If Justin’s healing factor protects him from petrification, he would be very appealing to a gorgon. I imagine that a having a man who could look into her eyes while making love would be a novel experience. So, yes, I am one of those who suspects that Euryale could be one of Justin’s exes.
re: previous comic to this comic transition: Gotta figure a guy who makes his living as a cop knows the difference between teenage crush/awkwardness and /real/ crazy. Justin seems to be taking all this in stride.
It appears Shelly, Justin, Bud, and Brandi did indeed sit down and talk. It also appears Paul spared us that particular scene as it would possibly be boring.
Now, both Justin and Shelly seem to have a handle on exactly what had been up with Bud.
I wonder how long Bud’s face will give a reasonable representation of a traffic light… snicker.
Sounds dangerous… given that GGs are capable of emitting and/or harnessing incredible amounts of energy.
It would be unfortunate to trigger a blush so severe that the resulting infra-red heat emissions set fire to the building, melt the neighborhood down into a crater, etc.
He will have to be, as this day is not yet over and there are many more persons to meet. Hehe, I hope he meets phix in human form! Hey: the library contains anything ever written doesn’t it? Does that include case files? O_O
On other news: our lovely barista looks a bit…deranged to me today. The smile, the eyes and the disshelved hair…cursed friday!
Paul, you are the reason I can no longer enjoy the coming of the weekend as I used to!
…Unless the Happy Hunting Ground is a ‘plain’ of existence. Embarrased to say I don’t know which group of Native Americans that religious element belongs to….
When the comic first went up there were a couple of grammatical mistakes:
The correct term is “plane” but it had “plain”.
It also said “I’d trust her with me life” when the correct phrase is that “I’d trust her with my life”.
I did wonder if the “me life” was deliberate but I don’t think that Shelly’s a cockney.
DangerDanger. There’s a phenomenon sometimes called Thaw, which occurs in many years due to a shift in the North American weather patterns in late January and early February. A week, or several weeks of what seem like unseasonably mild weather occur… snow melts, birds chirp, people walk around in spring clothing… and then FOOMP the cold winter weather returns. I remember it well from my college days in Rochester NY… it can be a cruel snare and delusion if you let your guard down and think that spring has actually arrived.
Don’t worry this year–we didn’t get a January thaw, since it wasn’t that cold up until then. It’s getting colder now, but only about to the seasonal average.
Is it me or all the Wapsi!girls are putting their best ..”foot”.. forward when introduced to Justin for the first time (cf. Brandi’s stance yesterday and Tina’s today)?.
That could also be why Shelly decided to hit Bud’s and Brandi’s place first. Chalk it up as good planning on Shelly’s part and good perception on Brandi’s.
There are plenty of police departments who have been willing to take an occasional tip from a local psychic during a difficult investigation… and having people blurt out unexpected information or clues is a detective’s bread and butter.
Even if Justin were an ordinary cop without hus own paranormal characteristics, he might actually find Tina’s perceptive-but-enigmatic behavior to be not all that unusual… “odd but nice”.
Her eyes, though… I guess it would depend on whether he thinks she has a thing for wearing really odd cosmetic contact lenses.
It looks like the four DID get their little ‘talk’ and Bud’s earlier… indiscretions… were revealed for the truth.
It appears Justin fully understands the situation now and looks to be amused.
Paul just spared us the conversation.
It also appears somebody has put out the word Shelly’s taking her boyfriend around to meet the group. Most likely, that ‘someone’ was Brandi.
This brings to mind certain discussions in recent weeks about a particular ‘fan club’. How do you think that fan club is reacting? Are there more eyes watching this then possibly Shelly and the rest of the group know?
I think Tina is saying just what she means… in a matter of speaking.
She knows that Shelly and Justin have had a vigorous and passionate sex life… remember, she told Shelly not to confuse this with real intimacy (with the clear implication that Shelly and Justin were not being truly intimate with one another).
Now, one of her is using Tina Standard Enigmatic phrasing to say “Hey, keep on communicating like that, and the communication will become even more rewarding to you two than the sex has been.”
Real intimacy has begun, for these two… it’ll be good for Shelly and I suspect it’ll be a godsend for Justin. How long has it been since he’s had anyone in his life to whom he can open up and unburden himself… maybe never, given his nature and experiences.
Grayscale isn’t Nudge-speak any more… Nudge was forcibly expelled from Tina’s Collective by Phix and we haven’t been given any indication that Nudge has moved back in. These days, grayscale seems to indicate that one of Tina’s numerous demons is speaking out independently, without consulting with the rest of the collective, but I don’t think we’ve been given information as to which specific Tina-demon is speaking.
In fact, I don’t think we really know names/terms for most of those demons. There may well be a Doubt among them, but the majority of the psychological/emotional/demonic attributes which make up the gang currently animating Tina haven’t been individually identified. It certainly seems that Lust isn’t in control of the Collective, though.
Tina is a very interesting character… more overtly fragmented than most of us are, but really not all that different. “Each of us has many within, and one who watches. Let the many pass; be the one who watches.”
I’m thinking Grayscale for Tina 2.0 sans Nudge is one of the other demons “taking control” – and speaking in a completely different voice as “regular” Tina.
Kinda like going from sweet-singsongy voice to “There is no Dana, there is only Zuul” kind of voice…
Hmm. So they made it through meeting Brandi and Bud relatively unscathed. Now I wonder what sort of nuggets of wisdom Tina is going to serve up with their coffees?
