Hmmm. Ya know – if you were to average out Monica and Shelly, you’d get one more-or-less normal-sized (in all regards) girl who wouldn’t have nearly the problem buying bras…
No, no- think about it. Monica’s shortness with Shelly’s average (I think?) height, her long hair with Shelly’s short, her larger breasts averaged with Shelly’s smaller ones, and Monica’s daintiness mixed with Shelly’s…er…’muscle buttedness’. All averaged together would make a cute, but physically unremarkable lady.
Until Shelly’s final statement, I actually thought the officer was specifically talking about the other way, and wondered why he’d admit to that out loud…
Looks like Shelly is finally in a relationship, and I could not be more happier for her. So how long is it going to be before “Officer Tight Buns” is brought into the mystic circle? You know it is only a matter of “when”, and not “if”.
K no offense, but this is what I hate about being a straight-identified guy, and what keeps me from seeking companionship more than being ugly, unlikable, or my own laziness combined.
If a girl said that “German Shepard” line to a guy, he’d have to apologize for being so dog-like. And if by chance he actually DID feel insulted, there’s absolutely nothing he could say that wouldn’t result in her bursting into laughter followed by “OMG you can’t be serious” then laughing louder once she found that he was.
Trust me i’m not at all offended by today’s strip at all, just .. annoyed by human behavior i guess. It’s kinda like in Questionable Content when Penelope got frustrated when Marten said his ex girlfriend was crazy.
It’s an entirely cultural phenomenon. Women and men in many western cultures are taught from an early age that they are different, and that said difference confers different rules of behavior. Consequently, they learn to play the system according to their own rules per their gender.
There will always be certain behaviors one gender gets away with simply because they are that gender and that behavior is deemed to “belong” to that gender. As much as people complain about stereotypes they dislike, most people turn a blind eye to those stereotypes that suit their purposes.
Ultimately it results in some pretty weird social rules. For example, bars let in underage women but not underage men. Why? Because the overage men in the bar will buy drinks for the underage women, and the bar can turn a blind eye. The overage men are happy because they get younger girls to try to woo, the underage girls are happy because they get to drink and party, and the bar is happy because they make extra revenue.
But most bars don’t let in underage guys. Why? Because no one would buy them drinks. Older omen don’t tend to go for younger guys. The exception, perhaps, is that of gay bars, where younger men would be popular in the same way as younger women in regular bars.
Interesting stuff you both mention. Although I’m somewhat aware of the determined “battle of the sexes” thing you’ve brought up, it’s not one I’ve ever really concerned myself with. What jordinyc brought up would never have occurred to me.
And yes, D. Walker, being a boyish looking guy in a gay bar can be beneficial if you want other people buying your drinks for you.
You have no idea how much you made my day. Here I was worried Officer Tight Buns would end in a dead end or something because the story ended so quickly..
And that look in panel 3 is just perfect. Amazing how a ‘few lines’ can portray the feeling of mweaaaghstickywhat so well. XD
Since we have seen at least one day pass between the last time we saw Officer TightBuns and this current scene, is it safe to assume by his stubble that he did not leave the bed at all “yesterday”?
I love the artwork, don’t get me wrong, but Shelly’s hair makes it look like she could go super sayian at any moment. BTW, I also thought this was Owen at first as well.
Shelley, you’re one naughty girl.
Lucky cop.
Looks as if Officer Buns had a long weekend.
Also sounds as if he’s a resourceful man with endurance and stamina…
Hmmm. Ya know – if you were to average out Monica and Shelly, you’d get one more-or-less normal-sized (in all regards) girl who wouldn’t have nearly the problem buying bras…
Just don’t let her near your barbeque grill.
Naw… she’d be moderately oversized in all areas… unless you were to remove M’s tendency to overeat.
No, no- think about it. Monica’s shortness with Shelly’s average (I think?) height, her long hair with Shelly’s short, her larger breasts averaged with Shelly’s smaller ones, and Monica’s daintiness mixed with Shelly’s…er…’muscle buttedness’. All averaged together would make a cute, but physically unremarkable lady.
I’d call her…Molly.
.. What ever happened to Fermented Banana? o.o I miss Shelly’s bass-playin’ skillz.
*hugs Shelly* Awesome muscles.
Waking up your partner this way is indeed fun as long their ears are clean and hair free XD
A kiss on the nose is also equally adorable. XD
Brain bleach, please…
I still prefer the way Shelly DIDN’T use. It make for a more interesting morning.
What? Just helping yourself?
