The Sphinx didn’t eat the ones who were unable to solve the riddle… she strangled them to death and throw them down the cliffs.
Not that it made a difference in the result for the victims…
But hey Tina…look – no cliffs around to be thrown down.
And i doubt that she needs to breath anyway.
You are perfectly safe.
Kind of…
Oopsie there Zogh! Phix has red hair like Monica’s. So she appears in a print I purchased sometime ago of Phix in her Library. I’m afraid it’s not in the poster section anywhere.
If Monica were strong enough to do that, shouldn’t there be a couple of half circles – one behind the outside of each of her arms then? 🙂 Just raggin’ on ya.
And for even more fun — google maps shows three buildings on the corner(s) of “stevens avenue south and east 18th street, minneapolis, mn” – the fourth corner is apparently known as Stevens Square.
Just got back from GoogleMaps Street level view.
Yep, the building is on the southwest corner, and the Stevens St South Door appears to be the buildings main entrance. Needs a little external renovation to match the rest of the neighborhood.
Monica’s standing in the perfect opsiyion to minimize the lateral signs of her chest, and at the right angle and lighting the shadows (which should still be present… I’m putting that down to simple oversight) should be minimal.
Tina seems pretty well flummoxed, which is understandable, since she’s looking at not only a sphinx’s aura, but the most knowledgable (and perhaps wisest) person she’s ever known.
Also, this is the proportion I would expect with Phix in heels… not someone that seems seven-and-a-half feet tall.
The address is real, and the fact that she’s supposed to use the entrance “on the northeast, the Stevens South entrance” tells me it’s the building kitty-corner from the park.
From what l gather, the annex and all its contents will actually be inside this world, as witness the Library of Alexandria, which was destroyed without damage to the Bibliotheki. And all who need to visit the Bibliotheki can poit.
Gee… I hope Tina’s head doesn’t explode or fall off or something while she tries to process what she’s looking at.
I mean, when you think about it, MOST of the people she sees in her little coffee shop, even the most paranormally linked ones, usually only have the typical sort of every-day personality demons that Tina is MADE of. Even the most offputting of such (the emptiness that was bud, and the creepy little girl of Shelly’s) was just a mild creep-out.
And then a mythological demi-goddess (well.. practically at any rate!) walks into the room.
I don’t think Tina sees all that in such a ‘literal’ way, she reads auras to pinpoint / pigeonhole people.
I think she’s just getting the full effect of Phix’s aura – sort of like a supernova just walked into the coffee shop.
Really? I was under the impression that she DID. I mean, she’s made comments suggesting that she had seen all of Monica’s personal demons. Pretty sure she’s made reference to Shelly’s creepy little girl, as well.
I really like Tina, and that is why I feel like such a horrible person for getting so much enjoyment from panel 2. The look of shock (perhaps barely-restrained terror?) is absolutely perfect.
Mon’s somewhat-abashed expression is also very cute; but at the risk of sounding like a lech, I’m similarly wondering where her boobs went. My skill in being a terrible person has increased by +1.
Finally: Where’s Amanda in all this? I’d very much like to see what she thinks of Phix.
MerchManDan said: Mon’s somewhat-abashed expression is also very cute; but at the risk of sounding like a lech, I’m similarly wondering where her boobs went. Retractable boobs. It’s Monica’s new power. It comes in handy for amusement park rides. 😀
would make sence to have a normal door into the magical library after all, its only humans who were denyed access to it and i spose not all non-humans can poit 🙂
Hee~ I have this mental image of Tina being a big Phinx fangirl. She’s a demon after all, I’m sure someone as awesome as Phinx would either terrify you or make you squee.
Here is the hands with eyes page, but the other link isn’t working. Remember: First switch to the other page, then copy the URL. It works better that way. 😉
I still think that Tina’s reaction is not just due to the fact that there is a sphinx in the coffee shop. Part of Tina’s reaction is due to the fact that she was crossing Phix without knowing it., I think. Phix has some mighty big toes to step on!
I love the look on Monica’s face. She won’t have to worry about Nudge nudging her so hard anymore. She probably feels a bit sorry for Tina. She knows that Tina didn’t know any better. She also knows that Tina isn’t in any real danger, though, either.
