What a relief to have the girls back. Thank you, Pablo, for your efforts. It’s what I needed after watching tonight’s debate. You have the answer and the cure to what’s been ailing me.
*slaps forehead with hand*
this is all we need…
another super-cute, super-fun, amnesiac teen.
as to what they were discussing before the VERY interesting interruption…
All hollows eve (Halloween) happens on a blue moon this year.
While 2020 has not been the most fun year in history, it is a leap-year AND a ‘blue-moon’ year (13 full moons during the year).
This means one calendar month has 2 full moons.
For 2020, that month is October with the second full moon being on the very last night of the month… all hallows eve (the first being the VERY first night of the month, the 1st).
The interesting things don’t end there.
The full moons on October 1st, October 31st, AND November 30th are all “micro full moons”.
This means the moon is about as far from the earth (at its apogee) as it gets for all three full moons.
The people who are interested in the wicca beliefs (and in certain other ‘alternative’ beliefs) will place a h*** of a lot of importance on all this (maybe even excessive).
They can be expected to try to arrange very specific incidents due to their beliefs.
Having a national vote 3 days later will also be interesting since “3” has a very strong meaning to them.
love the look on Cassie’s face.
She in absolute shock from this interruption.
There are so many things ‘off’ about this new girl, she has no idea how to proceed.
Myself, I would give her directions and try to find a hiding place in case she gets ‘turned all around’ again.
Well, she’s gonna fit right in with Cas & her crew!
Just let her proceed, when she gets an answer, you’ll have your question.
it appears that’s how she works all right.
she’d be perfect on jeopardy.
What a relief to have the girls back. Thank you, Pablo, for your efforts. It’s what I needed after watching tonight’s debate. You have the answer and the cure to what’s been ailing me.
How utterly adorable… Briar doesn’t just blush with her face, she also blushes with her elbow!
I’m pretty sure its a scraped elbow, to match the band-aid on her nose. This girls seems… a bit clumsy.
Not clumsy per se, she just… tends to forget what walking is
I like her.
Briar, your powerful ADHD energy is noted and appreciated.
It looks to me like her question was “Where is the restroom?”
Band-aid on the Nose? These Girls ALWAYS have a Band-Aid somewhere on their person. Like Les Nessman on KRP, Crud, I just dated myself again.
You probably shouldn’t do that. Does weird things to the time stream.
THAT would be a weird date.
teenaged you dating senior you.
WKRP was the station with more music and Les Nessman
That’d be W, KRP, cause it’s in Cincinnaaatiiiii…
So are we going to talk about the flight dynamics of turkeys?
God as my witness… I thought turkeys could fly…
turkeys CAN fly…
not very far and not very well, but they can.
ask anyone a tom has gotten angry at.
They’d swear that tom flew to scratch them.
It’s almost as if…they were organized…
The answer is always 42… lol
but what is the question?
I don’t understand the answer.
This feels familiar for some reason…*glances in a mirror* Oh.
I know how you feel julie.. slightly what was i saying OOH LOOK BUTTERFLY! didyou know i cleaned my office today.? what were you saying?
Nice touch having Briar refer to it as “your school” rather than “our school” or “the school”. It really emphasizes that she feels like an outsider.
Wow.. Do they have Adderal for Paras?
*slaps forehead with hand*
this is all we need…
another super-cute, super-fun, amnesiac teen.
as to what they were discussing before the VERY interesting interruption…
All hollows eve (Halloween) happens on a blue moon this year.
While 2020 has not been the most fun year in history, it is a leap-year AND a ‘blue-moon’ year (13 full moons during the year).
This means one calendar month has 2 full moons.
For 2020, that month is October with the second full moon being on the very last night of the month… all hallows eve (the first being the VERY first night of the month, the 1st).
The interesting things don’t end there.
The full moons on October 1st, October 31st, AND November 30th are all “micro full moons”.
This means the moon is about as far from the earth (at its apogee) as it gets for all three full moons.
The people who are interested in the wicca beliefs (and in certain other ‘alternative’ beliefs) will place a h*** of a lot of importance on all this (maybe even excessive).
They can be expected to try to arrange very specific incidents due to their beliefs.
Having a national vote 3 days later will also be interesting since “3” has a very strong meaning to them.
and Halloween happens on a Saturday as well.
Just thought I’d note that.
And Friday the 13th occurs on a Tuesday this month. I’d say that’s consistent with the state of just about everything right now…
friday the 13th happens in November of 2020.
fits perfectly with how things are going.
love the look on Cassie’s face.
She in absolute shock from this interruption.
There are so many things ‘off’ about this new girl, she has no idea how to proceed.
Myself, I would give her directions and try to find a hiding place in case she gets ‘turned all around’ again.
Ah yes, one more geek ingredient added the the Pablo cake mix…
geek, nerd, and a few other ingredients.
Yep, the great paranormal melting pot…