Of course, that’s not a ghost, but rather Cass’s hair in a ponytail, tied off by one of those “two balls in a loop of bungee-cord” that women/girls have been using to do that for I don’t know how many years — I remember my sister doing so in high school or earlier, and that was, like 40+ years ago.
But yes, it kind of does look like a ghost-thingie.
By the by, what’s with this “good squire” talk? I know the two of them occasionally talk to each other like refugees from a Medieval Faire, but why did they start? Have I forgotten some stretch of comics establishing this?
“I gotcha’ Babe”…
silly Kath. ~<3
Cartoon characters – they grow up so fast… *sniff*
isn’t usually the other way round? they never grow up?(Prime example ash from Pokemon)
From zeroth grade into highschool…
Creepy ghost thing still sucking on the back of Cas’ head. And we can see its other eye this time too!
Well, *that* can’t be unseen.
Saw it a couple weeks back, been seeing it ever since.
Of course, that’s not a ghost, but rather Cass’s hair in a ponytail, tied off by one of those “two balls in a loop of bungee-cord” that women/girls have been using to do that for I don’t know how many years — I remember my sister doing so in high school or earlier, and that was, like 40+ years ago.
But yes, it kind of does look like a ghost-thingie.
just giggle at the ghostie…
Sorry to nitpick, but shouldn’t it be “breathe,” not “breath?”
Oh boy… just wait until they both move out. Kath is going to lose her mind…. maybe literally….
Makes you feel really old, doesn’t it?
Alas, typical Mom behavior
Being the oldest, I was spared most of these episodes . . .
Is Stela wearing lipstick? o_O
Looks like some rouge and false eyelashes.
Is it possible she can grow her own?
Imitation they might be but not false.
A good blush.
Wasn’t sure if that was natural or makeup
And was specifically referring to her lips, not the rest of her face
What da *bleep*
Uh-oh! Trope-sense… tingling… 
Katherine is still dating/*bleep*ing her daughters school Principal!!
You think that Bryn would abandon Kath in her time of great need?
Nope. This principal has principles.
Why wouldn’t she be? o_O
Derailing the mental track is a great way to snap someone out of panic or hysterics.
So, instead of “Honey”, address her as “old woman”. (Evil Grin)
By the by, what’s with this “good squire” talk? I know the two of them occasionally talk to each other like refugees from a Medieval Faire, but why did they start? Have I forgotten some stretch of comics establishing this?
It’s a pet name Daylla has for Castela.
True enough, but how did it start?
Pretty sure that’s been a thing ever since they were really little.