He’s a cop… I’d almost stick him with a Gibbs-style “black, pinch of salt, no frufru” (that’s Marine/Navy according to my dad). Justin’s aversion to wierd may extend to every possible corner of his life…
Nahh, that is too expected. Justin will take large double caffeine with a caffeine depth charge, 3 sweet and lows, a shot of cream and a blueberry muffin.
A lot of people are suprised by how much of a difference a pinch of salt in the brew baket makes to a pot of coffee, and very few people can detect it as ‘salt’.
Unless you overdo it- then it’s kinda undrinkable.
Knowing what kind of bresty Jastin is would be nice but I still want to know about Monica. She seems to be in the “too powerful to mention openly” catagory. If she is not Voldemort what, or who, is she? I think Paul is saving something good for us.
Monica was appointed the lead on the CM assignment. On the Jin problem, Monica was the reasearcher but Bud took the lead on that. Now it’s Shelly’s turn in the limelight.
Whilst it’s not, technically, a demotion, because it the CM assignment always had a limited time to run, it would probably feel like that to Monica.
In short, I don’t think Monica is at the top of everybodies’ thoughts any more. Too much has passed since the CM problem was fixed for eveyone to be in the habit of looking to Monica.
At least she’s fully clothed, not that I’d mind it much, as I’m a guy, but compared to some of the latte stands business practices around here, Tina doesn’t need to worry about how she’s dressed, I’d still buy my mocha’s from her any day, even if she were dressed in a full cold-water survival suit like the ones they use up in the arctic ocean.
Uh oh. I think I just realized that this gentle Friday relief may be a cliffhanger after all.
If I recall correctly, isn’t/wasn’t Tina 1.0 sort of “on the run” and staying out of sight… daughter of a dead drug lord? Might Justin possibly recognize her at some point, as a “person of interest” wanted for questioning in some other jurisdiction? How would Tina 2.0 deal with that?
or, is Tina’s past truly in the past, and going to stay there?
If she was on the run, it was probably from her father, because the newspaper clippings that Tina 2.0 found in Tina 1.0’s apartment included one that said something like “Drug Lord’s Daughter to Testify”.
First of all, her father and his ‘business’ has been… removed if those same news clippings have any meaning.
Second, It has been quite a few years.
and last, I doubt very much anybody searching for her could be a match for her. Even if they were, I am pretty certain they wouldn’t be a match against her friends.
If i remember correctly, doesn’t one of those clippings say something to the effect that the “drug lord’s daughter missing!” or was killed? something to that effect?
Tina is never ever going to live that parallel parking incident down. Just like Bud is never going to live down destroying Monica’s island. It will haunt them to the end of their days.
Think about it… just how difficult would it be to run over your own arm while driving in ANY manner (even if you wished to)? Leave it to Tina to achieve the impossible.
But there is that old cliche’… everything is impossible until the first time it’s done.
I’m still not sure that sandbar has been destroyed. Bud said it had a smoking crater last time she saw it.
Think about this. Even if the sub had its full load of torpedoes, its fuel tanks were full (unlikely with the time span), and it all exploded in the most effective manner… it would still not be enough to scatter the sand of the entire sandbar.
Also, there would not be a ‘smoking crater’ if the sand bar had been destroyed. Things under water don’t tend to smoke very well.
The art is exquisite today, Tina more so. But then I only had a half-pot of coffee for breakfast this morning instead of my usual full pot so maybe I’m still a bit “slow”.
I get one Guinness a year, and maybe a six-pack of Shiner Bock (well I get to drink 5 of them, the other one is for boiling the brats in). So as much as I would enjoy a brown ale from time to time, it ain’t in the budget.
I got a definite impression one doesn’t ‘need to meet’ Euryale. She ‘happens’ to people.
As an enthusiastic member of a certain fan club, she is very likely to ‘happen’ a lot more often to the gang (especially Monica).
If the fan club DOES have fore knowledge of major events in the group’s future, Euryale would know of Shelly’s ‘friend-meeting tour’ with Justin AND she will ‘happen’ to meet them (most likely at Tina’s or Monica’s).
No, the fan club would only know events up to when Shelly entered the Time Forest, because that’s all Shellinx would be aware of. After her return, she’s sharing the same timeline (and same arrow of time, technically) with the fans.
Assuming Shelly wrote all this down for a fan club to read, of course. Paul still hasn’t said for certain.
On the other hand, there’s only one vimana cell that we know of that existed outside Earth. Seems that someone may have written an awful lot of non-fiction about it.
His training, experience, and healing factor should keep him quite safe from anything up to your usual run-of-the-mill arch-villain (i see SWAT or MIB in his future); but word will get out to ‘paras’ not to anger his girl friend and her cronies (especially if a certain fan club is involved).
I think the level of ‘major para-crime’ is about to take a steep dive; but ‘minor para-crime’ will be climbing sharply as the ‘fan club’ hopes to get a peek at OTB.
I have to consider. What would happen the next time Justin and some of his fellow officers are sent to the hospital (or grave) by villains, especially if the villains escaped justice?
I don't think it would matter if the villains were paranormals, do you?
I wouldn’t put vengeance past either Shelly or Bud if Justin is seriously injured (even with his healing factor).
Though she’d be unlikely to be as involved, Jin would also a force to be reckoned with.
Euryale would definitely get involved and, disregarding her own abilities at the moment, we don’t know anything about the ‘fan club’ she supposedly is a member of except we have seen signs it is quite extensive.
But Brandi or Monica? let’s just say if I could deal with the others, either or both of those two would STILL send me screaming into the night in terror. A woman who is generally calm is NOT a woman to be angered.
I feel like adding to the questions but the only things I can think of are “What is MacGuyver’s first name?” and “What company makes Swiss Army Knives?” and I don’t think those really count.
