I’m not sure it Leucoisa is actually running constantly, or if she’s well briefed . . . but I’m pretty sure that she just deliberately cashed Castela’s reality check.
Remember Doctor from Star Trek: Voyager? They left him running and eventually he thought he was real (even ended up marrying someone)
Self-aware holo-programmes aren’t really that much different from living hyu-mons (or even para’s), they just have an easier way to be turned off when they get too annoying
Y’know, I know this coffee doesn’t exist…I know that when I take a sip, the Akashic Record is telling my brain that it is rich, bold, and delicious. After fifteen years, you know what I realize?
I dunno, maybe I read too many weird webcomics or spend too much time immersed in the TV Tropes wiki, but the third panel strikes me as an obvious Breaking the Fourth Wall Trope. Leucoisa’s wink and victory sign and Castela’s open mouthed stare seem directed at the viewing audience.
You probably are correct, it just looks a little off to me. If someone hit me with a statement that left me slack jawed, I’d be staring at them, not away from them.
On the other had, if YOU are the sole entity holding the gun that can end universes, just keep the metaphorical finger of the trigger and everything should be fine.
“I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs / I’m real nervous but it sure is fun / C’mon baby, you’re driving me crazy / Goodness gracious, Great Balls of Fire!”
Is Leucoisa taking a Selifie with Pickle, and using her COFFEE Cup? She is pretty clearly Modding her own program. This AI stuff is problematical [for Her and anyone she interacts with.] Kinda like Pickle
I’d HOPED we’d go back to her program one day. I don’t remember Leucosia being built like that. I look forward to the next thread!
Well, Atsali did say that she inherited her chest from her mom.
I wonder who else is running in Library space?
Ook ook ook? Ook ook!
I miss Sir Terry a great deal.
Silence in the library…
what do you mean there is no silicon heaven ??? where would all the calculators go???
‘Stela is gobsmacked by Leucoisa’s comment. And love Leucoisa’s wink and slight sticking of of her tongue.
well in japan some say it means ‘sexy’ which could explain castela’s shock…
I wonder what’s with the Victory sign . . .
Is Leucoisa moonlighting on Asian anime sites?
Well if one is an Akashic record persona, why not take advantage of virtual avatar trend that’s be growing since 2010?
click on her name abov3e, for back story… :O
Just be thankful Leucosia’s avatar is harmless; no brain bleach required, as opposed to Clinton’s mom’s avatar in tomorrow’s Questionable Content…
I udder to think what that would do to Cas…
I’m not sure it Leucoisa is actually running constantly, or if she’s well briefed . . . but I’m pretty sure that she just deliberately cashed Castela’s reality check.
Well-briefed? No, debriefed.
“Akashed Castela’s reality check.”
I’m happy she’s wearing a robe—that robe.
Seems to me that Leucoisa is a very perceptive simulation!
Remember Doctor from Star Trek: Voyager? They left him running and eventually he thought he was real (even ended up marrying someone)
Self-aware holo-programmes aren’t really that much different from living hyu-mons (or even para’s), they just have an easier way to be turned off when they get too annoying
Cass is like: “WHOA!”
So now what is she gonna do with the rest of her time now that she is here?
curses i caught up to the comic in 3 days…whelp time to re read page 1
And THAT’S your dose of wisdom for the day, Pickle.
Y’know, I know this coffee doesn’t exist…I know that when I take a sip, the Akashic Record is telling my brain that it is rich, bold, and delicious. After fifteen years, you know what I realize?
…ignorance is bliss….
The Matrix film comes to mind… ( What does Oatmeal taste like?)
I, uh, I don’t get it.
I can easily see how this comment would apply to cup size, and it’s this comic, so I’m going to take it that way.
I dunno, maybe I read too many weird webcomics or spend too much time immersed in the TV Tropes wiki, but the third panel strikes me as an obvious Breaking the Fourth Wall Trope. Leucoisa’s wink and victory sign and Castela’s open mouthed stare seem directed at the viewing audience.
No, it’s not breaking the 3rd wall. She’s doing it to the back of her head. It’s a ‘nyah nyah got you!!’
It’d be 4th wall, but I think you are right.
You probably are correct, it just looks a little off to me. If someone hit me with a statement that left me slack jawed, I’d be staring at them, not away from them.
With great power comes great responsibility.
On the other had, if YOU are the sole entity holding the gun that can end universes, just keep the metaphorical finger of the trigger and everything should be fine.
Who knew the Library had a holodeck???
So Leucoisa is Moriarty? [Mel Gibson] FREEDOM! [/Mel Gibson]
the person that did not read the ‘back story’ !!
actually I did; I just forgot about it (some of the concepts in this comic are WAAAY deep!)
“I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs / I’m real nervous but it sure is fun / C’mon baby, you’re driving me crazy / Goodness gracious, Great Balls of Fire!”
Is Leucoisa taking a Selifie with Pickle, and using her COFFEE Cup? She is pretty clearly Modding her own program. This AI stuff is problematical [for Her and anyone she interacts with.] Kinda like Pickle