Dogs usually aren’t.
My cat on the other hand, if you feed him dog food, be sure to hid the label, because as soon as he sees it’s that ‘disgusting dog drivel’ (his words, not mine), his lil’ snoot goes in the air and he’ll fast all day. That leaves me with an encrusted gross mess to scratch out of the bowl come 2pm. (His first feeding time is 4am when I wake, second is 2pm…)
I used to work as sys op for an animal food company. The only recipe difference between cat, dog, horse, & monkey chow {among others} was the size of the servings & how it was processed.
I would like to know which company/brands so as to never get them. Cats require more protein than dogs, and horses should not have meat, which is pretty much a requirement for both dogs and cats.
I’m gonna make an educated guess and say ‘Purina’ since they make all of those products and few companies refer to their food as ‘chow’ anymore.
Never fed it to my animals either–dog, cat, horse. The closest I ever got to patronizing that company was snipping the red checkerboards off of our assigned numbers at horse shows, since they were distracting and big. Seemed like every show you went to, Purina supplied the numbers. But I don’t know anyone who fed their horses Purina brand stuff…lol.
“There’s not much difference between dog food and cat food, just like there’s not much difference between oatmeal and steak.” ~my vet XD
One of our 2 cats died a year and 18 days ago. We are convinced the reason why lay in his diet. We don’t want the same mistake happening to Cat Number 2, and have been educating ourselves on the whole pet food industry. I’ve read about a dozen articles over the past month, and picked out one that was comprehensive (if long) and an easy read, thinking it the best to share. It’s called “What’s Really in Pet Food” from
After reading this and other articles, we made a radical change in the remaining cat’s diet.
I know it’s time from your Wapsi archive-reading, but a 15-minute look-over of the article and list might could save your pet(s) time and costs at the Vet later.
In my experience, lots of dogs like cat food. Not all cat food is good for dogs, though. Cat food typically contains more fat and protein than dog food, which can give dogs diarrhea after a while.
Zogh, I’m probably better off not knowing which cat food brand is the same as that brand’s monkey chow.
Actually, dogs are not obligate carnivores, and can digest plant material freely. That is why cat food is ok to give to a dog, but dog food is NOT ok to give to a cat. Way too much plant matter for an obligate carnivore (which a cat truly is)
Yes. This. Cats don’t need a lot of vegetable matter as compared to humans or monkeys, for instance. No more than 10% or so on a daily basis. Dogs do best on about 20-25% veggie diet.
A dog can have cat food once in a while as a treat (for cleaning up the spilled cat kibble after loading up the feeder), but should not be fed such on a regular basis. A close friend of mine acquired a Shelty from a rescue service that had been fed cat food for five years. Less than two years later, the dog died from pancreatitus that the vet blamed on the too rich food for too long.
BTW, according to an ex-spouse, the primary reason for cats is to process cat food, and the primary reason for dogs is to REprocess cat food.
I’ll bet the amount of pizza he eats would be pretty bad for a dog as well. I know some who give their dogs the pizza bones (crust) on a regular basis though.
According to my daughter, who’s a vet, dogs are actually meat-heavy omnivores, while cats are true obligate carnivores. Cats also require significant amounts of taurine in their diets to prevent liver failure and blindness, while dogs don’t need nearly that much taurine. Both dogs and cats need significant amount of bone meal in their diets to keep from leaching calcium out of their skeletons. My daughter has seen both dogs and cats crippled by well-meaning owners who give their pets “only high-quality meat, the same as what we eat.”
Okay. We’ve had three of what Walt Kelly called “bunny rabbit strips” (they were the cutesy humourous alternate strips he did when he knew papers were going to refuse to carry that day’s Pogo).
Monday Tina (or Jin) {or both} hits critical mass.
While I agree that Dietzel might just eat the food anyways because food is food to a dog, I have a feeling that a call to the Pizzeria could happen sometime after Monica leaves………..
If I tried to feed dogfood to my maine coon I would be expecting said cat to be sharpening her scimitar toenails on my calf. Then cleaning up the resulting blood with her tongue.