As far as Swiss Army Knives…
There are only TWO companies that are authorized to use the Official Swiss Army name, Victorinox and Wenger.
Accept NO substitutes!
The Swiss are neutral because, up until Napoleon, they were pretty successful at war as mercenaries. So good, that eventually they were “outlawed”, except for the Pope’s Swiss Guard.
And they have a citizen army to defend themselves. In their mountains, they are pretty good at that–in WW II, they managed to remain unconquered between Germany and Italy because (1) Hitler didn’t want to take on their army, and (2) they were more useful as neutrals.
United Network Command for Law and Enforcement is the expansion of UNCLE, but you’ve got me on their opponent. I yield to those who use a search engine… I remember how much I liked “The Man from UNCLE” when it was on the air, with Napoleon Solo and Ilya Kuryakin. Man, those were the days!
If someone tells me the names of the actors in “The Man From UNCLE”, I can tell you which one(s) are the NCIS team… and if necessary, what seasons they’ve appeared in. *tries really hard not to fangirl*
Normally I would read through all the comments before posting, but as sleep deprived as I have been recently I’m just jumping in to say I’ve never seen Shelly so beautiful, confident, happy and assured, and it makes me so happy
I agree with you on the Library and Nudge but I think he will meet Phix soon. After alll, Phix is going to be training Shelly how to control her sphinx side. I think Phix is going to make an appearance to reassure Justin that Shelly’s in good hands.
If they’re hitching a ride it’ll be down to 3 people:
Monica, Brandi or Tepoz
Jin and May never seemed to pay much attention to The Library. Bud wants nothing to do with Phix.
I included Tepoz because he transported Nudge to Shelly after Shelly became a sphinx. However, Monica and Brandi are the ones in the gang who seem to spend the most time there so I’d say it’s more likely that it’s one of those two.
Personally, I think Brandi is the better choice as, given the reason for the lessons, it’s good that she’s immortal and indestructable.
I think Shelly would prefer Bud, as they are closer, but I don’t see Bud giving Phix a chance.
There is always a door to the annex as Phix said to Tina after she tried to get Monica to let Amanda in on the secret (http://wapsisquare.com/comic/no-need/). If you are not wanted in the door just opens into an empty building so they don’t need a teleporter.
Could I have everybody look up here, please?
Could I have everybody look up here, please?
Could I have everybody look up here, please?
STOP! How many times have you done that?
I can’t remember. Could I have everybody look up here, please?
So these are the people in your neighborhood,
they’re in your neighborhood,
they’re in your neigh-bor-hood, Oh!
These are the people in your neighborhood;
they’re the people that you meet,
as you’re walking down the street,
they’re the people that you meet each day….
The demonbarrista is a person in your neighborhood,
She makes hot drinks and tells disturbing truths.
Oh, the demonbarrista is a person in your neighborhood…
A person who you see each day!
I somehow don’t think Nudge had to take that beating from Tina. She was probably allowing catharsis for Tina. The beating from Shelly, well they were good friends in the future backwards running time. She probably took it for their future friendship knowing the future Shelly would appreciate what she did. JM2cnts.
That is a good question. I would think that if his regeneration is fueled by physical trauma then it would not affect aging which is a slower non traumatic action. In fact aging might be considered a genetically programed event like growth for another reason why he may age like an ordinary human.
even in the case of physical trauma, there would have to be a “template” to guide the restoration – especially of big chunks of flesh were completely absent. if the template were unchanging, then the body would not change with time either.
Amnesty International is right!
John Cleese organized the first benefit, Pleasure at Her Majesty’s(1976). This was followed by: The Secret Policeman’s Ball(1979), The Secret Policeman’s Other Ball(1981), The Secret Policeman’s Third Ball(1987) and The Secret Policeman’s Biggest Ball(1989).
OMG! She took him to the Barista. *shakes head*
And yes, I’m sure it will.
And hey I think we have an answer to the ‘missing arm’ thing…
he seems to be wearing his jacket ‘over his shoulders’ without putting his arms in..
That or he’s getting over another stint as The Black Knight.
Very European.
good eyes. It does indeed look like his jacket is just draped.
I think the MOST interesting is when they meet Euryale (Medusa’s sister, the researching gorgon).
Remember, Euryale is a major member of a certain fan club. She is also somebody Brandi would NOT contact to tell about Shelly and Justin.
If Euryale STILL recognizes Justin and his association with Shelly; that would be VERY revealing.
In fact, Euryale could easily be one of Justin’s earlier (but not necessarily abusive) ‘encounters”
Imagine if her for words when she sees them together are “OH >>>gush<<< YOU FINALLY HAVE MET HER !!!".
If Justin’s healing factor protects him from petrification, he would be very appealing to a gorgon. I imagine that a having a man who could look into her eyes while making love would be a novel experience. So, yes, I am one of those who suspects that Euryale could be one of Justin’s exes.
re: previous comic to this comic transition: Gotta figure a guy who makes his living as a cop knows the difference between teenage crush/awkwardness and /real/ crazy. Justin seems to be taking all this in stride.
It appears Shelly, Justin, Bud, and Brandi did indeed sit down and talk. It also appears Paul spared us that particular scene as it would possibly be boring.
Now, both Justin and Shelly seem to have a handle on exactly what had been up with Bud.
I wonder how long Bud’s face will give a reasonable representation of a traffic light… snicker.
Hmmm…can you make one of the gg blush hard enough to actually glow? now on Mythbusters!
Sounds dangerous… given that GGs are capable of emitting and/or harnessing incredible amounts of energy.
