Not to be tautological, but the longer X goes on, the odds of it mentioning Y go up. X can be The Journal of Differential Geometry and Y can be Lemurs. Doesn’t matter.
If none of Wikipedia/Wiktionary, TvTropes, Urban Dictionary, OneLook, KnowYourMeme, *or* have what you’re referencing, it’s generally safe to assume it’s not a real thing [The fact that Google only returns 3 unique results is also pretty darn indicative].
That said, I’ve played enough tabletop games in my life [anything more than zero, really] to know that there probably *should* be a term for it.
Not all that surprising. Consider the wide range of Paras who go to the school. Estimate the breadth of their possible diets. Meditate on the extreme unlikeliness that all of them can find something to their liking (and good for their health) at McDonalds and other fast-food emporia.
For some Paras, knowing how to cook might be an essential survival skill.
The next thing you know, Mindy’ll be recruiting Timmy, Hiroshi, and Mohan to play the roles of three young, innocent boys living alone in Castle Anthrax.
And that might get the club banned from school property.
In the mid-80’s, I was a post-doc at UC Berkeley. Walking down the street, I heard two guys singing the Knights of the Round Table song. I said that they must know Brave Sir Robin. One of them pulled out a Penny Whistle and they performed it for me. Pretty sure neither was a descendant of Aphrodite….
Remember, the internet in its infancy in those days and you couldn’t just google for lyrics. I’d seen the movie a dozen times and didn’t know all the words to the Round Table song.
Oh. Em. Gee.
Is this Idle’s Law at work? The longer a comedic work continues, the more likely it is that it will make a Monty Python reference?
I never heard it called “Idle’s Law” but I definitely agree with the sentiment and the truth of said law.
Such dorks. Such SUPREME dorks.
Everyone needs a hobby…
I found only two references to Idle’s Law and both of them described it as having been created by someone else. One was and the other was this strip. Both references appeared in the comments.
I wasn’t sure it was a Monty Python reference, but then I saw she was knocking the coconut shells together.
And the name “Patsy” — straight out of MPatHG, complete with coconut shells.
BTW, which one is Barbara and which one is Mindy? It’s never actually been made clear. Hiroshi names them, but they’re off-panel at the time.
Tarkas, the tall blond one is Mindy. I believe Paul clarified that in the comments of one of the strips this week. Anyone know which one?
Gavote:- He said it last page 😀
Not to be tautological, but the longer X goes on, the odds of it mentioning Y go up. X can be The Journal of Differential Geometry and Y can be Lemurs. Doesn’t matter.
Why do I get the feeling that Mindy wears glasses for the old trope reason – that she doesn’t look stunning with them on?
Granddaughter of Aphrodite, but also of Haphaestus.
@ Gyrre:
great granddaughter 🙄
If none of Wikipedia/Wiktionary, TvTropes, Urban Dictionary, OneLook, KnowYourMeme, *or* have what you’re referencing, it’s generally safe to assume it’s not a real thing [The fact that Google only returns 3 unique results is also pretty darn indicative].
That said, I’ve played enough tabletop games in my life [anything more than zero, really] to know that there probably *should* be a term for it.
Wow. Gryphon High has Home Ec.
Not all that surprising. Consider the wide range of Paras who go to the school. Estimate the breadth of their possible diets. Meditate on the extreme unlikeliness that all of them can find something to their liking (and good for their health) at McDonalds and other fast-food emporia.
For some Paras, knowing how to cook might be an essential survival skill.
I’d argue that knowing how to cook is an essential survival skill for humans, too.
And, I suppose that’s where Mindy would expect to find the Holy Grill.
Turns out it was just a grill shaped bacon. Naughty, wicked Zoot!
Mmm. Back in the Ghost-Hunting segment, they did say that Gryphon High has a Home Ec wing.
An entire wing?
Well I suppose that does make sense considering the variety of tastes. After all Daylla might fancy a special alloy now and then.
this page gets all my love ~<3
They are in so much trouble for being out of uniform.
Nah, they just got out of programming class, is all. Obviously they’re learning Python.
Stormtalon, you win the Internet prize today. It’s clear there’s no lint in you!
That was a Perl of great price…
Hmmm. I thought it was pretty basic.
Basic, sure… But it was quite Visual.
So I C . . .
Barbara is clearly NOT an Unladen Swallow.
African swallow or european swallow?
Oh, dear.
The next thing you know, Mindy’ll be recruiting Timmy, Hiroshi, and Mohan to play the roles of three young, innocent boys living alone in Castle Anthrax.
And that might get the club banned from school property.
Given the extended family connections, everyone will love it… or else.
(see Ares)
Home ec ain’t just cooking
The bigger question is — is this a reference to “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” or is it a reference to the Broadway musical “Spamalot”?
Spamalot was Monty Python’s (well at least two of em) run at turning the Holy Grail movie into a Broadway musical. So….Yes on both counts.
To bad it’s only a model….
Of course, after all it’s a very silly place
But my question is, where did they get the coconut?
They captured it during its migration.
That’s real commitment to a Python reference!
In the mid-80’s, I was a post-doc at UC Berkeley. Walking down the street, I heard two guys singing the Knights of the Round Table song. I said that they must know Brave Sir Robin. One of them pulled out a Penny Whistle and they performed it for me. Pretty sure neither was a descendant of Aphrodite….
Remember, the internet in its infancy in those days and you couldn’t just google for lyrics. I’d seen the movie a dozen times and didn’t know all the words to the Round Table song.
1. Ye Olde Blanke Expresiion.
2. I’m getting a para Peppermint Patty and Marcie vibe here.
Verily they are the peppermint patty and Marcie, of the Wapsi Universe.
Ha! Too funny, I was just watching video yesterday of a couple of cosplayers doing those characters.
Actually, I’m liking these two more and more. I wonder if their muffins will have coconut topping…
Oh, HELL yeah! With Monty Python in the mix, they’re nerdy dorks to the 12th power!!!
Knights of the Round Table in Lego!
That song is so catchy. Just like this one.
SUCH a Goober.
well at least she isn’t dressed as “sir robin” But other then that I freaking love this.
It’s no wonder, later in the movie, they ate the minstrels.
Poor Day! Will she ever recover from this? 😀
She’s just getting karmic payback for all that time spent yanking everyone else’s chains. Particularly Pickle’s.
WOW. Just… WOW.
*arrow* Message for you, sir!