Why does Monica have cat food? Is there a cat around that we’ve not seen before? I was under the impression that she’s had Dietzel for a while, so if that’s something she’s had since she got him from the pound…EWWWW!!
Do you know if that is normally done? Perhaps cat food is better for young puppies than adult dog food? It would probably have more calories and protein and might be easier to digest. I would think the canned stuff would be expensive, though.
It fits Monica’s personality that she got Dietzel from a pound.
Well as it has been mentioned already, I like the idea that our friend Dietzel is far smarter than people give him credit. We have seen it in many a strip.
I still think he will be critical to some major plot point.
Why does it seem that both Mel and Tina are developing a bit of a gut? I mean, we know how Mel can put it away and Tina just downed a whole pizza with fish on it, but is there anything deeper going on here?
And I am ruling out pregnancy per Pablo’s helpful hint a couple of weeks ago!
Dude, THAT is not a pansón. That’s caused by the elastic waistband in her underwear (or shorts, in Tina’s case) forcing a small roll of flesh upward and out of place. And as Neveko observed, anybody who’s not cadaverous will get one of ’em when zie bends over that way.
(Believe me, I know from pansón. I’ve had one almost all my life.)
I’ve heard pet-food people say that dogs like cat food – because it stinks. Dogs and wolves are oportunistic scavenging carnivores – they like stinky food. The ‘rich meaty smell’ advertisers toot is there for out benefit, and the dogs would like it better if it smelled – deader. Cats are carnivores but seldom scavengers.
And on the IQ issue, most dogs have a vocabulary of 40-80 words; objects, people, other pets, places, activities. Cats are of couse completely fluent in all human languages, so they can more perfectly disdain their use.
I know that I treat my dogs to something special when I’ve done something to upset them. Boris was mad at me for not coming home a few nights in a row, and I fried up some bacon for him(and me!) So, I am assuming the Monica keeps the “good stuff” in case of a pouty puppy!!
Don’t feed a dog cat food. It’s too high in protein and will burn out their kidneys. Dietzel would be better off ordering out from that cute pizza delivery girl.
Then there are webcomics – like Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki, which is pretty much devoted to hanging a lampshade on the whole idea of fanservice…
So she’s in underwear and a tank top. Big deal. I do not see this as fanservice at all. And I am someone who will voice my appreciation when I think Monica (or anyone!) is particularly…um…well-drawn.
Never mind the bollocks, Paul, just keep on doing what you do!
TSMillar – you need to get a life. This is a freakin’ comic strip. I will admit that I had to look up the term fanservice, but if it means what Google says it means, you have waaay too much time on your hands.
Last week Shelly is buck nekkid, but this week you are objecting to shorts? Sheesh. Shop with your feet instead of your mouth and let the rest of us enjoy one of the most creative strips on the web.
“Fanservice” explicitly refers to material that is designed to amuse or excite the audience with sexually-derived content. When such content fits within the storyline, it would not usually be considered fan service, but excessive content is usually considered gratuitous regardless of its justification. –Wikipedia
I must say that can of cat food is definitely over-the-line fanservice.
I was going to say, there are other strips in the archive that would bear that label long before this one. Frankly, with Monica’s hastily pulled back hair, scruffy sleeping clothing and um, unperky situation, this is only fanservice for those who like seeing people in a dumpy state. However, everyone likes something, so who knows.
Just as a giggle, the Google Ads at the top of the page were all for cat food when I read the page 04/17/10 19:17. I just bought a 25 pound bag for my annoying felines at the beginning of the week.
Why am I having a deja vu from an old Peanuts cartoon?
Awesome! Dietzel’s a rescue! Yet another reason Monica is awesome!
That does explain him having the abilities usually requiring an opposable thumb.
I’m hearing the Far Side – “What dogs hear” – and a bonus, “what cats hear.”
Cat food ? I wonder what the other dogs think about this . Probably the same thing . Food .
