Without Dying by Paul Taylor on November 16, 2016 at 11:04 pm Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Castela, LeucoisaLocation: The Library Related Comics ¬ Part Of My Adventure The One Sword Pointed Away Self Reflective Tail of Approval
Awwwwwww 🙂
Thank dog, finally!
Castela will always be able to find her in the drift.
Hugs good…
Leucosia wrote poetry… :3 Which means Atsali can look up what her mother wrote. ;D
Wrote versus Published.
Yeah, but magic library.
If the Library has copies of her journals and diaries, I don’t think it matters whether she published or not.
What siaries said. The library still has record of it, somewhere. i think it’d be a bit of a bitter sweet revelation.
I think it’s set up where even the things that never left a person’s head, are copied in the library
One of the good things about monkey-kind: arms to hug with.
Hmm. Beyond post-singularity.
Maybe post-transcendental?
Hugs are a two way conversations that can say things that no words were ever invented to express.
Quoting the Doctor, they’re also a way to hide your face from the other person.
No these aren’t tears, my eyes have dust in them…
allergies to onions!…
Nice, Maybe Atsali could visit her as well, I am getting a Supergirl kinda vibe here.
The good kind of feels
Okay, it wasn’t a good idea to read this at work…I’m crying. And I’m the first person anybody sees when they walk into the building. I’m going to have to claim allergies…bah.
Do what I do.
Say that I cook at home and occasionally a little bit of onion juice gets me long after the fact.
Once again, busty mom hug for the win…
Yups, momma hugs are the best hugs, busty or otherwise
Close enuff.
Maybe for taggin purposes, you could refer to this character as Leucoisa 2.0.
Or SimLeucoisa.
Or LeuGram (Leucosia + Hologram)
Nice – truly like this strip.