Gotta love Tina — this is what happens when all her demons get gobslapped simultaneously. This is perhaps the ultimate cliffhanger Friday ever in Wapsi Square — I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to see the next comic more (and that’s saying something). Love Monica’s expression also (we’ve really been treated to a wide range of great Monica expressions lately).
Actually, to me it seems that things are pretty much resolved. Monica won. Tina got put in her place. Amanda indicated that she was willing to obey the rules. I’m just interested in what Monica will learn next and am curious what role Katherine might have in it.
To be honest, if Monica had done a better job of telling the truth in the beginning, the whole thing probably could have been avoided. (She said she was going to be working with sensitive stuff too late and even that wasn’t very clear.) That wouldn’t have been as much fun, though.
2) In lieu of remarking on Phix’s cleavege- thievery, I will instead ask that the whole of Internet comicdom raise their necklines by about half-a-hand before I slam my computer into the back of a parked truck!
Heh! Fairportfan just convinced me of what I want to see Monday. Bud walking in and seeing Tina’s reaction! Can you imagine, especially once she figured out how Tina brought this on herself?
Bud would probably try to not bust out laughing, but not do a very good job of hiding how funny she thought it was. Amanda would be wondering what she was missing. Monica would be worrying about Tina’s feelings being hurt and Bud spilling the beans in front of Amanda. There would be so much potential!
Also I know it’s been said before, but Tina is the greatest character I’ve ever seen. Everything about her is as far as I’ve seen totally different from any sort of character ever created before. Yep…I’m in love.
A possible piece of background plot occurred to me this morning – Phix might want to establish a TC presence because Mayahuel and the chimera are now loose in the world. She might feel a need to keep an eye on them.
1. The Calendar Machine is gone and destroyed, so no threat there.
2. Formally and technically, Monica is still guardian of the Golem Girls, as she speaks the language and they are likewise bound to her by way of Tepoz. I don’t think their recent self-awareness and increasing humanity/independence affect this. They (the three) are still the Chimera, but the GGs have no reason to (re)unite as that creature/weapon.
3. Monica has been warned about letting her Demons control the Chimera — not a problem for the likely future.
4. Jin’s lost it. Now that she has her mother (Mayhuel) back from the beyond, her purpose in life has been fulfilled. OK — Now what? she thinks. Loose cannon on deck.. all hands beware! She has asked Monica for help, so good things there to come?
5. Phix’s re-emergence. What Ho, yon swain? Tis the archive of lost demon golems and repair, perhaps? A place where Monica can study how to return Jin to some level of safety/sanity?
Well, one thing they used to do with those who were a little less than coherent was to have them focus their energies on relatively menial tasks, like, say, cataloging and sorting library entries…
Another thing I just noticed: remember our scene back here in February? That background in the first panel is about two blocks down (actually, diagonal) from the location that Phix just gave.
Tina lookin’ agape , at Phix , FTW !
Let the speculation , on what she sees , begin !
Just guessing; not good?
Looking too closely at an ancient mythological creature prone to eating people probably wouldn’t be.
The Sphinx didn’t eat the ones who were unable to solve the riddle… she strangled them to death and throw them down the cliffs.
Not that it made a difference in the result for the victims…
But hey Tina…look – no cliffs around to be thrown down.
And i doubt that she needs to breath anyway.
You are perfectly safe.
Kind of…
The body’s alive… There’s just no soul in there…
I’m guessing she sees the real Phix. That’s how I’d look if a massive Sphinx walked into my coffee shop.
My guess is that Phix’s aura is one freakin’ ginormouse Sphinx.
I’m thinking she sees Phix in full regalia… and BLOOD DRIPPING from the corner of her MOUTH.
I don’t think that’s Tina reacting to seeing Phix – I think that reaction is from Nudge!
They didn’t met before, did they?
Me thinks she sees something more than a tall leggy blonde
Like, perhaps, the full-blown Sphinx image, with the wings and paws and everything…?
Oopsie there Zogh! Phix has red hair like Monica’s. So she appears in a print I purchased sometime ago of Phix in her Library. I’m afraid it’s not in the poster section anywhere.
Thanks, I stand corrected. All the same though, Tina looks a bit overwhelmed, while Monica & Phix have matching coy fawn poses.
Yeah, Tina … My sentiments, exactly!
Tina is in shock that Phix has apparently stolen Monica’s boobs.
