Fine, you caught me. *slides some change from desk to jar* How much is in that jar anyway? Let’s see… 724 dollars, 184 euros, 142 pounds… old electronics… pair of reading glasses… Is that a kidney?! We seriously use too many puns.
Whichever the reason, it’s for his own good and welfare. I wonder if dad has some advice. It just may be he was married to a sphinx. Or maybe granpa was. Dad must know something given he was all upset over the crystal doll trance incident.
Indeed. The “crystal doll” incident still lingers in the back of my head. Dad must know much more than he lets on to.
Maybe he knew of his wife’s “sphinxness” ,but wanted nothing to do with it, hence his reaction when Shelly got transphinxed ehh “transfixed” *drops euro in pun-jar* by he dolls…
I wonder what will happen if Shelly dryly remarks :” Oh. yeah, uhm Dad? Did mom ever had a problem with shedding, losing feathers and such?
Just thought I’d point out that sphinxness is stated to be a recessive trait. That means that both parents have to be carriers, and neither one has to be noticeably sphinx-like. Yes, the doll incident might suggest that her dad knows something, but it could simply be that he noticed that she hadn’t moved in a while, and was staring into the doll.
If you’re thinking that sphinxes are immortal when you’re asking how her mother’s heart “stopped” … Shelly has said specifically that sphinx hybrids like herself aren’t immortal – she’ll eventually die like a normal human.
“The Curse of the Aztec Sphinx”
“The Amityville Sphinx”
“Resident Sphinx”
“The Rocky Sphinx Picture Show”
“Dr Jekyll and Ms. Sphinx”
“Rosemary’s Sphinx”
The list goes on (and on), but I’ll stop here. Just one more. Who can forget:
“Dude, Where’s My Sphinx?”
Or maybe He could get used to sleeping on Sphinx-down bed.. then Shelly would have to worry about blow up and crushing him. And Finding a bigger apartment may a good idea.
Shelly needs to take stock and Ask M about this. Justin is the only thing Normal in her life, now. She needs him.
I wonder how Phix is doing with her BF from the museum? She could be a good one for advice.
I think perhaps Phix has already dispensed all the wisdom she can in her visits to Shellinx over the 80K years in the TTF. This may be the reason Shelly has not gone to see her for advice. There would be little point. They’re pretty much already talked out.
That doesn’t matter because Heather is closer to her than anyone and she has a “normal” life. What Shelly needs a connection to “normal” people — that person doesn’t have to be a lover.
Even someone as flaky as officer tight buns can be inspired to greatness if they see a reason to give a bleep. I recommend Shelly give him the big reveal and let his reveal his true nature.
It is a risk, but then if he does choose to leave because she’s a sphinx, it would likely have happened eventually–and isn’t it better to have it happen sooner rather than later?
The way Shelly’s holding that feather is remindful of her previous incarnation’s way of handling the completed sword briefly before she chopped the tree down with it…
I actually have to support Shelly’s decision here. Shelly went to Justin for a physical release, to scratch an itch. Since then, she began to enjoy his company, and tried to develop a relationship from that physical interaction.
However, 80k years in a forest could easily kill one’s libido. Lots of men & women start to loose their lust in their 60s or 70s (not all, granted). That’s less than 100 years. Compare that to 80 thousand, and Shelly may just have no more libido.
Without that itch to scratch, there’s no reason to drag Justin into the rabbit hole. Shelly’s just not that attached to him yet. It’d make more sense to confide in Heather or Jacqui or even her father than Justin.
The thought does make me sad but it’s the best decision for Shellys wellbeing.
I don’t think it’s loss of libido though.
More like she was thinking her relationship through for the first 10k years at least.
Maybe she decided she just didn’t miss him enough to continue. But there is a difference. She wasn’t sure and it seems Phix could give no guarantees, that she would ever return so she would have had to come to terms with never seeing him again. But she can now.
Libido is the least of it. Perhaps hybrid Sphinxes are wired differently, but the immortal “purebreeds” seem to actively seek sex. Hence, hybrids.