It would be unfortunate to trigger a blush so severe that the resulting infra-red heat emissions set fire to the building, melt the neighborhood down into a crater, etc.
Just remember: we’re professionals… don’t do this at home…
Definitely doing Daren’s dance in the last panel here this whole past week: http://wapsisquare.com/comic/waitaminute/
They’re talking, they’re taaaaaalking
Be strong Justin… XD
He will have to be, as this day is not yet over and there are many more persons to meet. Hehe, I hope he meets phix in human form! Hey: the library contains anything ever written doesn’t it? Does that include case files? O_O
On other news: our lovely barista looks a bit…deranged to me today. The smile, the eyes and the disshelved hair…cursed friday!
Paul, you are the reason I can no longer enjoy the coming of the weekend as I used to!
Lets call it what it is. Tina looks damn right loony. It looks like she busted out of the loony bin for
Extreamly Hot Chicks.
Are you kidding? I’m looking forward to him meeting Nudge!
Julie, you are a corker! That strikes me as very very funny. Oh dear!!! Sluurrpp!
As am I. I half-expect recognition (no uppercase “R”!) when that happens.
hmmm… Recognition on Nudge’s part, but not Justin’s.
Nudge is a possession-type demon. I think it would be highly unlikely Nudge was possessing a woman who looked anywhere close to her if she met Justin.
@Valkeiper: Nudge isn’t a demon. i’m not sure if it was said explicitly, but I think somebody in comic, said she’s a demi-god??
Gasp my next button just lit up! Yay!
How many times will Tina manage to run her arm over while parking???
And… what was Jim Carey’s first TV movie?
Introducing… Janet(1983) aka: Rubber Face
what does Jim Carrey or the movie have to do with this?
I don’t understand.
The comic was a few hours late today. Whilst waiting, Joe, on yesterday’s comic, started a quiz to keep us occupied. See yesterday for more details.
Correction: “See yeterday’s comic for more details.”
LOL, you had it right the first time and your ‘correction’ was wrong.
Ahhh, I see.
with that and the thing on Shelly’s speech going on, i thought my brain had flown south without taking me along… again.
thank you.
Psst Paul — Plane of existence.
Oopsie. =) *hugs* Hit refresh.
What is the matter with Shelly’s use of the term?
It fits. I don’t understand what’s wrong.
By the time you saw it, Paul had probably corrected a misspelling.
oh, thank you.
Tina’s in rare form today.
Not to nit-pick, but as a nit-pick, “plane” of existence, unless you mean the Great Plains…
Not to mention: “…trust her with me life as well.”
“my life” is correct.
I just re-read the comic and I see what you mean.
Then again, the mistake could be Shelly’s rather than Paul’s?
That, or the forest was Irish…..
You got there first. Good.
Or maybe, ‘plan’ of existence – yeah, makes no sense either….
And, who is speaking out of turn about sex and communications?
…Unless the Happy Hunting Ground is a ‘plain’ of existence. Embarrased to say I don’t know which group of Native Americans that religious element belongs to….
ok, I n officially BAFFLED.
I see nothing wrong with Shelly’s terminology; but I’m apparently the only one.
Usually, I the one explaining some vague concept to others; but I am completely baffled as to what is wrong here.
I see nothing wrong. Would somebody PLEASE explain?
When the comic first went up there were a couple of grammatical mistakes:
The correct term is “plane” but it had “plain”.
It also said “I’d trust her with me life” when the correct phrase is that “I’d trust her with my life”.
I did wonder if the “me life” was deliberate but I don’t think that Shelly’s a cockney.
oh, understood.
Thank you.
I thought I was missing something obvious to everybody else. Usually, it’s the other way around.
it was refreshing to think that. you can’t imagine how refreshing.
Glad to help.
“Plains” of existence is oddly appropriate to Tina. “Oh, bury me not, on the lone prairie…”
She is so perceptive that it is impossible to buffalo her, even if she does deliberately herd herself on occasion.
(drops a handful of nickels into the Pun Jar.. it would be redundant for me to say just what kind of nickels, wouldn’t it?)
excellent way to hit us all with mental puns.
… Either Tina’s redecorated or they’re outside… on a really nice day, considering the season…
The background appears to be part of the second panel while Tina is shooting up into it from the third.
It has been unseasonably warm the last couple of days. That, and some Minnesotans do start dressing for Spring after New Year’s…
DangerDanger. There’s a phenomenon sometimes called Thaw, which occurs in many years due to a shift in the North American weather patterns in late January and early February. A week, or several weeks of what seem like unseasonably mild weather occur… snow melts, birds chirp, people walk around in spring clothing… and then FOOMP the cold winter weather returns. I remember it well from my college days in Rochester NY… it can be a cruel snare and delusion if you let your guard down and think that spring has actually arrived.
Don’t worry this year–we didn’t get a January thaw, since it wasn’t that cold up until then. It’s getting colder now, but only about to the seasonal average.
Interesting you should mention that; we have the same False Spring in Oregon, and it just ended Wednesday.
Is it me or all the Wapsi!girls are putting their best ..”foot”.. forward when introduced to Justin for the first time (cf. Brandi’s stance yesterday and Tina’s today)?.
I’d guess after what happened with Bud, Brandi has put the word out in the Wapsiverse.
“Today is Meet Shelly’s Boyfriend Day. Be on your best behavior.”
“Also, dress to impress!”
well, that makes sense.
That could also be why Shelly decided to hit Bud’s and Brandi’s place first. Chalk it up as good planning on Shelly’s part and good perception on Brandi’s.
or maybe just.. “wow! a real hunk!!! this ‘Officer Tight Buns’ is really …. mmmmmmh!!! :)”
I dont think I’ve ever seen her put such a good appearance…

I’m thinking about something more on the lines of pheromones. That would nicely explain why Off. Tightbuns is such a hit with paranormals.