I… noticed that too.
I didn’t notice at first, but looking back at it, it def looks like a case of stolen boobs…
M’s arms are in front of her boobs and squishing them against her body. Boobs don’t always squish out.
If Monica were strong enough to do that, shouldn’t there be a couple of half circles – one behind the outside of each of her arms then? 🙂 Just raggin’ on ya.
yeap definetly stolen boobs. love monica facial expression in this one. Love your work Paul
Aw, now we have to wait til Monday for the REST of Tina’s reaction.
Indeed! Moar cliffhangers!
I know it’s just a comic…but Phix stature is just WHOA!! Seems like I love ALL tall women – even the fictional ones.
That said, TlalocW is right!! What happened to Monica’s (fictional) boobs (which I also seem to love)?
And for even more fun — google maps shows three buildings on the corner(s) of “stevens avenue south and east 18th street, minneapolis, mn” – the fourth corner is apparently known as Stevens Square.
Have you checked the street level view?
Just got back from GoogleMaps Street level view.
Yep, the building is on the southwest corner, and the Stevens St South Door appears to be the buildings main entrance. Needs a little external renovation to match the rest of the neighborhood.
Not by chance near where you live, Paul?
Nope, but near where I used to live. Last I knew, it was an abandoned building that urban spelunkers loved to go to.
If you go to the intersection, there’s 3 photos. This one really cought my eye.
Latte: $2
Neck choker: $4
Seeing Tina speechless: Priceless.
I think you have the prices turned around on those first two items. 😉
There are some things money can buy.
For everything else there’s the Supernatural.
Then the annex is already in place. Wow. Phix moves fast.
What, no suggestions as to beverage? Why, Tina — methinks you have just encountered something not dreamt of in your philosophy!
Another magic power Phix has, that I just noticed – the ability to keep glasses on her nose with no earpieces.
Its the Morpheus syndrome.
No, she wears a pince-nez.
Very stylish and unique!
… and when she goes to LensCrafters, it takes them all day.
I keed… but…
I Googled and they are still available.
I coulda swored I saw a hypoallergenic steel bridge-of nose- piercing so magnetic pince-nez could be used… but 404.
Monica’s standing in the perfect opsiyion to minimize the lateral signs of her chest, and at the right angle and lighting the shadows (which should still be present… I’m putting that down to simple oversight) should be minimal.
Tina seems pretty well flummoxed, which is understandable, since she’s looking at not only a sphinx’s aura, but the most knowledgable (and perhaps wisest) person she’s ever known.
Also, this is the proportion I would expect with Phix in heels… not someone that seems seven-and-a-half feet tall.
Ah, Tina at a loss for words.
Summay ye doan’ see ev’ry day, i’ll tell ‘ee true…,
I’m more interested in what Amanda’s reaction is to seeing an 7 foot woman appear out of no where and offer Monica the perfect excuse.
The address is real, and the fact that she’s supposed to use the entrance “on the northeast, the Stevens South entrance” tells me it’s the building kitty-corner from the park.
Since the building in question has two entrances, what do you want to bet the specified entrance is actually a portal to….
( dun dun DUNNN)
The Bibliotheki?
From what l gather, the annex and all its contents will actually be inside this world, as witness the Library of Alexandria, which was destroyed without damage to the Bibliotheki. And all who need to visit the Bibliotheki can poit.
Right. Phix isn’t going to want there to be a portal for people to stumble into. She can put the stuff she wants people to see in the annex.
I llove the look of shock/disbelief on Tina’s face.
Monday is going to be a long time to wait..
Gasp! I’m speechless too!
Gee… I hope Tina’s head doesn’t explode or fall off or something while she tries to process what she’s looking at.
I mean, when you think about it, MOST of the people she sees in her little coffee shop, even the most paranormally linked ones, usually only have the typical sort of every-day personality demons that Tina is MADE of. Even the most offputting of such (the emptiness that was bud, and the creepy little girl of Shelly’s) was just a mild creep-out.
And then a mythological demi-goddess (well.. practically at any rate!) walks into the room.
Demi-goddess. Yes, that is a very good name for her, isn’t it? Pretty well sums it up.
I don’t think Tina sees all that in such a ‘literal’ way, she reads auras to pinpoint / pigeonhole people.
