Well, we do seem to have hit the Energy Barrier at the Edge of the Exposition. “Don’t know that part.”
Her switch to passive voice may be more of the same… she may know that there was politicking and negotiating and dickering and bickering going on over the fate of the rare old tech, but not know more than generalities about who conceded what to whom.
I suppose it’s possible that nobody, these days, still knows the details of exactly what happened… if things got angry enough, nobody involved may have survived long enough to write down a record
Indeed. It’s amazing how much work and thought puts into writing this comic, and yet can still turn out 5 a week. Some might say the sketches and pinups don’t count, but I have to disagree, since that still takes time, and the fans are still happy for them.
(grins) Maybe — but our cast is still pretty small. Lotta room in the Wapsi hat to find a rabbit to pull out Our gang may find themselves needing all the friends they can muster, especially since it’s been left unspecified exactly who’s still around after all this time. Always interesting to see new faces pop up!
Concessions were made, civilizations were destroyed, elites were overthrown, proletariats became bureaucrats, Napoleon ousted Snowflake, cats and dogs started living together….
“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned”
That is because history like all things in nature is cyclical. Things happen again and again. The Mayan Calendar show this truth. I sometimes think this is just saying that the human race is not as evolved as we seem to think we are sometimes.
A sad fact, though not quite right. it isn’t history that repeats so much as human nature. People get lazy, people forget and then the lessons of the past are forced to repeat themselves. Those that forget the lessons of the past are forced to relearn them. Overall we slowly get better but still, human nature is a hard thing to grow out of. Evolution does take a lot of time, after all.
Someone call Will Smith of the M.I.B and have him go to the Wild Wild West on Indipendance Day, we can All of Us Hitch a ride on his I, Robot for the Persuit of Happyness, then we can be Bad Boys while he tells us a Shark Tale.
I know this is fiction, but it COULD explain why there is evidence of people living in South America BEFORE evidence of humans travelling to North America via the Bering land bridge.
Hmmm…..You weave some fascinating tale sir. Very fascinating indeed.
There are also scholars who support multiple waves of immigrants, not just the “one big wave” theory. Of course, those who have gained notoriety and fame from the one big wave theory scoff at that idea, but I can’t imagine why…
There is no dispute about at least three waves in North America, as the Athabaskans came in later, and the Inuit are relatively recent. A lot more archaeological work needs to be done on the Siberian side to sort this out.
Paul has always been good at using known historical data in the storyline after all. I think that is why the stories are able to hit us all the way they do. No matter how sci-fi/fantasy he makes them, you get an uneasy (or easy depending) feeling that this could be happening in the real world.
There were several active and well developed civilizations in Africa, other than in North Africa (Egypt, Carthage), and African contact has been speculated to be a source for the Olmec head statues. The world is not a static place –people explore and migrate!
Actually, having the tech in the hands of a few is a good thing. Better than it being spread all over. Not unlike nuclear weapons. While only the US had them, the world was safe. Now, well, it’s only a matter of time. We think WW2 was an evil thing and time (and, of course, it was). We aint seen nothin yet. True evil has yet to rear it’s head.
At least whoever has the Lanthian tech now hasn’t tried to take over the world by force. They could probably have, had they wished, long ago.
first we had the bomb, but that was good
‘cos we love peace and brotherhood
(who’s next?)
then russia got the bomb, but that’s okay
‘cos the balance of power’s maintained that way
(who’s next?)
That is the one that truly scares me. Neither side seems to have the concept that at the distance between them the collateral damage is total. No matter which one set off a bomb, most likely both will be severely affected.
So what’s to say that those concessions made were done because the ones who really knew how the V-tech worked were wiped out and any knowledge written or otherwise was sealed away for the greater good of those who survived?
