01/23/2002 by Paul Taylor on January 23, 2002 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Amanda, Monica └ Tags: God of Alcohol Related Comics ¬ 10/03/2001 A Ka-Thud Oceanside 11/16/2001 Here I Am
Hahahaha… *is from Utah.*
*is not and SO doesn’t get it*
*also is not, but gets it just fine*
Utah. Mormons. No drinking alcoholic/caffeinated drinks.
Apparently you can have as many wives as you want, but you aren’t allowed to get drunk.
Nah, that’s only in those unrecognized splitter sects. The “official” church did away with polygamy nearly 150 years ago so that the feds would allow Utah to become a state.
omg no coffee either????
that place isnt a state its hell 🙁
Being from SE Idaho (Mormon capital for population percentage) hell is 212 miles away!
well done M well done
I love the equation going on in the thought bubble. Its priceless.
don’t forget this moment amanda….it’ll make sense much, MUCH later.
No beer, no coffee, NO WAY.
I love that Amanda has no problem accepting Tepoz’s existence, but forcefully reminds M that Dietzel’s a dog (http://wapsisquare.com/comic/10052001/).
Maybe Dietzel has had a mind-opening effect on Amanda.
Amanda COULD just be humoring Monica at this point.