Shelly is being practical, and defending everyone she loves and has loved by keeping the secret. Sure, concern of crushing Justin accidentally is what is making the issue obvious, but Shelly knows it cannot last.
Justin works for the government. Revealing the supernatural to him would divide his loyalty and put them all–and the world–in genuine peril.
So unless Justin is himself a sphinx (which would fit in with his modus operandi of pursuing Shelly) I don’t see a traditional happy ending easily coming out of this.
Just because she has the memories of 8oK years worth of lifetimes does not mean she’ 80k years old in body.
Heck can you imagine what she would look like after living 80k years? Ick!
Shelly (and Monica) knows nothing about men. They worry so much about men finding out about the weirdness in their lives when for men, it would be a positive thing. First off, which of us wouldn’t love a busty Latina with magical transportation powers? Secondly, who wouldn’t want to date a hottie like Shelly who can transform into a flying being large enough to ride? If Justin is a Harry Potter geek, he’s hooked for life!
You got that right. Justin has admitted that he’s a weirdness magnet when it comes to women. He’s knows Shelly’s a but on the unusual side. He just know know how weird yet. And Shelly knows that (or should know) that Justin could handle Shelly’s…new enlightenment into her family tree.
Well, the 2 in question are both rather scarred. Recall Monica’s been betrayed by her own flesh & blood as a child, and even more recently her best-best friend (Amanda) threatened to call the nut-house on Monica when she revealed it to her.
In fact, the only ones to take it in stride for Monica were Kat (partly due to being oblivious), Shelly (beating Tepoz half to death = standard reaction it seems), and Kevin (screamed at naked Bud, then made Monica buy him coffee, like a boss). Tina doesn’t count.
Shelly has her shattered psyche, abandonment issues, and CG hauntings (I still doubt every boiler-room incident was CG), and the whole “I just killed 1-to-56 versions of myself and spent 80k locked in a jungle” affair. Shelly’s never revealed the rabbit hole like Monica or Jin have, so Shelly has no idea how to approach it.
Though, you are correct. The way ‘good’ men behave in Wapsi verse, Justin will likely just nod and handcuff himself to the bed, somehow the notion of a strangling Phix sparking his lust for bad-girls again.
Small nitpick, but actually Monica wasn’t betrayed by her family as a child.
I don’t have the link offhand, but in one strip it specifically states that her family was supportive, and believed her when she said that she spoke to her dead abuela. The reason she was put in a mental institute was because despite this support, Monica herself couldn’t find a way to believe, and subsequently threw herself in front of a bus. It’s pretty standard to force those who attempt suicide into therapy.
Hmm…you think that’s why she wants to break up with him? I got the feeling that, with 80k+ years of wisdom, she realized that maybe it wasn’t the right relationship.
Now think about what might occur if/when you broke the hearts of those women.
I am still unsure if Kevin knows of Monicas ability to poit.
He knows the story and of Bud but Monica? Unsure.
If he did he might have asked her to join him each night when he is away to save him being attacked when he got home
But Shelly, a sphinx hits a lot of fetishes — you got feathers, fur, and skin; wings, tits, tail, furry lioness hindquarters — not to mention the whole “big woman” fetish. Give Justin a checklist of turn-ons and see what happens.
Yeah, but if Justin tries to do her as a sphinx, she will, at some point likely utter the worst 4 words a woman can say in the bedroom:
“Is it in yet?”
Cement/Concrete is actually becoming cheaper to use than steel, plus it’s pretty fireproof. It also depends on what kind of building you’re designing… there are some things you can do with concrete and re-bar that you can’t do with steel, and vice-versa.
Gawdammit, I like Justin – for a character that showed up in about 10 strips, tops, he was a nice addition. No-maintenance, zero issues relatioship partner? Possibly harder to find than a teleporting, tens of millenia old mythological party girl.
I think Shelly’s excuse for breaking up with Justin may be more of a case of her worrying about her accidentally breaking him.
Think about it, if he had been in that bed with her when she sneezed he would have ended up under several tons of Shelly sphinx. She is also stronger now, and seems to have lost some of her careful control as well – probably from having no need to practice it for 80k years.