Here we go!
Jim Carrey’s first TV movie was: Introducing… Janet(1983).
aka: Rubber Face.
Yay! I did not know that. Thanks, Joe!
So what… half right then?
Full credit for guessing right, but minus 1/2 for taking two guesses.
I thought it was Earth Girls Are Easy. First Jim Carrey movie I ever saw.
Ohkay.. Justin’s apparently accepting:
-Teeny-crushing Golem
Buuut.. A Demon Collective with a habit of blurting-out unpleasant truths at times?? That míght be a bit too much.
Unpleasant? nah… embarrassing, yes.
There are plenty of police departments who have been willing to take an occasional tip from a local psychic during a difficult investigation… and having people blurt out unexpected information or clues is a detective’s bread and butter.
Even if Justin were an ordinary cop without hus own paranormal characteristics, he might actually find Tina’s perceptive-but-enigmatic behavior to be not all that unusual… “odd but nice”.
Her eyes, though… I guess it would depend on whether he thinks she has a thing for wearing really odd cosmetic contact lenses.
All I have to say is “yay finally, now I sleep till Monday”.
I wonder how they straightened out the misunderstanding with Bud.
It looks like the four DID get their little ‘talk’ and Bud’s earlier… indiscretions… were revealed for the truth.
It appears Justin fully understands the situation now and looks to be amused.
Paul just spared us the conversation.
It also appears somebody has put out the word Shelly’s taking her boyfriend around to meet the group. Most likely, that ‘someone’ was Brandi.
This brings to mind certain discussions in recent weeks about a particular ‘fan club’. How do you think that fan club is reacting? Are there more eyes watching this then possibly Shelly and the rest of the group know?
I think perhaps Tina may mean the communication will almost be as good as the sex, but maybe I’m mistaken.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Tina’s aim is a direct bull’s eye that nobody else is yet aware of (it seems to be a habit of hers).
I think Tina is saying just what she means… in a matter of speaking.
She knows that Shelly and Justin have had a vigorous and passionate sex life… remember, she told Shelly not to confuse this with real intimacy (with the clear implication that Shelly and Justin were not being truly intimate with one another).
Now, one of her is using Tina Standard Enigmatic phrasing to say “Hey, keep on communicating like that, and the communication will become even more rewarding to you two than the sex has been.”
Real intimacy has begun, for these two… it’ll be good for Shelly and I suspect it’ll be a godsend for Justin. How long has it been since he’s had anyone in his life to whom he can open up and unburden himself… maybe never, given his nature and experiences.
Well, we’ve been told of some of his “experiences”, but I’m sure there’s more to that story.
Thing is, we still don’t know what or truly who he is. I’m still waiting for that shoe to drop.
Yeah, but she’s talking in Grayscale Nudge again, so it’s all kind of up for grabs.
Grayscale isn’t Nudge-speak any more… Nudge was forcibly expelled from Tina’s Collective by Phix and we haven’t been given any indication that Nudge has moved back in. These days, grayscale seems to indicate that one of Tina’s numerous demons is speaking out independently, without consulting with the rest of the collective, but I don’t think we’ve been given information as to which specific Tina-demon is speaking.
In fact, I don’t think we really know names/terms for most of those demons. There may well be a Doubt among them, but the majority of the psychological/emotional/demonic attributes which make up the gang currently animating Tina haven’t been individually identified. It certainly seems that Lust isn’t in control of the Collective, though.
Tina is a very interesting character… more overtly fragmented than most of us are, but really not all that different. “Each of us has many within, and one who watches. Let the many pass; be the one who watches.”
I’m thinking Grayscale for Tina 2.0 sans Nudge is one of the other demons “taking control” – and speaking in a completely different voice as “regular” Tina.
Kinda like going from sweet-singsongy voice to “There is no Dana, there is only Zuul” kind of voice…
If you really think that that is what she means, then quite frankly I am sorry for you.
His 1st TV show was ‘The Duck Factory’.
Why do I remember that?
Oh, goody. A visit with Talky Tina!
and she likes him!
That’s good.
Heh. Considering what happened to Telly Savalas, yes, it’s a Very Good Thing.
That was interesting.
I’m now intrigued by Bloody Mallory but it doesn’t sound like something I’d go out of my way to watch.
Read write up on Amazon as Wikipedia tends to give spoilers.
That bloody Mallory wouldn’t exactly fit in with GGG; but I’d want to give her a wide berth.
Axe-Killing her husband on their wedding simply because she discovered he was a demon?
Ok, ok… she had the excuse she thought he was going to sacrifice her, so it could be considered ‘self-defense’; but SHEESH!
I love Tina. She’s my favorite character. Especially the way she looks here!
Is it just me, or does Tina look a little more crazier than usual?
She’s especially … odd … looking today.
I think it’s the crooked grin and the one bit of hair that seems to be interested in finding the ceiling.
Outfit-wise, she’s looking great though!
I noticed the eyelashes, and then that Shelly’s are also prominent. It may just be artistic experimentation.
I wonder if Bud has realised that if she could blush she could change her appearance.
I don’t think that was exactly the ‘change’ she desired.
But it works for me.
bu then that could just be the ‘perception field’ – if someone behaves that panicky, you would ‘expect’ her to blush, sweat, etc..
Hmm. So they made it through meeting Brandi and Bud relatively unscathed. Now I wonder what sort of nuggets of wisdom Tina is going to serve up with their coffees?