Dietzel is pretty smart; he knows the difference between dog food, and cat food. I doubt that he really cares all that much though.
Dogs usually aren’t.
My cat on the other hand, if you feed him dog food, be sure to hid the label, because as soon as he sees it’s that ‘disgusting dog drivel’ (his words, not mine), his lil’ snoot goes in the air and he’ll fast all day. That leaves me with an encrusted gross mess to scratch out of the bowl come 2pm. (His first feeding time is 4am when I wake, second is 2pm…)
I used to work as sys op for an animal food company. The only recipe difference between cat, dog, horse, & monkey chow {among others} was the size of the servings & how it was processed.
I would like to know which company/brands so as to never get them. Cats require more protein than dogs, and horses should not have meat, which is pretty much a requirement for both dogs and cats.
I’m gonna make an educated guess and say ‘Purina’ since they make all of those products and few companies refer to their food as ‘chow’ anymore.
Never fed it to my animals either–dog, cat, horse. The closest I ever got to patronizing that company was snipping the red checkerboards off of our assigned numbers at horse shows, since they were distracting and big. Seemed like every show you went to, Purina supplied the numbers. But I don’t know anyone who fed their horses Purina brand stuff…lol.
“There’s not much difference between dog food and cat food, just like there’s not much difference between oatmeal and steak.” ~my vet XD
One of our 2 cats died a year and 18 days ago. We are convinced the reason why lay in his diet. We don’t want the same mistake happening to Cat Number 2, and have been educating ourselves on the whole pet food industry. I’ve read about a dozen articles over the past month, and picked out one that was comprehensive (if long) and an easy read, thinking it the best to share. It’s called “What’s Really in Pet Food” from
After reading this and other articles, we made a radical change in the remaining cat’s diet.
The second link I mentioned is the FDA Pet Food Recall Products List.
I know it’s time from your Wapsi archive-reading, but a 15-minute look-over of the article and list might could save your pet(s) time and costs at the Vet later.
actually cat food has got more meat in it than dog food (and most dogs prefer cat food as far as I can tell)
Seems neither of the two have a very good start to the day.
Would love a full translation for what monica has said during this time after this dietzel moment has passed tho
assuming monica is full of disbelief that dietzel still prefers the cat food he got at the pound to normal dogfood.
I suspectthat this qualifies as “filler”, though we don’t really mind… especially if he doubles up on the “catchups” featuring what she really said.
In my experience, lots of dogs like cat food. Not all cat food is good for dogs, though. Cat food typically contains more fat and protein than dog food, which can give dogs diarrhea after a while.
Zogh, I’m probably better off not knowing which cat food brand is the same as that brand’s monkey chow.
Or, as mentioned, cat food and HORSE food??? Should be just about opposite in percentages of meat.
Cat food should be different from dog food, and both should be different from monkey food.
Dogs and cats are obligate carnivores, while monkeys are omnivores like humans.
And cats have a short gut and need a food that (as KarlBob points out) is a lot higher in fat and protein than dogs.
Actually, dogs are not obligate carnivores, and can digest plant material freely. That is why cat food is ok to give to a dog, but dog food is NOT ok to give to a cat. Way too much plant matter for an obligate carnivore (which a cat truly is)
Yes. This. Cats don’t need a lot of vegetable matter as compared to humans or monkeys, for instance. No more than 10% or so on a daily basis. Dogs do best on about 20-25% veggie diet.
A dog can have cat food once in a while as a treat (for cleaning up the spilled cat kibble after loading up the feeder), but should not be fed such on a regular basis. A close friend of mine acquired a Shelty from a rescue service that had been fed cat food for five years. Less than two years later, the dog died from pancreatitus that the vet blamed on the too rich food for too long.
BTW, according to an ex-spouse, the primary reason for cats is to process cat food, and the primary reason for dogs is to REprocess cat food.
I’ll bet the amount of pizza he eats would be pretty bad for a dog as well. I know some who give their dogs the pizza bones (crust) on a regular basis though.
Pizza bones! Ha ha!