I never said that it would be a bad Idea
It just occurred to me that it is big possibility that Justing might be integrated into the whole shebang.
And like you said, it would be interesting to see just how cool he really is after seeing what the Shellster has in store now
In fact, I can think of more than one TV series where the plot hinges on the protagonist not telling his or her significant others “the secret”–even though they seem more than willing to tell strangers what they are.
I’m for holding off on that breakup idea. Officer nightstick might just be down with the idea of being the partner of an 80,000 year-old supernatural being. I for one find Phix terribly attractive, why wouldn’t he?
Shelly shelly shelly. In the words of Eddie Izzard, “If you’re gay, lesbian, or a sphinx, you have to be out, you have to be open with it. It’s called telling the truth. O, my God. What a dangerous word in these moder times.”
I don’t think she’s all that worried about his kinks. I’m pretty sure she’s worried about trash compacting him underneath her during her next nightmare.
Most people prefer not to be suddenly crushed in their sleep.
Is it just me, or did her arms get bigger after the latest transformation? And after the “return”, they looked bigger than before, but not as big as they do now. Not that they were the dainty little arms of someone who only lifts food from plate to mouth (cough M cough).
I think its more a gradual shift in drawing style from Shelly’s traditional ‘Popeye-arms’ to a more realistic muscular build, by lowering the overall width of the forearms and increasing the width of the upper arms and shoulder frame.
Paul’s done a pretty good job of showing a realistic progression for a bodybuilder. In early stages, the builder is working out his or her best features, and building up mass. (I kind of appreciated Shelly’s narrowness in the light of her being revealed as part superfeline.) But eventually the rest catches up, and she is developing shoulders, back and legs to balance her arms.
Metamorphosis would probably disqualify her for NPC competition, though.
That is, if they recognized the possibility, and she admitted it.
I get the feeling that if she tried to tell them that she can transform to a sphinx, she’d end up in the padded room next to Monica’s. Which, come to think, would also likely be a disqualifying development.
I suppose if she ‘sphinx’ that it’s a good idea to break up with officer tight-buns, than it’s for the best. Alas, why must birds of a feather flock together? You will be missed, Justin.
Dave- bows with respect careful not to spill any of his drink on the couch. The need to be careful with such ‘Toxic sludge’ (Wifely term for way strong tea, with or without additional components) has been established for years as custom. Tox screen reports are still lacking however. Smiles and adds one copper penny to the jar.
“The feathers, Justin? I was just revisiting my Cherokee heritage”. Also, if Momma was a sphinx, it may have been that she didn’t die, but, being an immortal being, didn’t want to wait and see loved ones grow old. “Dieing” is just what you tell your kid because it is easier than explaining why Mom is no longer around. (And more socially acceptable)
I’m actually related to the real Wahnee family, so Shells is either a cousin or niece. In all these years of reading the Square, I haven’t asked of them if they heard of it.
From the sound of it, she had a full post-mortem. Otherwise, how did they know that that cause of death was “an electrical problem with her heart” (can’t remember the strip).
I think that Shelly did make the correct decision. At the end of the day, she and Justin are just getting to know one another. You don’t confide this big a secret with someone unless you trust them heart and soul. They haven’t been together long enough for that level of trust to develop.
I think she should hold onto Justin…. Then again IF the strip goes by the old saying ‘If you love something let it go, If it comes back its yours Forever. If not it was never yours to begin with.
ya know… all this talk about OTB being “ok” with shelly being a sphinx got me thinking… what if OTB ALREADY knew about them/her? what if he were part of the PRIEST’s faction that survived to this day. and you know they survived the destruction of Lanthis, because if they DIDN’T survive, them why were the Olmec’ and the um… i forget what they were called, but they left the Mesa Verde Pictographs… civilizations used as a “witness protection program”… ala this page:
just think, what if we have not only the story arc of “plug Jin into the Relic to help fix her brain” but also one to prevent the discovery of the GGG by the ‘Bad Guys’ whomever that might be in today’s terms…
If she really thinks about it, now her, or her family, don’t have to sign up (if they haven’t already) for the Federal eagle registry. Shelly can supply some high-quality feathers for war dance regalia, beaded fans, and the like. Although the size might be hard to explain away.