I wonder what kind of coffee Tina’s perception will choose for Justin?
He’s a cop… I’d almost stick him with a Gibbs-style “black, pinch of salt, no frufru” (that’s Marine/Navy according to my dad). Justin’s aversion to wierd may extend to every possible corner of his life…
Nahh, that is too expected. Justin will take large double caffeine with a caffeine depth charge, 3 sweet and lows, a shot of cream and a blueberry muffin.
A lot of people are suprised by how much of a difference a pinch of salt in the brew baket makes to a pot of coffee, and very few people can detect it as ‘salt’.
Unless you overdo it- then it’s kinda undrinkable.
A wee bit of cinnamon works too, as an alternative to salt.
I like how this storyline has turned — things looked entirely too bleak there for a bit! O.O
But I’m still curious—–just WHAT is Justin?!?!?!? The girls have “bared all” in more ways than one, now it should be HIS turn.
I’m sure that Paul will get around to it, it’s just we have a bit more introductions to go yet… she still has to meet Monica, Tepoz, Phix, etc. etc…
and I’m glad to have been proven wrong about my theory of the dark side to Brandi.
Knowing what kind of bresty Jastin is would be nice but I still want to know about Monica. She seems to be in the “too powerful to mention openly” catagory. If she is not Voldemort what, or who, is she? I think Paul is saving something good for us.
I meant “Beasty”… Freudian slip, was thinking about Monica.
Monica was appointed the lead on the CM assignment. On the Jin problem, Monica was the reasearcher but Bud took the lead on that. Now it’s Shelly’s turn in the limelight.
Whilst it’s not, technically, a demotion, because it the CM assignment always had a limited time to run, it would probably feel like that to Monica.
In short, I don’t think Monica is at the top of everybodies’ thoughts any more. Too much has passed since the CM problem was fixed for eveyone to be in the habit of looking to Monica.
He’s a cop with a healing factor and experience with Mythics, she’s a Comanche with Sphinx heritage. Together, they fight crime!
I agree, Like Very Much
+1 Comic Shop for you.
At least she’s fully clothed, not that I’d mind it much, as I’m a guy, but compared to some of the latte stands business practices around here, Tina doesn’t need to worry about how she’s dressed, I’d still buy my mocha’s from her any day, even if she were dressed in a full cold-water survival suit like the ones they use up in the arctic ocean.
Uh oh. I think I just realized that this gentle Friday relief may be a cliffhanger after all.
If I recall correctly, isn’t/wasn’t Tina 1.0 sort of “on the run” and staying out of sight… daughter of a dead drug lord? Might Justin possibly recognize her at some point, as a “person of interest” wanted for questioning in some other jurisdiction? How would Tina 2.0 deal with that?
or, is Tina’s past truly in the past, and going to stay there?
If she was on the run, it was probably from her father, because the newspaper clippings that Tina 2.0 found in Tina 1.0’s apartment included one that said something like “Drug Lord’s Daughter to Testify”.
If she ever was ‘on the run’, she isn’t now.
First of all, her father and his ‘business’ has been… removed if those same news clippings have any meaning.
Second, It has been quite a few years.
and last, I doubt very much anybody searching for her could be a match for her. Even if they were, I am pretty certain they wouldn’t be a match against her friends.
If i remember correctly, doesn’t one of those clippings say something to the effect that the “drug lord’s daughter missing!” or was killed? something to that effect?
funny thing…
looking at those clippings again, I just realized none of the article headings say the drug lord himself is dead.
Oh look! A cute new coffee shop has opened up in Wapsi Square! Have to give it a try…
1st reaction: Hmm. Tina looks unusually disheveled today.
2nd reaction: OMG “Maybe not parallel parking” ROFLMAO
*clears throat*
New hair dew!
*gets bloody nose*
*passes out*
*tsk* Fanboys.
Hey, anyone wanna play decorate the drunk while he’s passed out? ;P
I call dibbs on giving him cute pigtails all over with little girl hair clips in stylish spring designs. *evil grin*
Full photo gallery, please – it may be most amusing
Danzier- I’ll do the nails if somebody can find ten different colors of polish . . .
I’ve got you covered–do you want ten shades of red or variations of electric color?
Ah, Danzeer, Electric shades never found in normal/natural life!
Tina is never ever going to live that parallel parking incident down. Just like Bud is never going to live down destroying Monica’s island. It will haunt them to the end of their days.
Think about it… just how difficult would it be to run over your own arm while driving in ANY manner (even if you wished to)? Leave it to Tina to achieve the impossible.
But there is that old cliche’… everything is impossible until the first time it’s done.
I’m still not sure that sandbar has been destroyed. Bud said it had a smoking crater last time she saw it.
Think about this. Even if the sub had its full load of torpedoes, its fuel tanks were full (unlikely with the time span), and it all exploded in the most effective manner… it would still not be enough to scatter the sand of the entire sandbar.
Also, there would not be a ‘smoking crater’ if the sand bar had been destroyed. Things under water don’t tend to smoke very well.
But the smell (acrid stench) of diesel fuel and high explosives will linger for a very long time, maybe years.
Quite a response to Tina today–but I’m still trying to figure out what to make of the last panel, with the shaded speech bubble.
Is is one of her inner demons? A whisper? Something else??
I think it’s been established that the gray words mean a demon is making a comment by itself with out going through committee with the others.
That’s what I thought, but I wasn’t sure I remembered right.
She may be affected by Justin’s “crazy girl” fetish.
Or is exercising some anti-phobia therapy.
Oh, Tina…please become real and come to txmystic….
