Wait, after that bit of rambling there the water is STILL pouring off of her like that? Did Monica forget to close the poit-hole? Is Amanda going to spend the rest of the day walking around with water inexplicably pouring off of her? ;P
Yeah, but I don’t have water pouring off of me for the first two seconds after I leave a bath/pool/shower. Twenty, and it still looks like someone’s dumping a big bucket of it directly onto her head?
I think our favorite comic artist there just really wanted to keep playing with those really awesome water effects. Hard to blame him!
Too bad the milfoil cannot be harvested & turned into something useful, like seaweed. But I have an idea that women would either love or hate having a milfoil treatment.
This plant may be a hidden resource, eventually seen as a valuable cellulose feed stock in a biofuel refinery. Cellulosic ethanol, or butanol fuel are seen by many as growing trends in green fuels (including jet fuel).
That would be good. That’s the sort of plant that should be used. I’ve often thought it a sin to use foodstuffs like corn and rice to make fuel when there are so many going hungry in the world as it is. The demand for rice as fuel making stock has caused the price to go up quite a bit (about 40% I believe), making it that much harder for people who depend on that staple. The introduction of alcohol into fuel has had only a marginal impact on oil usage to begin with, since not that many even use it. Often it has been downright harmful to engines. Overall, I think it’s tadamount to a scam to get more demand going for corn and rice and the like, driving the price up worldwide.
Kudzu. High in sugars, grows fast – on a really good growing day, you can sometimes see the damn stuff grow – is an ecological scourge in the areas where it grows unchecked, and has no other uses save erosion control (if uou can keep it where you want it) and cattle feed (so long as the cows keep moving at all times and keep a close eye on it).
Apparently cows love it and it produces rich sweet milk.
Oh, and i’m told that kudzu tempura is quite good.
Yes, I’ve heard about kudzu. In fact I remember someone singing a little tune he made up about it sometime back. As best as I recall it went like this:
Sung to the tune of the “Green Acres” theme;
Kudddd-zu acres is the place for me
Greeeeen leafies far as I can see
I … gotta keep a movin’ fast
Cause if I don’t it’ll grow right up my … leg
I rode the Southern Crescent down to New Orleans in 1977 (in the last days before AMTRAK took over), and i was in the dome car talking to a couple of British guys who were traveling around the US on a Railpass.
They asked me about things out there that they didn’t recognise – magnolias, for instance.
They were amazed by kudzu. I explained that it was imported on purpose, and they were more amazed. They asked me about the lumps and such in the kudzu.
I said “That tall skinny pile is a power pole – see the wires coming out? And those two tall over there were trrees once, and that looks as if a small barn or house is under that one.
“And see those small humps out in the middle of that field covered with the stuff?”
I remember someone asking an agricultural agent about kudzu as erosion control. One of the questions was how to transplant the stuff, and getting it started. The answer stuck with me: “Cut a strand off an existing plant. Take it out to the area you want to cover, throw the piece on the ground, and run like hell!”
Good to see Amanda has taken it so calmly. Poor Monica, I think that’s the same ear her dog blasted an air horn into to wake her once. And the same ear Amanda yelled into when she reminded Monica that “He’s a dog!” once. She must be down about 5Khz in frequency range of hearing range in it by now.
I believe the large amount of water still splashing about is indicative of the short amount time that has passed since her arrival.
Confidence is high Crystal Palace, I repeat Confidence is high, we have breached the perimeter and made contact, the subject is listening with out reservation.
I just love the way Amanda is still staring blankly over Monica’s head, in the first frame. Total cognitive lockup. As Old Wolf puts it, Blue Screen Of Death.
Me, too. I wonder if Amanda could out-shout Thorax, though…and come to think of it, couldn’t he appear over here to explain the quantum theory behind the poit?
I can totally see me behaving like Monica in this situation. Except I would be looking for a way to harvest that milfoil. I would have trouble wasting a resource by poiting in something to eat it. It’s too easy to end up with a Cane Toad variant, and hey milfoil has to be useful for something.
You see this is what I was talking about not everyone is going to be accepting of Monica and her abilities. (I forget how she acquired them.) I wonder if Amanda will try to burn monica at the stake. The only to make it up to her is to do it to yourself or to not doge the inventible punch in the next comic.