“Terribly nasty weather…”
Tickle my what with a what?
YES! 5,000 bonus points to both of you, haven’t heard that one in years but immediately thought the same thing.
Up the Academy?
“Erotic” is using a feather. “Perverted” is using the whole chicken.
Breaking up with Justin? She should at least stop and think about feather or not that’s really necessary.
*tinkle, tinkle* shakes pun-jar.
Fine, you caught me. *slides some change from desk to jar* How much is in that jar anyway? Let’s see… 724 dollars, 184 euros, 142 pounds… old electronics… pair of reading glasses… Is that a kidney?! We seriously use too many puns.
I know. I even took out that left arm, because it started to smell…
you forgot the 15 pesos
Hey, he just had to wing it with this strip.
Was it made in the Punjab?
Ticklish question.
-shakes pun jar- You too joe. No gets off easy.
Do you take American Excuse?
Paper or plastic?
Let me put you in touch with Mr. Selfridge…oh wait, he got booted from Pandora…
Is it a tip jar?
But she’s very soberly measuring what she does and does not have control over.
How can she even have a conversation with Justin without him noticing and asking about how much she’s changed?
She has the “change back” down.
That’s not one of her feathers!
More importantly:Do You want to break-up because there is nothing connecting you two anymore, or because it’s the ” easy way out”
Think about that, miss Wahnee….
Whichever the reason, it’s for his own good and welfare. I wonder if dad has some advice. It just may be he was married to a sphinx. Or maybe granpa was. Dad must know something given he was all upset over the crystal doll trance incident.
Indeed. The “crystal doll” incident still lingers in the back of my head. Dad must know much more than he lets on to.
Maybe he knew of his wife’s “sphinxness” ,but wanted nothing to do with it, hence his reaction when Shelly got transphinxed ehh “transfixed” *drops euro in pun-jar* by he dolls…
I wonder what will happen if Shelly dryly remarks :” Oh. yeah, uhm Dad? Did mom ever had a problem with shedding, losing feathers and such?
Just thought I’d point out that sphinxness is stated to be a recessive trait. That means that both parents have to be carriers, and neither one has to be noticeably sphinx-like. Yes, the doll incident might suggest that her dad knows something, but it could simply be that he noticed that she hadn’t moved in a while, and was staring into the doll.
why does everyone keep saying the mom was the sphinx? just because the mom died? who says men can’t be sphinx?
also: casey makes a good point and might be/is right.
I think it’s more logical that the genes got passed on from female to female. Which begs the question: if Mom was a sphinx, how did her “heart stop”?
If you’re thinking that sphinxes are immortal when you’re asking how her mother’s heart “stopped” … Shelly has said specifically that sphinx hybrids like herself aren’t immortal – she’ll eventually die like a normal human.
hmmmm… Teen…. sphinx?? :p
“I married a Sphinx”
“Buffy the Apotropaic”
“Sphinx and Sphixability”
(wait for it)
“Smell…it Sphinx!”
“My Three Sphinxes”?
“My Favorite Sphinx”?
“The Sphinx People”
“Attack of the 50-Foot Sphinx”
“I Was Sphinx for the FBI”
“The Third Sphinx”
“That Hamilton Sphinx”
Get to Know Your Sphinx”
“The Man from Sphinx”
“I Sphinx”
“Whapsi Square Sphinx”
“I, Sphinx”
Aggh. Meant to include this one in the last post:
“The Sphinx Who Knew Too Much”
“The Curse of the Aztec Sphinx”
“The Amityville Sphinx”
“Resident Sphinx”
“The Rocky Sphinx Picture Show”
“Dr Jekyll and Ms. Sphinx”
“Rosemary’s Sphinx”
The list goes on (and on), but I’ll stop here. Just one more. Who can forget:
“Dude, Where’s My Sphinx?”
“An American Sphinx in Ireland.”
There’s another movie poster idea!