The world was safe while only the USA had nukes? Which country used them as weapons during wartime? Or conducted human experiments with nukes and Pacific Islanders? Oh yeah, having power concentrated in one set of hands is just spiffy… not. Less damage was done during the Cold War, and we were arguably safer, if more scared and paranoid. I gotta admit, it’s sobering to be told in school that your classroom’s only a couple miles from ground zero. Oh, those were the days…
“Veni Vide” – if I spelled it right -is the opening to Caesars commentaries on the Gaul war – I came I saw ( and the last word meant I conquered. If “bmonk” shows up – ask him . Benadictines use Latin on almost a daily basis I would think .
I thought Caesar used that (Veni vidi vici) as a report to the Senate on a short war in Pontus (Northern Turkey). Right up there with “Peccavi” (I have sinned/Sind — a double pun by General Sir Charles Napier).
I think I’d try something like “Veni vidi confuzzior” — “I came, I saw, I am confuzzled (?)”. But that’s just me.
Or, it’s sometimes the unpopular rulers who agree to concede something… agreeing to some sort of reform or power-sharing that they don’t really care for, in order to stave off a more violent rebellion.
The way that King John was pressured into agreeing to limitations on his power, by conceding to the terms of the Magna Carta, is one example.
In what Euryale is saying, I’m hearing something a bit similar. The ex-Lanthians who held access to the old tech were faced with uprisings from others who wanted access to it; they may have made some concessions to share, but we don’t know whether these were enough to forestall a more violent conflict.
It’s possible that what Euryale is saying, is the answer to the question “Why didn’t the civilization(s) settled by the Lanthian survivors thrive? Why is so little about them known today?” They may have destroyed themselves, squabbling over the technological remains of the Lanthians.
concessions make me think of poor people being over taxed and starving as they cannot afford food.
Compromise would be those people doing labour instead so they can still eat.
(i am aware that is not how the word is but its how i treat them :P)
I believe the term comes around, because a concession stand is often being operated as a separate business – by somebody other than the owner of the property.
Hence, the property owner is making a concession to the merchant – “Yes, I agree that you may put your hot-dog stand here on my property and sell things.”
And, along the lines of hot dogs and booths… this week’s episode of “Bones” involved the investigation of the death of a competitive eater (who consumed vast numbers of hot dogs) , by none other than Agent Booth
Well… it seems that rather than a new unknown Country, Lakhenaten Tech. is either a Company, or a College.
as for the survivors wanting access to the technology, take a look at some of India’s Veda’s, and all the rest of the worlds various myths and legends and religious texts… all those gods seem to have either faded away after nobody was worshiping them anymore, or had been killed off by the other gods themselves. that sure seems to me to “uprisings” and “concessions” to me.
at this point it sure seems like the basis for the Dahak trilogy, by David Weber. the various ancients, with their high-tech became the gods and everyone else was, well… us. they didn’t really have to take over by force, force was only needed to kill off the “gods” other rivals, not for controlling their own population.
This also puts the Golem Girls into an interesting position.
They are, themselves, primo examples of high-powered (and dangerous) Lanthian tech.
They’re also apparently part of (founders of?) a mysterious security organization, which seems to have had something to do with controlling the use/possession of this sort of tech. They were “guardians”.
Question: were they “guardians” in the sense of “Try to keep anybody from using this tech in ways which will burn down civilization… again… like we did before”?
Or were they “guardians” in the sense of “Guard the tech on behalf of its current few ‘owners’, so that they continue to have exclusive access to it and can continue to lord it over everyone else”?
Part of what they were “guarding” seems to have been the very secret of themselves (the “witness protection program”). So, possibly, at least some of the people who were seeking access to the old tech, were unaware of their existence (or at least their whereabouts).
We don’t really know yet whose side they were on, during that time… or even what the sides really were.
Why does the word Guardian here makes me thing of Doctor Who and the Centurian…An ageless watcher who acts on behalf of what they guard… Seems about right somehow…
Re: “Lakhenaten” – if this name survived down into ancient Egyptian, then the “aten” syllables may mean “sun”.