One of the supernatural characters disguised themselves as her great grandmother and taught her how to read glyphs. With that knowledge came power but, as her great grandmother was already dead, when she told her family they had her sectioned.
Well, to be fair, they didn’t send her to the place where the nuts hunt the squirrels until after she apparently tried to commit suicide by throwing herself in front of a bus.
If that is all that Amanda is going to do, then this is going as well as one can expect. I would have thought that a slap to the face was in order; but if yelling is all that Amanda is going to do, then Monica got off light, and should consider herself lucky.
I think that Monica’s matter-of-fact exposition on the conditions of Lake Milford was a deliberate attempt to show Amanda that Mon is capable of rational thought. Of course, the fact that Amanda’s baptism into Monica’s world prompted an abrupt reversal in their respective roles. Last week, it was Amanda who seemed to think of herself as the only rational person in the room. Now it seems that Amanda is the one who has gone bat-hat crazy, and our beloved Monica is about to pull the smugly-stated “I tried to tell you” act.
Nothing convinces a rational skeptic so much as a practical demonstration.
I thought that Monica’s monologue was at best babbling, and at worst callous.
Truly, I think that Monica IS losing her grip, even if the causes are non-imaginary. She refused to even attempt to explain her very weird behaviour, so Amanda got worried enough to go for her phone, resulting in M’s huge overreaction, and now this mess. If I were Amanda, sure I would be forced to believe, but I would also be petrified of my freakishly powerful and unbalanced friend. You know, kind of like everyone else is of Jin. It’s not pretty.
It’s a very often-commented-on ‘fact’ that as the amount of stress increases on a person, the details that they notice (and comment upon) become smaller and smaller, as if the brain is seeking refuge in minutiae. I don’t know if this ‘fact’ is true or not, but it would handily explain Monica’s rumination.
And she deserves it too!
Next up — the interesting explanation! And maybe a warm Poit Towel to dry off.
I think Monica and Bud have a lot more in common than either would like to admit (or know).
…or, come to think, maybe i mean Brandi.
OK, I don’t recognize this avatar, who is it?
Say it . Don’t spray it .
It’s only fair since that’s the second time (in as many days?) that M has drenched Amanda.
Don’t bother the manatees, Monica – send in the weevils>
but only take the lesser ones when you do-
Ouch! Bad reader! No biscuit!
I must be too much of a sci-fi fan. When I first read your reply, my first throught was of these weevils.
Torched Wood, IS nice to dry off by….
I thought the same thing!
Same thought here!
Never having had the desire to see tourchwood, I find myself immune to such misleading thoughts.
Only in places where you’ll have bluegills.
Speaking of blue, have you changed sodas? You seem to have changed into Mr. Pib.
Ewwww. Nasty stuff.
Heh heh…good one…
Oh, the huge manatees!
Bud always said M’s poiting skills left a lot to be desired.
And I’m assuming with the milfoil reference, if this strip were to be in color Amanda would be glowing green?
.I’m sure she says it even more emphatically after waking up in Kevin’s bed without a stitch on..
Monica didn’t expect Amanda to remain calm whilst having her entire world view turned upside down, did she?
Wait, after that bit of rambling there the water is STILL pouring off of her like that? Did Monica forget to close the poit-hole? Is Amanda going to spend the rest of the day walking around with water inexplicably pouring off of her? ;P
Hair and clothes absorb more water than you think.
Looking into milfoil, wikipedia states that it has leaves that are “pinnately divided”. That arrangement does carry a lot of water as well.
Yeah, but I don’t have water pouring off of me for the first two seconds after I leave a bath/pool/shower. Twenty, and it still looks like someone’s dumping a big bucket of it directly onto her head?
I think our favorite comic artist there just really wanted to keep playing with those really awesome water effects. Hard to blame him!
Well, Monica says “I brought some of the lake with you” – what if that’s a sort of “bubble of water, suspended in mid-air?
I just read Monica’s speech out loud and clocked it at 20 secs. That isn’t that long in terms of getting dry.
Too bad the milfoil cannot be harvested & turned into something useful, like seaweed. But I have an idea that women would either love or hate having a milfoil treatment.