Wapsi men seem to have an extraordinary ability to deal with weirdness in their GF’s lives.
And maybe Justin likes feathers.
Or maybe He could get used to sleeping on Sphinx-down bed.. then Shelly would have to worry about blow up and crushing him. And Finding a bigger apartment may a good idea.
Shelly needs to take stock and Ask M about this. Justin is the only thing Normal in her life, now. She needs him.
I wonder how Phix is doing with her BF from the museum? She could be a good one for advice.
I think perhaps Phix has already dispensed all the wisdom she can in her visits to Shellinx over the 80K years in the TTF. This may be the reason Shelly has not gone to see her for advice. There would be little point. They’re pretty much already talked out.
Heather seems pretty normal and she’s in her life.
Yeah – but (no matter how much she might have liked to be, at one time) Heather isn’t sleeping with her.
That doesn’t matter because Heather is closer to her than anyone and she has a “normal” life. What Shelly needs a connection to “normal” people — that person doesn’t have to be a lover.
I’m wondering about Phix and Monica’s boss too! They made such a cute couple! lol
Who knows Shelly, maybe justin has a sphinx fetish or something, or at the very least find feathers ‘thrilling’
Someone once said “Erotic is using a feather. Kinky is using the whole Sphinx.” Or something.
Do we have a Bad Analogy Jar?
Not yet, but if you want, we can make one just for you.
I must admit, my first thought on seeing that big feather was “I wonder if Justin’s ticklish”…
Ah! You remember!
Even someone as flaky as officer tight buns can be inspired to greatness if they see a reason to give a bleep. I recommend Shelly give him the big reveal and let his reveal his true nature.
It is a risk, but then if he does choose to leave because she’s a sphinx, it would likely have happened eventually–and isn’t it better to have it happen sooner rather than later?
The way Shelly’s holding that feather is remindful of her previous incarnation’s way of handling the completed sword briefly before she chopped the tree down with it…
Hey! get that thing over to Ebay. It would be worth a fortune!
People did use to buy Narwhale horns thinking they were Unicorn Horns.
A Sphinx feather on ebay wouldn’t go amiss
I recall that even the Vatican has several Narwhal teeth, sent from Iceland as part of “Peter’s Pence” in the Middle Ages.
I actually have to support Shelly’s decision here. Shelly went to Justin for a physical release, to scratch an itch. Since then, she began to enjoy his company, and tried to develop a relationship from that physical interaction.
However, 80k years in a forest could easily kill one’s libido. Lots of men & women start to loose their lust in their 60s or 70s (not all, granted). That’s less than 100 years. Compare that to 80 thousand, and Shelly may just have no more libido.
Without that itch to scratch, there’s no reason to drag Justin into the rabbit hole. Shelly’s just not that attached to him yet. It’d make more sense to confide in Heather or Jacqui or even her father than Justin.
Yea I agree
The thought does make me sad but it’s the best decision for Shellys wellbeing.
I don’t think it’s loss of libido though.
More like she was thinking her relationship through for the first 10k years at least.
Maybe she decided she just didn’t miss him enough to continue. But there is a difference. She wasn’t sure and it seems Phix could give no guarantees, that she would ever return so she would have had to come to terms with never seeing him again. But she can now.
Libido is the least of it. Perhaps hybrid Sphinxes are wired differently, but the immortal “purebreeds” seem to actively seek sex. Hence, hybrids.
Shelly is being practical, and defending everyone she loves and has loved by keeping the secret. Sure, concern of crushing Justin accidentally is what is making the issue obvious, but Shelly knows it cannot last.
Justin works for the government. Revealing the supernatural to him would divide his loyalty and put them all–and the world–in genuine peril.
So unless Justin is himself a sphinx (which would fit in with his modus operandi of pursuing Shelly) I don’t see a traditional happy ending easily coming out of this.
Just because she has the memories of 8oK years worth of lifetimes does not mean she’ 80k years old in body.
Heck can you imagine what she would look like after living 80k years? Ick!
You mean look like she does now? lol.. Sphinx’s don’t age, remember… And for 99.99% of that 80k she was a sphinx.