It’ll be interesting to see if any old artifacts show up, shaped or marked with the symbol of a sun disk (especially if it has rays, and double especially if the rays end in hands). Such markings might be a sort of “brand identify” for this type of tech. If we see anything like that, watch out – it probably has major mojo attached.
On a vaguely-related note: one of my favorite bands Jade Warrior did an album back in the late 1970s called “Way of the Sun”. It’s their impression, in music, of life in central America prior to (and during) the European invasion. On one level it’s about that cultural change, and on another level it’s a telling of the peoples’ relationship with the sun: one day’s life starting with a sudden birdsong-filled dawn, and ending the day with the mournful “Death of Ra” at dusk. Well worth a listen (in my somewhat fanatical opinion).
Euryale in the first panel makes me want a Wapsi coloring book. It might be the combination of how her eyes differ from everyone elses (they’re not filled in…I want to color them!) and how her lips have more of their own outline than Monica’s do. Whatever the case, I really want to sit down with a box of crayons and some B&W Wapsi pages.
Monica is 4’10” according to her cast page. I’m going to say Euryale is about the same height as Phix in human form, maybe a little less. http://wapsisquare.com/comic/office-phix/
girld? and yes I see what you are saying… but Phix isn’t standing the same way Euryale is either, so I still say they’re within 2″ of each other, also accounting for errors in perception and artist rendition…. I think this will remain an open case until we get an official ruling….
Cool. All this information and she hasn’t even opened a single one of the books she was collecting. Herein is the real value of the library…supernatural scholars!
I am a fan of going to the library just to talk to the librarians. This is why I got mad when they turned my local library into an internet café with books.
Consessions were made, popcorn, cotton candy, nachos, y’know that sort of thing. Then Tepoz set up his frozen margarita booth, and things went downhill from there…..
First of many we hope. I dunno about the rest of these guys, but I enforce the pun jar because i enjoy the puns. Having the monetary threat, imaginary or not, adds a bit of fun, which means more pun.
Reminds me somewhat of an incident a few years ago. The company I work for, has a tradition of catering in a dinner at around 7 PM, for those software developers who are working late (the product schedules often being rather tight, many of us work overtime).
Several of us were sitting around having (I think) lasagna, and one of the guys commented that it was pretty good.
I said “Yeah. It’s much better than it might be. They could have just decided to feed us Purina Programmer Chow. A nice big bowl of kibble…
… since we get the bits upstairs.”
I immediately received a 2000-watt glare and a “Somebody. Hurt. Him.” rejoinder. Never did understand why…
Bytes are always 8 bits, what you’re thinking about is word size. And don’t forget 4 bits is a Nibble (not feeding the pun jar because that’s an actual technical term from back in the Z80 era).
Actually, there have been computer systems which used 9-bit bytes (36 bit words) and 6-bit bytes (60-bit words). I believe these are all obsolete and retired from use, nowadays.
The German sub found them. they explored a bit, and made off with a portable Shiney Bit.
They didn’t get far before they were caught. But, looks like the fight went into a Draw during Sudden Death Overtime. But, it looks like they were able to retire from the field, even if without the trophy.
The cross was on land. The sub crew was most likely doing the Nazi S.S. hunt for objects of supernatural power, but when they touched the cross it sent images into their minds and drove them insane, They killed each other and were on the bottom of the ocean untill Stinky found them. I don’t think this had anything to do with the Lanthians. But it was a cute way to use sport metaphor all the same.
Not Everyone’s… Sorry, but i can’t stand marshmallows: pink or otherwise. i hate Easter peeps and I gladly do with out them in my hot chocolate as well…
That marshmallow fluff stuff is better in hot chocolate than marshmallows. Don’t like Peeps either, but some of the chocolate covered things aren’t too bad.
All of a sudden it’s passive voice…
Well, we do seem to have hit the Energy Barrier at the Edge of the Exposition. “Don’t know that part.”