…one can only hope this works better than trying to stare the suds away from Brandi the other day…
If I weren’t already locked up good and tight, I’m afraid I would have to duel you for her.
Good luck with that!
Someone likes to live *very* dangerously.
If only one of her takes a notion, txmystic will fervently wish his was already history.
Meh…boobs are only hypnotizing when in motion. They’re more “intriguing” when they’re defying that much gravity (unless they’re obviously fake).
Tina… such a beautiful person *SIGH*
The art is exquisite today, Tina more so. But then I only had a half-pot of coffee for breakfast this morning instead of my usual full pot so maybe I’m still a bit “slow”.
And the usual six crates of brown ales?
I get one Guinness a year, and maybe a six-pack of Shiner Bock (well I get to drink 5 of them, the other one is for boiling the brats in). So as much as I would enjoy a brown ale from time to time, it ain’t in the budget.
AAAHHH someone else who knows the yum of beer brats!
Answer me this: onions?
Yes for me, please.
Shiner Bock FTW! I don’t make chili without it!
I like to use Samuel Smith’s Taddy Porter or Oatmeal Stout for my beer-related recipes.
Comes in four-packs; one for the pot, two for me, one for Kate.
Judging form the backgrounds…
panel two is approaching the coffee shop and they met Tina outside the door.
It seems she is about to open for the day’s business
I got a definite impression one doesn’t ‘need to meet’ Euryale. She ‘happens’ to people.
As an enthusiastic member of a certain fan club, she is very likely to ‘happen’ a lot more often to the gang (especially Monica).
If the fan club DOES have fore knowledge of major events in the group’s future, Euryale would know of Shelly’s ‘friend-meeting tour’ with Justin AND she will ‘happen’ to meet them (most likely at Tina’s or Monica’s).
No, the fan club would only know events up to when Shelly entered the Time Forest, because that’s all Shellinx would be aware of. After her return, she’s sharing the same timeline (and same arrow of time, technically) with the fans.
Assuming Shelly wrote all this down for a fan club to read, of course. Paul still hasn’t said for certain.
On the other hand, there’s only one vimana cell that we know of that existed outside Earth. Seems that someone may have written an awful lot of non-fiction about it.
Rather like Shelly had to piece the cell itself together??
I agree about Justin’s future on the force, tho.
His training, experience, and healing factor should keep him quite safe from anything up to your usual run-of-the-mill arch-villain (i see SWAT or MIB in his future); but word will get out to ‘paras’ not to anger his girl friend and her cronies (especially if a certain fan club is involved).
I think the level of ‘major para-crime’ is about to take a steep dive; but ‘minor para-crime’ will be climbing sharply as the ‘fan club’ hopes to get a peek at OTB.
I also suspect ‘pre-sphinx’ Shelly already had a reputation as somebody you don’t mess with…
She teaches kick-boxing and threw V-8 engines in fits of anger long before growing fur and wings, after all.
Cerberus got it’s hustlers
Trailer parks got their bums
Wapsi Square got a sphinx named Shelly
She’s a demon-herding son of a gun
I still miss Jim Croce…
I have to consider. What would happen the next time Justin and some of his fellow officers are sent to the hospital (or grave) by villains, especially if the villains escaped justice?
I don't think it would matter if the villains were paranormals, do you?
Itty bitty teenie WEENIE pieces.
As in “Sol-bound plasma-state plasma”?
I wouldn’t put vengeance past either Shelly or Bud if Justin is seriously injured (even with his healing factor).
Though she’d be unlikely to be as involved, Jin would also a force to be reckoned with.
Euryale would definitely get involved and, disregarding her own abilities at the moment, we don’t know anything about the ‘fan club’ she supposedly is a member of except we have seen signs it is quite extensive.
But Brandi or Monica? let’s just say if I could deal with the others, either or both of those two would STILL send me screaming into the night in terror. A woman who is generally calm is NOT a woman to be angered.
Just had a thought.
If Tina decided to have them avenged, and told the others to do so, they would be compelled…
Or, she could compel some random minor crook if she didn’t want the gang involved – or to provide palusible deniability…..
<3 Tina <3
Is it Trivia Time?
What did Bud ask to drink when she first visited Daren’s Bar?
Absolut(ly) Right!
How long did it take you to find it?
Too easy? Try this one.
What British TV Movie had the tagline: “20 Minutes Into The Future”, and spawned an American TV series with the same name?
“M-M-M-Max Headroom”
Only to confirm your answer.
The Googlefu is strong in this one.
Answer: MAX Headroom
Opus The Poet posted the answer first. He wins!
Sorry SoWhyMe. You need to post your answer, even if you Googled it, for it to count.
I’m pretty sure it’s a mandatory requirement to hand in your geek card if you have to google that…
Oh, you did with Paul’s stuff what I did with Jeph’s stuff over at QC?
Y’all should put that up on Scribd or something, like I did.
I feel like adding to the questions but the only things I can think of are “What is MacGuyver’s first name?” and “What company makes Swiss Army Knives?” and I don’t think those really count.
As far as Swiss Army Knives…
There are only TWO companies that are authorized to use the Official Swiss Army name, Victorinox and Wenger.
Accept NO substitutes!
Why? If anything were an oxymoron, it’d be the Swiss Navy…
The Swiss are neutral because, up until Napoleon, they were pretty successful at war as mercenaries. So good, that eventually they were “outlawed”, except for the Pope’s Swiss Guard.
And they have a citizen army to defend themselves. In their mountains, they are pretty good at that–in WW II, they managed to remain unconquered between Germany and Italy because (1) Hitler didn’t want to take on their army, and (2) they were more useful as neutrals.