Thought: Can Shelly use this ability to craft her own brand of pillows?
It also makes you wonder if when she gets dressed up is she preening?
Shelly (and Monica) knows nothing about men. They worry so much about men finding out about the weirdness in their lives when for men, it would be a positive thing. First off, which of us wouldn’t love a busty Latina with magical transportation powers? Secondly, who wouldn’t want to date a hottie like Shelly who can transform into a flying being large enough to ride? If Justin is a Harry Potter geek, he’s hooked for life!
Sheeesh, women!
You got that right. Justin has admitted that he’s a weirdness magnet when it comes to women. He’s knows Shelly’s a but on the unusual side. He just know know how weird yet. And Shelly knows that (or should know) that Justin could handle Shelly’s…new enlightenment into her family tree.
Well, the 2 in question are both rather scarred. Recall Monica’s been betrayed by her own flesh & blood as a child, and even more recently her best-best friend (Amanda) threatened to call the nut-house on Monica when she revealed it to her.
In fact, the only ones to take it in stride for Monica were Kat (partly due to being oblivious), Shelly (beating Tepoz half to death = standard reaction it seems), and Kevin (screamed at naked Bud, then made Monica buy him coffee, like a boss). Tina doesn’t count.
Shelly has her shattered psyche, abandonment issues, and CG hauntings (I still doubt every boiler-room incident was CG), and the whole “I just killed 1-to-56 versions of myself and spent 80k locked in a jungle” affair. Shelly’s never revealed the rabbit hole like Monica or Jin have, so Shelly has no idea how to approach it.
Though, you are correct. The way ‘good’ men behave in Wapsi verse, Justin will likely just nod and handcuff himself to the bed, somehow the notion of a strangling Phix sparking his lust for bad-girls again.
Small nitpick, but actually Monica wasn’t betrayed by her family as a child.
I don’t have the link offhand, but in one strip it specifically states that her family was supportive, and believed her when she said that she spoke to her dead abuela. The reason she was put in a mental institute was because despite this support, Monica herself couldn’t find a way to believe, and subsequently threw herself in front of a bus. It’s pretty standard to force those who attempt suicide into therapy.
Except that Monica didn’t actually attempt suicide.
She was running from her demons, and didn’t actually intend to throw herself in front of the bus.
I meant to also say that, whether it was in fact a “betrayal” – Monica sees it as one.
OTOH, given the cheerfulness of her family visit a while back, apparently she doesn’t hold it against them too much.
@D.Walker: The comic in question is here:
But, as Fairport Fan said, Monica still views it as her family betrayed her, as shown recently here:
Hmm…you think that’s why she wants to break up with him? I got the feeling that, with 80k+ years of wisdom, she realized that maybe it wasn’t the right relationship.
Now think about what might occur if/when you broke the hearts of those women.
I am still unsure if Kevin knows of Monicas ability to poit.
He knows the story and of Bud but Monica? Unsure.
If he did he might have asked her to join him each night when he is away to save him being attacked when he got home
Kevin does know that Bud can, however, I have yet to see M use “tha’poit” with Kevin around(while awake, I mean), so, I guess he doesn’t know.
Still, a relationship as it seemed to develop between Shelly and OTB could lead to hilarious situations.
Given that they talked for about an hour and a half after that incident, I suspect it did come up in conversation.
I wonder, her hair is long again, and it was her emotional weight. Is it BACK???
Her hair grew out during her “transformation” during the little time she was “away”.
I think you misunderstood how that works…
But Shelly, a sphinx hits a lot of fetishes — you got feathers, fur, and skin; wings, tits, tail, furry lioness hindquarters — not to mention the whole “big woman” fetish. Give Justin a checklist of turn-ons and see what happens.
Yeah, but if Justin tries to do her as a sphinx, she will, at some point likely utter the worst 4 words a woman can say in the bedroom:
“Is it in yet?”
Worse…. “Are you in yet?”
I spose in Sphinx form she cannot really judge how big she is?
Now she can.
She has a feather
I wonder if her dad chose her appartment for her.
