My thoughts exactly. Although, I’d probably say something like “I don’t consider you a clay doll. You don’t look like a clay doll, you don’t sound like a clay doll and you sure as hell don’t feel like a clay doll. Wanna go again?”
That kind of reply seems to imply that you already know what it feels like to make love to a clay doll…
Not being judgmental, just an observation that even facts need to be verified by *comparison* to something else.
Every thing in this universe has some kind of relationship to every other thing in this universe, even if the only relationship that you know is that they are both things that exist in the same universe. SCIENCE is for learning more finely defined comparisons between any two things. For example, Einstein’s much-celebrated equation (E=MCsquared) is how Matter, Energy & Speed of motion are defined according to how they are compared to each other. It’s expression as a mathematical formula is how we *measure* what those comparisons are.
Love the new website and the comment section! I frequently read but never joined the forum but leaving a comment is much easier so I thought I’d do that
Terrific oversized comic to celebrate the new website! Great expressions on the characters! Jin and Alan make such a cute couple!
Also very cool to see the Cast page in the works. It was a little distressing to see that Amanda was left out but I guess she just hasn’t been able to keep up with the rest of the cast. I guess that sometimes happens in RL friendships too.
Love the comic and keep up the great story and art!
Just gotta say I LOVE the new site design! And this comic just keeps getting better and better. Love it love it love it! Thank you for sharing your world with us.
One thing I noticed about the switch to ComicPress is it uses the info from my WordPress blog and my avatar from that as well. That reminds me I have a new bike, I should change my avatar to show her off.
Curmudgeon here. The old forums were easier to tell when a new comment was added to a particular days discussion. Also, I used to see the comic via Blank Label comics, it hasn’t happened for the last week or so. Is this permanent? AND. I have to set up my avatar all over again. Harrumph.
I’m going to talk to Bookworm about moving the forums but seriously I’ll need to have other folks doing the moderating of the forums. I just don’t have as much time to get over there as I used to. In regards to your other question, I have left BLC but my move has NO drama.
FANTASTIC!!! Not only do I really like your comic, Paul. I really like the new website layout. Also, the RSS is fixed. Thanks, Phil! You guys are doing a great job!!!
What will happen once the calendar is fixed? You know, like 3 years from now.
Loving this. Even at my age I find myself growing somewhat more ambivalent about my own mortality, I imagine Jin might, in some sense, look forward to it.
Count me as another in favour of the old forum system or something like it. This one is more convenient to post though. It’d be nice to see some way to combine the best features of the two.
OMG. I finally reached the current strip, after a year and half of not reading. I’d forgotten how much I love this comic. Amazing, funny, thought provoking all at once. Love it! These are real women you’re writing, clay dolls or not. Thanks so much.
I don’t think my comment went through, unless it’s moderated. At the risk of repeating myself, AMAAAAZING job on the new site!! And Jin is way too insecure. She should own her clayness.
Awwww, Paul! Why’d you have to spill the beans like that? Why not surprise us as a Christmas present? Personally, I was looking forward to three more years of calendar complications.
And with all due respect, isn’t the calendar arc pretty much what Wapsi Square is all about? I’d hate to see Jin, Brandi and Bud turn into boring mortals with normal teeth.
Speculation: They COULD become mortal but that doesn’t mean theey would lose their powers or disappear…
They’d be like vampires, only much more difficult to put to rest.
darn it I’ve been doing a reread promising myself I would read all the comments, its been fun seeing the months apart conversations we multiple time rereaders have but then I get to this page when the comments were up when it was posted and its just gonna be a hassle after this.
Heh, that’s a runner up to the “Worst thing to say after sex” contest. The winner, of course, was Martin from Questionable Content’s “Happy Birthday, Grandma!”
Alan: “Nah, Jin… some people do it with merely unresponsive rubber dolls. I have an artificial intelligent, supernatural clay-doll that can talk!
Well, talk isn’t it’s strongest suit, so… why don’t you shut up and enjoy the feeling?”
Mood break…GO!
Heh. Lighten up, Alan. My response would be “Heck no. Re-ride?”
My thoughts exactly. Although, I’d probably say something like “I don’t consider you a clay doll. You don’t look like a clay doll, you don’t sound like a clay doll and you sure as hell don’t feel like a clay doll. Wanna go again?”
That kind of reply seems to imply that you already know what it feels like to make love to a clay doll…
Not being judgmental, just an observation that even facts need to be verified by *comparison* to something else.
Every thing in this universe has some kind of relationship to every other thing in this universe, even if the only relationship that you know is that they are both things that exist in the same universe. SCIENCE is for learning more finely defined comparisons between any two things. For example, Einstein’s much-celebrated equation (E=MCsquared) is how Matter, Energy & Speed of motion are defined according to how they are compared to each other. It’s expression as a mathematical formula is how we *measure* what those comparisons are.
Yeah… There goes the fabulous after-glow-moment for good.
Love the new website and the comment section! I frequently read but never joined the forum but leaving a comment is much easier so I thought I’d do that
Terrific oversized comic to celebrate the new website! Great expressions on the characters! Jin and Alan make such a cute couple!
Also very cool to see the Cast page in the works. It was a little distressing to see that Amanda was left out but I guess she just hasn’t been able to keep up with the rest of the cast. I guess that sometimes happens in RL friendships too.