You’re right.
In my defense, it was 3:12 AM and i had just gotten up when i typed that…
According to my daughter, who’s a vet, dogs are actually meat-heavy omnivores, while cats are true obligate carnivores. Cats also require significant amounts of taurine in their diets to prevent liver failure and blindness, while dogs don’t need nearly that much taurine. Both dogs and cats need significant amount of bone meal in their diets to keep from leaching calcium out of their skeletons. My daughter has seen both dogs and cats crippled by well-meaning owners who give their pets “only high-quality meat, the same as what we eat.”
Has anyone noticed here that M is developing a round tummy? Must be all the turkeys.
Anybody who isn’t shaped like a stick gets a little bulge at their tummy when they bend over.
/agree with Neveko
That’s an amazing attention to detail right there!
M’s always had a tummy across the years in some degree…. or Mr. Wapsi would hear from Monica’s Biggest Pot Belly Fan. (He has.)
Okay. We’ve had three of what Walt Kelly called “bunny rabbit strips” (they were the cutesy humourous alternate strips he did when he knew papers were going to refuse to carry that day’s Pogo).
Monday Tina (or Jin) {or both} hits critical mass.
Or maybe we discover Brandi’s deep dark Ominous Secret.
What about Shelly hitting critical mass?
Or maybe they all go out for Critical Mass at the end of the month (and I’ll let y’all google why capitalization changes the meaning).
While I agree that Dietzel might just eat the food anyways because food is food to a dog, I have a feeling that a call to the Pizzeria could happen sometime after Monica leaves………..
Paul, I know I promised not to tell, but I can’t keep quiet any more.
This is obviously the Friday cliffhanger for Monday’s reveal-Dietzel’s SECRET KITTY LUVER!!!!!
“Oh Hai! I can haz boyfriend???”
Wrong comic strip. (points three doors down to GWS and S*P)
Oooops, my bad…
‘salright. Dietzel and Choo-choobear do look alike.
If I tried to feed dogfood to my maine coon I would be expecting said cat to be sharpening her scimitar toenails on my calf. Then cleaning up the resulting blood with her tongue.
Why does Monica have cat food? Is there a cat around that we’ve not seen before? I was under the impression that she’s had Dietzel for a while, so if that’s something she’s had since she got him from the pound…EWWWW!!
I assumed that Monica was buying the cat food because it’s what Dietzel developed a taste for at the dog pound.
Yep, back when he was a tiny puppy.
Do you know if that is normally done? Perhaps cat food is better for young puppies than adult dog food? It would probably have more calories and protein and might be easier to digest. I would think the canned stuff would be expensive, though.
It fits Monica’s personality that she got Dietzel from a pound.
I’m quite curious to see if Dietzel accepts this “offering” on Monday… or if it’s back to the regularly-scheduled programming.
There’s something very Don Martin about the way she’s emptying the can three feet above the bowl, while holding it so daintily.
Not without the trademark Don Martin sound effects!
“Sshhhloorp! PLAP! NorfnorfnorfnorfGLUP!”
Much, thank you!
Don’t forget the up pointing toe.
…on the folded foot.
I thought of the scene with the automatic dog-food dispenser from Back to the Future!
At least Dietzel knows how to make eye-contact. I would forget, under those conditions…
“Blah-blah-Fnord-blah-blah-blah-blah-eyes up here!”
What has Tepoz been up to? Aside from living La Vida Pulque?
Posing for his statue!
Dietzel – Yeah!
Well as it has been mentioned already, I like the idea that our friend Dietzel is far smarter than people give him credit. We have seen it in many a strip.
I still think he will be critical to some major plot point.
“The galaxy is on Orion’s belt” – MIB
Why does it seem that both Mel and Tina are developing a bit of a gut? I mean, we know how Mel can put it away and Tina just downed a whole pizza with fish on it, but is there anything deeper going on here?
And I am ruling out pregnancy per Pablo’s helpful hint a couple of weeks ago!
