I haven’t read since october, I found myself in a bit of trouble back then and only just now have gotten things in order enough to catch up. And I have to say, that was a hell of a ride!
“It tricked me”? Dang, girl, you have to work on your lines!
I wonder when Officer Buns will find out that Shelly works with gas welders – and is well schooled on the safety rules for same.
This was only cute when Bud tried this because she was still learning the ropes on contemporary social norms; this is just plain pathetic with some one who should know better. Seriously, take her pulse with a set of handcuffs, and take her in for who knows how many city ordinances she broke doing that idiotic stunt.
I think Shelley knows better then to blow up the neighborhood. If anything, it’s all pyrotechnic, like a stunt show. But srsly, better pick up lines would work too.
Swann: I keep two tabs open in Firefox – one the page I am reading, the other an online dictionary.
Check out http://www.onelook.com/ . The Reverse Dictionary, which allows you to type in a description of the word or phrase for which you are looking, and which then gives you a list of possible words, is quite helpful, sometimes.
I have a grill and it hates me. It tries to blow my hand off occasionally and when I was assembling it it bit me… the lid came down hard enough to knock me silly, a year later and I still have a dent in my forehead. Grills is evil!
So for a comic set in St Paul, grills can’t get more Midwestern.
According to Topeka:
Weber Brothers Metal Works, a Chicago custom order sheet metal shop that produced, among other products, half-spheres that were welded together to make buoys for use in Lake Michigan. There, he cut one of the buoys in half and fashioned a dome shaped grill with a rounded lid, and the classic original Weber kettle grill was born.
No, no. The next step is to faint into his arms. The checking of the pulse doesn’t occur until you want to slyly slip into the holding-of-the-hand-and-staring-longingly-into-each-others-eyes part. Followed by the passionate-kiss-and-squeezing-of-the-tight-buns part.
The rest of the guys have been briefed in. I have to wonder how a cop would deal with Monica’s Traveling Circus And Clock Repair Company – they tend to be a bit more, um, rigid about things.
My co-worker is part of the local police auxiliary. He says cops get this kind of treatment “all the time.” No doubt Officer Buns already has a few pithy responses to Shelley’s come-on. I just hope it’s not along the lines of, “Yeah, baby, I gotta throbbing pulse of my own…”
I’m referring to Katherine O’Hara’s character from SCTV, she used to appear on the Sammy Maudlin show, and engage in the smarm-fest with other “celebrities.” She was a mix of Lorna and Liza, and seemingly more coked-up than both.
Could be – the nose is very like, but Bud’s officer isn’t wearing glasses. http://wapsisquare.com/comic/it-went-phbbbbbb/
For what it’s worth, the ears are drawn differently. The hair isn’t quite the same. Since no names were involved, who knows?
Kinda hard to tell from a ‘toon.
Looks like she is channeling Liza Minnelli in frame 2.
Looks a tad closer to Liza’s mommy to me, now that you mention it.
gotta love a man in glasses..gun helps too
I haven’t read since october, I found myself in a bit of trouble back then and only just now have gotten things in order enough to catch up. And I have to say, that was a hell of a ride!
“It tricked me”? Dang, girl, you have to work on your lines!
I wonder when Officer Buns will find out that Shelly works with gas welders – and is well schooled on the safety rules for same.
This was only cute when Bud tried this because she was still learning the ropes on contemporary social norms; this is just plain pathetic with some one who should know better. Seriously, take her pulse with a set of handcuffs, and take her in for who knows how many city ordinances she broke doing that idiotic stunt.
I think Shelley knows better then to blow up the neighborhood. If anything, it’s all pyrotechnic, like a stunt show. But srsly, better pick up lines would work too.
She’s in a walled off welding yard by her dad’s garage. And from first hand knowledge, those explosions are neither loud nor destructive. 🙂
“Walled off welding yard by her dad’s garage”
“Neither loud nor destructive”
Wait a minute, how did Officer Buns get a “report of a blast in the area” then? Maybe the stalker has become the stalkee?
“What a twist!”
Shelly most likely made the call as well. Just to be sure.
Yeah. Nothing left to chance.
Cheesy pick up lines just like in the movies.
Guys in glasses ftw.
“I have a feeling you’re not as mechanically inept as you let on”
What gave it away, the grease under her nails, the vague scent of motor oil, or the half rebuilt carbeurator 10 feet away?
I don’t think I’ve ever had to actually spell that before.
Swann: I keep two tabs open in Firefox – one the page I am reading, the other an online dictionary.
Check out http://www.onelook.com/ . The Reverse Dictionary, which allows you to type in a description of the word or phrase for which you are looking, and which then gives you a list of possible words, is quite helpful, sometimes.