Her switch to passive voice may be more of the same… she may know that there was politicking and negotiating and dickering and bickering going on over the fate of the rare old tech, but not know more than generalities about who conceded what to whom.
I suppose it’s possible that nobody, these days, still knows the details of exactly what happened… if things got angry enough, nobody involved may have survived long enough to write down a record
Notice the change in Euryale’s accent and body language as she changes from gushing fan to scholar mode.
Indeed. It’s amazing how much work and thought puts into writing this comic, and yet can still turn out 5 a week. Some might say the sketches and pinups don’t count, but I have to disagree, since that still takes time, and the fans are still happy for them.
Uprisings? That sounds ominous.
More ominous, some of those with the tech are still around and we have one less Guardian to protect us from them.
Just one is more than enough. Two, overkill and then some.
(grins) Maybe — but our cast is still pretty small. Lotta room in the Wapsi hat to find a rabbit to pull out
Our gang may find themselves needing all the friends they can muster, especially since it’s been left unspecified exactly who’s still around after all this time. Always interesting to see new faces pop up!
Concessions were made, civilizations were destroyed, elites were overthrown, proletariats became bureaucrats, Napoleon ousted Snowflake, cats and dogs started living together….
What a mess.
“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned”
Yeats was no dummy. He knew.
It’s an old, old story.
Not unlike the world as it actually is.
If it’s been a while since any of you all read Animal Farm or 1984, they’re as thought-provoking and relevant now as the day they were published.
Chocolate chip cookies for you, madame! Well done!
That is because history like all things in nature is cyclical. Things happen again and again. The Mayan Calendar show this truth. I sometimes think this is just saying that the human race is not as evolved as we seem to think we are sometimes.
A sad fact, though not quite right. it isn’t history that repeats so much as human nature. People get lazy, people forget and then the lessons of the past are forced to repeat themselves. Those that forget the lessons of the past are forced to relearn them. Overall we slowly get better but still, human nature is a hard thing to grow out of. Evolution does take a lot of time, after all.
“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it DOES Rhyme” – Mark Twain
And now we need people to find that tech, and lock it up to make sure it doesn’t kill us?
See? It really is the geeks who rule the world.
I’m looking to remodel my house, do you think a V Cell can power a holodeck? I feel that would keep it well hidden…
Someone call Will Smith of the M.I.B and have him go to the Wild Wild West on Indipendance Day, we can All of Us Hitch a ride on his I, Robot for the Persuit of Happyness, then we can be Bad Boys while he tells us a Shark Tale.
The pun jar is going to suffer from gravitational implosion at this rate.
This particular scenario would be a black whole, would it not?
~tosses in some old spanish coins~ I wont apologize for that. =p
Will Smith would make an excellent Governor of California.
I’m going to make sure that I keep Six Degress of Separation from Haruko.
The pun jar is now a wormhole. Congratulations punsters. lol ;-p
I hope I calibrated it right. I was aiming for Pablo’s house.
Is this the house of which you were speaking?
Just WOW. o.0
hahaha, rampant destruction isn’t usually my thing, but I can’t argue with results like that! XD
The real question is, is there a point at which a wormhole has been fed so much that it un-implodes? Or is it just a giant universe pocket?
Damn… good thing I missed huh? To be honest, I was just throwing science at the wall for that one. XD
(Actually Haruko, It was built that way. Artists…whaddya gunna do? :P)
I know this is fiction, but it COULD explain why there is evidence of people living in South America BEFORE evidence of humans travelling to North America via the Bering land bridge.
Hmmm…..You weave some fascinating tale sir. Very fascinating indeed.
Some scholars say that South America was colonized via Australia and the South Pacific. And recent Genome mapping supports this theory.
There are also scholars who support multiple waves of immigrants, not just the “one big wave” theory. Of course, those who have gained notoriety and fame from the one big wave theory scoff at that idea, but I can’t imagine why…
There is no dispute about at least three waves in North America, as the Athabaskans came in later, and the Inuit are relatively recent. A lot more archaeological work needs to be done on the Siberian side to sort this out.
