Upcoming Interview on Special Edition Flipside After Dark
Saturday, November 7th, at 4pm, join Vixen Littlepaw ( http://linktr.ee/vixenlittlepaw ), Doll147 (http://linktr.ee/doll147 ), and Str8savageMel ( http://linktr.ee/str8savagemel ) for a special edition of Flipside After Dark, with special guest:
Paul Taylor ( https://wapsisquare.com/ ) creator of Wapsi Square, as we discuss his new animated short, “The Library Ghost Story”
starring the voice talents of:
Jenna Birmingham https://www.jennabirmingham.com/
Morgan Berry https://www.themorganberry.com/ and
Jade Asha https://linktr.ee/Jadeasha
will join us as well to talk about the making of this entertaining and spooky film. Come join us on the Flipside.
I can’t wait!
I assume that this will be 4 pm (1600) EST and not EDT since the switch off daylight savings time was on November 1.
That is correct.
https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/edt-to-gmt-converter if you need it!!