on IMVU (an IMing site with avatars and stuff. it’s cool) one of my avatar’s outfits is a green cheerleader’s uniform that says “GEEK” across the top. Proving that geeks can be sexy. u.u There is also one that says dork (that one’s purple) but I like the word geek better (what I really want is one that says nerd)
BS! Sorry to bust yer bubble, but there ain’t nothin’ sexier than brains. Of course if there happens to be a nice bod attached it’s cool, but not a deal breaker! As a life long nerd/geek/dork female I can vouch for that from the female POV, and with as many guy pals I can assure you, it works both ways!
As a guy with a lot of female friends, I can honestly say I agree. The physical sexiness is usually what grabs someone’s attention first though. But if there’s no substance to the style, no brains to match the beauty, then it’s never much more than a one night stand.
Sexiness is mostly a state of body, while dorkiness is a state of mind. They influence each other, but are for the most part two separate qualities that exist mostly independently.
To use my own personal definitions: a nerd is an academic, a geek is someone with a strong interest in a particular topic, and a dork is someone who is socially awkward. The three frequently overlap. Geeks and nerds can most definitely be sexy, and dorks can be cute if they are only moderately awkward, but I don’t know if dorks can be sexy.
HEY! Is she implying that Monica’s a dork?
Monica is a sexy dork! D:
on IMVU (an IMing site with avatars and stuff. it’s cool) one of my avatar’s outfits is a green cheerleader’s uniform that says “GEEK” across the top. Proving that geeks can be sexy. u.u There is also one that says dork (that one’s purple) but I like the word geek better (what I really want is one that says nerd)
What about “nerd”?
bud shouldn’t try to be like monica. she should try to be herself
Egzachary! That is part of the point here
You can’t be sexy and a dork. They exclude one another.
Lies! Dorkyness is some peoples’ definition of sexy!
BS! Sorry to bust yer bubble, but there ain’t nothin’ sexier than brains. Of course if there happens to be a nice bod attached it’s cool, but not a deal breaker! As a life long nerd/geek/dork female I can vouch for that from the female POV, and with as many guy pals I can assure you, it works both ways!
As a guy with a lot of female friends, I can honestly say I agree. The physical sexiness is usually what grabs someone’s attention first though. But if there’s no substance to the style, no brains to match the beauty, then it’s never much more than a one night stand.
Sexiness is mostly a state of body, while dorkiness is a state of mind. They influence each other, but are for the most part two separate qualities that exist mostly independently.
To use my own personal definitions: a nerd is an academic, a geek is someone with a strong interest in a particular topic, and a dork is someone who is socially awkward. The three frequently overlap. Geeks and nerds can most definitely be sexy, and dorks can be cute if they are only moderately awkward, but I don’t know if dorks can be sexy.
There are also Venn Diagrams that indicate the definitions among these, and similar, terms, such as:
I can’t believe nobody pointed out in the comments that Monica is naive, a geek, and sexy, and that in all those ways Bud IS already like Monica!