Paul has always been good at using known historical data in the storyline after all. I think that is why the stories are able to hit us all the way they do. No matter how sci-fi/fantasy he makes them, you get an uneasy (or easy depending) feeling that this could be happening in the real world.
Summary of Pre-Columbian new world contacts Here.
There were several active and well developed civilizations in Africa, other than in North Africa (Egypt, Carthage), and African contact has been speculated to be a source for the Olmec head statues. The world is not a static place –people explore and migrate!
Thanks for the link–all my prior knowledge on the subject came from the book Kon-Tiki.
Actually, having the tech in the hands of a few is a good thing. Better than it being spread all over. Not unlike nuclear weapons. While only the US had them, the world was safe. Now, well, it’s only a matter of time. We think WW2 was an evil thing and time (and, of course, it was). We aint seen nothin yet. True evil has yet to rear it’s head.
At least whoever has the Lanthian tech now hasn’t tried to take over the world by force. They could probably have, had they wished, long ago.
There was only a few priests who had the golem power ^^
i think the only reason they haven’t tried was these concessions.
perhaps the golem girls made a deal?
Or they wiped them all out when they obliterated Lanthis prime.
first we had the bomb, but that was good
‘cos we love peace and brotherhood
(who’s next?)
then russia got the bomb, but that’s okay
‘cos the balance of power’s maintained that way
(who’s next?)
but have no qualm…
’til alabama gets the bomb!
Who’s Next?
Thanks, I needed that little bit of classic political humor.
I find it almost impossible to believe, myself, that i saw the original broadcast of the TW3 segment with that song…
Well, India and Pakistan have the bomb and HATE each other. And they haven’t started tossing nukes.
That is the one that truly scares me. Neither side seems to have the concept that at the distance between them the collateral damage is total. No matter which one set off a bomb, most likely both will be severely affected.
Kind of like this?
That depends on how well those few people get along with each other. Obviously they set themselves up as gods, and all the gods seem ot have enemies.
So what’s to say that those concessions made were done because the ones who really knew how the V-tech worked were wiped out and any knowledge written or otherwise was sealed away for the greater good of those who survived?
The world was safe while only the USA had nukes? Which country used them as weapons during wartime? Or conducted human experiments with nukes and Pacific Islanders? Oh yeah, having power concentrated in one set of hands is just spiffy… not. Less damage was done during the Cold War, and we were arguably safer, if more scared and paranoid. I gotta admit, it’s sobering to be told in school that your classroom’s only a couple miles from ground zero. Oh, those were the days…
I came – I looked and read – I Left confused .
I have no idea how to translate that into latin but it would become my new favourite catchphrase!
“Veni Vide” – if I spelled it right -is the opening to Caesars commentaries on the Gaul war – I came I saw ( and the last word meant I conquered. If “bmonk” shows up – ask him . Benadictines use Latin on almost a daily basis I would think .
I thought Caesar used that (Veni vidi vici) as a report to the Senate on a short war in Pontus (Northern Turkey). Right up there with “Peccavi” (I have sinned/Sind — a double pun by General Sir Charles Napier).
I think I’d try something like “Veni vidi confuzzior” — “I came, I saw, I am confuzzled (?)”. But that’s just me.
And, no–we no longer use Latin daily.
I came – I looked and read – I Left confused
“Vendi, Vidi et lege, reliquere sum confusus” is about right, assuming I remember correctly (not a good bet)
Thank you for the reply – and the last Latin class was in First Form – when I was 13 . And that was in 1953.
“Veni, vidi et legeri, abiri confusa” seems to be fairly close but bmonk should be able to give us a definitive translation.
Veni, vidi, visa: “I came, I saw, I went shopping – “
Omnia mihi lingua graeca sunt
Or to paraphrase:
It’s all Greek to me!