Dude, THAT is not a pansón. That’s caused by the elastic waistband in her underwear (or shorts, in Tina’s case) forcing a small roll of flesh upward and out of place. And as Neveko observed, anybody who’s not cadaverous will get one of ’em when zie bends over that way.
(Believe me, I know from pansón. I’ve had one almost all my life.)
That’s just what happens when your average person relaxes and gravity takes hold.
…uh, “Mel”?
^ this
I meant “Monica”, but I can’t edit it to correct it.
DEAR GAWD! that’s CAT FOOD! Doesn’t Monica read the labels???
Yep. She read the label and knew it’s the kind of cat food Dietzel learned to like as a puppy in the local pound.
I’ve heard pet-food people say that dogs like cat food – because it stinks. Dogs and wolves are oportunistic scavenging carnivores – they like stinky food. The ‘rich meaty smell’ advertisers toot is there for out benefit, and the dogs would like it better if it smelled – deader. Cats are carnivores but seldom scavengers.
And on the IQ issue, most dogs have a vocabulary of 40-80 words; objects, people, other pets, places, activities. Cats are of couse completely fluent in all human languages, so they can more perfectly disdain their use.
Most dogs will eat anything. Even foods that are not good for them.
Even stuff that’s not food.
I know that I treat my dogs to something special when I’ve done something to upset them. Boris was mad at me for not coming home a few nights in a row, and I fried up some bacon for him(and me!) So, I am assuming the Monica keeps the “good stuff” in case of a pouty puppy!!
Don’t feed a dog cat food. It’s too high in protein and will burn out their kidneys. Dietzel would be better off ordering out from that cute pizza delivery girl.
Well, who knew?
Just say’n
Why do you say that, because M’s in her PJs? I swear, I could draw Monica in a winter parka and someone would say that there’s fanservice.
Like pr0n, fanservice is perpetually in the eye of the beholder, Pablo. Just do yer duck act, and let the nugacity roll off. Really truly.
Paul – you ain’t the only one to think that:
Then there are webcomics – like Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki, which is pretty much devoted to hanging a lampshade on the whole idea of fanservice…
Well Paul, Monica makes even a parka look amazing XD
I guess that’s your curse for creating such sexeh characters!
Just say’n.
As least they've limited it to when there's a character on screen (so far, anyway).
So she’s in underwear and a tank top. Big deal. I do not see this as fanservice at all. And I am someone who will voice my appreciation when I think Monica (or anyone!) is particularly…um…well-drawn.
Never mind the bollocks, Paul, just keep on doing what you do!
Did anyone else ever notice how some people refer to ‘Fanservice’ like it was a bad thing?
Just askin’…
TSMillar – you need to get a life. This is a freakin’ comic strip. I will admit that I had to look up the term fanservice, but if it means what Google says it means, you have waaay too much time on your hands.
Last week Shelly is buck nekkid, but this week you are objecting to shorts? Sheesh. Shop with your feet instead of your mouth and let the rest of us enjoy one of the most creative strips on the web.
“Fanservice” explicitly refers to material that is designed to amuse or excite the audience with sexually-derived content. When such content fits within the storyline, it would not usually be considered fan service, but excessive content is usually considered gratuitous regardless of its justification. –Wikipedia
I must say that can of cat food is definitely over-the-line fanservice.
No, no. This is fanservice. [Warning drawn nudity].
I’m guessing TSMillar never read any strip over a week old if he calls THIS fanservice.
I was going to say, there are other strips in the archive that would bear that label long before this one. Frankly, with Monica’s hastily pulled back hair, scruffy sleeping clothing and um, unperky situation, this is only fanservice for those who like seeing people in a dumpy state. However, everyone likes something, so who knows.
Just as a giggle, the Google Ads at the top of the page were all for cat food when I read the page 04/17/10 19:17. I just bought a 25 pound bag for my annoying felines at the beginning of the week.
Awww, and here I thought fanservice was where I’d go to get my fan fixed (Trots away snickering)
Neigh, you foal! That is not correct!