Or at least guided her to get it
How many studio appartments come in at 10ft ceelings?
And cement. Must be an old building.
A converted commercial building of some sort, I would guess; small manufacturing workspace converted into housing.
I had an apartment in Atlanta with standard 10′ ceilings and the floors were concrete in between levels. It was <10 years old.
Cement/Concrete is actually becoming cheaper to use than steel, plus it’s pretty fireproof. It also depends on what kind of building you’re designing… there are some things you can do with concrete and re-bar that you can’t do with steel, and vice-versa.
Reminds me of a line in Edding’s series. Polgara: “I would have missed that.”
Lol, That is appropiate!
Gawdammit, I like Justin – for a character that showed up in about 10 strips, tops, he was a nice addition. No-maintenance, zero issues relatioship partner? Possibly harder to find than a teleporting, tens of millenia old mythological party girl.
I think Shelly’s excuse for breaking up with Justin may be more of a case of her worrying about her accidentally breaking him.
Think about it, if he had been in that bed with her when she sneezed he would have ended up under several tons of Shelly sphinx. She is also stronger now, and seems to have lost some of her careful control as well – probably from having no need to practice it for 80k years.
Feathers huh. Would that be awkward or hawkward?
AHUM!!! shakes pun jar
Hey, that wouldn’t happen to be the Miller Park Hawk, would it?
You guys with that pun jar sure have a eagle eye today. I’d be lion if I said it was a good thing.
[clink, clink] I’ll be frank–I’m lucky I had some French coins lying around.
Oh alright. There! I’ve put in an IOU. Please excuse the crayon, they won’t let us use anything sharp here.
One guess who is going to be introduced into the fold of it all soon…
Well, having a seemingly cool-headed cop at your side isn’t such a bad deal in that weird&wacky wapsiverse.
IF Shelly decides against breaking-up and instead involves Justin, we’ll see soon enough how cool-headed he actually is…
I never said that it would be a bad Idea

It just occurred to me that it is big possibility that Justing might be integrated into the whole shebang.
And like you said, it would be interesting to see just how cool he really is after seeing what the Shellster has in store now
God, my spelling is awful as of late… either my keyboard is giving way, or I am.
Justin’s Awkward Questions #1: How did you grow two feet of hair overnight?
It’s only awkward if you avoid answering it–which leads to a lot more awkwardnesses and complicatednesses.
In fact, I can think of more than one TV series where the plot hinges on the protagonist not telling his or her significant others “the secret”–even though they seem more than willing to tell strangers what they are.
It just seems awfully backwards to me.
Go on, Shelly, shake that tailfeather!
…anyway, it’s a wing feather.
Wouldn’t it be kind of hard to explain the sudden growth of all of that hair too?
Three easy words, I am gay.
My apologies, I love that episode.
I’m for holding off on that breakup idea. Officer nightstick might just be down with the idea of being the partner of an 80,000 year-old supernatural being. I for one find Phix terribly attractive, why wouldn’t he?
Yeah, but with Phix it’s not just what she was but the way she acts and dresses. Reminds me of the mature lady boss that you DO NOT want to upset.
Shelly shelly shelly. In the words of Eddie Izzard, “If you’re gay, lesbian, or a sphinx, you have to be out, you have to be open with it. It’s called telling the truth. O, my God. What a dangerous word in these moder times.”
A few more feather, please, Shelly. That’d make one heck of a dreamcatcher!
If made from sphinx feathers, it would be more likely a nightmare generator.
my mind connected that to Monsters Inc.
I’m in favor of her making a collection of them and tailoring herself a good ol’ Comanche war bonnet.
Shiek- I thought those were more common further North on the plains, or is my Hollywood education showing?
I don’t think she’s all that worried about his kinks. I’m pretty sure she’s worried about trash compacting him underneath her during her next nightmare.
Most people prefer not to be suddenly crushed in their sleep.
Is it just me, or did her arms get bigger after the latest transformation? And after the “return”, they looked bigger than before, but not as big as they do now. Not that they were the dainty little arms of someone who only lifts food from plate to mouth (cough M cough).