Quite a bit rusty, but I think something like,
“Veni, vidi et legi, quam reliqui confusum”
My last frequent use of Latin was about 20 years ago tho’… I’ve been reading my wee one, “Winnie Ille Pu” and watching the gigglefest.
…I know a guy who does “Jaberwocky” in Latin for parties… I don’t think that helps, though.
How does Jabber feel about being ‘outed’ like that?
That’s why the quotes were there–“Jabberwocky” not Jabberwonky.
I could probably do it in Pig Latin for parties…
“`astway illigbray, anday ethay lithysay ovestay
Idday yregay anday imblegay inay hethay abeway:”
does he do it in a scotts accent like johnny depp (mad hatter) does?
In a myriad of funny accents…
More of a … upper-peninsula Michigan accent.
“Twas brillig, don’cha know-a, an’ da toves–da slivey ones, eh?–dey gyre-d an’ gimbolled in da way-abe! Oh, yah, der, hey.”
(With all proper apologies. The pun jar now has a permanent syphon on my paychecks, too.)
Oh dear.
From what I gather Monica does not like the word concessions.
Neither do I.
It’s normally the little people who have to conceed stuff.
oh wait concessions.
Brandi was talking about doing deals a little while back?
was SHE the one who conceeded?
They shut down tepoz but could they have woke up the girls without waking him?
Or, it’s sometimes the unpopular rulers who agree to concede something… agreeing to some sort of reform or power-sharing that they don’t really care for, in order to stave off a more violent rebellion.
The way that King John was pressured into agreeing to limitations on his power, by conceding to the terms of the Magna Carta, is one example.
In what Euryale is saying, I’m hearing something a bit similar. The ex-Lanthians who held access to the old tech were faced with uprisings from others who wanted access to it; they may have made some concessions to share, but we don’t know whether these were enough to forestall a more violent conflict.
It’s possible that what Euryale is saying, is the answer to the question “Why didn’t the civilization(s) settled by the Lanthian survivors thrive? Why is so little about them known today?” They may have destroyed themselves, squabbling over the technological remains of the Lanthians.
But what is the uprising she is referring to? The Olympians overthrowing the Titans? The fall of Valhalla?
Is there any women alive that likes the word concessions, or compromise? Because I don’t know of any.
concessions i hate
compromise is good
concessions make me think of poor people being over taxed and starving as they cannot afford food.
Compromise would be those people doing labour instead so they can still eat.
(i am aware that is not how the word is but its how i treat them :P)
I like the word “concessions”! It means impending candy!
LOL, Nice way to lighten the mood,
I can’t stand too much seriousness in my mornings since I’m not a morning person to begin with…
I thought it ment impending hot dogs. I must be going to the wrong booth.
I’d go for some nice bratwurst.
I forgot about that meaning
wonder how it came to mean that?
Generally, you’re making concessions on quality anytime you’re eating at one… ;.)
I believe the term comes around, because a concession stand is often being operated as a separate business – by somebody other than the owner of the property.
Hence, the property owner is making a concession to the merchant – “Yes, I agree that you may put your hot-dog stand here on my property and sell things.”
And, along the lines of hot dogs and booths… this week’s episode of “Bones” involved the investigation of the death of a competitive eater (who consumed vast numbers of hot dogs) , by none other than Agent Booth
You never hear of that happening with Funnelcake or deep fried Snickers…
Wouldn’t you change your name the first time someone said, “Congratulations, Agent Funnelcake…” ?
Occupy Lanthis!
And an Internet for you.
Set a fb page up, and I’d be there. I’m already with Occupy Cybertron.
(when you have a pan-dimensional portal with frozen yogurt attatchment, you can occupy where-ever you darn well feel.)
