He doesn’t have to be really big. I think we can presume that Shelly doesn’t use steroids, so her extra muscle probably won’t add more than 10-25 lbs to the weight of a typical woman her height. To get a (huge stack of) examples, check out these women. Heck, search the list for Colleen Castaneda (second of the links I clicked at random). She’s 5’2″, ripped as all get out, and weighs in at 105 lbs.
That would depend on which Lore you subscribe to. Me personally, I agree with you. However, you can blame Return of the Living Dead for the meme about brains.
Egads, you’ve discovered MY hiding place! Be sure to bring salt – throw salt at the zombies, and they’ll become aware of their condition and collapse in horror.
Brain-eating zombies are vulnerable to salt, true, but they’ve got to eat it! (then they melt.) fortunately, where I work, salt is always on hand, even if it’s not salt.
Hide at work? Heheh, you need to listen to the Jonathan Coulton song “Re: Your Brains” This might work: Your Brains or here’s the machinema version: machinema version
The best places to live would be a really hot place or a really cold place. In a hot place, decay would accelerate, with zombies rotting, bloating and exploding relativly quickly. In a really cold place they would simply freeze solid and be unable to move. Either way, time is on the side of the living. And now, a zick zombie zoke:
“What did the zombie do after he dumped his girlfriend? Wiped his butt.”
Hiding at my work would either be incredibly safe or incredibly stupid. I generally have anywhere from 100 to 350 cadavers in my storage room at a time, but I’ve taken precautions and already removed their brains….
you are a taxidermist? an embalmer?
do you remove them with a crochet hook up the nose like the Egyptians?!!?
I imagine it isn’t hard to think of this Zombie apocalypse everyone talks about in that profession…
I’m just amazed that she asked for the same exact thing that I crave when sick. My boyfriend says I’m strange for how badly I need egg drop soup when I feel horrible. I’m not strange, apparently I just have something in common with Shelly after all!
Isn’t egg drop soup eggs (duh) dropped in chicken broth? Seems like every time I’ve had it, it’s been a chicken broth application.
Theres also an Itallian soup made very similarly , flavored with chicken and lemon.
I had to go Wiki my own comment. Greek Avgolemono soup is broth flavored with lemon juice and thickened with eggs and rice. I bet the added lemon would be of help with a cold bug.
Aw, that’s sweet. Justin’s stronger than I thought if he can so easily carry Shelly’s muscular mass… And she needs to put more clothes on, being chilled while you’ve got a cold is not a good idea…
I’m not QUITE sure how to take his “Not normally on the receiving end of” comment, though.
Hes not used to anyone wanting him for his brains, it was a self depreciation crack. I mean come on Shelly had to all but blow up the neighborhood just to get him to make a move.
Also, while i question his ability to lift her and stay smiling that’s still the best Shelly shot ever.
And he picked her up, why? She was already in bed.
On the one hand, it seems like they’re practically shacked up, yet, on the other, she didn’t even know he had already been through a bad cold so they must not be together all that often.
(televised street scene of a news reporter babbling about a riot in progress at his location, shot of the police firing on the rioters and them just charging ahead, suddenly one of the figures jumps on the reporter and begins eating his brain, cameraman chucks the camera and runs, we get a few more images from ground level of LOTS of shuffling feet, people on the ground fighting their attackers and losing, and then… we cut to commercial.)
I think the first panel is the cute one. Trying to be all angry, poking him in the chest while cracking a zombie joke, yet being too weak to actually make an impact. In the second one, her face, while being well done, just isn’t cute. It’s too mature looking.
Trust during the upcoming zombie apocalypse is a very important relationship issue. I mean, you’ve got to know that someone will love you enough to blow your brains out instead of leaving you to shamble the streets in search of human flesh (or specifically brains if you’re that kind of zombie).
Awwwwww! There’s just something adorable about seeing Shelly – so tough, so strong – allow herself to be that vulnerable… and about seeing him rise to the occasion like that. Looks like love to me.
