04/12/2004 by Paul Taylor on April 12, 2004 at 12:00 am Story: Wapsi-ArchiveCharacters: Monica, TepoztecalLocation: Museum └ Tags: glyph language Related Comics ¬ 05/28/2004 12/02/2002 08/21/2002 07/26/2002 Toocloseminded
insert ‘Awoogah’ sound effect into last panel!
Naw, screeching car brakes are more appropriate in this situation.
Followed by a crash.
The drawn representation of “YOINK!”
Record scratch and break…
That’s the one.
Did Solid Snake just enter the room.
That or M just had a wardrobe malfunction.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but that is merely a cushion with a tassel at the corner…
Every time I see an exclamation point over someone’s head.
It looks like this is where/when Tepoz’ notices that Monica can SPEAK glyph(language ‹?›).
Insert the MGS alert sound into that last panel!
I cannot read, what she just said, but i believe it means: “Five more minutes…”
Hmm. Google translate is not translating that.