Since nobody else answered his first name is Angus.
Brian Blessed, Donald Sutherland and Charlotte Rampling appeared together in … what?
The Avengers.
Napoleon Solo, Illya kuriaky, and April Dancer were characters in what series? The actor for which of these now stars in NCIS?
The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
Follow up question:
Without using a search engine, expand UNCLE and the acronym of their arch rivals.
And, before anyone says it, it is sad that I do know both.
United Nation Council on Law Enforcement (the’C’ may be wrong)
The N, C and prepositions are wrong.
It was a good first try, though.
United Network Command for Law and Enforcement is the expansion of UNCLE, but you’ve got me on their opponent. I yield to those who use a search engine… I remember how much I liked “The Man from UNCLE” when it was on the air, with Napoleon Solo and Ilya Kuryakin. Man, those were the days!
Den, you’re correct on the expansion of UNCLE. I’ll post the acronym to their opponants in a day (if I remember) and the expansion the day after.
I don’t know if anybody’s still reading this but here’s a hint:
The opposition to UNCLE was called THRUSH.
I’ll post the answer to the expansion tomorrow if nobody gets it.
Nobody’s got it?
It stands for:
Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity
If someone tells me the names of the actors in “The Man From UNCLE”, I can tell you which one(s) are the NCIS team… and if necessary, what seasons they’ve appeared in.
*tries really hard not to fangirl*
I didn’t see your second question. I know the person who plays Ducky in NCIS was one of the UNCLE agents. I think he was Illya kuriakin.
Normally I would read through all the comments before posting, but as sleep deprived as I have been recently I’m just jumping in to say I’ve never seen Shelly so beautiful, confident, happy and assured, and it makes me so happy
I agree with you on the Library and Nudge but I think he will meet Phix soon. After alll, Phix is going to be training Shelly how to control her sphinx side. I think Phix is going to make an appearance to reassure Justin that Shelly’s in good hands.
If they’re hitching a ride it’ll be down to 3 people:
Monica, Brandi or Tepoz
Jin and May never seemed to pay much attention to The Library. Bud wants nothing to do with Phix.
I included Tepoz because he transported Nudge to Shelly after Shelly became a sphinx. However, Monica and Brandi are the ones in the gang who seem to spend the most time there so I’d say it’s more likely that it’s one of those two.
Personally, I think Brandi is the better choice as, given the reason for the lessons, it’s good that she’s immortal and indestructable.
I think Shelly would prefer Bud, as they are closer, but I don’t see Bud giving Phix a chance.
There is always a door to the annex as Phix said to Tina after she tried to get Monica to let Amanda in on the secret (http://wapsisquare.com/comic/no-need/). If you are not wanted in the door just opens into an empty building so they don’t need a teleporter.
ah looks like Justin is getting the tour of the (MIB) Facilities..
Could I have everybody look up here, please?
Could I have everybody look up here, please?
Could I have everybody look up here, please?
STOP! How many times have you done that?
I can’t remember. Could I have everybody look up here, please?
Aren’t you worried that thing’s gonna give your audience cancer?
*A little.
So these are the people in your neighborhood,
they’re in your neighborhood,
they’re in your neigh-bor-hood, Oh!
These are the people in your neighborhood;
they’re the people that you meet,
as you’re walking down the street,
they’re the people that you meet each day….
Jenn- And therefore be afraid of rudeness and deception,for they are watching and they do remember.
The demonbarrista is a person in your neighborhood,
She makes hot drinks and tells disturbing truths.
Oh, the demonbarrista is a person in your neighborhood…
A person who you see each day!
Now more than ever I want to date Tina. I think she would be ‘interesting’ crazy, not the whacked-out kind.
don’t get Tina angry. She beats up demi-gods for recreation.
I somehow don’t think Nudge had to take that beating from Tina. She was probably allowing catharsis for Tina. The beating from Shelly, well they were good friends in the future backwards running time. She probably took it for their future friendship knowing the future Shelly would appreciate what she did. JM2cnts.
and Nudge is very much in the tradition of Loki and the other tricksters. If you go against them, you lose. and if you win, you will really lose.
She had a reason to let Shelly “win”.
Come to think of it, so does Shelly.
just wondered…does near immunity to injury also imply very slow aging?
That is a good question. I would think that if his regeneration is fueled by physical trauma then it would not affect aging which is a slower non traumatic action. In fact aging might be considered a genetically programed event like growth for another reason why he may age like an ordinary human.
even in the case of physical trauma, there would have to be a “template” to guide the restoration – especially of big chunks of flesh were completely absent. if the template were unchanging, then the body would not change with time either.
Is it Monday yet?
What was the charity that benefited from The Secret Policeman’s Balls?
I think it was Amnesty International but can’t be sure without cheating.
Amnesty International is right!
John Cleese organized the first benefit, Pleasure at Her Majesty’s(1976). This was followed by: The Secret Policeman’s Ball(1979), The Secret Policeman’s Other Ball(1981), The Secret Policeman’s Third Ball(1987) and The Secret Policeman’s Biggest Ball(1989).
Ummm .. the Ambidexterous Agoraphoibic Kleptomaniacs Association?
( They could rob you with either hand, they were just afraid to be around people )
It isn’t Monday in Minnesota yet, no.
And I should know the answer to that Next Wave trivia question, but I was never really a hipster.
I’m going to guess Gay Men’s Health Crisis, though Dave’s sounds more in keeping with the theme.
See, there you go, and me refreshing constantly here, too.
Well, no matter what day it is, it’s bedtime.z.z.z.z.z…
Suffering Wapsi withdrawl…..