From the WIkipedia article on aquatic milfoil:
That would be good. That’s the sort of plant that should be used. I’ve often thought it a sin to use foodstuffs like corn and rice to make fuel when there are so many going hungry in the world as it is. The demand for rice as fuel making stock has caused the price to go up quite a bit (about 40% I believe), making it that much harder for people who depend on that staple. The introduction of alcohol into fuel has had only a marginal impact on oil usage to begin with, since not that many even use it. Often it has been downright harmful to engines. Overall, I think it’s tadamount to a scam to get more demand going for corn and rice and the like, driving the price up worldwide.
Kudzu. High in sugars, grows fast – on a really good growing day, you can sometimes see the damn stuff grow – is an ecological scourge in the areas where it grows unchecked, and has no other uses save erosion control (if uou can keep it where you want it) and cattle feed (so long as the cows keep moving at all times and keep a close eye on it).
Apparently cows love it and it produces rich sweet milk.
Oh, and i’m told that kudzu tempura is quite good.
Yes, I’ve heard about kudzu. In fact I remember someone singing a little tune he made up about it sometime back. As best as I recall it went like this:
Sung to the tune of the “Green Acres” theme;
Kudddd-zu acres is the place for me
Greeeeen leafies far as I can see
I … gotta keep a movin’ fast
Cause if I don’t it’ll grow right up my … leg
That’s all I remember. fortunately.
Cows love it, but there are places near here with kudzu-covered lumps which I’m pretty sure are cows that didn’t eat fast enough…
I rode the Southern Crescent down to New Orleans in 1977 (in the last days before AMTRAK took over), and i was in the dome car talking to a couple of British guys who were traveling around the US on a Railpass.
They asked me about things out there that they didn’t recognise – magnolias, for instance.
They were amazed by kudzu. I explained that it was imported on purpose, and they were more amazed. They asked me about the lumps and such in the kudzu.
I said “That tall skinny pile is a power pole – see the wires coming out? And those two tall over there were trrees once, and that looks as if a small barn or house is under that one.
“And see those small humps out in the middle of that field covered with the stuff?”
They allowed as how they did.
“Those,” i said, “are probably slow cows…”
And for a couple seconds they almost bought it.
I remember someone asking an agricultural agent about kudzu as erosion control. One of the questions was how to transplant the stuff, and getting it started. The answer stuck with me: “Cut a strand off an existing plant. Take it out to the area you want to cover, throw the piece on the ground, and run like hell!”
There’s also switchgrass. And the main challenge IMHO is to improve production efficiency…
A perfectly reasonable reaction.
I love the detail on Monica’s mouth as it’s rippling in the shockwave blast of Amanda’s explosive query. I’ve heard of a spit-take, but this… ;-P
Actually, i just noticed that that’s not the most impressive demonstration of Amanda’s volume – consider Monica’s boobs…
Amanda has regained her senses………..Finally!
No, she’s still experiencing culture shock.
Blue Screen of Death.
Heh heh heh heh heh…
Sure wish this BBS would allow embedded pictures…
Good to see Amanda has taken it so calmly. Poor Monica, I think that’s the same ear her dog blasted an air horn into to wake her once. And the same ear Amanda yelled into when she reminded Monica that “He’s a dog!” once. She must be down about 5Khz in frequency range of hearing range in it by now.
I believe the large amount of water still splashing about is indicative of the short amount time that has passed since her arrival.
I must say, I am impressed with Amanda’s self control. I mean, her hands aren’t around Monica’s throat.
Agreed! Personally, I’d have gone for the hair. Painful as hell, but not exactly a death-threat. >:)
She should a least towel herself off with Monica. It would at least give M a partial taste of her own medicine.
@eschmenk that is possibly what christi refered to
Confidence is high Crystal Palace, I repeat Confidence is high, we have breached the perimeter and made contact, the subject is listening with out reservation.
That’s a big 10-roger!
Mixing your radiofors?
Called It!
So you did. However, we are deducting points for failure to indicate overtones of mayhem, water splatter, and teeth being rattled.
Not to mention the progressing degree and quantity of punctuation. Still, you got it word for word.
Monica’s mouth at the bottom: Priceless.
I just love the way Amanda is still staring blankly over Monica’s head, in the first frame. Total cognitive lockup. As Old Wolf puts it, Blue Screen Of Death.
It’s milfoil. Green Screen of Death.
Isn’t it comics tradition, at moments like this, that a tiny drum is shown being pushed out the other ear?