Well… it seems that rather than a new unknown Country, Lakhenaten Tech. is either a Company, or a College.
as for the survivors wanting access to the technology, take a look at some of India’s Veda’s, and all the rest of the worlds various myths and legends and religious texts… all those gods seem to have either faded away after nobody was worshiping them anymore, or had been killed off by the other gods themselves. that sure seems to me to “uprisings” and “concessions” to me.
at this point it sure seems like the basis for the Dahak trilogy, by David Weber. the various ancients, with their high-tech became the gods and everyone else was, well… us. they didn’t really have to take over by force, force was only needed to kill off the “gods” other rivals, not for controlling their own population.
This also puts the Golem Girls into an interesting position.
They are, themselves, primo examples of high-powered (and dangerous) Lanthian tech.
They’re also apparently part of (founders of?) a mysterious security organization, which seems to have had something to do with controlling the use/possession of this sort of tech. They were “guardians”.
Question: were they “guardians” in the sense of “Try to keep anybody from using this tech in ways which will burn down civilization… again… like we did before”?
Or were they “guardians” in the sense of “Guard the tech on behalf of its current few ‘owners’, so that they continue to have exclusive access to it and can continue to lord it over everyone else”?
Part of what they were “guarding” seems to have been the very secret of themselves (the “witness protection program”). So, possibly, at least some of the people who were seeking access to the old tech, were unaware of their existence (or at least their whereabouts).
We don’t really know yet whose side they were on, during that time… or even what the sides really were.
Why does the word Guardian here makes me thing of Doctor Who and the Centurian…An ageless watcher who acts on behalf of what they guard… Seems about right somehow…
I don’t know about that, but when you pointed out the word Guardian my first thought was “Pretty Guardian Sailor Lanthis”.
Re: “Lakhenaten” – if this name survived down into ancient Egyptian, then the “aten” syllables may mean “sun”.
It’ll be interesting to see if any old artifacts show up, shaped or marked with the symbol of a sun disk (especially if it has rays, and double especially if the rays end in hands). Such markings might be a sort of “brand identify” for this type of tech. If we see anything like that, watch out – it probably has major mojo attached.
On a vaguely-related note: one of my favorite bands Jade Warrior did an album back in the late 1970s called “Way of the Sun”. It’s their impression, in music, of life in central America prior to (and during) the European invasion. On one level it’s about that cultural change, and on another level it’s a telling of the peoples’ relationship with the sun: one day’s life starting with a sudden birdsong-filled dawn, and ending the day with the mournful “Death of Ra” at dusk. Well worth a listen (in my somewhat fanatical opinion).
Now available at the student union concession stand….
Cute shirt Jabber.
Jabber, that shirt gets my official owl face. o.0
This is why. It’s my town. Just page one, mind you.
Ha ha! I almost went with a waveform like that… =.)
Euryale in the first panel makes me want a Wapsi coloring book. It might be the combination of how her eyes differ from everyone elses (they’re not filled in…I want to color them!) and how her lips have more of their own outline than Monica’s do. Whatever the case, I really want to sit down with a box of crayons and some B&W Wapsi pages.
First pamel: I forget how tall we recently established Monica is, but, even without the hair, Eurayle is well over six feet.
Monica is 4’10” according to her cast page. I’m going to say Euryale is about the same height as Phix in human form, maybe a little less.
Actually, Monica’s eyes seem about on a level with Eurayle’s boobs, but a touch higher in regard to Phix’s.
OTOH, Monica’s girld seem to be pointed a tad above Eurayle’s hips, but about on a line with Phix’s.
Eurayle seems to be a tad longer in the torso than Phix.
girld? and yes I see what you are saying… but Phix isn’t standing the same way Euryale is either, so I still say they’re within 2″ of each other, also accounting for errors in perception and artist rendition…. I think this will remain an open case until we get an official ruling….
Cool. All this information and she hasn’t even opened a single one of the books she was collecting. Herein is the real value of the library…supernatural scholars!
Precisely. No need for Phix anymore. This one spouts information straightforward, rather than in riddles. (>^_^)>
I am a fan of going to the library just to talk to the librarians. This is why I got mad when they turned my local library into an internet café with books.