Though I prefer wonton soup when I’m sick. The only egg drop soup I’d eat while ill is the kind I make…and I’m not going to be making a damn thing when I feel like poo.
My favourite soup when I’m feeling low… hot & sour! All that tofu & swirled egg is nurishing and yet gentle on the tummy and the little bit of vinegar seems comforting too, for some reason. ^_^
Hell yeah egg-drop soup! One of the best soups for those sick days when you really are sick. Back in the childhood, we lived in Oakland, CA, and there was this great chinese place near where the parents worked. When one or more of us were sick, Ma would pick up an order of egg-drop for us and bring it during lunch. Seems that chickens were put here to save the world from the common cold.
I’m not sure why anyone finds it odd that Justin can easily pick Shelley up. It’s not like she weighs 400 lbs, and if he’s an active cop he’s probably pretty fit. Just look at his arms!
If a zombie catches a cold, would it actually feel better since something alive would be in it? Unless, of course, there are zombie viruses as well. Hmmm … would zombie viruses be after cell membrrraaiiiiinnnns?
Poor Shelly. As nice as Justin is, she totally can’t depend on him in a zombie war. UNLESS he’s a what do you call them… people who are really good at head-shots. Being a cop, he MIGHT know a weapons storage house that’ll be useful. Other wise, he’s too laid back. He’ll be lying in a hammock and then, NOM! He’s Officer Zombie-Buns.
Yep .
Yep ditto. He really does like her.
She looks like a wittle bittie baby like that.
…and, paradoxically, it’s one of the sexiest shots of Shelly i’ve ever seen…
Kinda says something about what’s ‘sexy’ in a woman.
hmm, maybe it’s just sexy cause we love when women depend on us? i dunno…
Or maybe it’s sexy cause it’s a panty shot?
Hey! Look! An elephant in the room!
Is it her face? Somehow, this is just a gorgeous drawing of her face, with the hair in her eyes and her eyes closed. Love it!
I think it’s this big strong lady that we all love being in such a vulnerable and tender situation. :3 it’s quite cute.
No way, her left hand is totally grossing me out right now.
All together now:
I’ll second that. Totally adorable.
I’ll third that. Uber-cute.
This is a rare moment of vunerability for Shell, and it’s good that Owen will take care of her…
That’s Justin AKA Officer Buns
Freudian slip?
Sleepy Vince can’t remember names half the time, let alone when sleepy…
The tougher someone is when they’re healthy, the more infantile they are when they’re sick.
After re-reading the series, how can Justin be sick for more than 5 min or so at a time?
On the other hand, to be so vulnerable in front of someone shows that you trust them totally…
Or that you are so sick you can’t stand…
That’s more likely the case.
dawww, that’s so friggin’ adorable
Boy, how big is HE?
They’re nearly the same height, but she’s bent over in the first panel, which can make a lot of difference.
Still – picking her up like that is rather amazing, comparatively speaking. He could probably pick M up like a basketball.
Or a pair of basketballs.
Long as no one dribbles.
And Shelly is certainly dribbling (ewww!) at the moment…
Nearly the same height? No, Shelly is a head shorter.
Sorry, forgot the link.
He’s just strong for his size. Also, I bet he works out regularly, being a cop.
That’s kind of a personal question, ne?
He doesn’t have to be really big. I think we can presume that Shelly doesn’t use steroids, so her extra muscle probably won’t add more than 10-25 lbs to the weight of a typical woman her height. To get a (huge stack of) examples, check out these women. Heck, search the list for Colleen Castaneda (second of the links I clicked at random). She’s 5’2″, ripped as all get out, and weighs in at 105 lbs.
Aw! How sweet.
Zombies don’t specialize on just brains. Zombies eat human flesh!
Favorite zombie mode of travel: traaaaaaaainnns and plaaaaaainnns!
What do zombie construction workers use?
That’s why their favorite delicacy is braaaaaains?
Why does a zombie go to the laundromat? To remove Stttaaaaaiiiinnnns!