Or a micro-chip, placed there by inimical alien abductors…
I think I’m the only one who got that reference.
Oh, no, there are other Pibgorn fans here …
Yep .
Me, too. I wonder if Amanda could out-shout Thorax, though…and come to think of it, couldn’t he appear over here to explain the quantum theory behind the poit?
We’re everywhere!
@txmystic: He’s going back for another cheeseburger with fried onions and a side of coleslaw.
Thorax?…I think I just saw him on the sidewalk with a table, chair and sign “A Penny for Your Poits!”
…Not quite sure about that, but it’s pretty funny due to Monica’s deadpanning.
Damfino. I didn’t understand it either.
Crowning Moment Of Funny.
Notice that the ! increase with each word Amanda yells…
Next strip will feature the phrase “Can I go again?”
Hey, it’s HOT there right now…
So are they.
I’m betting that Darren’s the next person to be told of the situation and I’m not sure if that would be good or bad for the people around him.
I want a poster of the bottom panel… for my office.
I totally agree. I’d love to have that hanging in my office.
Just click the “buy a print” button below the comic and in the note section, request just the bottom panel if you don’t want the whole comic.
I can totally see me behaving like Monica in this situation. Except I would be looking for a way to harvest that milfoil. I would have trouble wasting a resource by poiting in something to eat it. It’s too easy to end up with a Cane Toad variant, and hey milfoil has to be useful for something.
Well … I don’t blame her.
I’m shocked that Amanda’s head didn’t explode.
First time I’ve ever seen a woman angry when she’s wet (ROTFLMAO)
Madder than a wet hen?
LOL… I think that that’s a logical reaction XD.
You see this is what I was talking about not everyone is going to be accepting of Monica and her abilities. (I forget how she acquired them.) I wonder if Amanda will try to burn monica at the stake. The only to make it up to her is to do it to yourself or to not doge the inventible punch in the next comic.
One of the supernatural characters disguised themselves as her great grandmother and taught her how to read glyphs. With that knowledge came power but, as her great grandmother was already dead, when she told her family they had her sectioned.
Well, to be fair, they didn’t send her to the place where the nuts hunt the squirrels until after she apparently tried to commit suicide by throwing herself in front of a bus.
If that is all that Amanda is going to do, then this is going as well as one can expect. I would have thought that a slap to the face was in order; but if yelling is all that Amanda is going to do, then Monica got off light, and should consider herself lucky.
I’d ask Amanda to get a grip, but she clearly already has one.
Milfoil. Ha!
I think that Monica’s matter-of-fact exposition on the conditions of Lake Milford was a deliberate attempt to show Amanda that Mon is capable of rational thought. Of course, the fact that Amanda’s baptism into Monica’s world prompted an abrupt reversal in their respective roles. Last week, it was Amanda who seemed to think of herself as the only rational person in the room. Now it seems that Amanda is the one who has gone bat-hat crazy, and our beloved Monica is about to pull the smugly-stated “I tried to tell you” act.
Nothing convinces a rational skeptic so much as a practical demonstration.
I thought that Monica’s monologue was at best babbling, and at worst callous.
Truly, I think that Monica IS losing her grip, even if the causes are non-imaginary. She refused to even attempt to explain her very weird behaviour, so Amanda got worried enough to go for her phone, resulting in M’s huge overreaction, and now this mess. If I were Amanda, sure I would be forced to believe, but I would also be petrified of my freakishly powerful and unbalanced friend. You know, kind of like everyone else is of Jin. It’s not pretty.
It’s a very often-commented-on ‘fact’ that as the amount of stress increases on a person, the details that they notice (and comment upon) become smaller and smaller, as if the brain is seeking refuge in minutiae. I don’t know if this ‘fact’ is true or not, but it would handily explain Monica’s rumination.
Oh, and ‘milfoil’ is a really funny word. Snerk.
I mentioned this in a recent comment, way, way up there, so i thought i’d mention it here, too:
Yes, the way that Monica’s hair and lips have been displaced by the force of Amanda’s blast is cool.
But the boob-squishing effect is just plain incredible.
Hey! It worked! Hello LadyWolf,OldWolf,fairportfan and anyone else from the Couch!
Dam! What LUNGS! How does someone with such a slender torso pack such a powerful diaphragm???
Attention Deficit… Ooooh, Shiny!