I think she’s just getting the full effect of Phix’s aura – sort of like a supernova just walked into the coffee shop.
That sounds like the opening line to a joke…
Really? I was under the impression that she DID. I mean, she’s made comments suggesting that she had seen all of Monica’s personal demons. Pretty sure she’s made reference to Shelly’s creepy little girl, as well.
She was locked up for hours in a boiler room with Creepy Little Girl.
In fact, “creepy little girl” was her phrase, come to think.
I think Tina was doing more than sensing auras here! 😀
I really like Tina, and that is why I feel like such a horrible person for getting so much enjoyment from panel 2. The look of shock (perhaps barely-restrained terror?) is absolutely perfect.
Mon’s somewhat-abashed expression is also very cute; but at the risk of sounding like a lech, I’m similarly wondering where her boobs went. My skill in being a terrible person has increased by +1.
Finally: Where’s Amanda in all this? I’d very much like to see what she thinks of Phix.
MerchManDan said:
Retractable boobs. It’s Monica’s new power. It comes in handy for amusement park rides. 😀
Eagerly waiting for Monday…
It would come in handy for bra-less pirouettes, as well.
Whoopsie. Forgot the link:
would make sence to have a normal door into the magical library after all, its only humans who were denyed access to it and i spose not all non-humans can poit 🙂
Hee~ I have this mental image of Tina being a big Phinx fangirl. She’s a demon after all, I’m sure someone as awesome as Phinx would either terrify you or make you squee.
two things:
1) i totally want phix’s shirt, omg
2) did she get a haircut?
3) haha she and monica totally have the same pose. well, almost.
ok, that was three things.
The (few times) she’s been startled and discovered that she’s not in control of the situation, Tina has freaked out so beautifully.
( was also looking for the “hands with eyes page, but didn’t find it yet…)
Here is the hands with eyes page, but the other link isn’t working. Remember: First switch to the other page, then copy the URL. It works better that way. 😉
Weird. I swear i verified the link before i pasted it.
It was Bud catching shadenfreude off Tina’s reaction to her sojourn in the boiler room.
Oh, my! Can you imagine how much Bud would have loved to have seen this, especially since Tina brought it on herself! 😀
Bud’s reaction
Hey! You better not be saying that Bud is like Muttley! Of course, if you are, it’s not me you should be the most worried about. 😀
Of course, I’m going to freak if Pablo gives us the ultimate next words of Tina:
Funny idea! (This comment deserved a reply!)
I still think that Tina’s reaction is not just due to the fact that there is a sphinx in the coffee shop. Part of Tina’s reaction is due to the fact that she was crossing Phix without knowing it., I think. Phix has some mighty big toes to step on!
I love the look on Monica’s face. She won’t have to worry about Nudge nudging her so hard anymore. She probably feels a bit sorry for Tina. She knows that Tina didn’t know any better. She also knows that Tina isn’t in any real danger, though, either.
“Bollocks, Monica – the girl’s fainted!”
I think Phix learnt her English from British soldiers…
Yes. I’d guess probably sometime between the 1882 Occupation and Alamein.
Yeah, that was about the period i was thinking of…
Maybe she read a lot of the sort of books used by Masterpiece Theater?
Gotta love Tina — this is what happens when all her demons get gobslapped simultaneously. This is perhaps the ultimate cliffhanger Friday ever in Wapsi Square — I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to see the next comic more (and that’s saying something). Love Monica’s expression also (we’ve really been treated to a wide range of great Monica expressions lately).
Oh, yes, and having Phix help and trust her like this has got to make Monica feel like she’s just won two lotteries.
Actually, to me it seems that things are pretty much resolved. Monica won. Tina got put in her place. Amanda indicated that she was willing to obey the rules. I’m just interested in what Monica will learn next and am curious what role Katherine might have in it.
To be honest, if Monica had done a better job of telling the truth in the beginning, the whole thing probably could have been avoided. (She said she was going to be working with sensitive stuff too late and even that wasn’t very clear.) That wouldn’t have been as much fun, though.
I fully expect someone to adopt Tina’s face in the last panel as an avatar soon…
I think Tina’s met her match. ^__^
Phix is like “nice wingspan, honey, but … mine’s bigger”
Bwa ha ha ha!
1) M’s expression: good. Tiniest wisp of hair framing M’s face; masterful.