Yes, you heard about the dyslexic zombie? He starved to death looking for Briiiaans!
Wewease Bwian! (Oops, wrong movie)
‘Cha-KLAK’ Must stop zombie puns! BLAM! Blam!
That would depend on which Lore you subscribe to. Me personally, I agree with you. However, you can blame Return of the Living Dead for the meme about brains.
And what do vegetarian zombies eat?
OOps, missed one. BLAM!
My plan for the Zombie Apocalypse is to hide at work. Even Zombies aren’t stupid enough to look for brains in that place!
Egads, you’ve discovered MY hiding place! Be sure to bring salt – throw salt at the zombies, and they’ll become aware of their condition and collapse in horror.
Brain-eating zombies are vulnerable to salt, true, but they’ve got to eat it! (then they melt.) fortunately, where I work, salt is always on hand, even if it’s not salt.
Actually, Voodoo zombies are what I was talking about. And yeah, I think you DO have to at least hit ’em in the mouth with it.
Head shots! BOOM!
Hide at work? Heheh, you need to listen to the Jonathan Coulton song “Re: Your Brains” This might work: Your Brains or here’s the machinema version: machinema version
The best places to live would be a really hot place or a really cold place. In a hot place, decay would accelerate, with zombies rotting, bloating and exploding relativly quickly. In a really cold place they would simply freeze solid and be unable to move. Either way, time is on the side of the living. And now, a zick zombie zoke:
“What did the zombie do after he dumped his girlfriend? Wiped his butt.”
Hiding at my work would either be incredibly safe or incredibly stupid. I generally have anywhere from 100 to 350 cadavers in my storage room at a time, but I’ve taken precautions and already removed their brains….
You FOOL! That why they go hunting brains! TO REPLACE THEIR OWN!!
you are a taxidermist? an embalmer?
do you remove them with a crochet hook up the nose like the Egyptians?!!?
I imagine it isn’t hard to think of this Zombie apocalypse everyone talks about in that profession…
That second panel shot of Shelly is great. The sexiest rendering of her face that I’ve ever seen! Great job!
tina said she was concerned about their relationship just being physical.
now she will get to see how well he is at taking care of her being ill
I’m just amazed that she asked for the same exact thing that I crave when sick. My boyfriend says I’m strange for how badly I need egg drop soup when I feel horrible. I’m not strange, apparently I just have something in common with Shelly after all!
Egg drop soup , a nice alternative to chicken soup . Okay , now I’m hungry .
Isn’t egg drop soup eggs (duh) dropped in chicken broth? Seems like every time I’ve had it, it’s been a chicken broth application.
Theres also an Itallian soup made very similarly , flavored with chicken and lemon.
Chicken broth ? Ya know , I’m not really sure . Could be . I believe this deserves some rigorous field research/study .
I had to go Wiki my own comment. Greek Avgolemono soup is broth flavored with lemon juice and thickened with eggs and rice. I bet the added lemon would be of help with a cold bug.
I for one welcome our new Zombie Overlords.
Oh yeah, it’s all fun and games, until someone eats an eye.
Aw, that’s sweet. Justin’s stronger than I thought if he can so easily carry Shelly’s muscular mass… And she needs to put more clothes on, being chilled while you’ve got a cold is not a good idea…
I’m not QUITE sure how to take his “Not normally on the receiving end of” comment, though.
Egg Drop soup is the new chicken soup?
Apparently, people don’t chase after him for his overwhelming intellect… I think.
Hes not used to anyone wanting him for his brains, it was a self depreciation crack. I mean come on Shelly had to all but blow up the neighborhood just to get him to make a move.
Also, while i question his ability to lift her and stay smiling that’s still the best Shelly shot ever.
Well, he does have some fair pipes on him too, when you take a look at em. :3
its chicken soup plus!!
For illness, I recommend turning up the heat until you can’t stand to wear clothes.
cute,cute,CUTE! Nice FULL lips on Shelly, plus the hair in face, PLUS the Great Gams and butt shot make for Reeeal Sexyyyyy.