Love the comic and keep up the great story and art!
Just gotta say I LOVE the new site design! And this comic just keeps getting better and better. Love it love it love it! Thank you for sharing your world with us.
And the mood is now ruined…… WTG Jin.
This looks great.
One thing I noticed about the switch to ComicPress is it uses the info from my WordPress blog and my avatar from that as well. That reminds me I have a new bike, I should change my avatar to show her off.
Somebody redesigned a website. Hmmm, I like it, yes sir, very much I do.
One of the funniest strips I a while. Great timing,
Did you do something to the banner links? The one on my Drunk Duck site seems to have stopped working
You cannot “hotlink” to the images, right-click and save it and put it on your site.
Well, he hadn’t been…
“Heck no! I can pretend I’m sleeping with Wonder Woman!”
…but he’s probably not that much of a geek. ^_^;;
Very nice redesign. And great comic as always.
I like the new look, Paul. Well done.
I read that last line as “dammit Jim!” (I’m a doctor, not a toymaker!) And as for the new comments – sad to see the forums go bye-bye. :'(
It was on my site for more than a year. It just suddenly stopped working. I was just wondering why.
Is the forum permanently gone? It was a lot easier to keep track of conversations there.
Also, this was hilarious. And is it just me or is Jin always sanest when she’s with Alan?
Love the new layout, looks great! Excellent comic, keep up the stellar work!
Curmudgeon here. The old forums were easier to tell when a new comment was added to a particular days discussion. Also, I used to see the comic via Blank Label comics, it hasn’t happened for the last week or so. Is this permanent? AND. I have to set up my avatar all over again. Harrumph.
I’m going to talk to Bookworm about moving the forums but seriously I’ll need to have other folks doing the moderating of the forums. I just don’t have as much time to get over there as I used to. In regards to your other question, I have left BLC but my move has NO drama.
FANTASTIC!!! Not only do I really like your comic, Paul. I really like the new website layout. Also, the RSS is fixed. Thanks, Phil! You guys are doing a great job!!!
What will happen once the calendar is fixed? You know, like 3 years from now.
Thanks much! ^_^
The calendar arc will be ending this December. =)
Yeah, right!
The new site looks great and I love the larger comic page. It really brings out the beauty of the inkwork.
Tech query: how do I add my avatar to the Comments?
Click the link that says “Get an avatar” (next to the “Name” box on the cxomment form) and sign up for a “Gravatar” (Globally Recognised Avatat).
Loving this. Even at my age I find myself growing somewhat more ambivalent about my own mortality, I imagine Jin might, in some sense, look forward to it.
Count me as another in favour of the old forum system or something like it. This one is more convenient to post though. It’d be nice to see some way to combine the best features of the two.
Yayyyy new site!!!!!!!! <3
This looks fabulous, it's so much cleaner and more user friendly! Great job!
OMG. I finally reached the current strip, after a year and half of not reading. I’d forgotten how much I love this comic. Amazing, funny, thought provoking all at once. Love it! These are real women you’re writing, clay dolls or not. Thanks so much.
I don’t think my comment went through, unless it’s moderated. At the risk of repeating myself, AMAAAAZING job on the new site!! And Jin is way too insecure. She should own her clayness.
Everything seems so strange … except for Jin and Alan’s apré-sex conversation. My wife and I seem to have similar ones.
The calendar arc will be ending this December. =)
Ooooooh… (waits with baited breath)
new website layout is awesome!
Awwww, Paul! Why’d you have to spill the beans like that? Why not surprise us as a Christmas present? Personally, I was looking forward to three more years of calendar complications.
And with all due respect, isn’t the calendar arc pretty much what Wapsi Square is all about? I’d hate to see Jin, Brandi and Bud turn into boring mortals with normal teeth.
Speculation: They COULD become mortal but that doesn’t mean theey would lose their powers or disappear…
They’d be like vampires, only much more difficult to put to rest.
Did he really say WHICH December? Maybe he means December 2012…
Love the new layout
Love the new look! This is awesome! Hope to stop by your table at FallCon next weekend!
Love the new site! I always had to side-scroll with the new look, but not anymore!
I love the new layout! I also have to say i’m still LoL-ing @ Jin and her insecurity….
So THAT’S where my RSS feed went… Sheesh, no wonder I’ve had this nagging feeling of missing something…
who says they would become mortals after all they would still be golems and its hard to kill a golem
I am a huge nerd. The first thing I think of when I read Alan’s last comment is Star Trek. xD
darn it I’ve been doing a reread promising myself I would read all the comments, its been fun seeing the months apart conversations we multiple time rereaders have but then I get to this page when the comments were up when it was posted and its just gonna be a hassle after this.
Heh, that’s a runner up to the “Worst thing to say after sex” contest. The winner, of course, was Martin from Questionable Content’s “Happy Birthday, Grandma!”
Alan: “Nah, Jin… some people do it with merely unresponsive rubber dolls. I have an artificial intelligent, supernatural clay-doll that can talk!
Well, talk isn’t it’s strongest suit, so… why don’t you shut up and enjoy the feeling?”
Wow. Jin’s a bigger buzzkill than Buzz Killington!
Aaaand this must be the point where the old forum system was retired for the new comment system. Look at us all…
Way to ruin the mood, gurl; Jin, you’re a real piece of work!