Until Shelly’s final statement, I actually thought the officer was specifically talking about the other way, and wondered why he’d admit to that out loud…
That may be the “out of context” she was referring to.
Looks like Shelly is finally in a relationship, and I could not be more happier for her. So how long is it going to be before “Officer Tight Buns” is brought into the mystic circle? You know it is only a matter of “when”, and not “if”.
spoiler he already is
he knows shelly is because every girl he dates is….. it’s his curse
K no offense, but this is what I hate about being a straight-identified guy, and what keeps me from seeking companionship more than being ugly, unlikable, or my own laziness combined.
If a girl said that “German Shepard” line to a guy, he’d have to apologize for being so dog-like. And if by chance he actually DID feel insulted, there’s absolutely nothing he could say that wouldn’t result in her bursting into laughter followed by “OMG you can’t be serious” then laughing louder once she found that he was.
Trust me i’m not at all offended by today’s strip at all, just .. annoyed by human behavior i guess. It’s kinda like in Questionable Content when Penelope got frustrated when Marten said his ex girlfriend was crazy.
It’s an entirely cultural phenomenon. Women and men in many western cultures are taught from an early age that they are different, and that said difference confers different rules of behavior. Consequently, they learn to play the system according to their own rules per their gender.
There will always be certain behaviors one gender gets away with simply because they are that gender and that behavior is deemed to “belong” to that gender. As much as people complain about stereotypes they dislike, most people turn a blind eye to those stereotypes that suit their purposes.
Ultimately it results in some pretty weird social rules. For example, bars let in underage women but not underage men. Why? Because the overage men in the bar will buy drinks for the underage women, and the bar can turn a blind eye. The overage men are happy because they get younger girls to try to woo, the underage girls are happy because they get to drink and party, and the bar is happy because they make extra revenue.
But most bars don’t let in underage guys. Why? Because no one would buy them drinks. Older omen don’t tend to go for younger guys. The exception, perhaps, is that of gay bars, where younger men would be popular in the same way as younger women in regular bars.
Interesting stuff you both mention. Although I’m somewhat aware of the determined “battle of the sexes” thing you’ve brought up, it’s not one I’ve ever really concerned myself with. What jordinyc brought up would never have occurred to me.
And yes, D. Walker, being a boyish looking guy in a gay bar can be beneficial if you want other people buying your drinks for you.
Wow… Officer T.B. is looking even more like Owen.
Seriously, Panel 1 made me think we were finally seeing Owen in the plotline again. Then Shelly in Panel 2 set me back on the right path.
So Shelly! Did he taste good.
His ear, right?
I hope?
You know I had to read this twice before realizing this was Officer Tight Buns, and not Owen
Glad you weren’t the only one. I think Shelly has a Preference To Type thing going on.
Ditto. For me, part of the confusion is the fact that we have not seen Owen in quite some time…
And irt Shelly’s preference, recall Owen also has a preference for Shelly’s type, too!
You have no idea how much you made my day. Here I was worried Officer Tight Buns would end in a dead end or something because the story ended so quickly..
And that look in panel 3 is just perfect. Amazing how a ‘few lines’ can portray the feeling of mweaaaghstickywhat so well. XD
Heheheh . Dog-gone , man’s real best friend ?
BTW , I’m still voting for Wapsi Square . I see it’s climbing the charts .
Is Shelly wearing a Bra’danna?
Since we have seen at least one day pass between the last time we saw Officer TightBuns and this current scene, is it safe to assume by his stubble that he did not leave the bed at all “yesterday”?
Actually, i’d say that the rude-sounding interpretation is in context with what Shelly said first…
I think so too, but he just woke up, so clearly his brain is not quite as awake as other parts of him apparently are…
…such that he might still be talking about the ear thing, not what she just said…
(maybe I should up my owncoffee intake…I feel I’m getting overly concerned about the context of my commentsabout context)
I love the artwork, don’t get me wrong, but Shelly’s hair makes it look like she could go super sayian at any moment. BTW, I also thought this was Owen at first as well.
I don’t think DragonBallZ has the copyright on the hairdo.
I agree, but couldn’t resist making the comparison.
Hi Paul,
How did SpringCon go?
I’ve been meaning to order some of the statues. The only links I can find are for the t-shirts/posters.
The only 2 sculptures currently available are:
Shelly’s being very gracious here. I’d have hung him out to dry, ironed him, and worn him to work.
His hands seem to be free but I bet his leg is tied to the bed post.
Super Sayin Shelly!! Now that’s a thought.
Panel 3 sound effect: MLAAAAHHHHHH