind. Followed by ‘clean it up’ and ‘What will your dad say?’
And me going ‘Oh s**t, busted!’
Can’t quite figure out what Brandi meant , or rather, how she meant what she says in the last panel.
I guess Brandi is doubting her fashion-advise to Bud, and is pondering some less sexy outfits.(Since it was Brandi that got Bud the sexy mini-kini..)
I figured Brandi thought the only way Bud could have blown up the island was with a Super Guppy ( http://www.aviationexplorer.com/Airbus_A300-600ST_Beluga.html ). She wasn’t there for the reunion and game of fetch.
Pic of the Super Guppy is about halfway down the page.
I wanna know what suit Brandi thought Bud was wearing! It is good to know that poiting doesn’t bring the fire, and I still want to know if the hatch was blown around Acacia, or if she added modesty before poiting home.
Either way, what Bud is wearing now looks uncomfortable, and in private places. Brandi’s outfit is more practical, and shows off the wearer at least as well.
Brandi’s gotta focus, gotta ask the right questions — like, “Bud, what’s that you’re holding behind your back?”
*turns hatch crank to dial down a notch*
“Heeeee! That tickles!”
Yes, Bud should totally do that!
If Bud’s tank outfit was about two millimeters shorter at the bottom, we’d have an NC-17 rating.
Oooh! Brandi in full Mom-mode. But she can’t be THAT mad. She didn’t use Bud’s full name like my Mom did for me when something didn’t go as planned!
Helluva corset Bud has on, I wuz thinkin’,too.
Yeah, when I got all three names, I knew I was in for it…
Heh. I remember well the day that i was about eight; my mom looked out the front window just in time to see me come tearing down the hill on my bike, swerve into the neighbour’s driveway, hit the little berm that kept runoff from running into our front yard (each lot had been leveled, so ours was a foot or so below the next one up the hill), sail halfway across the front yard and hit the coaster brake hard as i landed so that the bike spun out and i caught it by quickly sticking my foot down as it slid sideways.
As might be predicted, the immediate response was “Michael Aldrich Weber – what do you think you are doing? Don’t you realise you could have been hurt or even killed doing that? Don’t you ever do that again, young man!”
Somehow i never got around to mentioning that that was about the tenth time i’d done it…
Only ten BEFORE, right! What about after?
I think Brandi is more concerned for the airplanes than Bud’s modesty. Good to see she salvaged the artifact, though.
This one is so full of win I don’t know where to begin.
Grammar nazi says: should be a comma after “sand bar”. (And probably a hyphen in “water-filled”). No soup for you!
What kind of swimsuit would she have that would make planes crash?
a hot one. Probably brightly colored, form enhancing, small cuts of fabric that juuuuuuuust barely cover the private bits. then again, a beautiful babe on the only piece of land for a few miles, I’d fly a little lower just to find out more… who knows? she could be a fabled Amazon.
great, somehow my italics got messed up….
A Bud-powered electromagnet …?
One with anti-aircraft lasers?
Welp it appears that Bud did in fact get blasted through the sub wall for that particular one-piece. though as quick a thinker as she is, I’m still surprised she didn’t get out in time.
And again we have another situation where a character tells what happened in the wrong order… unless, she’s trying to hide the relic from Brandi….
Brandi needs a fuller story before she makes the wrong move here.
It makes me wonder a bit about the apparent non sequitur. Why did Brandi bring airplanes into the conversation? I mean, I can understand her comment about the suit, because obviously Bud isn’t wearing it any more, but isn’t this remark about airplanes completely out of left field? Unless … is making airplanes crash something Bud has done before?
Why would Brandi assume she blew up a submarine? I think going to a crashed airplane would come to my mind before that, too…
Unless she notes from the heaviness (material and thickness both) of Bud’s corset that it’s not airplane-type manufacture.
Most jet-fuel stinks like petroleum (it is actually lean petroleum) soo I guess that’s why brandy assumes petroleum..
Brandi’s afraid Bud’s become yet another hazard in the Bermuda Triangle.
This is not an unreasonable assumption. A girl that can make a random section of old pipe look that good has dangerous potential.
I’m surprised Bud brought the item with her — there are real questions about its power and danger. Though I tend to agree with several other posters above that it looked like it was incomplete – I don’t think the resolution of this arc will be anything like this simple – this is just the beginning.
I honestly wish I had a body that could down planes and cause street accidents. Then again, I don’t think I could afford the rising insurance premiums!
(reminds me of Cecania in the Sore Thumbs webcomic who has a court order prohibiting her from wearing revealing swimwear in public because… oh, go see for yourself!)
Yes. Although Cecania is hot, I don’t think I would ever want her to exist for that very reason, plus if she existed, who knows what other parts of her crazy life came with her. XD
You don’t think your conscience might get the better of you as well? This has occured in the Wapsiverse already, however:
And the following one.
I’d settle for one that made pilots and cute taxi drivers buy me dinner…
The bermudas will be swarming by now with cia and asorted stuff. Various Governments have IR-satelites in space to monitor rocket starts and explosions so 14 torpedos going of in the Bermudas will most likely catch some attention.
I wonder if they would discover Stinky or traces of the group. Governments and certain agencies meddling with things that most likely can end the world as we know it is never a good thing.
Hehe that reminds of a little anectdote where the cia had blown up a russian gaspipline in siberia and had to tell the ministry of defence (iirc) that this was theyr doing and not some hidden Russian nuke targeting Washington.
Ah, beautiful. Tone down the bikini a bit. Funny.
Love Brandi’s pose; heh, heh, yes mommy…