And he picked her up, why? She was already in bed.
On the one hand, it seems like they’re practically shacked up, yet, on the other, she didn’t even know he had already been through a bad cold so they must not be together all that often.
Romance, dude.
Wonder how romantic it will be when she hurles all over his nice clean uniform shirt and pants?
Well, then he will just have to take them off….
oops–edit that to add:
…and maybe shower, and shower her, while he’s at it. (gotta save water, don’t you know!)…
Sounds romantic to me.
I take it the zombie apocalypse will NOT be televised…
Not even on ZNN, the Zombie News Network?
Oh of COURSE it will!
(televised street scene of a news reporter babbling about a riot in progress at his location, shot of the police firing on the rioters and them just charging ahead, suddenly one of the figures jumps on the reporter and begins eating his brain, cameraman chucks the camera and runs, we get a few more images from ground level of LOTS of shuffling feet, people on the ground fighting their attackers and losing, and then… we cut to commercial.)
Sweeps week!
I think the first panel is the cute one. Trying to be all angry, poking him in the chest while cracking a zombie joke, yet being too weak to actually make an impact. In the second one, her face, while being well done, just isn’t cute. It’s too mature looking.
Trust during the upcoming zombie apocalypse is a very important relationship issue. I mean, you’ve got to know that someone will love you enough to blow your brains out instead of leaving you to shamble the streets in search of human flesh (or specifically brains if you’re that kind of zombie).
Awwwwww! There’s just something adorable about seeing Shelly – so tough, so strong – allow herself to be that vulnerable… and about seeing him rise to the occasion like that. Looks like love to me.
Precious….absolutely precious.
Though I prefer wonton soup when I’m sick. The only egg drop soup I’d eat while ill is the kind I make…and I’m not going to be making a damn thing when I feel like poo.
I start to wonder which of our heroines will be first to tie the knot at some point.
None, I hope. That always seems to be the beginning of the end for a series.
There’s always divorce .
@SoWhyMe: or reason to transform it. Consider Blondie Boopadoop, and what happened to her strip after she got married.
My favourite soup when I’m feeling low… hot & sour! All that tofu & swirled egg is nurishing and yet gentle on the tummy and the little bit of vinegar seems comforting too, for some reason. ^_^
SICK … But still thinking of food.
She’s getting better already.
Hell yeah egg-drop soup! One of the best soups for those sick days when you really are sick. Back in the childhood, we lived in Oakland, CA, and there was this great chinese place near where the parents worked. When one or more of us were sick, Ma would pick up an order of egg-drop for us and bring it during lunch. Seems that chickens were put here to save the world from the common cold.
…or destroy it with bird flu…
I’m not sure why anyone finds it odd that Justin can easily pick Shelley up. It’s not like she weighs 400 lbs, and if he’s an active cop he’s probably pretty fit. Just look at his arms!
Arms? you mean PIIIIIIIIPES!!!
DAWWWWWWWW…………oh hey, booty shot!
Awwwwwwwwwwww, that is so sweet of him; weird, but sweet.
If a zombie catches a cold, would it actually feel better since something alive would be in it? Unless, of course, there are zombie viruses as well. Hmmm … would zombie viruses be after cell membrrraaiiiiinnnns?
LOL!! Your posts are a lot of fun to read sometimes. XD
I want a Shelly. She looks so adorable!
He’s taking her to the sofa & bringing her a warm blanket & the remote so she can watch television while she wait for him to return tonight with soup.
knowing the comfort foods is very important in a relationship
Poor Shelly. As nice as Justin is, she totally can’t depend on him in a zombie war. UNLESS he’s a what do you call them… people who are really good at head-shots. Being a cop, he MIGHT know a weapons storage house that’ll be useful. Other wise, he’s too laid back. He’ll be lying in a hammock and then, NOM! He’s Officer Zombie-Buns.
Oh good! now I get it!
With COVID going around this has a new meaning…