2) In lieu of remarking on Phix’s cleavege- thievery, I will instead ask that the whole of Internet comicdom raise their necklines by about half-a-hand before I slam my computer into the back of a parked truck!
Love Tina’s expression! Can you say “gobsmacked”? O_o
Phix! Don’t break Uberbarista! It would be bad if Monica couldn’t get her coffee.
Kinda like when Kup had to admit he never saw anything like Unicron before in his life.
What does Ms. Phix look like in TinaVision(tm)?
We may just find out on Monday…
I really hope so.
Heh! Fairportfan just convinced me of what I want to see Monday. Bud walking in and seeing Tina’s reaction! Can you imagine, especially once she figured out how Tina brought this on herself?
Bud would probably try to not bust out laughing, but not do a very good job of hiding how funny she thought it was. Amanda would be wondering what she was missing. Monica would be worrying about Tina’s feelings being hurt and Bud spilling the beans in front of Amanda. There would be so much potential!
LOL. Boy howdy, that pretty well nails it.
What is the English equivalent of “. . .”?
“Bugger me!” perhaps?
Tina’s expression reminds me of something my brother once said –“White noise between the earphones.”
Hmmm, so who will do the ‘Phixing’ and who will do the ‘Nudging’?
(blows whistle)
(pulls out yellow card)
(points at RKSAustin) “Pun foul!” (Writes “RKSAustin” on Yellow Card)
…What? It’s World Cup time, and hockey season is over…
I just read the entire archive in about 3 days. A testament to not only the greatness of this comic but my lack of any sort of life.
Also I know it’s been said before, but Tina is the greatest character I’ve ever seen. Everything about her is as far as I’ve seen totally different from any sort of character ever created before. Yep…I’m in love.
A possible piece of background plot occurred to me this morning – Phix might want to establish a TC presence because Mayahuel and the chimera are now loose in the world. She might feel a need to keep an eye on them.
Maybe it was just, “Hey, why not me, too?” Her situation is kind of analogous, if self-imposed.
TC = ?
TC = Twin Cities, where Wapsi Square is taking place.
Hmmm Fatuncle! Nice plot forecasting there..
Ah, let’s see…
1. The Calendar Machine is gone and destroyed, so no threat there.
2. Formally and technically, Monica is still guardian of the Golem Girls, as she speaks the language and they are likewise bound to her by way of Tepoz. I don’t think their recent self-awareness and increasing humanity/independence affect this. They (the three) are still the Chimera, but the GGs have no reason to (re)unite as that creature/weapon.
3. Monica has been warned about letting her Demons control the Chimera — not a problem for the likely future.
4. Jin’s lost it. Now that she has her mother (Mayhuel) back from the beyond, her purpose in life has been fulfilled. OK — Now what? she thinks. Loose cannon on deck.. all hands beware! She has asked Monica for help, so good things there to come?
5. Phix’s re-emergence. What Ho, yon swain? Tis the archive of lost demon golems and repair, perhaps? A place where Monica can study how to return Jin to some level of safety/sanity?
Hmmm… film at eleven!
Well, one thing they used to do with those who were a little less than coherent was to have them focus their energies on relatively menial tasks, like, say, cataloging and sorting library entries…
Okay . Now I’m curious to know what kind of drink Tina would recommend for Phix .
Place your bets , now .
From her look, it would seem as if her impression of the drink would be molten lava, topped with sulfer and a dash of human blood. Her blood.
A really good tea?
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.
Just suddenly strikes me there is more cleavage in this comic page than I have seen IRL in past year…
*sigh* What am I doing that is so wrong?
You need to visit Uptown Minneapolis.
Or stop by the Buckeye Capital . (Col , Oh)
After looking at Tuesday’s strip, I noticed something here: her eye-swirls were getting smaller…
Another thing I just noticed: remember our scene back here in February? That background in the first panel is about two blocks down (actually, diagonal) from the location that Phix just gave.
Apropos of nothing: I think I know what the annex looks like.
We’ll be right back to Wapsi Square, as soon as Tina gets that glazed look off her face…
I normally don’t comment on posts with this many comments but I can’t help myself.
EEEEE! Tina’s shocked face is so CUUUUUUUUUUUTE
“Holy crafrabblegabble…”