“There were uprisings” “Concessions were made”.
Second verse. Same as the first.
not really. You can have uprisings, but they can be squashed before they get to their objective.
–could be better but it’s gonna get worse?!?
Oh dear. I sense impending explosions.
Euryale is my new favorite character
I miss her snakes
Consessions were made, popcorn, cotton candy, nachos, y’know that sort of thing. Then Tepoz set up his frozen margarita booth, and things went downhill from there…..
Ah-ha! Another person who believes that “concessions” means impending candy!
All these concession jokes, I can’t Stand it…
And my first tip to the pun jar goes…
First of many we hope. I dunno about the rest of these guys, but I enforce the pun jar because i enjoy the puns. Having the monetary threat, imaginary or not, adds a bit of fun, which means more pun.
I’m game. Let’s see if we can knock this one out of the stadium.
[two bits for the admission, and two more to get out.]
The pun jar comes mewling
At my kitchen door
Like a lost cat
When puns are few.
This is why I’m not a poet, but I eat like one.
BTW since concessions were made, someone go get me nome cheese nachos and a large Coke…
And an order of Purina Viper Chow for my friend’s coif….
Reminds me somewhat of an incident a few years ago. The company I work for, has a tradition of catering in a dinner at around 7 PM, for those software developers who are working late (the product schedules often being rather tight, many of us work overtime).
Several of us were sitting around having (I think) lasagna, and one of the guys commented that it was pretty good.
I said “Yeah. It’s much better than it might be. They could have just decided to feed us Purina Programmer Chow. A nice big bowl of kibble…
… since we get the bits upstairs.”
I immediately received a 2000-watt glare and a “Somebody. Hurt. Him.” rejoinder. Never did understand why…
At least they didn’t respond, “Byte me!”
(Of course, in those days, they would have been, what 16 or 32 bit bytes?)
Depends. (Size of table-1 x ferocity of glare) x drinks consumed = number of bytes in a bad joke… right?
That’s a good first approximation.
Of course, programmers would prefer to save a heap of jike space, for the sake of efficiency, by sitting at a hash table.
But only in Amsterdam…
Bytes are always 8 bits, what you’re thinking about is word size. And don’t forget 4 bits is a Nibble (not feeding the pun jar because that’s an actual technical term from back in the Z80 era).
Actually, there have been computer systems which used 9-bit bytes (36 bit words) and 6-bit bytes (60-bit words). I believe these are all obsolete and retired from use, nowadays.
Ahh multiple strips of backstory, my only weakness . . . (it burns)
So there were Lanthians Under The Sea.
The German sub found them. they explored a bit, and made off with a portable Shiney Bit.
They didn’t get far before they were caught. But, looks like the fight went into a Draw during Sudden Death Overtime. But, it looks like they were able to retire from the field, even if without the trophy.
Then along came Stinky….
Darned no-edit function. ‘The Lanthian persuers’ were able to retire, but without the trophy.
At least, Bud didn’t SEE any…
The cross was on land. The sub crew was most likely doing the Nazi S.S. hunt for objects of supernatural power, but when they touched the cross it sent images into their minds and drove them insane, They killed each other and were on the bottom of the ocean untill Stinky found them. I don’t think this had anything to do with the Lanthians. But it was a cute way to use sport metaphor all the same.
New Gravatar… it’s everyone’s favorite pink marshmallow! Kirby!

Not Everyone’s… Sorry, but i can’t stand marshmallows: pink or otherwise. i hate Easter peeps and I gladly do with out them in my hot chocolate as well…
That marshmallow fluff stuff is better in hot chocolate than marshmallows. Don’t like Peeps either, but some of the chocolate covered things aren’t too bad.
Have you ever looked up Peep Research or similar subjects on the net? FUN!
Euryale reminds me of my 1990 trip to North Carolina, I found myself not listening to what the locals were saying but HOW the locals were speaking…
The accent’s pure Georgia mushmouth.