I think its more a gradual shift in drawing style from Shelly’s traditional ‘Popeye-arms’ to a more realistic muscular build, by lowering the overall width of the forearms and increasing the width of the upper arms and shoulder frame.
Paul’s done a pretty good job of showing a realistic progression for a bodybuilder. In early stages, the builder is working out his or her best features, and building up mass. (I kind of appreciated Shelly’s narrowness in the light of her being revealed as part superfeline.) But eventually the rest catches up, and she is developing shoulders, back and legs to balance her arms.
Metamorphosis would probably disqualify her for NPC competition, though.
That is, if they recognized the possibility, and she admitted it.
I get the feeling that if she tried to tell them that she can transform to a sphinx, she’d end up in the padded room next to Monica’s. Which, come to think, would also likely be a disqualifying development.
…or if it happened by accident, mid-competition.
I don’t think the NPC requires posedowns with spiders, but the IFBB probably does.
Fare thee well officer. You were my favorite male character. ;-;
I suppose if she ‘sphinx’ that it’s a good idea to break up with officer tight-buns, than it’s for the best. Alas, why must birds of a feather flock together? You will be missed, Justin.
Maybe over the last 80,000 years Shelly realized that Tina was right.
Hmmm. Seems that the question of whether Justin could manage to handle Shelly’s spontaneous sphinx-transformations is very much a matter of a pinion.
…tosses a *clink*ing tetradrachm coin into the pun jar…
Y’know, the quality of puns in these comments has always been quite good, but that one took me quite by surprise, and in a good way.
I’ll match that tetradrachm as a salute to all you Jolly Punsters.
that was subtle…. I like it.
Dave- bows with respect careful not to spill any of his drink on the couch. The need to be careful with such ‘Toxic sludge’ (Wifely term for way strong tea, with or without additional components) has been established for years as custom. Tox screen reports are still lacking however. Smiles and adds one copper penny to the jar.
“The feathers, Justin? I was just revisiting my Cherokee heritage”. Also, if Momma was a sphinx, it may have been that she didn’t die, but, being an immortal being, didn’t want to wait and see loved ones grow old. “Dieing” is just what you tell your kid because it is easier than explaining why Mom is no longer around. (And more socially acceptable)
Comanche, actually–before @kingklash gets onto you. Zie’s kinda protective of Shelley being part of the People . . . .
I’m actually related to the real Wahnee family, so Shells is either a cousin or niece. In all these years of reading the Square, I haven’t asked of them if they heard of it.
From the sound of it, she had a full post-mortem. Otherwise, how did they know that that cause of death was “an electrical problem with her heart” (can’t remember the strip).
I think that Shelly did make the correct decision. At the end of the day, she and Justin are just getting to know one another. You don’t confide this big a secret with someone unless you trust them heart and soul. They haven’t been together long enough for that level of trust to develop.
I would imagine that learning to supress the change when emotionally riled is a bit like tantra, baby…
I think she should hold onto Justin…. Then again IF the strip goes by the old saying ‘If you love something let it go, If it comes back its yours Forever. If not it was never yours to begin with.
ya know… all this talk about OTB being “ok” with shelly being a sphinx got me thinking… what if OTB ALREADY knew about them/her? what if he were part of the PRIEST’s faction that survived to this day. and you know they survived the destruction of Lanthis, because if they DIDN’T survive, them why were the Olmec’ and the um… i forget what they were called, but they left the Mesa Verde Pictographs… civilizations used as a “witness protection program”… ala this page:
just think, what if we have not only the story arc of “plug Jin into the Relic to help fix her brain” but also one to prevent the discovery of the GGG by the ‘Bad Guys’ whomever that might be in today’s terms…
If she really thinks about it, now her, or her family, don’t have to sign up (if they haven’t already) for the Federal eagle registry. Shelly can supply some high-quality feathers for war dance regalia, beaded fans, and the like. Although the size might be hard to explain away.
Simply break it to him…featherweight
I think Shelly will make things work with Justin. After all…
Where there’s a quill, there’s a way.