07/07/2003 by Paul Taylor on July 7, 2003 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Monica, TepoztecalLocation: Museum Related Comics ¬ 07/23/2004 Wapsi Square Comic #4,000 Justtellmewhy Out Of The Loop 02/13/2002
I thought gnome was a desktop environment for free operating systems?
Hey, there’s gno reason to keep this going gnow…
O gnew this would quickly gnot be gnice.
Want to gno gnow?
sorry. im gnot good at this. that one was really crappy.
A little gnoledge is a gnotty thing in the right hands. Gnow what I mean gnow? Gno? Gnarly!
sigh gnot gnotty… Gnaughty!!!! so wrong yet still… to get away with this gnautiness and escape the jar is gnifty!
I’m glad I’m gnot he only one reading through these lol. Gnow to keep going.
…why do I feel like I’ve been violated in some form because of the the “Gn” comments?
Gnever mind that, this line of gnonsense can go gnowhere but down, from here…
So go ahead, and gnock one out of the park…
This was gnews to me…