Yeah, it would be kind of hard for Shelly to get away with playing a dumb blond for more reasons than one.
1. Awww, Shelly has a crush!
2. That explains the make up yesterday!
3. You hussy……
Don’t fall for it , officer Buns .
Im liking this new side to shelly 🙂
Hmm this guy is similar to owen kinda..
guess shelly likes blondes 😀
New? I’d thumb through and linky to her little “pull the spark plug lines out of my Camaro” stunt, but I’m too lazy.
I have a grill and it hates me. It tries to blow my hand off occasionally and when I was assembling it it bit me… the lid came down hard enough to knock me silly, a year later and I still have a dent in my forehead. Grills is evil!
Once it’s got a taste for blood there’s nothing to do but put it down.
By the way, Pablo: nice touch on the patch. Complete with the actual city logo.
Wasn’t the original Weber kettle built in the shell pf a harbor mine? Or was it just a harbor bouy? Can’t remember.
So for a comic set in St Paul, grills can’t get more Midwestern.
According to Topeka:
Weber Brothers Metal Works, a Chicago custom order sheet metal shop that produced, among other products, half-spheres that were welded together to make buoys for use in Lake Michigan. There, he cut one of the buoys in half and fashioned a dome shaped grill with a rounded lid, and the classic original Weber kettle grill was born.
Go, Shelly! With hair like that, he can’t help but fall for ya! 😀
(Actually, her hair looks more and more orderly as the page progresses… is that magic? Because I could use a hair gel that awesome.)
“Oh, it’s you again.”
Roger. Annual ritual.
my thought exactly. she does this every year…
“you should just give me your number, so i can call you to help me start my–(various concepts cross my mind here)–barbecue”
Oh, Shelly. You don’t need these kinds of stunts.
But it’s hard to blame her, he’s pretty cute.
No, no. The next step is to faint into his arms. The checking of the pulse doesn’t occur until you want to slyly slip into the holding-of-the-hand-and-staring-longingly-into-each-others-eyes part. Followed by the passionate-kiss-and-squeezing-of-the-tight-buns part.
No, the squeezing was done by Monica in that one guest strip…
“The next step is to faint into his arms” – ala Bud?
In her defense, he *IS* a rather cute cop!
That’s one hell of an April’s Fools joke to annually pull on the same officer… 😀
The rest of the guys have been briefed in. I have to wonder how a cop would deal with Monica’s Traveling Circus And Clock Repair Company – they tend to be a bit more, um, rigid about things.
Shelley’s still falling for “Owen” type of guys, isn’t she.
My co-worker is part of the local police auxiliary. He says cops get this kind of treatment “all the time.” No doubt Officer Buns already has a few pithy responses to Shelley’s come-on. I just hope it’s not along the lines of, “Yeah, baby, I gotta throbbing pulse of my own…”
Go, Shelly! Glad you didn’t burn the neighborhood down. I don’t swing that way, but he is cute…
Panel 2? Yeah, somwhere in the Judy Garland family line somewhere, like SCTV’s Lorna “Real terrific” Minelli.
Do you mean Lorna Luft?
I’m referring to Katherine O’Hara’s character from SCTV, she used to appear on the Sammy Maudlin show, and engage in the smarm-fest with other “celebrities.” She was a mix of Lorna and Liza, and seemingly more coked-up than both.
Now I think I remember him; it was the shockwave incident that Bud defused, right?
Could be – the nose is very like, but Bud’s officer isn’t wearing glasses. http://wapsisquare.com/comic/it-went-phbbbbbb/
For what it’s worth, the ears are drawn differently. The hair isn’t quite the same. Since no names were involved, who knows?
Kinda hard to tell from a ‘toon.
Mmm, I can’t blame her. After all, who can resist a nerd in uniform?
Even after all that build up and what Shelly does … Mr. Taylor doesn’t even show Officer Bun’s buns.
At least not a good part of any.
Not yet. 🙂
Oh, Cool. Thank You.
Aah! It’s my old boss! I didn’t know he got a job working as an officer in your comic O_o
And this is still to be resolved: http://wapsisquare.com/comic/get-things-sorte/
Boy, Paul has opened up a round half-dozen possible plot lines, all at once!
And if we’ve learned anything, one or two of those plotlines won’t be addressed again for another year or so. (>^_^)>
Awww, it’s been so long since we’ve Shelly get googly-eyed over anyone! Hooray!
Could this be a love interest…and how often will Shelly blow herself all over the map for him? find out next week!
It scares me that she repairs cars for a living. I hope she just wanted to see the cute cop…
Huh. He kinda looks like Owen Burnett
… That explained a question I had had after the previous one. Yet, somehow I don’t feel being surprised!